HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1958.10.14Ki ad iw6 A 0 r 0, aa rg 01,U4:,J TO URDER .c. .i• .`,s$�S ?..s '._{E: fi"_':. n �'i-Fa 7LF i`•' S`�:e" ;..._i _�.5 �" M 11RJT IES Dlederich^en F J. % g'e1' a. rt in Study meeting October 14D 1958 City Engineer Miarr Plan. Cans, Tlie roailarlS;aleiit.ed wee tinof 'E'Ile Ala ' `Z ii v �. if�31r1 �,:r was held on the above date. He e f J.n; kt� 1_ _t:..'1�.. ii tJ o... 4,.4.. LF. J 8 : 0 Vice -Chairman Slivers -oresldin,i± In the a se.o.aa of Charripa1i? QC'�UBEft F� CsUf xh � fLl�sia SCHEiiUhEDo The PJUNn lr4,; Goiasu .ta.nt advised that the date of the ()cWo aer x�egul_-:.- of td cy t G,i1 tE3. �€3:s (3Y"i col�f ���►f.� L�J n q9-� e- � f �± ` with 't s..f3._f'e. e'1?i d (ic "�C � 0 thL. Lea.-lae of Calif' ra a.a �� .liea ^cYid `3u,tested th&t, tSse meet''n6 .-3 3£,(,'"i?9`.,'4, Cr Members concurring„ the next regular meetinb of the Comu;isslo.c 'Was scheduled to be held on Thursday, October 0,, 19586 FOR STUDY to ti1ESb!BDIV T610A A.. D PUd31J.EC IM RO rVE-5•&s`7ri. S Lqf< 14DS 10i, '2- ? n BEii Se. „i,i.!T ta1s 5 s �a " r� ,ate b �i C��` n 'The ...a.a�t?�.�e.gU�C's�Fl�.ta�.�t rC'.ca� t.ed tr,at Lii�t�.eP C���,� (3s. �� pt. Ln� �•'�' .l..�?`�i, 'G{1�., Commission con al der,& an app-1_icat15 on sublLtit te:'' by �_,I, R ,':�``'adj1. k resubdi iris on ofa '30* tlon. of 1-Us p-'open y "located along H _5 6hway e The matter of public s i.devjals,, '= r" , etc,. was discussed and approval of the appi:?C`,Sti;:OrL Was with4he]_d .f•'c3pSdifag a Statement from D.-. Bearint concerning accomplishment of said li prova -- ments acting C'liairwan Sti.ver-s recognized Robert Thompson, Lattorney, repreaee n.t nC Br. Bearint, who advised that subsequent to a recefi:t meeting'; aaith the City tittorney, Casty Eankjneer and Plan i n,_, Consultant concerning cot!s"t:rue. tion of public improvements,, a plan vias devised waich would appear to offer an adequate salutiono Mr. Thompson reed from s letter written under date of October ?, 7_9,58, to the above -mentioned city officials., it which. Dr. Bearint offered!, as a condition of the proposed resubdivisi.on D to enter into an impilu remefiet, agreement with the City of Burlim.e. �e to provide necessary � pub: -ic '_;� rrents in accordance with city specification,, the wore to commence na-u later than three years from date of the s_mpizovement aLznizome lt, or time that a building permit application for new, construction should re filed, whichever date is sooner-. The letter further stated that Dr.- Bearint was ;oreparud to furnish a bond in the sum.of 4r7,000.00 L. wt�aiute construction, of the improvements. ' '..3 ouit—. th Ualc �:! L .r ... iis.{.bEa,J teCl by"Drya C;.. a`G,�a]—ld a subdivision agreement, proposing to a ;oomplish public im- prc 7ements as required under the provisions of the City 9 s subdivision ordinance, and expressed ;she opinion that the me tter should be processed is accordance with said ordinance Mr. Thong?er stated that this would require txtesst vi� �ins, work , invo lvin--6 cons:ide able expense which Dr°. Bea? iza s z?t3 6 p,s.°r p'a- red t: take at the present time. Mr. ` hormpson noted that a sub i;.: a-1:,. pox 0.01 of the prope�'t is -under .�Ta er adding �G��c the '��.fficulty C.sf'�E':-tC:!b°1_±�13�_.t ` a Acting a`�..'+�'vy}},�... boundaries.. stated �.••.. � L ]�. amount- I-� tt j� yy Acting Chairman `St fivers 7�tated that the a��oun- of -11he R✓o�d proposed. by Dr, Beapint did not appear to be sufficietit A repro, sentative of the contracting firm of Visk� Fire.-aze and FicL3an was in attendance and advised that the �7t000.00 oast was prepared by that f J.rm and considered a. proper estimate After some further discussion, the City Engi:ieer '. as- requested to con-fer with Dlr: Bearint: concerninr, the extent of improve.ments necessary to meet the City ` s standards, Problems conces nin6 lethal ►:y of W.-ie L?.'✓,o.p aseid agreement were referred to the City attorney, In reply to an inquiry from the City L;nj�`cneer cono:erning underground electrical. conduits, Commissioners indicated that these did not to be necessary and that overhead -wiring sho-uld suffice. Vie aopl .action was tsviereafter scheduled for hear vn; a> the x�n�ui�._= mae .sag, October 30, 10 8 2 o Ph R3L Jo S Ui>GRUN 101 RE: VARIA-ACE S'- ACE ::ET —BACK, Paul. J,,, Spurgeon, 1.104 Mills Avenue, appeared to discuss with Commissioners the matter of a fence,.iahich has been constructed in violation of the J ordinances, on finis property located at the southeast corner of the i ter•-= section of Mills Avenue and Laguna Avenue Kira Spurgeon advised that the fence was placed along the side yard line to provide a sheltered patio area. A sketch was submitted and Comm 'sieeaerc discussed with Mr. Spurgeon the possibilities of ramodelinj; or reloc;a'=Ing portions of the fence, Mr. Spurgeon via plstructed to submit a torritten, statement pr�asen.tirk;, alon- ditions of hard/Vit ch may exist and other justifi-:at7on which woulU. rant consideration of a variance. The subject was scheduled for formal cons ide V a t-Jon on October 30 � l`, 5,8'' -2- I-e a.! tor., and C a rl Yo I Loe;)ke of time �',Us i Corooyat' on_ fr-tady arae ft .2 .siion . a c, I -o I -.a 1� vo? V_ �-��de o-F E-s C!amino n aooi�_, as -_F-c�t 10 end Port -ion W, L'ot 12, 10, n h, y G ­e cr I vnaN zl offl ,�ce 2,j CO= h_c, t a C, a I nto ch Sr no a a e. i Ci opi­a, on t `G h e ent-.1 C..,;: 12. Mr, Pdair_n In, Fr numbar of se.*oarate -P,�i r c e I s of 3-and a v o. I `zo be deirejo-uedl to thLat as a fond off he variaace, a r,_­ one uni and. su6ges -1 U subdivis_i.on maT_) be filad� upop- completioa o1' t,he developr,,.,ent,,, whiJ. n1l wou -z' ]-ot I ine s "I'-L e r-r% h c h vi n- u o c a `P om,hapJ_n frazatage, The a -o tiled for- P I Ca t i on. tesa is b, ch e a 4� iQ_P&Q_LAL PER PI -IT - FIRST BAPT7,ST CHURC', A a applica t ion f o - a _--pe c _JaI permait *�o u, se s j.),- rc)o.m at 808 El Camino Real for sunday zehool e_,I_--;SrseS altd you."L-1h submitted by the Yjirst Bapti-st Ghurch,, hr. F. E. Jeiinin6s , representing the applicant, Submitted a olot- plat. an reviewind same, Commissioners suggest6d that -bile driveway lead'"ae, into the property from El Camino be closed off is the interests of traffic safety and as a protection against - trespassers during the hovtrs triat ILIhe property is not in use. A statement accompanying the application listed a number of recommen- dations from the City Fire Department, whim Mr. Jenaln6s advised would be accomplished, The hearins.was scheduled for October 30, 1958, 5. II&SUBDIVISION -'* PARCEL "B" , BLOCK Ig, HILLS ESTATE NO. An application proposing a resubdivision of the lands of the California Teacherst Association was submitted. Jack Van %andt, engineer, representing the applicants, advised that tile resubdivision will establish Parcel Ort with frontage on Ogden Drive, hr, Van 'II-'andt called attention to the fact that In compliance with a previous request from members of the Commission, the owners of the property had authorized abandonment of certain superfluous lot lines.' The hearing was scheduled for October 30, 1958. I %)+ oposing ea chat a,6e in. z:l^��e, com.,ilion lot liar 6 aInd Z E'. Eau an to Acres z3ubdl vs on i-,ia 1 si-,Ibm? t met T'a reN,7 F_d no""ad i.:hat a or, Lot Irs, relat- E.o-n to the exist2lnd lot itne, T.;a a n�, n w s;� yi+ r T r -s rr y ?�c.. E>�E�t i.?lL`L.. •.�,Q:. �°<.;. tre'`s i6e.ate�Q �3let1�Ey[+�q}�f�.0 g'y�iS': {!��-.�.d.��°�.f 6 o l 3 [�` rf'LI /';y':��L .d ��-d�.;�(.'{!D �} 1A e'�54(�3� S3 QCS qS iO RUIrJaCC�, `d ��d)..'14.13 .. ... .✓ .. C ivi p '.!-ls eS raid, 840 .� al c�'a �� i[. �.:. ,,- !.. F� -.F td.i. L S ,`d °.;i�I _'•., �e.2L0,1?.-v:- :3; ) i ian to C'.oL :ztruC t Ct '-E- a t t1(�L idsz-age 'sGfaild. �,;'�}E,�,' on her jlY°� Z�Cs='i-�;c c E.;�S sitE;isciA 1F;;?bi:dtt M s _ �' �wc ��. `tglao-, c;o L� -64he rQi, m to be G_a rr +�,� ._'aar p� ape).'ty ..S_:1.}'}o .._Y.s V Le ....� 6<• . '�.i... Of,.' lee C $ -� , t3 V art - 1Sance s O Commissioners offered a number of a;AL—,a-,ia1%iiros in an effort. to assy.st MrBo FitzA,erald and s jg6ested that rev`+sed_ plans be prepared pri-or to Mint, a formal application,, Consideration of a pro -posed set of i'v ti tic%' affeCt3t'ZE; )r::%' rooming houses within the City was postponed to a futuie-, date., 9. CITY f+,t- AA-Gj�R IA FIE, CAPITAL MPRQ1V&ivj14AT PROGRAM., The City Manager discussed tkie operation of a capital improvement ' udA et and expressed at;reemelnt with 'the theory of planning for cup'i.tal. .'_rprot,e- m entse his, Schwalm noted that ti-jere was a great deal of viork to i)u done and, of necessityg financing and actual_ work must be accomplished or, a priority basis. Mr. Schwalm commented that if a properly documented plan were available for Information of the City Council and tree priass this would bring about a better understanding of ,;;hat must be done and why. Assembling of material would not be easy but this would appear to be the proper approach to bring the city°s plants to present day standards, . DJUURdMEA1f There being no further matters for discussion, the meeting was adjoun ed at 11:00 pom, Respectfully submittedo Everett K. Kindig Secretary 4-