HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso - CC - 004-1949C1 RESOLUTION NO. 4-49 WHEREAS, Burlingame Shore Land Co., a corporation, Henry Kaiser Company, a corporation, and Peter Venerdi and Marguerite Venerdi, his wife, have executed and delivered to the representative of the City of Burlingame, the three options annexed hereto, wherein each of said parties agreed to sell and convey to the City of Burlingame, the property described in each option for the price therein stated; and VIHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Burlingame desires to accept the said options to purchase the said properties at the said price; NOW, THEREFORE,, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Burlingame that the options to purchase, annexed hereto be, and the same are hereby accepted by the City of Burlingame in accordance with the terms and specifications in each option set forth. ,1�imo5ids, .jr., - T,ayor I, Herbert K. White, City Clerk, do hereby certffy t t the foregoing resolution was introducted and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held on Jarnia ry 17, 1949, by the following vote: AILS: COUNCILMN: Dahl -Harper -Hunt -Lave -Simonds T 0_.S: COUI+CILFLN: None ABSENT CODUCILMEN: None Herbert L. V+hite - City Clerk - KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT of the County consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) to j in hand paid, receipt where- of is hereby acknowledged, do 4,11. hereby bargain and agree to and with the City of Burlingame, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as the City, upon the payment to or � legal re- presentative, of the sum 0a Dollars (Fe2.� ivy) to 9e11 ana convey do Lne c;iLy, rree ana clear of all liens and encumbrances, the following described real property situated in the City of Burlingame, County of San Mateo, State of California: A parcel of land described as follows: BEGINNING at the point of intersection of a line drawn parallel with and distant 340 feet southeasterly (measured at right angles) from the original south line of Broadway, as it formerly existed when 60 feet in width, with a line drawn parallel with and distant 60.00 feet northeasterly (measured at right angles) from the northeasterly line of the right of way of the Southern Pacific Company and running thence parallel with said right of way line, South 620 261 East, a distance of 473.64 feet; thence southeasterly on the arg of a curve to the left, tangent to last said course, radius of which curve is 300 feet, a distance of 110.16 feet; thence North 620 261 West, par- allel to and distant 80.00 feet northeasterly at right angles from said right of way line, a distance of 579.30 feet to said line drawn parallel with said south- easterly line of Broadway; thence parallel with said southeasterly line of Broadway, South 330 331 West, a distance of 20.11 feet to the point of beginning. EXCEPTING therefrom so much of that certain strip of land, 18 feet in width conveyed by Burlingame Shore Land Company, and Kaiser Paving Company, a Corporation, to Southern Pacific Railroad Company, a Corporation, by Deed dated July 23, 1928, and recorded October 25, 1923, in Book 375 of Official Records of San Mateo County at Page 475, as is contained within the tract first above described. TOGETHER with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging. The above amount includes taxes in full for the fiscal year , to be paid by the undersigned. -1- IN WITNESS WHEREOF,1&-JL- have executed this offer this day of , 19 "4 WITNESS: J Address: v C�ec r Gt8 P�.7 If married, name of wife or husband: -2- C 0 P Y CITY OF BURLINGAME March 30, 1949 Roberts Company, 1049 Broadway, Burlingame, California Gentlemen: Your offer to pay $2,400.00 for the parcel of land with a 11.05 feet fronting on Broadway by 120.66 feet on the proposed Carolan Avenue extension was accepted by the City Council. This price will include cost of street work, sewer, curbing and sidewalks in the extension of Carolan Avenue to connect with Broadway. The executed deed for this parcel will be delivered to you as soon as possible. We are attachin herewith a deposit receipt in the amount of �w2,4OO.O0. Yours very truly, CITY OF BURLINGAME By Herbert K. White City Clerk HKW:e1 enc. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT BUR LINGAME SHORE LAND CO. OF CALIFORNIA, a Corporation, of the County of San Mateo, State of California, in consideration of the sum of One Dollar (w1.00) to it in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby bargain and agree to and with the City of Burlingame, a municipal corporation, hereinafter re- ferred to as the City, upon the ayment to it or its legal repre- sentative, of the sum of54�r�� b� Dollars (r'� "��(� ;) to sell and convey to the City, free and clear of all liens and encumbrances, the following described real property situated in the City of Burlingame, County of San Mateo, State of California: BEGINNING at a point where the southeasterly line of Broadway (when a 60 foot street prior to the widening there- of) intersects the northerly line of the Southern Pacific Company's right of way; thence from said point of beginning along said northerly right of way line South 620 26' East, a distance of 1770 feet, more or less to the northwesterly boundary of Burlingame Gardens, the map of which was filed in the office of the recorder of San Mateo County May 15, 1940, in Book 22 of Maps at Pages 66 and 67; thence along said northwesterly line of Burlingame Gardens North 290 07' East, a distance of 80.06 feet; thence parallel to and dis- tant 80 feet northerly at right angles from said northerly right of way line North 620 26' Vest, a distance of 840,58 feet to an intersection with the southeasterly line of that parcel of land described in a deed from the Kaiser Paving Company, a corporation, to Henry J. Kaiser Company, a Corporation, dated March 21, 1936, and recorded March 30, 1936, in Book 684 of Official Records of San Mateo County at Page 241; thence following along said southeasterly line of the Henry J. Kaiser lands on the are of a curve to the right of radius 300 feet, a distance of 110.22 feet; thence continuing along the southerly line of the Henry J. Kaiser Company lands parallel to and distant 60 feet northerly at right angles from the northerly line of the Southern Pacific Company's right of way North 620 26' West, a distance of 473.64 feet to the most westerly corner of the said Henry J. Kaiser Company lands; thence along the westerly line of said lands North 330 33' East, a distance of 20.11 feet; thence leaving the Henry J. Kaiser Company lands and running par- allel to and distant 80 feet northerly at right angles from the northerly line of the Southern Pacific Company's right of way North 620 26' West, a distance of 60.33 feet to the easterly line of lands described in Parcel No. 1 in the deed from Burlingame Shore Land Company, a corporation, to the California Pacific Title Insurance Company, a cor- poration, dated March 25, i966, and recorded April 3, 1933, -1- in Book 587 of Official Records of San Mateo County, at Page 427; thence along said easterly line South 330 33' Viest, a distance of 20.11 feet to the southerly line of said lands; thence along the said southerly line of said lands and parallel and distant 60 feet northerly at right angles from the northerly line of the Southern Pacific Company's right of way North 620 26' V1est, a distance of 120.65 feet to the westerly line of said California Pacific Title In- surance Company lands; thence along said westerly line North 330 33' East, a distance of 20.11 feet; thence parallel to and distant 80 feet northerly at right angles from the said northerly line of the Southern Pacific Company's right of way North 620 26' West, a distance of 20.11 feet; thence North 330 33' East, a distance of 11.05 feet to the south- erly line of lands described in deed from Burlingame Shore Land Company, a corporation, to Elmer A. Roberts, et ux, and wife, dated. April 7, 1942, and recorded April 10, 1942, in Book 1009 of Official Records of San Mateo County, at Page 376; thence along the southerly line of said lands and parallel to and distant 91 feet northerly at right angles from the said northerly line of the Southern Pacific Company's right of way North 620 26' West, a distance of 140.76 feet to the easterly line of Broadway (when a 60 foot street prior to the widening thereof); thence along the said easterly line of Broadway South 330 33' West, a distance of 91.49 feet, more or less to the point of be- ginning. EXCEPTING therefrom so much of that certain strip of land 18 feet wide conveyed by Burlingame Shore Land Company, a corporation, and Kaiser Paving Company, a corporation, to the Southern Pacific Company, a corporation, by deed dated July 23, 1928, and recorded October 25, 1928, in Book 375 of Official Records of San Mateo County, at Page 475, as may be included in the foregoing description, and subject to all easements heretofore granted for public utilities, and all easements heretofore granted for ingress and egress to ad- ��-joi2 adn and neighborhood properties. t TOGETHER with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging. C The above amount includes taxes in full for the fiscal year 1gq%AA*% to be paid by the undersigned. IN �aITNESS WHEREOF, Lk& have executed this offer this 1 day of , 19 WTNES{: Address. If married, name of wife or husband :rz KNOB :r ALL T.EN BY T -1ESE PRES711TS • of the County of..c- State`4 California, in consideration of the sum of One Dollar ('1.00) to%4.1-..n hand paid, receipt whereof is here- by acknowledged) do .. hereby bargain and agree to and ,-rj'.th the City of Burlingame, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as the City, upon the payment took•. or'&�—legal representative, of the sum of Dollars r U _ b� ( j o 0 ) to sell and convey to the City, free and clear of all liens and encumbrances, the follor:ing described real -,?roperty gituated in the City of Burlingame, County of San Eatoo, State of California: All that portion of Lot 8, Block 13, as designated on the map entitled "Burlingame Gardens" as filed in the office of the Recorder of San Mateo County on -May 159 1940, in Book 22 of maps at Pages 66 and 67, that lies southerly of a line parallel to and distant 80 feet northerly at right angles from the north- erly line of the Southern Pacific Company+s right of way, and more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the most southerly corner of said Lot 8, running thence along the southerly line of said Lot 8 North 340 39t West, a distance of 3.28 feet; thence parallel to and distant 80 feet northerly at right angles from the northerly line.ofa'�he Southern Pacific Company's right of way South 620 26+ East, a distance of 3..70 feet to the easterly line of said Lot 8; thence along the easterly line of said Lot 8 South 550 211 West, a distance of 1.73 feet, more or less to the point of beginning. TOGETHER with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging. The above amount includes taxes in full for the fiscal year , to be paid by the undersigned. 1-/ IN ':==T SS QF,�_.have executed this offer this_ /,7__._ day Of 19 TPrSS' I,ddres s : If married, na:ae of T.rife or husband: V9 /, 1 '7 4 1 �-0�- -?, 3 7 iF- C 4 be first part., hereby (brutitto FILMI.,rt A . I i �)' B E i i 1".3 a n d F Tj- " , "'M - 31 117 � I . R (E-7n' ? ". , -L S, JcLLt Tenants the sewnfl part ies, &U that real proparty situated the t �y of E county of $all M;4-teo Stav� of California, described as fo0ows: BRGIXWTKG at a point on the southwesterly line of the strip I of land 20 feet vide, c. Co. -)nveye-d by Burlingame Shore end 'kL corporation, to rlity of Burlingame, a municipal cor ;x� rat i on, by Deed dated May 24, 1937, and recorded January 26, 1.938, BQ0k 761 of Officlal Recoi�ds of 'San Mateo County at ftge 302, tor the widening of Broadway in the City of Burlingame, dls-- tant slang said line North 33* 33' kaxt 80.44 feet from the northsterly line of the right of va'v of the 5 o u the in it"a c I f I C Railrjad Compbmy; thence along said line of Broadvay, as widened, ljpwth 34 East 11.05 feet to the southwesterly line of lands d6scri e4 in Dead from Burlingame -Shore Land Co., a corporation, to Elmer A. Rot,erts and wife., dated P.PrIl 7, 1942 and recorded -11 10, 194-, In Boot 100, of Official N000rds of San Mate County at Page 376 (505272); thence along the southwesterly ILn6 of said lands, South 624 261 East 120.66 feet; thtince South 330 33' Vest 11,05 feet; tr" t- 1-0 North 62* 26, vest 12o.66 n--etf.. to the point of beginning SWECT to any and all taxee, county an:� municipal for the f 180a, I year 1949-10150. a. Mum" Wkettaf. the said first A44V bA!i avttutwl this ounveyance We Q th. 1W of ;I 'jgU S t '19 11.), 6 'Cuii Y" tary is xw& fte K CAL"m PAciric Trnx NquRAxer 61 wvy iml %,s- '4—