HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1957.01.28CIPY OF BURLINGAME PI ANNING COMMIS:SXON 00 �.g- :ri��+�: ..T?�.n teak' T y .-5 �(-'yy ryry W �iorberg Stivers K IRMS Regular IMeatin gr Ja-_nuary 28, 195 C701M . ISSIONERS ABSENT O`. H RS r 4ESENT 'ark Comm. Muephy Fire Inspector Pearson Meeting called to order at 8a00 pars.,, Chaff eTimn ?:2artin presiding Minutes of the regular meeting of Decetabar 26, 1956, approved as presented. Minutes of the special meeting of January 14, 1957P approved as p ,ese t;ed, Minutes of ' be study meeting of January 14, 1957,, corx-ected under `Reclassification - Ho F. Erickson" to read aoui �f-) unit ti partrai;nt building and approved as correctedo Ohairman lavt n ann-junced, that this was '61he t-3%me3 sot- for cortai n public be6r-ings, notices k'a=ping been publishad. cis required. HEARING' S 10 VARTANCE., 4raer -.can Stanel,-arl Motel Corporation., 11.02 El Camino Real, cap? Mateo equesting permission to erect: apartnm a:t-hotel, in cluding sign not to exceed 60 squares feet. ( continued fromregular meeting of November 26, 1956.) Referred for consideration with "Zoning Ordinance - proposed amendments". '(Hearing No. o l,l on the agenda). 20 VARIANCE: Nick and Elizabeth Lucich, 1224 Bellevue Avenue, requesting permission to bui;- d within the ro&K- set -back line, (continued from special meeting of January 14, 1957.) Mr. Moody Henry, building contractor, repre>enting the applicant's, submitted plot plan of the property on Bellevue Avenue, as well as plans covering the new construction.. Questioned by the Chair relative to the proposed rear set -backs, Mr. Henry stated the minimum average as 9 feet 6 inches. Chairman Martin referred to the requirements of the "State Housing Act76, establishing a ten (10) foot minimum rear yard, and informed Mr. Henry that the City was bound by :the provisions of the State Code. Commissioner Norberg suggested that the variance might be granted -1- to permit construction within the rear set -back, as defined by City ordinance, but there to be no infringement at any point within the ten (10) foot area described by State statutes. A motion incorporating the suggestion was thereafter introduced by Commissioner Norberg and seconded by Commissioner Diederichsen. On the Question, Commissioner Henderson noting the absence of hardship to justify a variance and opposing action by the Commission condoning "crowding of lots". recommended that the fifteen (15) foot set -back be observed or the minimum reduced. Commissioner Stivers concurred. The motion above stated was rejected by the following vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Diederichsen, Finger, Norberg DOES: COMMISSIONERS: Henderson, Kindig, Stivers, Martin A motion introduced by Commissioner Henderson, seconded by Commissioner Stivers that the application be denied was accepted on the following vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Henderson, Kindig, Stivers, Martin NOES: COMMISSIONERS: Diederichsen, Finger, Norberg Chairman Martin reminded Mr. Lucich that any appeal directed to the City Council must be .filed by Tuesday, Febr-Aary 5. 3. RESUBDIVISION: Portion of Lands of R.P. Etienne Properties, Inc., lying between Ba;yrshore Freeway and Marsten Road. Mr. Jack Dovey of Wilsey & Ha., advised that the resubdivision establishes two parcels tsAll and "B", as described on the asap, a :gale pending on parcel �`B% Queried by the Chair, the City Attorney, City Engineer and the Planning Consultant declared the resubdivision to be proper. Mr. Hugh Rosaaens Jr., 1440 Carlos Avenue, in attendance com- mented on the absence of a map describing the oviner? s overall plan: for future development of the land, There being.no objections to the resubdivision as presented, Commissioner Finger moved that the application be approved, seconded. by Commissioner Henderson and unanimously carried. 4. RESUBDIVISION: Lot 20, Block 4, Burlingame Shore Land Company, Subdivision No. 1. Commissioners were advised that the resubdivision serves to change the rear lot line between the applicantrs property and the rear adjacent lot, ice., Lot 10, Map of Winchester Place Subdivision. The City Engineer and the Planning Consultant confirmed the resub- division as proper. A motion introduced by Commissioner Norberg -2- that the resubdivision as presented be approved was seconded by Commissioner Kindig and carried on the following roll call: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Finger, Henderson, Kindig, Norberg, Miartin NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None ABSTAIN COMMISSIONERS: Diederichsen, Stivc3rs 5. RESUBDIVI.SION: Lands of J. C. Kilbourne (Burlingame Hills) . Planning Consultant Dann stated that the resubdivision will divide the Kilbourne property into two large lots, with a sale pend., ing on the portion described as "Parcel 22° on the map. Ih reply to Chairman Margin, City Engineer Marr verified the calculations. Mr. Marr reported the lack of water supply for the parcel M-r. Kilbourne proposes to sell and advised that arrangements must be made for such supply before a building permit can be issued. Mr. Kilbourne, in attendance, acknowledged the Ci-Ly Engineers s report and declared the purchaser of the property to be aware of the need for the extension of a four (4) inch water main. There being no objections presented, Commissioner Finger moved that the resubdivision be approved, seconded by Comiissioner Henderson and unanimously carried. d� VARIANCE: Maxwell McNutt., Jr.., 1220 Bellevue Avenue, proposing to build within the rear set -back line An application was read from Mr. Maxwell McNutt,. Jr., requesting permission to construct an apartment unit above the garage structures at the rear of his property, 1218-1220 Bellevue Avenue, the new con., struction to extend into the fifteen (15) foot rear sot -,back Communications were received and read from the following propevty owners favoring the application: C. E. Steinbeek, 124.5 Bellevue Avenue; Elsie M. plambeck 1123 Douglas Avenue; Mr. and Mrs. N. Lucich, 3.224 Bellevue A-enu.e. Communications were received and read from the following property owners protesting the application: Stephen M. Doyle, 1125 Douglas Avenue; Wally Doyle, 1125. Douglas Avenue. In response to Chairman Martin, Mr. Oscar Thayer, architect, submitted a plot plan and elevations describing the proposed construe,-, tion which were reviewed in detail. In discussing the application with Mr. McNutt., Members questioned the existence of a state of hardship to justify approval of a variance and, in reply,, heard Mr. McNutt urge favorable consideration on the basis of a financial burden created by insufficient rental units to insure proper return on his investment. A motion introduced by Commissioner Henderson that the application be denied, there being no justification to grant a variance., was �3� , seconded by Commissioner Kindig and carried on the following roll'" call AYES: COM&ISSIONERS: Diederichsen, Henderson, Kindig, Stivers, Martin NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None ABSTAIN COTaIISSIONERS: Finger, Norberg Chairman Martin reminded Mr. McNutt that an appeal may be directed to the City Council before Tuesday, Pebruary 5, 1957. 7, SPECIAL, PERMIT: Victor and Edna Anderson, 1438 Floribunda Avenue, proposing to operate a boarding house. An application was read from Victor and Edna Anderson requesting permission to operate a boarding house in a residence located at 1438 Floribunda Avenue. Zone R-3. An inspection report was read from the Burlingame Fire Department, Bureau of Fire Prevention & Public Safety, outlining its findings and recommendations resulting from an inspection made of the premises, January 3, 1957. A communication from the San Mateo County Department of Public Health & Welfare, dated January 18, 1957, referring to an application submitted by Mr. and Mrs. Victor Anderson for permission to provide care for three (3) aged persons at 1438 Floribunda Avenue and request-, ing a clearance report from. the Planning Commission was read and held for reply. A letter dated January 25, 1957, was read from Angell & Adams, attorneys at law, presenting the protest of Mrs. Helen Feldcamps property owner of 1422 Bellevue Avenue, to.the operation of a boarding house in a residential, district. queried by Chairman Martin, the Planning tConsultant confirmed boarding houses to be proper in R-3 districts with a special permit. Chairman Martin referred to the communication received from the San .Mateo County Department of Public Health &. Welfare and requested clarification from Mrs. Anderson. In reply, Maras. Anderson explained that in view of .previous experience in caring for the aged, their present plan was to operate a boarding home for the aged under a license from the San Mateo County Department of. Public Health & Welfare. Mrs. Anderson informed Commissioners that she hoped to board five (5) women, serving three (3) meals daily. In ensuing discussion, Members concurred t'liat a boarding home for the aged must be considered apart from the class of boarding house originally discussed with Mrs. Anderson and expressed opposition to conducting a hearing on a special permit for a use contrary to the use named on the formal application. It was.suggested that the hearing be continued to the next regular meeting and Mrs. Anderson appear in two weeks time at the study meeting to determine the proper application for her purposes, -4- Grant Bo Sweet, realtor, in attendance, uxeged the Commission to proceed on the application as submitted by Mr. and Mrs. Anderson. Mr,, Sweet observed that the property had been )purchased to be used as a boarding house, the application filed for such use and Commission action should proceed accordingly. RECESS: A five minute recess was thereafter called by Chairman Martinto permit Mr. and Mrs,, Anderson a conference with Mr. Sweet. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting vies called to ordev by Chairman Martian. at 9:55 pomo Mrs , Anderson was '_Huard informing the Commission of her decision to proceed on the application as filed v to conduct a rooming house with board, serving two (2) meals daily to a maximum of eight (8) paying guests. Chairman Martin thereupon reviewed with Mrs, Anderson the pro- visions defined in the ordinance for boarding house operation, in addition, a report tias heard from Inspector Howard Pearson, in at-- tendance, presenting City Fire Department regulations applicable to boarding houses, Mr. Russell Go Hackett, 1515 Floribunda Avenue, and Mr. W.E. Chambl.iss, 518 Almer Road, in attendance, protested the proposed use, stating such houses to be improperly placed in residential neibhbor- hoods , After some Further discussion, the following motion was intro- duced by Commissioner Norberg: That a special permit be gran-ved for the operation of a -rooming house with board at 1438 Floribunda Avenue, to Mr,, and firs,, Victor Anderson, personally, subject to the regulations of the City Fire Department, and reserving the right of inspection at any time to the Fire Department and other City officials, Seconded by Commissioner Kindig and carried on the follow- ing roll call: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS: 8. SPECIAL' PERMIT: Diederiehsen, Finger, Henderson, Kindig, Norberg, Stivers Martin Mrs. Peggy Hardwick, 238 Myrtle Road. Use of above premises for boarding house„ A communication dated January 12, 1957, was read from Mrs. Peggy Hardwick informing of alterations in process to comply with requirements of the City Fire Department, :Bureau of Fire Pre- vention and Public Safety. An inspection report was read from the Burlingame Fire Depart- ment, Bureau of Fire Prevention and Public Safety, outlining its findings and recommendations resulting from an inspection, January 29 1957. Mrs. Hardwick was heard advising of her intention to lease the buildings to.Mrs, Betty Laney for operation of it rooming house with board -5- In reply to the Commission, Mrs. Lahey, in attendance,, stated her plans to board eight (8) male guests, serving two meals daily. Mrs. Lahey further advised of previous experience in boarding-house operation. Inspector Pearson of the City Fire Department reported of several inspections made of the premises and subsequent recommenda- tions to Mrs, Hardwick, Mr. Louis Horner, 230 Myrtle Road, and Mrs. S.E. Jellicoe, 236 Myrtle Road, in attendance, expressed approval of the proposed use, providing there be no nuisance from noise or improper mainten- ance of the property. Reference was made to off-street parking facilities, and the Planning Consultant reported that with some clean-ip work at the rear of the lot, ample parking area was available. In reply to a question raised by Inspector Pearson, Tars. Lahey confirmed that, in addition to guests in the main house, the two rooms above the detached garages were to be rented. After some further discussion, a motion was introduced by Commissioner Finger that a special permit be granted to Mrs. Betty Lahey,, personally, for the operation of a rooming house with board, at 238 Myrtle Roads that a maximum of six (6) paying uests be housed in the main building and not more than four k 4) in the two rooms over the detached garages; subject to the, regulations of the Fire Department; that part of the property be cleared off and pre pared for off-street parking of tentantsa cars; and reserving the right of inspection at any time to the Fire Department and other City officials. Seconded by Cormissioa?er Norberg and carried on the following roll call: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Diederichsen, Finger, Henderson, Kindig, Norberg, Stizers NOES: COMMISSIONERS: Martin 9. RECLASSIFICATION:- H. F. Erickson, 1272 Oak Grove Avenue, - — requesting i ezoning from C-1 to R-3, Lot 19, Block 1, Easton Addition No. 1. (vacant land on the easterly side of Chula Vista Avenue between Broadway Avenue and Carmelita Avenue.) 10. RECLASSIFICATION:- George Anderson, 11,69 Broadway, requesting rezoning from 0-1 to R-3, 'Lot 7, Block 2, Easton Addition No, 1. (vacant land on the westerly side of Chula Vista Avenue between Broadway Avenue and Carmelita Avenue.) Chairman Martin announced that all present consenting, the two applications for reclassification of land, numbered "9" and "10" on the agenda, were to be heard jointly. In reaponsa b,.; the Commission, Inspector Pearson oite : th,!. fire -zone requirements for apartment -house districts (R-3), Mr. H.F. Erlc'raon, in attendance, outlined ri ns for construe. a-6,v "our (4) unit., �3�i`art-il:Rat 1+�,?�.� +Cg; ?', Gcoi.-ge -viC2�or-%scn sl e; F t r. a •'k I 1iit lb ; -In �i r. Iv t�.�"t:._t °s �i .� 11:} o 3.anni.ng Consultant reported the t io vacant pf .cats tt> ou the last of the commercially zoned lots on the atreet and contiguou,,5 to R-5 pv0parties, Flurther, the stpeo -g-� i: the fre,_,, q, 7' 'f ✓r.. f` i' existing bv.S i`:)ssc ;,s `�5': frin ; ��qs�p g�� is rzL:.� .� a� -s°��. "�"� � � C3 �`ot.Y6YiwS`e (i3I7E�s's concuxS re in the above r"eniavks',9 and ` uxGti on r a bhereaf-lb— r introduced b-' C siirmis`?2.o-net:' Df eadcr cbs n td:e L- if$ catici of land froor C---le to R --3requested ,.1.� � LE3 i;G eC� by ey H :1_', F� Com- missioner d p_ ha City Council f��_'i fi 33>'t3ir'u� s eec—,- .Celt y Com- b':. ..z• �®iYT.��ri �d a. or ,'...a.� � e mi ssioner Henderson and aarried un n.i.fnno'sly A second motion ova: i t;.a tc`>'duced by Corm U si onar St7 vets the.t the rei..assification of sand from C-1 to R-3., requested by 141,-o George Anderson, be ;!r ecomsa ended to the City Council for approval, seconded by Cot=- ,issi ones Kindig and unanimously carried ll, ZONING ORDINANCE m Proposed araendments o (continued after PETITIONS.) ) PET: TZ ONS : 10 FINAL 1-7-AP 1.0.11s Estate Subdivinion Ho. lying northe-1.v; from, Mills Estate No,, 11� to the Burlingame - Millbrae boundary Line, The Planning Consultant, in response to the Chair,, reported map to be in agreement vmith the previously approved tentative map. City Engineer Marr confirmed the calculations and oxpressed of the engineering data. CoUU11--i ssi.oners rev .! cived. the map :ri th Mr. Jack Dovey, , 104i lsey u. Ham, and there being no objecti-lioi'!s, & was -in''Groduced by Co--ru issio- er Norber,g, seconded by Cot-) aissione that acceptance of the Final .Yap of Mills Estate Subdivision No. 13 be recommended to the City Council. Motion carried wanimousl.yo HEARINGS: (cone,) 11. ZONING ORDINANCE d Proposed amendments. Questioned by Chairman starting the Planning Co:osral_vant reporn.ed of a meeting with a representative of 'Ube Pacific Gas e. Electric Company to discus& changes offered by that Comps -way in the prcposec ar.;�,,:.d� ments, Mr. Mai -in suggested and Members concurred that a special meet-* to permit thDrougl� rev e nw of the proposals, be scheduled. Cha-4 vrian Martin thereafter declared, all raerYbers consenting, an specie:?L Wednesday, February 6, 8:00 D,m, , in the Council ChaLifbers. for the pu: pose of hearing proposed amendments to the Zoning 0rdinance and mining Commission re.co_mmendat.-ons to the City Council., VARIANCE: American Standard Mote? Corporation. Public hearing continued to regular meeting, February 25, 1.957, Where being no further business, the meeting was regularly adjourrr.C.6. at 11:05 P.ru. Respectfully submitted, Everett W, WILrdigo Secretary