HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1958.07.28Diederichsen Henderson Kindig lWa—, ft t i n Horberg Livers "ALL TO ORDER C, CITY OF BURLINGAME PLA14NING COMMISSION M[INUTES Regn.O.ar Meeting 'TV I'y 28. 1958 COPVUOT.SSTONWRS ABSEINIT Finger (YPIJERS PRESEYL, City Attornsy Kar_rwl City F'ngince)Y. Marr Plan,, Cons, A ro, ular meting of the Burlingam Cllt','y Plarn_iz,,� Commiissio_a wsas hold on the above date. Ytbeting calf -led to at SoaOO 'P19Y1,, - Chadyman Martin presiding. PIffIRTITES PREIVIOUS T'j-P-SITING Die rrnlrs.utes of -he regular meting of Olu-ne 23rd.., of Juay l4th, axid stui_-Ldy meetL--,_).,S of j�dly 1A, -1-958, wezr,e approved as subr�Atled to rwwbers of '16]aa COWARYWICATIONS 1a Bur-lingame Tow- and Cozintry Realty in re: Tract 0 Quanito Acres A letter dated June 5, 1958, was read from Burlingama Town and Country Realty requesting permission to &L t:i?aot office for sale of real estate in El Qaanito Acpas Sabaul-Arlis ion. Aubrey Glang,,. £ artner in t-he ft_',x;rti of i3urlinga:Y!-',) T-ozn�n and Realty,, was irxrattenduance,, Tjj rep-j y to qac�itj-,'Tonaz f-zqa-n the 1tj Coriniiission concerning the specific type of opcl� nation proposeC), 1&r,, Glang advised that he desires to establish a real esta-L-le office for the exclusive sales of El Q�anito Acres Subdivision. ,'hal.�-r,ian 'Wlartin z-'caned a racent nerspaper it -cm publlcizlng da,reloixrwnt of the Subdivision and questiio_ned Tibt�,. Glax-ire, oo-1- coxtnirsE a reference to an archituctzs off-ico 11-ii operatic",. o-lex the si-Ce. Fred Q:ozandt, co-owner and developer of the tr'ac"(-;« ras ."_n att-en- da-ace and replied to the Chair's ii7iqui'-Ivies. 17C't: Q20-111di-, 1--hat because of build-iing probl-_,ras creat�ad by: '_Ai� iLnusual_ h 2 N a d.raftsi n has been employed by Q and t Inc. to supervise construction of the houses and to assist prospective buyers in preparing building plans. His act ivitles will be gonfined solely to El- Qua.n.ito Acres. Quon t ,tated that the ' ,a s estate r^,fl}31e and the c°�.�tr fiiomaai --oJi s,.1 30e, '1..C1cia toe" i xz the sa= building - a temporary struotmve c%onetructed by IC)aao developer for use as a field office. In 'C.''. general a4? sE,se, .ryi .o., membars ag3.'oo th—cv ,Iho was cLfic±` pt � le ' and in accordance ?3 Cth City ovd 3a-Tir.`eS c A motion. --Naas .3:2"tr-oduce by Co '3 ss:.s. a 4 Handerson that a be granted Aubx-ey Glan..g and 'Fain. Constantino., dba Bawlingar.n-o Town and Country Realty to operate a tract sales office is i6ohc subdivi si n. lo.,iown as E3 CT— anito acres lw.-611 Wat-, 6 1959; tho C o to be no assignment of the permit; to others said tract office to be used for promos ion. and sale of improver-3 an(3 unimproved properties entirely within the tract and not for lis in..g or selling properties outside its boundaries (no general brokerage activities to be carried can at the location); ; the draf'tsrw employed by the davolopar to confine hio ops�,`a.tions exclus-_vo:L.. to the tract; the structure housing -tide tr a.a-,, office and the drafts: anTs office to be --, emoved on or bef--o-rra June C, 1959. Motion seconded by Co.twdssioner Norborg and t-o-e- i oc=sly carrier, on roil call of Ila-Mbers Present. HEARINGS. 1. SUBDI ISIO-3? -Portion Toot 35', E.J. Qicen:i,-L.o l c.-, es aSubrU—v sic-,, A proposed resub� ivision of a pi3'r't-].on of f 53; E Q?aanit-. .,.cues Subdivision,, was subra tied to t-he F! amni-ng Commission on :"':'- forrual action. Mr. Fr3d Cvuandt, mr.;ner, adv:1-sad that 1.3ho res,-bdiaisiox rz; ,opose, , to shift -the common lot line betrveen o'vu 15 and? 16 in ardor to relocate an oak tree pr6sently stand-ing on LoL 16. The City Engineer and the Planning Consultant having T.ndicatec no objection to, the proposal., a maotion was int poduced- by Corm issio-aer H nderso-n that iu- e ResubdiviLlion of a pox%tion oi'* Lot 1.5, El Qua.hito Acres be approved. The rao::,Ifin was scccrad.e by Commissioner Norberg and unanimously var:,:7_ od. upon roll ti:aJ.s. 2. SPECIAL PERMIT - Patrick J. MV11ins - G-olf Dr- ping 1 amgc Burl Ingame Shore Ijand Co., A hearing was held on a special poimr Epp?ioc- t-aon oubf;�ittod .iJ. Patrick J. Mullins, 1255 Drake Avenuo, proposing at Gulf Di -ice ng Range to be located on a ;pareai c;.° :,Land inich i owned— by_ the D. rlingarce Shore Land Co" ,any. ad. -, %cent to tbz fur 'li nga city Dump. 3 - Tra,. Mullins was in attendance and subriti tt ed. for consideration a rimp of the area and dra-vi?ings indi-eating, the lair -out of the operation. Ire Mullins described the pia cemi)nt of electric lights for illu .natinZ the fair day a-.I.d stated iiha.t Ghdo0 be placed so as to Shine cc�gg.� s �_e ?.,rn�� t- e B r* re i�r ee ,i .'. f I2-. s .E. Q� � !6 i1�ti� t�� a��t}S L.+ .L 4 '6F �.'i�%t' � J .�. ��=. �/F.l on t h2as p �,'.`,�€?; 'i g area °�;.`L'�'j} l e z � t •3-'o o F?.3 r o,,%.' r � � � fT✓�� x eL 6J' EGL {,��JVt.:t 'J C.i C... T St.• 12 r: t z^r-_�..'!��" a c'xs+' a 1 e (�yyk. �{Cr oaf T.r';7 rru' 1 �^ ��rray;• o yfn, S SJ �is�4{+a.�:..J �✓. i/.._.L... .. 4s�-` U12� �%LiLL F....i..�1� Ed.g. 42 CJ., L'1� L� -j�+ _ ✓.�..}...La vJ'F✓4��. ��.I� •�J SJ.C:L•Cs tyyyy /� ^r o ., � l 55 e sic � 1 Loy ma�ryy, or 1-✓n :.� t 6'� p? _-! i7 ,C; e .- c/: 3 r c '�'tF'•7 AL�... 4 �J �.' l Sr+'.r J :d ii i; E:� aWLf iJaR.� 1��� `.fe -�i«. o.�.�. _.. �.-:.�i9 ... �+ _..0 4J T:� Y: d%...1 C• Mvil .ins state 1---hat nand-t;ary aadll be ?.ns,1-1`'l-Ie,d -uJ ou-n ?ter s'rm, to dia c tyls requ 1'�ornen".ss. CEii�nrnalssicnaxs , :mnd g referred `to a 45 -Pool; tti ye :crash fence, pro- posed to be located along the southwast_- ly iiou-ndary of the p�_;:)- paa?ty the a ayshare Freer, ay - and taueoiGioned M�*ram Mai.Zl„ ns coy corning the possibility of this L` truettire intero-v- ing with landscaping planned for the aros. by the State of Cali- fornia Highway Divi si on. In the discussion which follorye , Co ssioner Norberg gvesUoned the advisdbility of perrdtting i,.ITr$ IMUllins to Procced =-li �•33:1 project on land Mhrych has been tentatively desiLznat-a fvv(i-Iv,,_.=e; City recreational development. The Flannixig Consultant pointed out that the I VA'Id is pyRi a.-tel ov,ned and its use ray not be obs�Puctod on the basis; of rloss -1_bl acg7asit' on by the City. in reply to Chairman Mc^a`'"Lrin the i _ AtItovnGy ' <-:._,:o- h 2 he C i avy ices not have "the rigWr, to preolude ca%i �Y'L�a�o ... vq•, ;', Earl Brown, T riI y'E?boof L`F:!a City Prcok NMG s.il ry�i i:Gt' i:'.:::.{ and, in. _ ssponwe to an inqui. r franm, the Chair, advised thae, the Park Commission would find no ob ject_i on to Mlull i ns = opora •tier. provided that the property is :lryE:;iced on both ,sides as v-lal r as along the front. _Merf�crs aUmeed that the trio appeared to be suitable -,['or 'GIna location a requested Mr,. Mu.111 ns -o secure -from the Sta•Jo Iii.ghway Departniarit a ritten o-PIU-✓on concei-n.ing: ,(l s the, positions of e ig_-standards; = g (2) the pre e.. .Ei sic.._:.,_. If th-e .,av e-n tnui:,y,' 'r-eSIC]. fence -which 48 to Parallel thB �_,,,eOvrava (5) the possib Rli ty of .there being <v th State - planned landseEkoing. The Comity Engineer -noted that the drawings zubifti tted d`7d :got s nad E ate S-ayIi ax-y facilities t e s no ` it tjce supply a W; s aq -, S'�-ed that -tI _zs€� be shovtn, and in addil;ion. , = t the co �2pleted plan - be dal.Terad to his office as soon as available. All e .bers o6anourring, the hearing was cont-nued to the stud meeting of August l�lv 1958, to permit Yjr6 I�=13al-1.i--is ate. oppor- �' % officials ''i the State .�ivg1?r3ay Dvpaori;r.^'3nW, The City Engineer advised that there a question as to the ownership 3 aaof [[yy1t;Y//y1++'� portion C? ' 'i.} land,he h}'i-y€;E3 i 7ve =.'lipp�y•�{ 1 i T p?a �'♦1t%.?C for his ntl-F nce :ay. �r. !•lsu r ,:F3 o&C cd �I hall- '=a. �.l.'l Cx'.�J mighn-, be State,-,c e�yd- but 13/f x h '.Sell �7� �i�i R !'?' � i j :x a F {fir"t . rx next , S�b i.l G� � i dh1 �J a1 • 6 S� ,� Uli �J �..1 ;...._. i �.1� L�'�. ']x+rn- __'_: C2,5osby dad Gray Za Coi-,-,i .r` ny , 2 Park Road, B'trc-1iisgark?"`t`, 1'c;�?'•�.<u,._, i X;{, ._ perl,:dzsion to improve a vacant pavCio^; of 1,nanC'-Iooated, al_- :_,,O a'flad fCi' use as a pa;?king lot, irk Coms ,71i's',13 a. Operation. There being no one in attar±dance to �vssont the applicant, Chairw n Martin annotmeed that the heai ng would ba hold at •> h next regular weeting of the Commission, AL._E�ast 25 �, 1958. T-h-C Planning Consultant was requested to so not. fy the appi,I'. n - n VARIANCE - Burlingame Mo ► ar Companil - Now ayd Used ;:Dar Reconditioning on Property 7 oc ,tod at 265 1,orton Avenue e i n a 1 nC7 was hold on 4 variance Npp 'f cai o-'a ,:. ubi-d- ti ced b; Burlingame Noior �r�oigpata� eqi3c):#i'!.'ng portion of p.toP�'rt- located at �6� �it�s3.tss? zs�; '3�.t�i �npr n:�3 1�1C�. used car teecordi''s"a:?.oi'?ing and servicing, �.�vr� u� f '''f� p . nt and body State s5 az ✓ice in : a -a f the pioposed use wr_n L;n,,' t'-a a O, : oi-ii ih,-e. f ,....'_ o-.- - i ng: Clare i' • K'%iipa r o-mrior oars..' pro p--_�,vi+y 1 s'cal.ed, u3r?- i l ��Z i.�.� Cr ra.nC Lorton Avenues* Charles H. SeyrnC3w,', Jv--finer of 'i3a.'op;'rty locateC? s3url inga venue contiguous to the s-Yb.ject p_'?'17porty; 1laussC `. Electric c Corgprnv-, oeynor of p°operi:;y at 236 Lorton A. enue o Luther Car h attomey, appeared to e rresGnt the a ppliem-2ts an : advised that trm premises a c P-o5 Lo:.,con Avenue h€ a been use for wwn dears for 8a t t3aiiob le sales and- The C Motor Company dpsir-es to corzl:-- nue the same, us0 In reply to a question fro�� C a=Tan 1.Faortin, C;arl that the sales display room. fonts on Lorton ,I,v enue... The shop is located at the Fear of the buy.-,o l ng. The P'lannlng Consultant advised that '6 hs apply, c- a 'ca. o a C v2 use In a C-1 zone. Following a brief discus Lon.. in. 'stia1i cl i-e-wff wov, C.onaurxv?a Vine proposed use vxas sui I able "Go the 1aca` io_n, a 1*90t:i_o- introduced by Cs"ww`, l s S'iQner Di Gd e.`-a-! chsan that; the variance be gra rated to the Buy 1ingame Motor COV.Ip -1:5 _ taith�Otxt zsr3.�:t�.�gv mr r= a ss g !t e to others -- to opo:,�*ace on autor-ob:11 lr s077.3.co i- on e.' a o f a?� K3 a�M�3 tJS�";a � 4L ;ltty of the Juli-ngar-i v! Motois Gomp�?;� 9 Ee+ _:., _ x. }, D C L E� i' za [, i" s it s f cjt i y n 0 'ez18 LLing Cale -; 1 aol; largo criou.gh fm-- ruquir-e'iL:^c nts a j.fa built,_, I. -he s trt. oiou o t'ro;;O-d be located at tlia roar end of the lot, completely arn' (vid.osed. Chairman Martin advised- the applicants that the variance eras rm-heel,, provided that no appeal was rc cegr 3i11 prior to Tuesday August 5, 1958. The hearing was thereafter deelared concluded. ADJO'fiRMlt.L+-VL There being- no -further bus Ms^s,, the xoel-,ingr was rE3gu a:'l y adjouxned at 9:05 POLL to conveno can August 1.1., 19,58. 3