HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1958.02.24't < ,_e...`__ey a: cAly An, ,.. .. .. ., 3ocn. . ..... Y regular la._ meeting :..1 te;.de Burlingame city... ._a::.c.._ ... i..m._ ... .... o--• _._ .._ ._ .. on the above date. Besting called to order 0 P p.m. n hsirman Martin presiding. rl , 1958, con OVIC regular meeting of .,,.,b... .i._..y 10y 1958,a::� .. .✓.. .. �. .. �� , meeting 2..).: E latter dated February 6, 9 a _ ? ,., t an car side property l Yi na..+b upward fr feet to protect t har lEo.._e ._d .. ... glare of :?..., a._c:::=f,? e t stored in a neighboring yur& The ...__o in! - cation otz-'ea'= thot the trailer was located so as to are .:.. and interfere with .the owne re enjoyment of herpi v_ . L, . Questioned by Chairman Martin, the Planning Consultant _] i a . . .. had viewed the e location of t hotrailer and, in t1_ € p'iovw. n4i„v\ _o�..a..i... the . _ .. .as in order, complying. with the of 1he Mrs. Kneen 5 as in K tandance t:%.L=d, i reply tji to Yaritvius M<uC. st. .._o n... .. .. A by C,.e.ks`:ILs_i=.a.;.,..rs, aCSl.,sE-'.d that the "y....'..tpt37e(€ addition would not ... ;l_ ti! feat in height-.i"?or e;,;t endd moi:;e ''then 2 to 3 feet :-n-to the o,` ' .: between her property end hat adjoining, Fommi s r"'£er S t e s moved d that tAe applicant be permitted ermittt iy • a side fence on her property to a hegi- noexceeding 10 : ✓e.a �VE. rU addition not to extend more ;honinto .. .5 fee' � nto the area be' � wee vh houses and to be removed at such time that the trailer shall he d'ma at3ent .y v aooved Notion seconded by CCtmmis si o'• e'r D i adE'r i C'hsar carried unaninsusly on roll calf.. PUBLIC HEARIA S Ublic hearings" scheduled in conformance to appropriate pu oce&r y;,a .. qwr- :. conducted on the following: l o RE.`.yE�.DDIVIS ON Winds 0 �om�ard _ Fund Barnes An application, pMposine, a resubdsv:+s on of the Sand of josepv G c e} �' � ¢... E...� �„ c"� r westerly ��-+• r �'. t dDrive, fl s� si "' .�'t e ,,€ s�S. _ 4 _ ,.._ttFa3 .3 ;iU P t.c:. �, s. r?.r a. a' s a? ? v?.x- advised k ..., . ).e -i- e s ';.bd' -v eat -A.re... G?;.-red p3°e it } :d L! J W8 t -3 roar 3_0• eZ.�3v% aDd ..._Avi -d i'_'a 54P'iE,°'. a d vii:e .id that- rai i:,-i , it ed. % 1e, ice :. € Pf 3 .rt. Y C'�',t .`i��. F. _ L. j(' be sar6-1 s -aw,,'W-o 'gig% building sites, `. Dlla i? at_i..�d .. ,_k:i th,,:'a' E.:',.r°ai-,aa�e condition which will rsqu1;"-- cone-r of 'Mea, d.2'rOS 0 Mr. Lombardi, in amply, described a cu' ve_ t `' � r� f;c t e ins -s,1 o y� p 1t pp,, .i. .Y • � So V F..P6i tJ �1..� led P.• e--I:.- tend W� the e.��t:��i.e>nQ �w�!"rc 9,S:�sin t�.=.��..�r a 3s-' d steps e x'`, Planned nne to - C✓'vde Proper at'a a .- age The l<.ia,.xj J. ��ae'�., .y.4� .a..- 't%..�'. u �.r �'.: �.?. C2. a � ctAl ya" y v � `e 1 �Z:� is L2_4 C. ,..;.Li .. "ram. •.. ',_7' i �'UO e 7o s introduced z � -p T:1' �`�i','.� F✓s.'f aay.v.., �.� �y liiE�.s.�.°.i3'4 � .J � ._':r::_l.k€`.`3t.*�, �l by D?>c':'.de%'.8 cffise3a Clhat th-e esub di v w;ioi"3 .J°. 't1he D,,eI{ds t' -," t anel 13,oa one sapproved. M � z. "?r ��,,33 "r7•,; •`i''I -n us � .Y.. f,�:l���d;: �.� �d :y.. s� Motion �,J�h.d...':L!_ ihi..;..".i___it.s.^.'.�s�.!..�`' }:Lof mefilberg", 2. RESU121D I VIS109 Lot 4, Bloc's 10, 114111 e Estate No. 3 , n a¢t€� 4ca t`3 on, proposing a— nosubdl V:. 85 min° of Lot .3.0 f:eatat"' 0r 3, a2.°5 biiiE'.,.. d by David ...._s..o.`."3. id -es.. aS.e.6 .6:.o Mi.L a•.,a l.. z r.�..... `j., ._.. consider'a � ion by th Commission, ?1r. N5co]-a-des, .in atte.'3Cd.aunceg advised th,,,'�6, t;`t•o lot �i.=..: �; �::%"G '�a.�i- has a frontage feet OP. E'SL+®tu`SSd Way and tile Py.:^��i'm+'f.:I +4s, 01 tJ:.e B'Li fJ Z�`iv'C4 J. V.f. is to establish 2 parcels each with 50 Feet off", frontag):F; to duplex sites, The City Engineer and the Planning; Consultant, ha-iring no ob- jection `€:Ci the prcposaly a motion was I atf=cld ced by LS°i3d?LYI.!.+s.,siel aev that the res bdivision of of 4. Block 10g I'DI is .u.st;,ate Flo. *-i be Motion was seconded by 1,!omm? ssioner Kiadig and ur awl.-mously call. 3. FIWAL NkP Lagold Hillsdale industrial Center. The final map of "ingold Millsdale Industrial Cent•,eee , s7,tl mirt:rted 'by a is P.ovey en ee ,, representing Ernest ingoldr ov neS and age being re " division of approximately 10 cores in - 'a .-I ..L:,, dustrial Parer was "given cons ide ration. 'The City Engineer and the Planning Consultant, questAoneds `-.,6'y tha Co,;.._. mission., expressed approval of the m'ap ar_d advised that it, was i thie previously approved tentative are.po Fred LehmanD president,, Burlingame improvement Cl 1°.he. Couneul q in ?-'a5-sad a question concerning tree planting an vas ad7,rl sed tlia t -2- valoper had stated his intentlor, to comply iwitl,A ,hie K°oqu_.7ements o-i. City Park xC'ommissloxa. There being no protests heard, a motion xaa introduced by Commissioner Diederichsen that the gal rraxa T of 11 agold I A - ,,11119,dale industrial Cento-i­` approved and recommeaded to the City Counoil for adoptio-ni. Mot.ion seccradeCl, bry -Undig and" Unama".Mously or. on rl -Y G annolmac"ad t, h a t t?!is wa,- zhke 1;--10 s, C._', ha, rviay it-lationt 0�1,, "'Gina Comm "L 3 s_'L on to condiact a -publiet on t5il-5 rer. Lasq,lflring certaia proDe_r-tieo an Zolle to sepQ.1161 !Por the banof It of in atteadance. Oun t1ae man Martin requested the Planning Coastyltant to subirit- po.rtir?Oxit concerning the proposed raclassification,. Fir. 11"i-ann advised that thLo lands were ori,,,'r ,.S- ially etesgnated_ R-'� to UO t3hs zo_n�iuug Of ,111 'Logts On 'El SIX " 1,1FLYIn th&-;�- tes ssikc.'a"i- -ion he,,,a b�,-a propno_ c��-di -fox, o raa%so-ns, tro_ry to. 't.-he patte.ra of development estab-LIshed rj].on- the F-1 propertlao in question were developed with I'Lot fron-tc,.%es -1_0c�4tofl. c;E-g. Albeina.vie. !--'ay and the rear y vd areans f"ac"ing _E! Cam"no., In thio ,operties are. -a ika all o'-h—H-3 tzl, I C F1m.111).0 Ta ad.dition, despitte the R-'I'3 Foningo the use 7.2 di)p,3 on all o 43:: (b) The west side of Way Is devoteta t(-, fa�tilily n 'j. YZ house zone hone S1, e Of -nd � on the opposite is ntotl a sal,-IS2'actop�y Paz t -'U- -�l In conclusion,, Mr. Mann pointed out that un�e --e t ia T):.-�,a. r3-_Yr'-L1 zon.-"Lyi possible for an, owner to eoj:rve:rt from dtiplax to mult'E.ple faM_J_1,,n-F ,,Q,S,-3; detriment of neigrhborJin;� properties. Communications wenr read from the following appx,cvirg the propoaa'1.1- Hazel M. Cronin, owner of property located at 1552-54 Albemarle Way.,,, Mrs,, Henry T, Daley, 1556 Albemarle Way, Mrs, A� H. Kammerer, 1562 11-1- bamarle Way, Ray Park Improvement Club, Francis WRIner, secretary. Chairman Martin invited comments from those in attendance and,, no comments pro or' ,con, a motion was introduced by Commissioner lKi- that the Commission. rea6mmen-d to the City CounOil reclasslfice lk-A.o�,n c­i' Lots 1 through 17, Block') and 'mots 3 througrk 14, Block 1,, Ray Par--,, Su,7, division, from R-3 District to R-2 District Notion seconded by missioner Stivers and carried inianimously on roll call. 5. YARIA,VVIOE John Co Ray, D.D.S., to permit construction of a building. A hearin.-_ was held on the. request of Dr. John C. Ray for a varlance, "'o per mit consviuction of a medical building consisting of 5 suites oil located at the northwesterly corner of the intersection of Primrus_- Eoad and Douglas Avenue - said property having a classification of R-4 klfci4xi-th residential, multi -family). A statement of justification submitted by the applicant in support of tho -3- proposed use was read and accepted for filing with related p.!-apers 1n reply to Chaiznaa Martin, Dr. Ray advised that subsequent to the previous discussion ( study meeting Febr7aary 10,, 1958),, during which various suggestions were wade concerning the design of the building. the plans had been revised. Dr. Ray submitted for review a ploy; plan of the property and. a sketch of the building and oL?tl.J:s: ed da^,.tca- is relative € o construction, pa raking f,'aci itd i a s and pl ant:i lw ara as - F:'S�"' " E?;.ra r- n' " f-` ° J r� $ f� f 1T r°s3 a.c t .a ;r a..S'i�& ze d 1 wiitian,, - sid6'."Sat BLl.d'6,e,n -a� ,-,e !. 1t��'Cr'?Tip c n it "". ub3{/(s 'Cou..�cll l (w.",d i��i�11 ppheartily ��e}}'a��.i���-t .� �� y va��.�i�' ..: i-�'1 4 h , p'.)}.'���i�ii s+ c� ?��i �,�i �'y��!.�L'i J-c'1.._- _.. a c Eldoni by •%ahe LSS.J_i1LU�67i3• on9 The Watson-..#' .'6..:i.€, a'(, t=e%?ders2ce spoke in fa rot of the prop)o sal : 'Pho ,s F^a be s 518 -'a-:'Lmrosu -710a s; rof n 0 Oa if o a k .y v gr 2 8 v a t •err '! 4 ery s .i�'ri:� s�.. a1?.,'. �Iab e , .i... �! S.IG''i�F1�$� �., 1� e�'s�i.�� ; 6 �_r4' .� ,; ._•�. Ci�,� i -�-,� .i.s•,:La:;-�_-6 oody deary, 415 Primrose Road Chelsea Hibbard., 40 -,,,1m ose 'Road - There was considerable discussion concerning off—street Parking with the majority of neighboring property owners in attendance of the ot�l:ni,o�a that the 15 parkin; spades proposed by DrRay should be raduced -tG prow-5.de a greatear_`` area for 'landscaping, `'here being no p€'otests rece ved.9 verbal or rItten, ftniw--J,3xlo !e moved that the varianco be approved s ib je :t 'to the f o:! 1owIn : (:3 ) A 3 foot pl.antin6 strip, along the. interior 'lot lines, to be inin-tcained with an ever green h edge , or similar from 2 Feet. to 6 F-'ee v in height (2)The building to be constructed in getneral accord 'ryath *he plan submitted as part of the applicat-ion,, with the addition of bricxt faclrg to sill height along the bouglas F1vej ue froatagaAn lden- tificat on sign not to exceed 3 square feet '-in, area; (4) The use to be 11mited to healing arts practitioners (-medi ca). and denta'lG (5) A Uota i of 13 parking spaces to be prov"tded on tare property, to bo located '10 spaces along the Pr €mrose Road Frontages 3 along DouglasAvenu then 'latter to be re"noved 20 feet from the adjoining side property 1 ne., Motion above stated was seconded by Commissioner Di.eder ci?sen. and urpn- i.mously carried on rail. call. Chairman .Tartars advised the applicants that the variance was granted, prodded no appeal was received prior to ' uuesday, d-arch 4, 1958. The hearing was thereafter declared concluded.. 6� V RI_ ACE L. Josephine .Lang to permit C-2 use in C-1 District, A hearing was held on the roqu6st of L. Josephine Lang for a variance to operate a machine shop for automotive trades in a building located, on. Carol.an Avenue at-.1.0ak Grove Avenue. A statement of ;ustification." sub- mitted in support of the request was read and accepted for -Filing aaj-'�4lh related papers , Mr. Frank Conti appeared in behalf of the applicant and advised that th© unimproved condition of Carolan Avenue made it difficult to secure tenants in retail businessi iihich is the designated use of the proper y, The proposed machine shop Will operate in a store located at 708 Carolan Avenue, which eras occupied for a number of years by an electric company, Mr.- Conti stated that the proposed use will differ -4- very little 'from the former use. The machine shop operation will in- volve servioing parts of automobile motors and, in the natu-m of such service, heavy equipment is not required and noise will be at a. m1ni- &'UM0 Chairman Martin requested comments from tho,se in a ttQnd'a ce an-d Nr,R.E. Dossv 722 LJ1nden Avenue, objected- -_-,.trone ly 'Co, tl�ie:, va:��,!_anc,- "1 to h 1 t /i ^f 1 r `1 .y ry r {_ .a r`. •1 4 F 5� y F. �'lx o �e'�i�;:� �.,��s�.:3 -?, ? �Yi��-",i.h �vr�C,E;:�'�'f n� iZ � �rJ' C:t3�t�_. -y � �� S ��`. a�:.'cz:_ .s4, d�r``z ---- ?.Y:3-s... i - .5 7 �- 7 S ;' _7 a s s C? ra�iE�:._x� �: ��?r'g'�C� there �2� '�:�r'v" €�vv� �.7�;:w` �1 �.. P_•�' �% _l.��C...tl'.• LS �.r.< ;+,t•, Aver-Ae a. Dosq' m':i ntaN -ned il- h i'-, iEnaola-1 a1' 3 graV-ai.e tt.e by b?'in•4: ? a'.r'" aC•ffe-6, :b. c " •? . � ..?'�;c`.1 , L�fCl i3 S .6i -gtllvers ra't iel ec t1ne zip `tC.: ry of t` e. oa+ .' C _ na �p.� 3. �:...'•_.. iAlhich aiE?r-w'� • 'ed t ne e<�__sting use and 1`' that" the P-rop, s ta. w� S.c`r".t �?�J€.L i a d Y4�.,. kn`�: t_ '6�t Jrk r..:,'�.i r.'e'�a •`•?.: G �..'..�i:'-..:-"7oe1.cr'.`3i,.f.i.�n� .s lo ©�i`aIJASI-1--,.�`3or tisi,_vers mentioned that he v.."s_C� Trot rec,,? l th were included for a Service area of lAnden venue to aceoyiimociate delivery trucks, Mr,, ',anti pointed out 'char, the building was con a;ructed fog:° "c u3c, y i,h y,s, s :` k ':`v'G k?£a"? Y? that, i,??L' cityL3EZ3:t ?C'��t3EIIcWain `A)"'a „r.. x" Garo h'n A v.axvue .. t- x1e-,'ebj pi ovr C _ c am-p -lF> The f.ol lo6?i'.'.- oTtrs` ers protes"Ged tba variarace oan --l",-c: use would uPther di slu b the t�� 27 rt.i W 0 ,w,� r r y '� P sa h v a i'_ a YV ^� �3'�5 �Y � v' u J ��. Linder- �Yt•.�'�L�AW -A o Avenue ?;u.C- S_..� L r4°•.flteaG 4-im--.i r� o'_F' iOg 1s..a. adoz Rn-A •%'1 i�_nue o Mr. C? :. i ! C' of , 1?ea-(; () ll:.ttj_`` .,. �.f,.,:I :r? a-• 1 was •'� ".{3�a'G s�+';*'' r.� y�,:ary I')"ri. i ng that .ham _.:e s. a a ilt.4.._:.c_ ea �: z file ps ap� u C _ t _..• _ t.hal" the -a t°Fo u.'-.d b e a... 'Lt.IEY4 -a0 1 Fez In t-he geneam discussion v�.Uch foilow d, Mr. Coat:. a ivi.:w_ .chat the appl cation, in fecte proposed that a ganera- C-2 use be aut.Fiche'd tri the property.* Chairman Martin commented that certain of the permitted used in might prove satisfactory but that the Machine shop was nog` Commissioner K indig; introduced a mot ion to deny t;iae `,rar•? E nce . 1: a th comment chat he was fully aware of the difficulties c onf rox t-'_,. '-, 'thc-: owner in securing ten -ants but, la consideration a:s nei ghborw.ng he was not in favor of the proposed Cm2 use, t-lot:io'n -,tins secora ed by Co;r.3niss7ones Diederichsen and carried unanimously on roll ca 1. Chairman Martin advised the applicant that the variance waz denied. Chairman Martin reminded the applicant that an appeal from the dec° son of the Plann.I�S Commissiors may bediredted to the City 'CcUn-Oir pric7. to larch 45 1g18, after which date the denial becomes final &aid pro- hibits, for the period of one year,, filing of a similar application for the same premiseeo The hearing was thereafter declared concluded. x=oF3oosed he:,isians to lo?zi ardi.c2arac� to a`' : .On 1925, sub-seotlop, 7, In reply to Chairman Martin; the Pla_i-ii Consultant advised that at the request of ` he CC3aitmission, p1e had met the City -tt,oraey c` .id 1%he, s?c-atd 4?'e t,o the zoning ordinances ccace :/'eZ..r.rg lot i .l_rta a Lions �.atC� .L€3t �' :L? idiS e:_ Tue-ato 1%6ec llor 1926, sub -section. D1 had be -en rel,,-jV t,ten �i corpt'a��Li� xis �!c 'ious,s �'e'�' s'ions, o)? feted i y Corr, m�'-..s`�f�s°'? Cane 'ti 0 ar F,otleld k t the amandrrie k in its present form proposes (3_ } :': otl,. 0 ? a ve n e. i_�idrh of not less t>�axnf 50 R eat.9. E, �Z 1 '} cbS � ttQ a 1A u ":c G4: ..,. _-on'--3g on a p'l. blia street of not less t.rfat. 50 f aot , with Certa:iYl tlor .. peelan" tted ont cur ad s refits w?here a ra` ? xrr,�ym r©n &g;e of 30 sa aa lbe t3 3 lt4 a` c;'s2d ei 4i,`-',•s ee2i=''i"lanE..E3 tG %3 public - You f _. 2 -' r.•"° z'r'i i-�tiAn ear; e�a<«, tv '-C. 1�t.. �, ? n. -•;_— E o,_ ,iac.t.. ee _. �_ �ajL-, ��r i c�asem at_•:_� to t,c ded:t.t°atedl t�, city (21-) a"R. iniIsuln sot Si1'.� o of 5000 to '?L' jQ square feet, depan.d`.t,n:,�' o- oca tao E 5 variara.ces to be rued when considered pr c�pe?� (& )Y 4� a con-- sides t? on. of subdiiT_`Lcion maps, lot S prawn to o 'qe:t than "Chose staF3dardko to be acceptable 'O7�ii ex,-`..:" y? sed a.,,o jro-,,.Tc^.1 and a motion L=ias irtti fddu(<s,a b,!> u3 e c o na ea C. y odernrjm:�s,sIo:ner z ?rka,-i.tn str�£ am- endoleat -Q ""ect ion �� 926 `'o ing Ordli �aa7?F.o's.,' � ( rr,, � t� Teat; onsn i � ' --+-� c- .L. G.! 2Lw k��.... .i C3 n:J VL 16'-'.i.. S6w ) t= {�� be �ei3ommended to the City Coup -ell for adopt,• o-L., NL3ti.on carried imous? J C=n roll enl I a 2 Sections . 0_3 and Section All -iii?%=: ndmi ent'I;l to the zoning ordinance,, p'e *i ou'-``Ily 'oubmitt&-d for C o i - m :fin _3 ems%? consideration (study mebtirZ February 'i 0 ,, 11-958) s propose tb-,- clud in. Section J 90J of sa-ld or dir3:i1nce, a. defi-1 .: ion. for is sMotel o a-n3 :_g1 Section 1 971 v parking requirements for motels,-, This being the time scheduled by,., the ComirdE ss .cn. 'to sake formal on said amendment, a motion was introduced by Co:,t-nn?ssioner K ndigj; s o*,cis by Commissioner Di ede richsera that the Commis s ion recommend to ths, C . -,-V Couneil amendments to the zoning ordinance providing a definition -'o , " Notel" € nd parking requirements for that use, Motion carried 3. Set -backs in Industrial Districts, At the request of the City Council, the Panning Commission rev�rv. ^.`:. U matter of amending Section 1957 of the zoning ordinance to provide >. backs in "Br Districts (Industrial), and it was the opinion of all ii mb: --" present, that the- 10 toot set -back,, originally proposed by the Commission. and recommended to the City Council was a logical restriction. A ajation was thereupon introduced by Commissioner Kindig, seconded by Chairman. I'lar tin that a communication be directed to the City Councs l pre sen.ting the Commission findings and outlining it€3 reasons for the 10 foot set-baok o Notion carried unanimously on r•ol1: call ADJOURNMENT There being no further business,, the meeting ims regularly ad four n-ad at, 11:00 p�m, Respectfully submitted,