HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso - CC - 008-1948RESOLUTION NO. 8-48 PROPOSING AN ORDINANCE CALLING A SPECIAL ELECTION FOR TIN; PURPOSE OF SUBMITTING TO TIM ELECTORS OF THE CITY OF BURLINGAME SAID ORDINANCE WHICH SHALL PROVIDE FOR THE LEVY AND COLLECTION OF A TAX, NOT EXCEEDING FIFTEER CENTS ON EACH ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING AND 14AINTAINING PARKS t"WITHIN THE CITY; FOR MUSIC AND FOR ADVERTISING: CON- SOLIDATING SAID SPECIAL ELECTION WITH THE; GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION TO 13E HELD APRIL 13, 1948; FIXING THE DATE OF SAID SPECIAL ELECTION; THE MANNER OF HOLDING TILE SAME, AND PROVIDING FOR NOTICE T1-1VREOF. rrHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Burlingame, realizing the necessity of establishing a fund for the purpose of providin€; and maintaining parks and music and for advertising purposes, do hereby determine that the public interest requires the development and beautification of the public parks, and to care for the planting, care and maintenance of trees, shrubs and grass plots upon the public streets and places, and that a fund should be created by the electors of the City adopting an Ordinance at a special election at which shall be submitted the proposition of levying and collecting a tax not exceeding; fifteen (15) cents on each one hundred (100) dollars for the purposes herein set forth; and WHEREAS, a General Municipal Election will be held in said City of Burlingame on April 13, 1948; NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Burlingame does hereby order as follows: Section 1 - That a Special Municipal hlection be, and it is hereby ordered and directed to be held in said City of Burlingame, on Tuesday, the thirteenth day of April, 1948, at which special election shall be submitted to the qualified electors of said city for adoption the folloviin,,-: Ordinance: Section 1. The City Council of the City of Burlingame may levy and collect a tax, annually, not exceeding fifteen cents on each one hundred dollars, for the purpose of pro. vfrding and maintaining parks and music and for advertising purposes. The said t ax shall be in addition to all other taxes now authorized by law to be levied and may be levied and collected for each fiscal year. Section 2. - The City Council may use and expend the money realized from the tax herein provided in any manner that may be deemed best by the Council, but particularly and specifically for the improvement, care and maintenance of the public parks of city, of the trees, shrubs and plants upon the public streets thereof and for providing music for the enjoyment of the people and for advertising. Section 3. - All moneys dollected as herein provided Ishall be set apart in a fund to be known as the "Dark Fund" and shall be disbursed by the City Council of the City in the manner provided by law. Section 4. - The mode and :canner of levying and collect- ing the tax herein provided shall be the same as apply to and govern in the assessment and collection of other municipal taxes. Section 5. - This Ordinance shall become effective f rot;L and after the date it is found upon a canvass of the vote that a majority of votes are cast in favor of the Ordinance. Section 2 - That the said City Council does hereby submit to qualified voters of said City of Burlingame at the date of said Special municipal election, the Ordinance above set forth and the said electors are hereby invit6d to vote for or against the sa,ae . Section 3 - Said Special municipal Election shall be held and conducted and votes thereof canvassed, and the returns there- of made, and the result thereof ascertained and determined as herein provided; and all persons qualified to vote at hunicipal elections in said City of Burlingame on April 13, 19480 shall be ivalified to vote at the Special election herein called. section 4 The special election herein ordered and called shall be, and the same is hereby consolid ted Nvith the General Municipal �Uecti,on to be held in said City of ""'Urlinganc, on T)ril 1 , 1. 48, as required by lati , and pursuant to the resolu� Lions of the City Council of the City of `urlingaine, calling; said election, and of consolidating- the election precincts. The precincts, polling places and officers of -ghee election shall be - the same as those set forth in Resolution Sao. 4--j18, Ordering and Uallint7 a General Municipal Election to be 'Held 7n the City of BurlIngame on April lit 1948, for the purpose of electing three members to the City Council, a City Clerk andx-officio Assessor and a City Treasurer and '.fax Collector and providing for the regular election precincts for conducting the General Municipal Election to be held in the City of Burling ame on said date; and as set forth in. Resoliation. ITO. 6.-48, 1 xin ; polling places and designating officers for General 'Municipal Election to be Meld on April 1.3, 1948, now on file in the Office of the City Clerk.* and the substance thereof is hereby herein incorporated and made a part Ilereof and the notices therein contained are :-•+ za• �s Section 5 .. The ballots to be used in said Special TEunicipa.l Election shall,, in addition to all other matter required by law, have printed thereon the following: "Shall the ordinance providing .for the levy and collection of a tax, not exceeding, fifteen cents (15�) on each one hundred dollars (,'' 100, 00 ), for the purpose of ir�rovene;nt, care an d na ntena,nce of the Public Parks of the City, of the trees, shrubs and plants upon the public streets thereof, and for providing music .for the enjoyment of the people and a.dvertisin.,r�;t be adopted Opposite the statement of the ordinance to be voted on azid to its right the words 'CMS" and "NO" shall be printed on separate lines, with voting squares, .7f a voter stw ps a cross (X) in t2le voting square after the printed word "YES" his vote shall be counted in favor of the adoption of the ordinance. If he stamps a cross (X) in the voting square after the printed word "NO" his vote shall be counted a-ainst its adoption. A majority vote in .favor of the ordinance shall have the effect of adopting the same. Section 6 - This resolution shall be published once a week for four (4) wee?;s in the Burlingame Advance, which is a newspaper of general circulation published daily in the City of Burlingame, and such publication shall constitute notice of said election. No other notice of said election hereby called need be given. �/l� 14 MAYOR I, Iierbert T. White, City Clerk of the City of Burlingame, do hereby certify that Vie foregoing resolution was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council 'held on rbbruary 16, and adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILLIEN: Dahl-Parris—FTiirlt—Simnnds—Vi;hits ell NOES: COUNCITZEM: __Ieone ABSEM COUNCILPMN: None CITY CLERK