HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1958.05.26CITY ON BURLIAGAME PLANNING COFIFITSSIOAT COIF hISSIONERS PRESENT Diederichsen Henderson Kindig Martin Stivers CALL TO ORDER h INU`i'ES COMMISSIONERS ABSENT Finger No rbe rg Regular meeting May 26, 1958 OTHERS PRESENT City Engineer Marr Plan. Cons. Mann A regular meeting of the Burlingame City Planning Commission was held on the above date. Meeting called to order at 8:05 p.m. Chairman Martin presiding, MINUTES PREVIOUS MEETING The minutes of the regular meeting of April 28, 1958, and the study meet- ing of bay 129 1958, were approved as submitted. F1r;ARIAGS 1. RESUBDIVISIOPI - Lards o6 Rhoades - La Mesa Drive A tentative map, proposing a resubdivision of the Lands of Mr. and Mrs, W.F. Rhoades, located at trte northwesterly terminus of La Mesa Drive, was submitted to the Commission. Mr. Rhoades and Mr. Jack E., Wear,, who iden- tified himself as owner of Parcel "B" , were in attendance and discussed at some length plans for developing the property and the problems of ingress and egress created by the excessively steep terrain. Questioned by Chairman h;artin, the Planning Consultant advised that the owners proposed to divide the land into three large lots. One of the lots, Parcel "C" , a pan -handle lot, will be required to be used as an access to the garage area on Mr. Wear's property, as well as to the low land at the rear. fair. Mann stated that the matter of an access easement must be re- solved prior to acceptance of the resubdivision and recommended that there be a properly executed deed - between the owners - 'to record such an ease- ment over the panhandle. In addition, hr. Mann noted that the map submitted to the Commission was incomplete and certain revisions would be necessary before final acceptance. Following a brief discussion, Chairman hartin advised the applicants that the nearing would be continued to the study meeting of June 9, 1958, to permit sufficient time in which to prepare a final rasp and settle the mat- ter of the access easement. 2 e TEATATIVE _MAP - Smallcomb Industrial Park, Unit 1110o 2. A tentative map of "Smallcomb Industrial Parka Unit No. 211, being a re - subdivision of approximately two acres in the industrial area lying be- tween the Old Bayshore Highway and the Bay was submitted by City Engineer Marr for formal consideration, Pair. Darr advised that the map had been checke.d in his office and was found to be correct, `.['here were no problems requiring special attention and Mr. Karr recommended that the map be approved as submitted. Questioned by the Chair, the Planning; Consultant concurred with the City Engineer. A motion was introduced by Commissioner Dlederichsen that; the tentative map "Smallcomb Industrial Park, Unit go. 2" be approved and recommended to the City Council for adoption. Motion seconded by Commissioner Hen- derson and carried unanimously on roll call of members present, 3. SPECIAL PERMIT - Christ Lutheran Church. A hearing was held on an application of the Christ Lutheran Church, 1315 Vista Grande, Millbbea, for a use permit for church construction on the property located at the northeast corner of Trousdale Drive and Sebastian Drive (Lots 21 through 26, Block 36, gills Estate Subdivlk,;on No. 11) Edwin Bo Naylor, pastor, was in attendance, accompanied by Mr, holm, architect, and Mr. Botta. Drawings were submitted, which were reviewed by Commissioners with particular attention being directed to the parking facilities, There being; no protests received, written or verbal, a motion was intro- duced by Commissioner Hefiderson, seconded by Commissioner Diederichsen that a use permit be granted the Christ Lutheran Church as requested - construction be be in accordance with the plans submitted as a part of the application. Motion carried unanimously on roll call of members present. Chairman Martin advised the applicants that the use permit was granted providing no appeal was received prior to Tuesday, June 3, 1958o The applicants were further informed that in the event the use was not exercised within a period of one year from the grant date, the permit to voided, The hearing was thereafter declared concluded. COMMUNICATIONS 1, Trousdale Construction Com2g&y In re: Cal -Wide, Inc, A letter dated April 17, 1958, was read from the Trousdale Construction Company requesting approval for the continued use of the dwelling located at 2500 Trousdale Drive as a tract office. occupied, by Cal Wide, Inc., sales agents for the Trousdale Company. Permission was requested for (l) The right to sell any unimproved property in the Mills Estate; (2) To negotiate resales on properties where Trousdale Company holds a property right or property liability; (3) To sell improved propertieb where an agreement has been made with the builders for such sales. -2 = Chairman Martin recognized Thomas Casey, attorney representing the ap- plicants, who advised that the office will be operated as a tract office for the purpose of marketing and developing properties in the hills Estate Subdivision, subject to the qualifications and restrictions out- lined in the communication, The Chair invited comments from the audience. H.. Kent Atwater, Jr., Burlingame realtor, acknowledged the necessity of a tract office operation where a new subdivision is under development but stated his opposition to re -sale transactions being handled through the Cal -wide office declaring that such transactions constitute the business of a real estate brokerage office. In reply to Chairman Martin, Mr. Snider, manager Cal -Wide Inca. advised that approximately 200 lots, all located in the section which was de- veloped first, were sold on a 'Land -lease arrangement, and these repre- sented the only properties wher%s a re -sale miet 'be negotiated through the tract office. Planning Consultant Mann, questioned by the Commission advised that the letter submitted to the Commission embodied suggestions offered by repre- sentatives of the local realtors as well as concessions made by the Trousdale people. Mr. Mann noted that in his opinion it was in the best Interests of the City that the office be maintained so long as the sub- division was under development and the agreements specified in the letter were in the nurture of a compromise to permit the developer to continue his operation, Chairman Martin requested Commissioners to comment. Commissioner Diederlchsen advised that in his opinion the use was not actually a tract office and expressed his objection to Cal -Wide partici- pation in re -sales. Commissioner Stivers stated that he felt a well regulated tract office would be of benefit to all parties concerned. Commissioner Kindig declared that he was not entirely in accord with that part of the arrangement permitting the applicant to enter into property re -sales but in view of there being a restriction on the number of such sales„ he was not opposed to the permit, Commissioner Kindig.i.ntroduced a motion granting permission to the Trousdale Construction Company to continue the use of the dwelling at 2500 Trousdale Drive as an office building for a period of one year from May 13, 1958, in compliance with the terms of operation as outlined in their letter of April 17, 1958. Motion seconded by Commissioner Stivers and carried on the following roll call vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Henderson, Kindig, Marian, Stivers HOES: COMMISSIONERS: None ABSTAIN COMMISSIONERS: Diederichsen ABSENT COMMISSIONERS-. ?lager, Norberg Chairman Martin expressed appreciation to Mr. Atwater for his interest and constructive suggestions. -3- UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1, Preliminary Plans and Elevations - Medical Center, 528 E1 Camino Real Mr. Jacobs, architect, appeared to discuss; constructions plans for the medical building to be erected on the property of R.Y. McLaubhlin, 528 El Camino Real, In reply to Chairman Martin, the Planning Consultant stated that under the terms of the variance recently granted Drr. McLe►ughlin, the architect' plans were to be submitted for commission approval prior to construction. Mr. Mann advised that he had reviewed the plans and had the following suggestions to offer: 1. The width of the property permits a 4.0 foot driveway area. The widest part of the driveway, at least 25 feet, should be pro- vided for the entrance way at the south end of the property. The remaining 15 feet would appear to be ample for the exit at the north side 2. The frontage along the El Camino should be landscaped so as not to interfere with the view of traffic. Members reviewed the plans and indicated approval of the architectural design, also concurred in the comments of the Planning Consultant con- cerning the driveway and landscaping and requested Mr. Jacobs' cooperatiox in these matters, 2, Land Use Studer Peninsula Avenue. Chairman Martin referred to a series of recent discussions with Mr. and Pars, Noel Gough, owners of property located at 9 Clarendon Road, concerning the possible rezoning of said property from single family to apartment use, and requested a report from the Planning Consultant t.on a land use study which was to have been made of the area, In reply, Mr. Mann submitted a map describing the existing uses on all of the properties on the north side of Peninsula Avenue and those ad- joining on the streets from Humboldt to Anita Road, which map showed, that regardless of zone classification, practically the entire area is used for single family dwellings. Upon reviewing the report, there did not appear to be letter was directed to be sult of the study and the change, ADJUURKPIENT members were unanimous in their opinion that justification for a reclassification. A written to Mr. and Mrs., Gough advising the re- feelingof the Commission concerning a zoning There being no further businessa the meeting; was regularly adjourned at 9:50 p.m., to reconvene on June 9, 1958. Respectfully submitted, Everett Ka Kindig Secretary -4-