HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1958.04.28CITY Ux? B'U1 T, Jt.;/-sj'E Pj.AJi41A4U CCi':.!%1SFz10eJ Ct1,�, i�, � ��.J r. a. ..i.�i:$.`s.�`.Y a.2 �' S L• ��!{e ttl �,• Kin.d.Ig Na r tin Aorberg Sti ers CpILL TO ORDER P1IlMITES Liederichsen iieiidet•son FE ;ula.r meeting jtpril 28, 1958 City attorney Karmal , Aran Cons , Y'ia r��a regula. r meat izl.,� o the Burlingame City I lar„ . -1 kor ;r: sslon was held on the ubove date. Eeeting called to order ai; 8:05 ChE-irman Martin pres1ding., The: minutes of the ra6ulaa fpeetin6 of March 24.9 1958, -, ane corrected, second page,, se cond to last Qr�i��;�°t,Y?it� to read s?tudj rr.eeting of gjprJ. 14, 1958r11 aaek approved as corrected, Minutes of study meeting April 141, 1958, ae e approved as sLi,`i:iiitted. 1 c n re.�._...,.._Prcrer I;cr located a'v _..1.2L, Oc�i�=dG'�n-IL•c`�l Avenue . The z a u` a o::N).es o b ins ra ;,s ru ora s, it the �{ 1 � � z » �� 1 � �� n r, � �n''t r S s s n �- �� � up 1_ �" u., v s ids: o permit Commission to publicly ackaowled6e -AfLd .read a pe, t �tlon, submitted by a groin, of property o.•ra.4rs,, w nich protest,ec? the 111 ;gal use - as to diiel2 ing of an accessory buildiUiL, loe,ated on tr.e rear port -ion of property at 12'4 Uccidt-:ntal. Avenue, t-1r. Edward hontgomery., 104 Oce9C:.ental Avenue, who spoke for those in at- tendance, reported that the situation described In the petition has dis- turbed the; harmony and ch.a ra cte r of the neighborhood. Mr. Montgomery urged the Commission to investitrate and to Initiate proceedings to cor- rect the existing "unlawful conditions", In reply to questions from the (ommiss?on, t1he City Fagineer stated that in February, 1958, writteerrLotice vaas served adIvising +.;he oitiner of the property that she was in violation of the city`'JG ordinances,, The matter was thereafter ra er .ed to the City Attor ricty, the City Engineer and the Plaru ng Consult -ant for additional, ? ivesti6at; .ors and cz?bseaue,zt report to the CoMmission at the study meouln�: May 129 7gj8o PUBLIC H-Z'A tTiiGS 1. RES !BDIVISION Portion. of Bieck 11, Tc,, .-, of Burlingame Subdivision, An spplicsation proposing a resubdl.vi4;Dion of a portion of Block 11,, Towh or Burlingame being; -a pv)rcel of land lees ed at the ,,),orthijest corner CF th'. intersection of ! ;;'Jziit A veY?F? r3%ita J:?o:=: d 1 VEy?:t[r3f VIc^^:e. A-- mI. taaed Go the CorruLi sioz) fo-2t ft -rma? con-sideratioa by Co >b'ilson hard;- V hr. ad`�7 sea hat- vie owns the property Irmedica tely ad join'.ng Lind he has negotiated to purchase the parcel designated as 11811 for a side entrance way to his property. The City nk- ineer Grid the Pld_--ining Consultant ext7ressed approval of the, r'esubdivislon> There being no protests received, Written or verbal, a motion was introduced by Com iF;sloner seconded by Commiss5oner Aorbc r8, that the res'..s bd#ji :; '_s on of a po x'> on of �31C)c k l�_„ I I, ri o f f3ur 1 Subdivision, be d� M ';.>_; r �� �.� `£:iCf�; �� :�li.�-is�P�. it`3?, �y,� �' _�?C� iP_lctL'�.'��U1.. .ly on i`o1+ call of members, 1. City Ilanc�, , in red: Arge—id.ments to :!.gnin.:;_Ordinance. (a) F; communication dated. April 24, 1 0/58, iv%as read from the City N@0_4�eer advisinf that the City Cougoil, at a ret ulz�r maetinw :seld on April 2Z, 1958, conducted a public hearing on the matter of amendin,; the zoning ordinance to establish 14 fart building set -backs in. Industrial Districts, The co imunicacion advised that, as a result ,of thy, hearir_�;E i:n� proposed ordinance was referred back Lo t-he PlannAng Commission for further study on possible exclusions fMm set -back restrictions of certain undeveloped parcels within ;h.c� o1,71 The .matter was referred to the study meetin, of May 12, 1958,. (b) In addition, G-he communication repoi ted. that the amendment to the zoning ordinance € onoe t: n i n lot '"rontages on city Streets was ?.I?troduced for -first reading at the CoUno_L l meeting ©n p?° _I 21, 1958:, with one chF n6e. _ oe the word "a e?:,'C7mmend" was ` ubst-I l-ut-ed- for the viords 19 approve of" in ragraDh -- ' The following matters were not a wart of the formal agenda but were sub- mitted. for Commission discussion, to Constructions Plans - Purity Stores .Ltd �,, truck servic�_oyeration,. Mr. Schiller, architect, appeared to discuss construction..;plans for a truck servicing and, repair operation to be located on the property of Purity Stores, Ltd., 1645 Rollins Hoad6 Mr. Schiller submitted ten�t:at<<.ve drawiings and explained that to date the final plans had not been pre- pared. Chairman lyk.rtin referred to a use permit recently granted Purity Stores and reminded members that under the terms of said per -ait, the plans v,,ara to be submitted for Commission approval prior to construction, Members reviewed the avallabl e material € nd 1-jr. Schiller was requested to return when the finEil draft of preliminary piano and elevations were completed. 2, Communication o Park Commission in re: Proposed subdivision, upper VIIIls Estate. A letter dated March 25, 1958, was read from the Burlingame park Commission I ccnce,ruing; (1) A proposal by the developers of the Mills Estate to suttU vide a 7 to 8 acre area on the north slopt,, of ki lis Creek In the ►'ppur Mills Esta� e. The coujfllun ca'Llo � oil- O, � OUi; L(i�2't. said Si:tbdJt71_s�_OrF was locaved (s�o as /vo i/O�Ci.uce r�3,;a`2at a a % t1laej�S°AIl{ Canyon wi., _cx? she developer kilo .; 5.'.&l�Fi.G.�a-ted 4a1.,i.�d ben dreed'`✓d� Ned the, C (✓S:7 for pa.rl,, � p� i - pases s,2 3 A �ytCo'�`s. .ij`_)_t: t :_;._ 4' -of' action. to ---- .Al an to 'e'C�i.►ire ftilt3 1. �3�_�C?'�3:i1`�9 to pu ue,_I. do p- cr t 7, ,: '.orm d.-ra J 1, to hali" and prevent erosion di 'ia ge The Fc rk �'sOd;iti2 f reQuest—ed that aci-1:1on by GEC; Pluril?lnrg Cot1FFisalio On �Ihra proposed be withheld pending an Opi ni-I on from the .i tj Attarliey concerFxia�� the legal aspects, of the above two points, The utter was acce_,ted and held -for reference at the time that a ;.gyp of said subdivision s ouAa come before the Commission. r c 111e,,al signs :*d 1 fah.. i,.i .0 �4.t�'�i..�F?l.l. .Reference was made to a number of poll.tical sit,;na which have appear d. at v£'b'i:,us locations "t throughout the City. °rhe IFat'Ger was coat .niued 'to he study meetl n. of Itiay 12, 1958 for discs lssikano A DJOURS4 ,,EigT IT."h:re bei-, 13o fuirth:r IDUS`i IeSs :he meetf rxt` was re6ularly adjourned 9a00 .m, Respectfully submitted, Cverett K. Kindig Secretary