HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1958.03.10CITY OF BURLINTGAVE PLAAiiIAG COMMISSION COt'1E'1Ih3e31010F.HS PL`tvsa E'eAT Henderson Kindig Martin Morberg Stivers CALL TO ORDER COMMISSIOi RS A1,433SEINT iD' iade richsen Finger Study meeting March 100 1958 OTHERS PRESEdT City Attorney harmel City Engineer Marr Plan, Cons. Mann Meeting called to order at 8:00 p.m.; Chairman Martin presiding. .FOR STUDY 1, City Manager In ni,: Petition of Angelo Dellecasa to enlarge ron- conformim use. A copy of a letter dated March 6, 1958, written by the City Nanager to Angelo Dellacas-a,, concerning a petition svbmitted by Mr. Dellacasa to improve, for rental purposes, a rear cottage on his property located at 141 Victoria Road, was read and accepted for filing. 2. RSUBDT4rISI0N - Lot 164 Block Town of Burlxame Subdivision. The City Engineer submitted for review a tentative map of a proposed re - subdivision of the above -described property. Mr. parr advised that the application complies with the minimum standards concerning lot frontage and land area requirements, Mrs. Mabel Engle, 224 Clarendon Road, owner of the property, advised that she desires to sell 40 feet of her lot to the owner of the property Im- mediately to the rear. Mrs. Engle explained that her lot Is 158 feet deep In discussing the matter, Commissioners indicated that they were not in favor of a proposal to tQ cut upt° land. but agreed that the application was legitimate and according; to ordinance, The public hearing was scheduled for the regular meeting, March 24, 19580 3. Bruce Watson & Coon in re: Cal -Wide. Inc o , 2500 Trousdale Drive o A letter dated February 24, 1958, was read from Bruce Watson and Company, real estate, located at 1404 Burlingame Avenue, questioning the activities of the office of Cal -Wide, Inc., 2500 Trous3dale Drive, Burlingame The communication requested information as to the status of the permit granted Cal -Wide - whether the use was a tract sales office or a real, estate brokerage office, A letter in reply, dated February 26, 1958, written by the Planning Con- sultant, was read advising that the matter would be brought to the at- tention of the Commission for investigation, Chairman Martin recognized Thomas Casey, attorney, who appeared in behalf of Cal -Wide, Inc., and discussed briefly with Commissioners the type of business conducted by his client. Mr. Casey pointed out that the permit under which the office is pr°eseratl y operating expires on ir;ay 13, 1958,E and must be presented to the Commission for renawal. sir. Casey suggested that action be withheld until that date at which time, should a renewed permit be granted, this could be made to define specifically the terms under which the offlce might operate. Members concurred and. requested Mr. Casey to meet with the Planning Con- sultant to prepare -the necessary material. 4. VARIA14CE - Richard Fo McLaughlin, for medical building. A variance application was submitted by Richard F. McLaughlin, 528 El Camino Deal, Burl ingrame9 requesting permission to remove the exist- ing structures on the .lots located at. 528an.d 534 Fl Camino Real and re- place with a one-story medical center building to occupy both properties, Dr. McLaughling In attendance, discussed the project with Commissioners and submitted preliminary plans for study. Dr. NcLau6hlin adgised that the new construction will be started immediately that approval of the variance is received and completed within a period of 2-1/2 years, The application was scheduled for public hearing at the regular meeting, March 24, 1958.9 at which time Dr. McLaughlin was requested to have avail- able a more detailed plot plan of the properties,. 5. Capital Improvement Program,, Reference was made to a communication from the Office of the City Mara`,�er, under date of February 25, 1958, directed to all department heads and City commissions concerning the preparation of a capital budget, The City Manager was in attendance and discussed tlae responsibilities of the Planning Commission in the program. 6e VARIAACE - Harry Lehrfeld in re: C-2 use in C-1 District, Harry Lehrfeld, owner of Burlingame Realty Company, appeared to discuss with Commissioners the possibility of securing a variance to permit operating of an automobile service shop in conjunction with an automo- bile sales agency upon the property located at 1333 Howard Avenue, Bur- lingame In reply to Chairman Martin,, the Planning Consultant stated that the zoning is C-11, permitting an automobile sales room, however, the service department use would require a variance. Mr. Lehrfeld was advised that a public hearing WoUld be scheduled for the regular meeting in March, provided thet a proper variance application was filed in the eff.ice of the City Clerk prior to Parch 14, 1958. Mr. Lehrfeld was requested to submit a sketch of the building describing the location of the sales room and the area of the reppir shop. ADJOURNME14T There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9.40 p , m RPA7-, nt.f iil 1 is stiihrn9+tasA