HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1958.05.12DiL�'° dericis4.s _,a. Fin e KAi?dy_g ,17 CI T 1 1' kJ 1ST U ES Study meeting Mlay 12, 191',8 U2'21La sS .4'�tEj&V_1 iq -_"'tin City Attorn,- y Ra m- clty plan" conz 1e' , y'o:i. By --- i' CC1uncilrm, n Tfia of c vi et n r ca °ae d dF� off° f in . 00 , m , V' c � �_ r, `` aa - g .`�,, "3 � y�� � i i -4 u '. p - a .e L c. ���r ���:�Y�'. C� :a rr.ve �� �.�Ei"' a�i d.% ._.A.� In. the absence of Chaarmian INart in who was away from the City., FOR STUDY 1 _a at, ;_e-laD.3za11.C-o;ub zadus t r i a 'i P ark, UnJ t i 4 o 0 2_.0 The tentat _e ;Tap of Smial i comb _ nd'.3st %-J al mark, Unit Ao � 2 a ,proposed subd svislon of app o_%_1 1,_, tely two acres of 3.ndust-ria:i proper -by located alone the o 3.�= _aY—s'hi re. 115.6hway wa s submitted for str udy , Fir,, Snia? 3 comb was In a.nd dJ scussed the map v-,,i ,h t.orflricJ.sf3io1iei-s,, The pr,f?pos.'.+cil was scheduled led �`oE o im-a 1 :',onsiderat'?_on at the rc gulai° Aieot�E:�:za °ay 26, A proposed r s?.bdivislon of she lands of ri ,. and Vlrs„ ,ji, Y, Fhoaac�s was submitted to the Commission by Mr. Rhoades who explained that the re -sub- division proposed to establish three parcels :from the exis[ling tv-o In response to questions from the Commission, the P1..aanin.g Consultant pointed out teat the landk located at the and of la Mesa Drive6 is ex.- tremely steep, There was cons `�_d.erable discussion concerning Wlie steepness of the tar.nain and the diff lc lties' to be overcome In Improvinb and developing,,, Eahereupon members agreed Ito -visit the site prior to the meating of Aiay 26, 1958, at which time the application na.s sched.ulad for Formal hearing. 3. Tentative Map - DarIUB Park Subdivision The tentative r<-ap of Darius cask Subdivision, a przmosec? sub: .vision of approximately seven a ores in the Mills Estate a lyl;ag southeaster l yT of Mills Estate Subdivision Oo, 11 and adjacent to the intersection of Granada Drive and Martinez Drive, was submitted for study by J ci. D vey. engineer. Mr. Dovey advised that there will ba mine (9 r, lots in the subdivision v � lion all of which will front on `'Darius Place" - a new street. Mr. Dove further mentioned that immediately to the south of said straw; canyon areaE :ich €}say ten�awively designated in prev .oe,is di%s ;ussions as the site.of an area to be deeded by the Atlaintic Life Company to th3 c byres Re f err! , to Mrs Do-v ;y c s zrerna r ka conceri..lag c (,*-3 a the .'1 a_ Apo .nited o 'L. that when the over-ptll map of the dills Esta to, was ter i6ig?.ally discussed, -L-1ha developers a6reed to orarit to the C.i cly f'ur part purposes a certain area in the upper Nills Estate, which was con- sidered not suitable for residential development. Mr. F,ann noted that. there 7,tere io f orrTol agreemena�E> o ac'u Ged ` that h� 4-and Tian' the property of the At'la tic Life €:C2sarc<nce Compri'ay, and. that the City had not made its position clear as to whet=zer or not it was preprar°ed to accept, develop and mamma n a rsature study park. 1. concluslon, hr. t'iann expressed the opinion that, the Planning Commission. shoo-ILd proce,,.id or -che basis of the tentative i '::a € of ore, it and when, the time me comes for the City Council to act or: any o.�h3rs propos-aa.s, which are a part of the proparty9 could -',-.;solved a`:, mar, sir -le., The Chair recognnized Mlayor Byrd, In attendan-ce„ 'aho raised a number of questions the py,esent intent of the developers. (1) is the developer prepared to deed. 'to the City a cer-gain ,:;rea of lard for purposes of a mature studypark: (2) 1y11 _ the de eloper, a6ree to make certain minimum improvements to control erosion, (3 ) W i1I a roadway into the area by provided, Mayor Byrd pointed out that;, once these matte -^a have been definitely resolved.. the City Council can then determine the course of -action to be taker in tha best; Interests of the City. Hr� William Vickrey, geaeral manager, Trousdale Corporation,, addressed the Commission and advised that the de velopar is anx3 ous to consummate the smatter of the par'•ko The nap before the Commission defines the land to be developed f'or residenl-1 dal purposes and the ab-aa to the south. of Darius Place is available for, the park site, lira Vickrey pointed out that all of the plans for development eelthe upper Mills Estate have been predicated on the tenitative agreement rr de some years ago that a certain area within the canyon you was to become a of ty park, Mr. Vick `ay further stated tkla f the park area nois available appro it,.3tes very closely that ohich itaas o-rigi.na11'-7 promised, Mr. Vickrey was questioned by Mayor Byrd and. the Commission at some length concerning (a) Drainage; (b) Accessibility; (c) Contour of the land;; particularly the existence of flat land to provide picale areas, etc, In reply,, the following statements were made: (a) .Adequate drainages from th subdivided area will be provided to prevent and control droslon; (b) Mr. Vickrey indicated that at the time grading is under way,, the de v- lopFer would be willing to use their equipment to out a footpath into the canyon; (c) An area of approximately 3500 square feet was described as flat land suitable for a picric area:. The Chair recognized Walter Amstrup'_. Chairman of the Park Commission, nho questioned Firs. Vickrey concerning the available land area for City use,. Mr. Vickrey advised that there would be approxtmataly 3108 acres as op- posed to the 32 acres ori6inally discussed Fir. Vlckrey advised that whin the subdivision map l:as been processed and the developer is in position to proceed, then a may will. be: submitted to the City definia t-he exact area. and locatior: of t1e Mar' site, Commissioner K nd4g suggested that,prior to .action on the subd_i is-.o ; map, members of the City Counc ? L the Park and Planning CPommiss'? ono greet on. the site with representatives of the '11rousdale z`. C�t3r?po�°aS;�.t Y. or clka:-:1f ica-'Glo of the many problems concerned with the park aroa., -2- After so€n.e further Oiscusslon,, all 1n attenciL�licre' f�6reed and the PlanninConsultant was requested to cons , tits:= th Several groz. -pra involved to determine a satisfactory Gate. p'f:Y , V.St.kray and Mr. VirEex, c'onoI.ki"L°ii3.g, th.�f' [iiattar of the s'2Tbdivisio-r.= IJ_t4: was continued tentatively to the, study-mn:ating cf June 9,, 1.958., 4o'r(3uStka Ct?f3i_1kC:'C;n Coi Sr. �Ai� : t- d ct i ? `t 3 `'31> 8., -was read from the `.ftroi55lff.ale Ct3XlotruCtlo_A �k�m�ar.4P .ry.' a e-t �1_; V.�t, ns.�.ar? o ' a p�rrl � for the; dwellgng a� 2500 T oust-Ic.`.: 1 r et,-,,7u to -- -usedby Cal-17 ids , inc o ,, sales Eq. tints, f o- tjie Trousdala CompazFo3 The Flanaing Con.sultt.ant advise-d that cortain real estate brokers ,.j?. the City' had expressed. the opinion that tho operation- conduct-Cl Cal-W—Ide was in violation, of the permitted use, The letter was referred.- to the regular meeting, Pay 26" 1958, for formal action, at which time persons in opposition would be given an of po>>rtianit,r to be heard,, 5 �p al Permit- —Christ. Lutheran Church Art application submitted by Christ Lutheran Church, 1315 Vista Gnaaadea 13.1brae,, regljested pez-mission to use prorerty 12 the 1,11.11s 'state for chTxi•ch purposess, said property located n¢ the co,.c,n �, of `iro sdale and Sebastian �r .�e� and being Lots 21 throu_�s 2G, Block 36, F1111s Sstatz Soo 11 Subdivision, Mr, Botta, representing; yhe applicant's, spokes bxnic t ly to tfie Comma . sic n cone ern the p-roposed devei opri-te t and a-!e(z; °z to have availvble £x tentative design and plot plan for the forrbal h e2 .`? n-g on ray, 26, 6. Possible rezoning m property located at-_R Clarendon Road,, Mr. and Mrs. Joel Gough, owners of property at 9 Clarendon Road, appeared to discuss a possible rezoniri6 of said property from first resid_antial to third residential, Referring to a previous discussion on the matte` (study meeting April 14a 1958, )CoZmasalonerB. who had visited the neighborhood;, ex-presset the opinion that there did not appear to be just3;floatlon for a la -ad reclassification.'' The Planning Consultant was requested to prepare a -land use study ox' the lots similarly located along the cross streets, .ntersecting with Peninsula Avenue In the general area of Bloomfield. Clarendon and Dwight Roads. Mr. and Mrs. Gough agreed to contact the Plarx: ing oaratktant at- a rater date to determine when the Commission would be pl-epared to discuss the matter, ?o Coristructicxb plang 3= fLof. Mcllauehlln Medical Center. Mr. c acC:-L a ar-011.$ tc-et t apps ! F-d tQ L_I :ae2 SZ PlEns —ni 0 7 vet lJ -rt, fcr the t:edical center buildin6 to be located on the property of Dr. j.1.1jo a.;.,a l?. 528 El Camino R6az o To permit thorough study, the plans were depo�g.ted .Jith the Planning C e,112,l 1tarit for €'e iawaad for pr3sentation 'G.. tict % Commission at tiie meeting of may 26v 1958, 8. Kay ir o ¢ :t Z.2 % cideatal A venue , fro Edward Plon.tg ornery, spoke;31 an for a 'ro- p of property ovjller=r-, -In attar--k dance, requested Information concern rL6 tbhe F-Ata-tus of a platition submitted to tdie dal � "z�i�.'ta Commission protesting ��jj x! � t a{�q 1 e J r �� yy r = y y p � GhE V.. C;i ..}Ci Cam... 1.f. .��G 1.12.d- l.s. C•f !. L T�iJ.ih p>Gp"r`s• ' € c°d. a '" +' • 13i d% a 3 t �''r:'�,,:? ia! AXt �t , �> L ,•� -o , -d.E t: co Ltd d a u 0111mi F' ` r; The City Attorney advised that authorization had been recelved '• ro,,n t. e;, City Council to initiate aeg;al action c:ndi at an e;a rly date,, a sc✓,'%'-ler, Of meet, in6 wrould, be scfLedui ed to 1'ecurd t"..e-."LeIl`eEar E" W parrsan%N f;���.(;:�:��;�`r?.'.',C�. :+..kt. e.hz— matter The group of protestants, In attendance, assured Mr. Karmel of the i )° cooperation, and agreed to meet 1,alth him ut his request. 9. .anal Cabral in re: _¢ Dr=Lvjay Ark Of Cityl s _I iIli itat-lo is . Mr. Manuel Cabral appeared to request permission to construct a drive -way it a First residentiaal district wider than. tha 20 feet 11mitatlon establ `4 sued by City ordinance. Questioned by the Chaira the City Engineer advised that Ord in— r.ce 641 pro- videe that driveuays in residential districts shall not exceed 2 1% of' the width of the lot. In, Mr. Cabral"s situation, this provided �11—_ 20 soot width, w ich,Pir, Plarr stated, shout d be adequate. The Planning Consultant expressed concurrence with the City B - iriee= a*id Mr. Cabral was thereupon advised by Commissioners that there was no as-_ ternative but to comply with City requirements. 10. Bulldlq& set®backs in Industrial Districts. Reference was Trade to a communication addressed to the Planaing Commission under date of April 24,, 1958, from the office o'f the City Maniager concern- ing a recommendation made by the Commission to the City Council concerning establishment of 10 -foot front set -backs in Industrial zones and advising that s d back. -was found by the City Council to be not practicable in certa 1 8 old Industrial a res . Air. Clare Kemp, owner of industrial land, advised that an arbitrary set- back would work a hardship, particularly on undeveloped parcels which are adjoined by developed properties where there have no set -back restrictions Imposed, There was considerable discussion concerning ways and means of meeting the problem whereupon lira Kemp suggested that industrial set -blacks might be written to the same; formula applied to certain of the residential, district: set -backs -- In the older districts where a percentage of the blocit has been developed set -banks conform to the average pattern est bi i,shed b Para r? PSb1sprgpa�A�ionTnto t1her�inm Csusultant was requeE� T do prexare A DJOURNMEAT There being no further businecss, the meeting was adjourned at 10:50 p�mo Respectfully submitted, Everett K. Kgndijga Searetary