HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1958.11.24H Ii' F 9 M�,',.g COIPIVIISSTUAS,'RS ABSENT y- s O 3 ICAU U TO F sR5e6Q A regular wee :�. n6 of the Burlingame City Planning Commi sS i on was h:3W o the above cz`. m o . a° ea t ing called to order at 8: 05 p.m. Chairman Partin presiding,, Minutes of the De ula... m.s_-'e'> rn6 T.p'.f October )Or 1958, ai? j oLi.p id :..;iso QYi!'% Phil ... sti._ I�tA;. it A let ev d_: Wit'.::`_ November 6, 1958, E, from Paul Fwi G Spurgeon pe F `:,i ..oneu t :?`w hills Avenue, Burlingame, on vh4r b:i_.. t A00 prerc ent restrictions iw.posd a kzurda'.` 1p upon the owner and he 4.3w.Ss.d,._ tive buyer of the property. The Cgsp3�.'iiim�.�"'ivation pointed out that the fence is embedded in f3vF�.4:.:s'abe and the 4.s.�`cxpa se of relocation would be prohibitive. Further, thee, _ .:n ya.t. of the . an-c.ed-ln pat o area would nullify a sales agreement, wHich has ♦beennegotiated (R,Fitt,� on g';����<y��a.$�prol'3e �ss��'p�:(�gx"�)C���p this, [win te rnt would i.�..C,erfera ith Mr. ase of In concluKon the communication proposed and requested approval of variance oa the following: (l) The present six cot fence to be we rained an Lagurz Avenue for a distance of 19 feet from the rear prop' l: line e (2) The remainder of thz property along Laguna Avenue and o Mills Avenue to be fencod to a maximum height of 37 incheso tha 37 Wnn3�; to be i�re1no with t �1 top o an existing W support which extends along , In reply to Chairown Martin, Planning Consultant ANny deEcribs? tiQ present fence as c`a hazard and stated that, i nh`i,c_ opinion, ' Ke "3?;:•i:. submitted by the applicant would appear to corract thto o A � ha'a' ::., aoted thatt hM proposed height of 32 Inches exceeds the legal r ?.. Lr 0136 inches and the Commission has the authority to grant the nTt.eq A a d Y; 0, 2 0' b M U k" d i aaw a t1nie Y E�i Oo I o Y e tf'! _C. 22 K,enizoav a a p p I _ 5. ea, t J_va t o re su b d v J. d. a of t 22 , SK e rjw�i -a -P 'f 'e b 1.1. t t 0, , t., V e th to establllsh Lo""-. f. and Lot 22J_Jth .71 clt'v- ­ha�- VFac presen't (51 J. 2 a -`To )U! the P r 0 V 10 cu"l !-;-I lu il! a d- C. t-y 's t a -1 1 d I t 10 -r-, Parcel S !U;`) A 1 e t t. 0 4 's prope�rtyr to tho-zj an adeQziate easaniieint foxr tllaa a t in red _Y o Chezivp..Tail ''Ila.rtin, C-itly Attor-riay Karmo3l_ thj'at the mtian may be approved conditional upon accomplishme-at of �hc; and acre ptaince by the City Council, Chairman IN'lartin Invited comments from those in attendance. Mr. William Garibaldi, who Identified himself as owner of Lot 21, im- mediately southwesterly of,the subject property, spoke in apposition to the resubdivision,, Mr. Garibaldi declared tiiat placement of two houses on the lot would obstruct his view and Interfere with the full enjoyment of his property, Mr. Luke Davis, 2628 Summit Drive (Lot*20, Kenmar Terrace) expressed the opinion that snould the property be subdlVided,, there would not ba sufficient area to permit construction which would be In conformity with surrounding properties. Mr. Davis requested that the hearing, be ostponed to a later date to Dermit a representative group 0,1", ng owners an opportunity to a'ttend. Chairman Martin advised that the application - proposed a. legal resu.b­ divislion and that the lots were .well within the -required minimums., Commissioner Henderson questioned the validity of the objections which, were presented and noted that the matter of the view and the typoe, of dwellir,g to be built were not .within the jurisdiction of the Commisiion_ -2- �� t - i J. Dal Becco acdvised -e-, a.b1z) !oerr,,ber 8, 19 tLe pvoposed locaij,,ions of the. A midi, t!;7as J_n*tn,)d,,.,1,ced b%7 CXuird;ss,*f.,.oaer Hand -arson tkia-t the ap-91-5i.cation be contAnued to 16he- meatin6 of t-scember 8, 19-1-518. seconded by COMMISS10-n-ar DiederIch-c-C-21- e�.nd Carried una.-n-imously On roll Call. c -ed 1-o M-. Da� Secoo -k_i"-O- & -onfereni-e, n, h.a,� _flnaS5 svlt�Esu P po-Xt-Y 0w-ro- Jf�`." 'oo e metoud s_tUlemoik !cIf bjAl-or_cs,, 2. _'Lot 184 � 'L t is bubdJ,,.,J.,:.A_oa,,_ Aa, appi-iczation proposing a resubdivision of luo`G 18, Ca.Voitt , a-6, "61u 11-he 11"Olo-mmission 'Vor fo)�matl aolt"i0a by rive, Dal ZR-C'eco" representing the oc.Tller, Clav,o:Lyu W,, Con,don� Said .-esubdivision proposed to establish Paroal A ;and,-. Parcel B i--iith frontages oa La­ui�o Avenue. Mae, C."Ity Engirs"aar and the -Planning. Consultant haxr2*,_-,,1,v in'dicaited, no objeotion to the py-lo- , posa,!,c� a motion t.,,qas IntrodlAced b,si y Corrjmj.i3_aner uen,derson tnat -1-ha 1�53sublft-, VIS, oa 0s'_ ot 18, 0orbitt Subdlv.isian, w ti vp­ proved . 1-1-ot.-I.,on secD.nclad �Y co."M_-) Solioner Klavberg aild 3-an-animonfily 0ZX'X,1G-d WOGA P011 1. R_"1_aS_-S'-..,ay Co_,poratloa re.- ,-.and, ? In reply to an Inquiry by Cha:krralaa Flartin coaces aing 11-.he proposed. Consulta Plannin.4 at Kann stated that the site has a frontage of ap=-- ,� proximately 75 feet On ChaPia Avenue, zoned: for commercial usc.,,, but It -,here Is not vufficlent depth and the applicants a_­e desirous of Ind their property by including portiohs of two additional lo4k-19 at the ream Mr. Ham advised that this land is zoned H-4 anal,, for tilat, reason, nequires a varlaace to permit the commarcial use, Mr, Mana further a ' dvised brat the applicants have prepared and iwil.l submit for approval by the Commission a resubdivislon map of the properties ijlkereby existing lot lines will be revised and Vine sevara'i,_ parcels Involved -in the use will become a - single lot", kir;, mar -a su6gested that the ratter of the variaace be brought to a concluBl1on Drior to consideration of tne resubdivislon. application, A letter written under date of November 13, 10,58: from the office oz-f Anderson and MeNillan, attorneys represerrUne, tiie applicants Ing the tlypa of structure :proposed to.be constructed and setting forta FArgume-ats in favor of the variance was read and accepted fol- f iling. --3—. alvised Wat tho R-4 ln7nll� PPOP000r: 7353 feet, 04e Wor to to n7f Prominana wore portica W6 and we building covering parhaps 10% of the aren, Mr. KORMan expresoad We opinion that should the devalapment W. to it Nould act permitted proceed, as an 'o mann along Chapin Avenuo', Tan oap cf tnw renutdiviolon was submittal an! to coos lnyg�A ohs PSOP00ad lot !Ina 01sn5 Jeo, CheirmRo Apotla that ths W to raazoked owaars not appasy be onvar. t ns2 of 0he lana and stated Ws !a fnwu� o/ poEkbinn largO deva!CWunt to include all of tho ypcpaztleR, Commissioner Nandeoson agreed thet a oingle devalopuent pac tne nw&' des irabla but pGintaU out that if tne owners faunA thlo not feasibla�'' In his opinion, the building which they intended to place on th,,-:; PrOpertyn with proper landscaping and off-street parking fachlitias should prove W be a satisfactory addition to the commercial unes o_,t Chapin Avenue - Commissioner Handersin Intreanced E motloathgt the 7aylance te 6ranted to permit the R-4 PPapertkos, describud in the apylloution;, to be used as yaquestad and in accordance wito the "Pseliminary Plant prepared by Nillap and Steiner, architects, submitted vs pop', of the Upplinatioa, mud bearl,� t1ie' 's-Ignature of A.D. nartin, Chairman 00 We Planning COMMISS1011Z sr-ild to baea' me affsvt!7�-; upon approval of a rasubdivision _aDp to, ba -i time for formn! awtioa-by the Commission. Motion saoonded Qy Gommlvsione..�, On the question, CommissionsT Stivero oxprossed strong oppositiun to the v&rianca, declaring that he was uvBblo to justify comw3pWK-T. U88 Ou R-4 PTOPartlae� A roll call vote oa tho motion was recorded as follows: .AYES: CONEWS10ASRS: Henderson, Kindig, Aarbarg AUES: COX hIS3 IUAIERS: Diederichweng hartin, Stivers ABSSNT Finger Chairman hartin thereupon declared that by reason of the tie. vote W.' the Cowmissiono thk variance was not granted. The applicants wave informed of the pilvile6e of appeal to the City Council-. The hearing was thereafter declared.concludeT, CUBhUAICATIUAS Extension Of Use Pa- ra letter dated govember 3 1958 was read from the Burlinga,7,3 Baptist Church, �%Ivla B. AmIth,'President, Board of Trusteas, requant- Ing an exteasion for ono year of the use permit grant6afor enurch- urposes an preparty located in Mills Estate Subdivision Ao, 11. Tho etter advised twat the construction program was noh.on schedule duo to necessary revisions in the buildlag pla= and lack of sufficlant, funds. —4— Norberg moved tnat the permit bo extonded for a panko., Qro yway foon vats. WtAnn sencadz? by SonnIsVoEsy bandepran unanimously oarried- 2First OhyrwA of Christ, Scientist, of UaeJeryll A letten dated wovembep 10, 19.93, was read from the First Inurch of Christ, Solantibl, 1449 Oak Grove Avenue, Tnelma L. Craig, Clark W'.'- the Boara of Wrantars, raques%W6 an extension of the use pa7wlt too 010101 for an located &.� goaptod property 150b k1oribunda The letter advised that for deveIvpN-',' avenue, plans the oarkin, Wt Aoa have not bunn fiaalized. Undig moved thnt bc extended for a perich of one yoap from date. Motion seconded by Commissioner Diederichsen and unanimously carried,; W-FIA ausizEs 1. Possibla Zoning Ordinance Amendments - ApaTtmeat House Districto Commissioaars jl8cv2se? at some length tAe watter of amending the z0aing a�dinvnce to provide ruloo and re6ulatio-ns fc.o E. ne-,,,j apay�*�i�!'.�;iat- house diervint, also conEldered the possibility of providing a special set Gf ruloo for hillside developments, Chairman Maytin requested the Plarning Consultant to submit pertinent, mnterial at a study meet= within the neav futuret, ih DJU)NUR.4 0,2' Ega There being no fortAsr bualaosso the meeting was vaguiavly adjourus,-. at 1000 P.M., Respectfully submitted,,, Evelett & Kindig Secretary -5-