HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1958.09.080, "'.1TY UP BYUR1,.f CrA1;lu � rat is+>Tt`}f7 �)'ii1� it dd Syri]; 54-: .. !3 1 w c a, ha r'C'31M B o r b se, , ,,,,; C�A`L TO ORDER A meeting of the Burlin_: ame City Planning C€ mnT;Is_�jino . was he'd '1'� '1�( ubov„ dte .;,e e t .wngcalled. to order at 8'.'0'5 P�mr„ Cha 4-in. iding Chairman Plart.i anr-,.O:.i°5.t9ae. this was an. adjo'arYJed ,me-at;.Ing x"O'gutlar -uee q; I $Er of - gust 25, 158 a for `"ho purpose of coe'At,`I ixuL '.ngt' a public hear'.ua!�®n 3�bCtt�teau t � g�rs � opera to e Golf DriiJng Rauige Bwai"= �; A hearings co ?.• ..:aarti:.._or the regular .x.eting �of Augrusi held on taa.2Eqhes,.k3;Pa-trick J;1-NAl%}, 1.2/Crk`.� >_l�,ni,i, •G �.,,(�.� • •'r �.�5�'3: ;F�7` j• � �.<T4�i=:.�:. a..•1.t�.' •.:i.•..: >i.'� Ixe n .fearo secaL permit to operate fGo f Driving RC .lt6e on by the Burl i afsie Shore Land Compaay,, adjacent : o 'thai Dump Mrs, Patrick Pluill asn In attendance, advised that she t,.ias3 to discuss the. application with the Commission, in thn� absence of M1•., nti;i.lVns• who was away from the city,, Mrs. l'-jullica.s submitted a letter From the State of California Highway Department, 'writteia under date of Aub- us¢ 2.8,, 1958,7 in which it was pointed out that tt,e a x.Alt described on the plot plan submitted by Mr,, Mullins Infringes upon State awned property and must be relocatadd The communica iota further requested that the fLain.,iay be laid out `o that its use would not offer a hazard to traffic aloxv,,- Ra shore graaway_ C.om-= meats oere PIso made sooncarrA% ng the benciug, and 1_'ightink--, proposed to be installed In iscussi � the .revisions to be made to Pripet the;jUCjgestNj.r.)1�;3 of i;Qt Highway Depar�tm®-bt,, it ways noted that the c lu hoase. alid�1_�_s must be rearranged to make: way for the new e° ;,tra::.+1e., lal addit t r:.;t. SaaiaUlt't apD::c^d that the 'Ei3rca f Should koC�-AE'% to ?'ta3x !.a ?,C??�' t v.y a(ra''os the prope 7 Chairman Martin advised Mrs. Mullins that ;he Comutj_; lion was z�e'tt nt to teak ar,,t.iea in, the rubsence of a plot Plar, incorpo 't ajE f;es ' 4— T 55�= Citytab _jyL�ti �''�:Ci,���w 'i i .F��aE�a ?i,�y "*d'�.. ..^ .ry:{� J v:'v r..,i r,... �:s .. tions, also drai nags, be b:a oM fitted for 1 ..0 .appl'o-la" ;.� x„ ds a t, , 1n a tic, i �`'. , +�:. A �C3t`� Gil�n �. 3.t fk�:.kR�.q��t. by Comm��titii ,. �a'.7�. �' ��.--�:;�: �' �`� �,Y3�.. � E=^ 'S%'�" �4 'r;�';. tin -clad c 'ho; .&'a Zul r< .".iae li J of ¢. cam.. ll; ey �.'m' ' 22 ,.3�`3 Est.: ^�^ �! s� a •..:'� sf�t' :.,a 4. :..1 F.+' L .. ✓ �'�'•:. s' i._. 11Xd1. a v _cat t 8in cxpotsri,iwU t.y to px'apare and -tag ri-Alt F_ ra vripjec :plot p'1ax 'Fete n e i a , v _ a e�a Ta 1 a F; c, s r F r 9 d' re.;_; t_;-a s .rC .`.i? is tut i}. %L cri ets? + .;r ..J°S ?.(. r. fu'dEsCp"e - business- before ,ri!Ei 'spe <11 !1i4::F'''F..�3'ZF' #., ��✓:. �:�� STUDY N6ETING The study meeting., regularly scheduled for this date, was called— to order by Chairman Martin. immediately upon adjournment, of Gk�' meeting, The follovj1ng matters wexa submitted for study I a Portion t` Block 8Es'i,:�P�Mills A'O , 3 . A resYabdivisi.on of he property of Robert V. F=oAnir?clb. loca led -2' Block 8, Mills Fs Late Subdivision No., 3 L was submlt��.,�c t'or vex iow - The re;subdivision proposed to establish Parcels aadi 2 2, fronting or, fsagn,ol is A venue A member of the �^eal. estate firm of Uo] dc",ell- anker Co-riip• iky spol�e as representative of Mr. FjcAZc�C:� and advised `t:�2€'t the "�'Sl b''l:f }r:F.'.'sa?'�=;': requested to permit a sale of a portion of the proparty, The City Engineer and the Planning Consultant stated that the :appl_'?­ cation was in order. The hearing was scheduled for the regular meetiy%, September 221, 1958, 2. ITBUIVLSION Parcel. "AI' - Lands of Bearinto An application submitted by Dr.. B, To Bear;nt requesting permissloy, to resubdivide a portion of his property on the Uld Bayohore Highway was considered at the Au6ust 25, 19589 meeting and continued to this meeting to permit further study on the matter of street improvements,.. The Planning Consultant stated that., all were: aware of the need al,• some; futures time for curbs, gutters and sidewalks but in vied of the fact that a great part of the property is presently UAder water, the question appeared to be one of proper timing for cons truc.tIon of Said improvements The C1.ty E sneer oi:. ted out that two paroel_s have been filled and are occupied and t�e ii.11ing operation on e third parcel is nearing completion, ' Commissioners questioned the, City Attorney concerning Installation of street improvements once the land Is in use and were advised that: this can Lim a c 1Ct n-p i shed through the f o tm-stion of a.t..+ asccpaswtent, consent of' a majority of Property owners", Dr, Bearint. exuress'ad assu--rancs t.t at the area 'v3!ou d be properly with the-- required 2 fib1 i d fa"x alllties Dr, ..See ` he , a -;r cG:;r49`Clkiatl he w-;as nol'. prepared at this time tc, unde,�take the improvement r [irk and requested. approva.. Of the resubcaivisa.or c t ._a � ,,.,�•.�t. r i , r,,, 15.1' .i,. �'"� i:.'. Ci: said improv, Rieman The C it- to rtonrY!,a yf ra »�d't�isd gi--jas not; hat it w d.'L :_tom: eon,.JtS.Cun; 1lv" and :svZ asted as an L a su: d agr--oe,,me1t_.,, fatt? :?R i� by bond. guarantees '!6 th(: y tlpro m.. 0.ts Dr., .Bi`earint ha:i'ei.Fpon r ques'[ ed t'1hat yh, matter be L'nt_� l ,,, in positica to make. a cCamw me dt on the street, vdoI, Commissioners agr'ae ° ngD I., ��pplicatic� z Y'�que:stis t st�bdij� .s� inn c.° "Parcel AQ Lands of Bearintf5 was tabled, pendinL an appeal, for reao _ side;ration A request from Person er: Wik,!no., concerning purchase: of a strl.p of city land on the cornea of Broadway and Ssrvice Ro,-,d was referred the Pla°zning Commission for report and recommendation 'tea the City blanager. A letter dated cJulY 30, 1958, was read f .Cam Pe.rsora Wilcf lyia,, , yid v Ui Ing that said strip. adjoins their property ar"ad tbey der.ssirovt o securing ownership rights, The communication �ient-f o3.dnd thet the:-,, appears to hive no value to the City nor tc the State of Callfrrni and suggested that it be declared surplus to permit a ealez Oscar Person was in attendance and stater 'chat in the event his company is permitted to make the purchase, the oppor -unities for develop- ing or leasing their land, directly ad joiniD4. the strip will be breatly increased, The Plainning Consultant mentioned that originally the Department of highways had purchased land in excess of their actual needs. The excess was relinquished to the City for Its purposes, hr. Mac., ralsa�.z the possibility that the City may at a future date require this for street widening purposes Chairman. Martin advised Per. Person that tine request would be given formal consideration at they regular meeting or) September 22, 1958 and, In the meantime, members of the Commission would. inspe~ot th6 site, 4. hYATT HOUSE m ADV.:at` TISIAG SIGN, A request from d., Richard Shelley, architect to erect a rrmaae� �txt. siGn on tine grounds of Hyatt House Hotel,, `13, B yie horej H_..whwayn Was referred t® they Planning Commission by the City Nanagerr A letter dated August 20, 1958, from J. Richard Shelley was read in which the sign was described as a freeastandingL illuminated sign, -3- 40 feet Ilde 'bY 7 --cat hi-1h.., P-porte�' 11)-a ste'e"t ar'll, f orma sa.o' tr 'o-- A? extendin,8 "'1, feet 6 inchas fr-czzi 6rade t .e ape-Z, c; f b1i r h- ropresexlt'-I'aj�� apf';, s- --b t _41P.0 'e and a d r a 7a 2. x of t- a, pro -posed i-1hat th- i I typical of thos-� that are use of, 11ya-iit, Hious('-'. 1-1ote;ls in sout-hax-u Califorrlia_ If -he -r - EA J.be 4 propor'"Ono and dessign held to essent4a! for the ftof the proparty" T- he- 1 4:1 ri P, el', Y I S 0 d 'Ghat the; oTd lz'vl nn'e re etri c16,s kie.li Ek)t standi ag '7� a -ad J onod -k t�ia (f 20 fe,311 �Yl -ree %t muLzit take cognizanc�---,� of the p-re�aad-ent Fa;-,qpa(- - bearine, In wind futlj. sign constzuct-1-cin in the industrial. -Or, Diann sug6esv,-,:°d thr-G' -i h,,z applicant corvr.Idu'v a r00'LV' sig'_:(. as an alte:ur'�ative,' The app"Lleation. Taas schedulad for formal ryortsld.---r-atlon on Septewbar 22,, members agreeing to visit the site prior to that time, 5,, RECLASSIFICAT ION - Howard Avenue i,yest of E!, Camino Re, -AL, i%a application by -Hand. AnnA C. submitted- to th'e Commission for public hearin-, a,- L) 1�� .1, Lhe re(-,-ular mee,'-ip.8 on Au-ust 2.5, 1956, requestod reclassification of cartalrk propart,11es on Howard Ave.-Aue between Ei caxmino Real and crescent Avenue, The hearing-, was continued to "Ghe regular meetim, in ssptealbar to perwit (1, oyriimi v sf).cners an opportunit-y for further study, Chairman Martin requested comments from Lw�-wbers pxresent, Commissioner Henderson stated that i--a 1-11s opinion a change in zoning would not offer a solution to the problem of illagal uses within the neighborhood, Commissioner Henderson sugges"t-led that considamtIon be given to a program of redevelopment to bring new apartment house Construe- tioa to the City. Commissioner Norberg expressed concurrence with the above remarks, statinL, further that on the basis of comments which were heard at the time of the original public hearing, it would appear that none of the property owners were Interested in anything more than reconversion of, or additions to, existing dwellings, There was considerable discussion concerning the area bounded by Occidental Avenue, Howard Avenue and the %l CaminoMembers were In agreement that there were many facets to be considered beyond the specific problems related to the Howard. Avenue properties. 6. SPECIAL PERMIT Tondo Trucking Company, 1278 Rollins Road, An application,, submitted by Mansfield Garratt, Jr., on behalf of Tondo Trucking Company. requested rmission to establish a truckiiag operation on property located at lr78 Rollins Road,., Mr. Garratt was in attendance and advised that there are four tucks in operations picking up and delivering freight at various points along the Peninsula. There is not any warehousing at the present time but the freignt is handled and the truck loa(Is asserr)ed at the Rollins Road locatior.-. 113, bl-e S,,ncecd- D.-I -,-.-,Ould tlu.,it tlhi�j viili i f r 0 V. I a, 1, bzic--imil-Ise of 'the dimenalons the 10,11-1 a.nld of d suff.)-clent, 'for t',nac-le. storage and parking, fir 1-ow-Cr. on. Tvis can se Wi4-h Option. j at z prop,�)rtel.,-� �nn,ictt be ai.v� --l'13--oble, 7. PRUP032ED RSSOILTUTI09 10 RE -tE.MIPATI OF ROOMS., A ,Droposlag to ragulate rental of roomps in, prl.vti-le Ci - w7as hold fo,- a later ADJQWINX�;.--,'.'�°T Ti,ere being Yxo -furtner matters for discussion., tah-.a msetLn.g ad.,- journed at '10:20 prm, Respectfully, submil,.-,tedl) I �-,-verett K, Undlg Secretary -5-