HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1958.08.11CITY ©1F .t3VAli."T�,=.�G.i70, 1PLAHI5'IMG CONKESn. T-0-Si guz Kindig s' a:I n Norberg Stivers CALL TO ORDER City Plan. cono An adjourned ragv3ac inoo lag of they Burlingam,,� (�iy Planning Cormiss on, tu" held on the above data. i`nbe-k ing called -zo order, at 8 e 0 P o Md- Cha-irmm rz "Ma?stin presiding Charm s'yrmn 1fia 'tin that this was ain ad �?'Cat:a -ned y"j^_ae'ii-if?g • h,ne reg u axx- of July 28; 1958, foil. the p-wopc�e of a Public head ng os-. an ap lica- t czia by requesting ,Perris on GO op-d ate :3 Gol i' D:?-'v'.ng Rar ge on i .u, .Ld ad_1? cei-.i s to tkio Burli;agar s2? S y Dw—n. ,, HEARING 1� AFE( AT, PERMIT ® Fa.tmoick J0 Tilul l rs - Golf Dri,,Ti g RaLace, A 18t ter dated August 10,. 1958., was bead fl-O � X a k. rick J a raquesti�� what the hearing on his applicat3 or? x,:� con�;i��ueci '-o the rmetin r of August 259 1958. The c orarizinicat,-.1 on advisf)d -i;P'C'mat , to the present tirit6, the California State of Highu;,ays had not replied to bis inquiries .concerning tlie, proper nt yr of to r Burlingar Shore hand Compare . Theve beirko, no objections frora rwrabers of the Commission, Chair- man Martin :me -scheduled the hearing to -oho regular e16ing of August 25, 1958. AOJOUR `BENT There bslrZ, no further business before the meeting, was sd jo€ -ned at 8:05 P. M4, - 2 - STUDY YBET ING The atudy ,ma.-aoting -oeg,,uIe-,-II-Y schodaled -Co- -13j"hi's caa.'Oej� wzas C;al-led, C-I to order by Ghair:zrj. INITart-Irz iwiriiediiatel-r u-oon adjaurn*mnnt of thf; special fWMc,7,!-'nr,;- roma-t-ters -k[re.ee subadItt'3d fc' rstudy.* 1. SPERGIA!, HDRURIET -- Botte-r - DTY'-St'rcv-L; par-Ung Jot noxtft--marly side of Doiynelly Aveivye John Broderick, the Bevv'-.toor Burl ingame Pu2zociat:Z - a3'i .and the Chamber of Cowwarae sub.ri-ditted ary. application to tho Commission requesting a perrait to -,M ofif-street paa�'kfIrx,-,, lot on the nocet.1herly side of Donnelly Avenue. Mr. Brodorick ad- vised that two aid joining vacant parcels of larA.,. with a coiy.bined frontage of approximaitely 130 feet on Donnelly Avenue, are avail- able to be utilized for the purpose. Far-ty-seven pera*ing will be leased on a monthly basis to provide all -day namrah-ants and araployaes,, thereby convenient `olose in-11 parking to shoppers. Mr. Broderick advised that the propertiris, are privat-elly cmnea,,- `the Better Da-rlingawe Association b-- ler-ses and tho Cha?lalbe:,d of Commerce will assuim the duties of whiich W.-cht result flrow- the operation will -evert to the lard a�vna-rs,' A sketch was subrract-bed indlicating, drive-wetys, posit.7.on a1' I/ I� A--,, spaces, ate. T7as noted that thex,& as no provision Y-,i landscaping. The Plqi7ning7 Consultant referred to the prov--I. s I (ms of t1is o-1-5.j.n.EnIce recrairing a 3 foot strip for planting at- tl:."o -ear. Mr," -R-Iann suggested that,, in addition to this, a double Mil fence be in- stalled arA that the 2 foot strip in the front.-, shaqw- on tho diag-ram, as pavemenrb, be planted. 'Mr. Mann observed that the two sides bordering contq*rcial propertles did not raquire plant- ing strips. Tjat , Brodevick st-atec,' that perhaps the Lnrvdono and fencin.g V-31.0- the rear p.-­aperty,I'Y­ne, beIrZ the backyard. camas W" il-lhe harae;� on Bellevue Avenue., lwoxxld suffice. Commissioners were unanimous in thoir eano-lu.910-n that the Avenue 'E�nontaage be planted. Yx-. Broderick `,,as va'quested to with the City Mianagar coneernir-.g prob]kler�,-s af xa*]'JYGIePw.nce� The applica-Gion was scheduled for hearing �xia Aug'notb -25. ';.171,58t, 2. PES,UML:%D1VTSj0j7.% - pa - "A" -:(.,rinds of An appl-iontiox-t to va-subdi, vide tllhe lands of 1. Bsarinl;r located on the Old Eayslirloye Hig-hvu-ay, sWortil CI f`or rz;-Tlav�,T, Dr. Bearixit, was In attendance and adv-18-zd. that said. P.ropcsez to estab! is'la TSqrael In reply to Chairman Martin, the City Enginee-r advised that the Yrap was thematically .`".".t. rre--t but es?p—, e s.-Io 'E con cer a ov('r the absence of -ny plans for s t .-z eet mpragem-ents In the ge::le� a'-1r.. discuss on, it was poir4tod me6 'GJ-tS L Dr,, Baa-t through a Series of resubd isions has sold foLzn parcels - Gho prese=- apjC,°l.''. catl on making w tGo till Of f"!.v o . Dry atven tion was called to the fact that avant€tally there ri-ouldl, haFa to he the -nae- m-a City street i pr°ovetf4::1a't`,sy including, curbs, gi -hers and possibly sidewalk. He was quest-10 e," as o T}*hather he vms passing this infb-mmetion on to those people who ware buying portions of his property so that the City mrould have no difficulty in placing the i mprovemnta rhea the time came. Dr,, Bearint expressed the opinion that this was not a matter for imadiate concern and had no bearing on the application at hand. Chairman �N?artin questioned the legality of the tapplicatio , pointing out there vas a possibility that the pl ovi ions of the State of California Subdivision Act might nary -well apply. In the absence of the City Attorney, the m tter= was referred =: o the Planning Consultant to be resolved -tzl th the Atto-mnsy prior to tlf.e time €Yf the next regular meeting. The applieati on was scheduled for hearing on August '25, 1.958, 3. REC LASSIVICA LI MI - Egan:*y E. and Aim C . Ho--or,ung - Properti o> on Howard Avenues bot ;roe—x. €°el Camino Heal. and Oscan[ Avenue from P-1 to —4 An application was s 7bm3tted..requesttin reclassi.floationa from R.—"' (f a rst residential) to h-4 (fourth residential _,,r=z�tl t:+ afamt ly ) of 21 p roperUes on both sides of Hm-ard Avenue from El. Camino 111eal to Creseent Avenue. A petition sued by the proparty owners was submitted, al.one� with a letter dated August B.. 1.958., signed by Harry n and Ann C . Hornung citing the reasons for proposing gist c"Minge .. For the In-f''or .tion of those in attendance,, the I'".1as-.nin_g Cons�.�:� - tant called attention to the 6 proper�ti,es on .one s tl-ceet w,;�nich were not i:nel ladod in t1m petition., and advised that these may not be considered in any way a part of the appl icati mi at hand. Chary=,gi n Martin recognized Mr. Hornung, who :identfif ie hi.mse]-f as sp o�,za sr n for the group s Yam,, Hornung stated that the mom., achy of property mmmers feel that the area can no longer be considered tiered first -residential in vie of the _many illegal multi -family imi s that are in existence:., ivy, -lox- rung ment--ioned specific viola t? on e ?here supposedly single- family dwellings 1-.,.ave been converted to =:.i:� ,-ee or four unit apart— ment houses bringing, to the: ov ers the advantages of income pro- perty. It?. Hornung im7.?itained that the ails :' vsho,,;.L be — 4 — extended to all through the proposed. rezoning. .•}�y���numbe�°�g��ayf persons inn atte'�y.3:i��..nce }sy�polxe w a� � � dry.,■�I zo3}1gart, :.512 �SGi'tlCa Avenue:- i':L P L. WaluL?d.L.L.a, 3_53 k'���Li Gib."a1 ���,,,,en a: C�i al•'iz:� .,T. Hasty, 15434 lffa'ar='. Avenue; rl'red E. An'v crson., 15,15 A-vanue . All expressed therrigelvern in favor of thi ? � ;� � � :?:��`?_e`t� G.o can oil 'he base that they wo-ald be legally enti t ed tr ot:tent7 --heir pro - parties to include rental uses. In edscazssing the R-4 de.si.gna.ion, the Planning Con-su'lta�A remi nded members that the City is not restricted to grant that cla.ssi.f'ieation but. may, as a result of the hearings, revise to R-3 or R-2e Chairman Martin expressed the opinion that "this is more than a normal rezoning on one street G the Comm scion will have to con- sider the vhole area." In the general discussion, members agreed with the Tema-rks of the Chair. The Planning Consultant was raquesbDd to prepare a land use study and the City Engineer compile data relative to possible street work that may be required on 11anard Avenue there be a change In zoning. The applicatic.-�r was scheduled f or 17jea --11.n ;- Aug. -L ?5,s 1958. 4, COWUNICATI ON w City Manager in re a Reope sty of -:b:? .t1rs b Kermit William-s. A letter date 'la' t e, 1958, -was read from ':;ho 'City ��ar�.ager- concerni. i e d r�Vtrs s Tff:?''rrlt Wil i,�- m-9 �?e ng €a.. 6® foot :'�' '?.�i located �'a; the €�stmx ly termdnus of Broadway - a,nd a contampla.tec' annexation of said strip to the Tom of H 1.1sber.Tough. A letter dated August 1, 1958, frora Aaron 11T Cohen, Attorney .re.. presenting the property owners, was read adr i.siy�g (..)f their p1sons to petition for annexation and requesting a recommendation from the City of Burlingamae The a or ,niica --ions, were accepted for filing -p -ndi ng of formal doeumaents from the Town of Hills xroug,'r3 .to t.l request, 5. CONICATITiq - Cor=ission to CitN Cravat:.?. In re: Zon=wng Enf oreerinnt The final draft of a "letter to the City Councia co_tcerr?ing and rreaans of enforcing the C # ty' s zcni ng oirdlnM2.ce and pre von b ing illegal uses of pvope -tyj, was revseweci 1-Unor ray: isiona were suggested a an Informal poll of nrembb�ers present approved the revised draf •15. Commissioner Stivers qualified his assent. with- the remark that the last three lines are unnecessary, The communication -un-us thereafter direct,-d to be tra.nsr-1 tied to the City Coun±i.'l. - 5 - 6. CAPI-TAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM The Plan -ring Consultant reported tharif.-, the {.:i,;y Manager wal! rr_ue�, h the Cara wis; ion 3n the near futur to dIsc;uss rm— tters saelated to pceparat�ier��n- Too the Capita Budget. 7. y'I7 r..sma:lac.:caw- There being no iiinSher rrmt tters f©r discussion., the rwating was adjourned at- 9:45, P tr, M. Respectfully submitted EVERETT K. KTlldDIG Secretary