HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso - CC - 002-1949RESOLUTION NO. 2-49 APPROVING AND ADOPTING PLAITS S AND SPECIFICATI 4OITD'OR RECREATION BUILDING IN WASHING - TON PAIU� 1711EREAS., The architect, Ileretol"ore employed by the City Council of the City of Burlingame to prepare plans and specifica- tions for a new Recreational Building to be constructed in 1 T .��ashincton llar'K, has,, pursuant to said employment prepared and submitted said plans and specifications; and bIITERLOAS, The aforesaid plans and specifications have been submitted to both the Recreation and Plannin.orunissions for their consideration and each of said Conalssion have approved the aforesaid plans and spec' fications and have reco.rT.rnended their adoption; and wHEREAS, The City Council have considered the aforesaid plans and specifications are the same have met with the approval of the Council; NO7.-, TIMIREFORE, BE IT RLSOLVED AND ORDERED, by the City Council of the City of Burlingame, that the plans and specifica- tions for a Recreation Luilding to be erected in W T ashinston Park, as submitted by the a rchitect and attached hereto be., and the sane are hereby approved and adopted for the purpose and use in the erection and co-ristriiction of said building and that said buildi-n,,,,- be erected and constructed in accordance there- with; BE' IT FT7!iT11ER O-RDE.R_ED, that the City Clerk give notice, by publication, to contractors to submi.t bids for the construction of said Recreation Buildinc, in accordance with the plans and CD specifications herein approved and adopted, and submit the same to the City Council on or before 5 p.m., January 17, 1940. 21. 1.1ayor U I. Herbert K. J'hite, City Clerk, do hereby certj_fy that the foregoing resolution was introduced at a regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council held on January 3, 1949, and adopted thereafter by the followin ; vote: AYES: COUI,CILtEN: Dahl -Harper -Hunt -Love -Simonds NOES: COUNCILT1,1EN: None ABSENT COUNCIL?{"EN: None -Herbert Thr Critu of -6nrlinpinr SAN MATEO COUNTY CALIFORNIA RECREATION CO11ZI I SS ION December 21, 1948 Burlingame City Council, City Hall, Burlingame, Calif. Honorable Sirs: Our Commission has given full consideration to the plans for the proposed Community Center building in Washinr-ton Park, as submitted by Oscar Thayer, architect, dated August 26, 1948 and detailed plans dated November 12, 1948, and recommends their adop- tion by the Council. Respectfully, BURLINGAME RECREATION CO t 11ISSION ESG:MS Edward S. Goetze, PFes.