HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1957.02.25CITY OF BURLINGAME PLAIiNING COMIISSION MINUTES COMMISSIONERS COMMISSIONERS PRESENT ABSENT Regular meeting February 25, 1957 OTHERS S PRESENT 0iederichsen Finger City Attorney Karmel Henderson Plane Consultant Mann Kindig City F-Inginee - Marr Martin Councilman Thayer Norberg City Manager Schwalm Stivers Park Commissioner Amstrup Meeting called to order at 8:00 p.m.; Chairman Martin presiding. Minutes of the regular meeting of January 28, 1957, approved as presented. Minutes of the special meeting of February 6,, 1957, approved as presented. Minutes of the Study meeting of February 1? 1957, approved as presented. Chairman Martin announced that this was the time set for certain public hearings, notices having been published as required. HEARINGS: 1. RESUBOIVISION -- Parcel 35-A, Lot 35, Block 6, Unit No- 3; Millsdale Industrial Park. ':'sir. Jack Van Zandt, civil engineer, explained that Parcel 35--A ha.s been divided to make two parcels, ioe., "C" a piece twenty (20) feet wide to be made a part of Lots 36-A, 37-A, 38-A; sand "n" a piece forty (40) feet wide to be made a part of Lot 34-A . Mr. Van Zandt stated that the resubdivision has the, effect of eliminating; Lot 35. In response to Chairman Martin, City Engineer Parr verified the engineering; calculations. There being no objections, a motion was introduced by Commissioner Uiederichsen, seconded by Commissioner Norberg, that the resubdi- vision as presented be approved. Motion carried. unanimously. 20 VARIANCE - American Standard Motel Corporation_, 1102 El Camino Real, San Mateo, requesting permission to erect apartment -hotels including sign not to exceed 60 square feet. (Continued from regular meetin-, January;28, 1957) Chairman Martine finding that the applicant was not in attendance, nor represented, referred the application to later in the meeting. PETITIONS: 1. FINAL MAP - Smallcomb Industrial Park The City Engineer advised that the map indicates that a ten -foot public utility easement has been placed so as to conflict with a thirty-foot easement p?evious-Ey deeded to the neighboring property owner for ingress and egress privileges and that technicality must be corrected prior to the final adoption of the map. In reply to Chairman Martin, the City Attorney suggested that the owner of the thirty, -foot easement surrender to 'the subdivider his interest in ten feet of the easement to be used for the public utilities. Or, alternatively, under the provisions of 'the Subdi- vision 'r2ap Act, the owner of the easement may join in the dedica- tion of the final map, together with the subdivider. The Commis- sion, finding the map otherwise acceptable, may make its approval subject to the fulfillment of either of these conditions before presentation or the final snap to the City Council.. Qnes•;:ioned by Commissioners, Jack Van Zandt, representing; the sub- divider, advised of Mr. Sznal.lcoriib l s absence from the City but ex- pressed assurance that the problem could be resolved to the satis- faction of all parties. A mot lon was thereafter introduced by Commissioner Norberg that the asap be recommended to the City Council for EEc,cepta.nce subject to the final approval of the City Attorney and the City Engineer, second d by Commissione Henderson and unanimously carried on roll c all. Coli'T,7J tTcCATIONS. to Pringle Construction Company re: Extension Marco Polo t^lad, A -letter Iatbed dlanuary a0, 957, was read from Pringle Construction Company, 2660 Hillside Drive, Burlingame, urging, the Connnission to take action on the matter of extending Marco Polo Way through from the 'fills -Estate to Ray -Park. Letters of endorsement were also read from the fallowing: Roosevelt Parent. -Teachers Association, McKiDaley School Pa T.A . , Burlingame ingame Intermediate School P. T.A. , Calvin Coolidge Sohool P. T. Ea . , Burlingame Elementary Schools, Office of the District Supepinten.dent. Reference was made; to comri-unications previously received from R. C. `fhauer, Chief_ of Police, and Reginald E. 11400rby, Eire Depart- ment Chief, expressing the mend for a.ddi.tional means of ingress and ogress to service the 'Hills Estate area.. in ensi_i:I.ng discussion, Plexuaing Cons-ultant Mann explained that to _-i i_ e id i4llarco -Polo may from Mi l is Estate to the Ray Park area it would be Necessary to construct the street across a parcel of land owned by the City -6f "Sari Francisco. It was felt that permission could be-b-btained without difficulty for the use of 'the surface way of this land. Because of the critical need for the street, Mr. Mann suggested a favorable recommendation to the City Council. Questioned by the Commission, City Engineer Marr submitted plans to construct a street 34 feet wide between curbs, with sidewalk on one side, and indicated a tentative cost estimate approaching $3000.00. Members concurred in the remarks of the Engineer and the Planning Consultant and a motion introduced by Commissioner Henderson to request the City Council to take the necessary steps, at the earliest possible time, to construct a roadway connecting Marco Polo Way to'Uavis Drive was seconded by Commissioner Norberg and unanimously carried on roll call. 2. Carden Villa .improvement Club re: Carrolan Avenue plan. A communication dated February 16, 1957, was read from the Garden Villa improvement Club requesting a delay to .March 25th on the public hearing of. the Carolan Avenue improvement project. There being no objections presented,the hearing was rescheduled to the data requested.. NEW BUSINESS: a Prop,-_sed vesubdivision of Lot ?L6 Kenmar Terrace. Mr. Frank Gallo, owner of the property, in attendance, informed of his plans to divide the present two -acre parcel into three lots, as described on the map, for residential. development. Questioned by the Commission the Planning Consultant reported there to be ample :sand area to accommodate three dwellings. Reference was made to the twenty -foot wide private roadway, extend- ing off Kenmar Way, which provides the sole means of ingress and egress vIlo property. commissioners discussed with 14r. Gallo a possible widening of the road by acquisition of a five foot strip from the adjoining ,lot. A public hearing on the application was thereafter scheduled for a special meeting to precede the March 11 study mdeting. 2. PROPOSED RECLASSIFICATION: Lots 14 and 15, Block 10, Mills Estate No. 3, easterly side of Sequoia Avenue between Clarice Avenue and Trous dale Drive. A petition submitted by nineteen propD rty oimers e the majority being residents of Block 9, Mills Estate No. 3,, was read requesting the Commission to take action to rezone the above mentioned lots from 0-3 (professional) to R-2 (duplex_). Mrs Eller B. Bicker_ t, ownEir of the parcels,, in attendance, advised that he had not been approached concerning the petition and pro- ceeded to submit his protest to the rezoning, declaring that the land had been purchased Por development of apartment buildings at 3 _ ....-.:., valuation. . .;".- on such income property. i-'i rezoning to d.. �. Pith. yy _ -p c�-l1 tt�� __tt yy wouldres 1J' Harold ri,s..ha speaking .. <.•.:',,. for ... �.�-;.� • � r' �.. 't s:� t:d �E3<3 . ^ 1 ss J C1"La2 l ..s g�.. <'r r� E3 S: d that f�l rezoning ig war requested to , .1.'iivant the construction of " 1 d r t .i.'i. apartment buildings in an a -ea now predominately duplex, -9.,7 , obsepve;d tha e- %`'! 0nF Cry zoning hadbeen 11 c= si n iod in the ...nte e:sM of «'"'od piarning L`ina v±jcere t?kJpared to be no proper joetifloation For a chTnge to _.^-2.;:elii_i.ng, A suggestion was made Kat ... n e`'.f_.. stv:i.fi C o _K-3 tat]a .'•_'irlT;,e < t f e considered 4La'iJ$Gq?.sE'nl'. t ^. the construction of the proposed ep,,."£:.l i?;ent to. ..�'_.��� ,E tW.MAN;f scaourrel. The Planning Consultant was outwit at she Marah t. h 11 m.;; ing a land use study of tr^ ri brhooii alnRINGY C f ; �_yi:.N:JE .,. F:mt._ t_c4.i.`3. Stcaiaa _4 3 d 1 -Ute C VrNWl---, i/.i.on. .... .. ing continued o next regular a meeting. t..v...__ ,fir ,z 21 L ;'ak.� 1�;��� �'lann_� � QO^_�°do .._�.r:. l�.,i:}..,......� fd r_. c.,.a��.:��,_t� nz reminded :}f lo s_..lat m-'a wendinL befora the State. hsgialaturF fop the creation !i. U1 a .Jv.y Area i 1 � ... t:f f T :'-� n -:s �' - '1 l� o r l ' j"I ; Y s , e n . _ .t_ be ; councilman .. __ _... F; _.'mot ,, s.. .� :r�`�3�t.C� U:_ i�:.:.. .sCi ?t _ o+ .J7 .. �E.�c...ti,i'1 vC e City huy ngame _ teed to u s.s e v_ ..._obi endoraing tie proposal. Com ..uv--o?:a s hindig thEO the City Council be requested to cxpress Mor of the State Senate hill 666 - Qppnpoyea by Califovnka acadhda bouncil. yonding - .. opo. ing to rrl l'dom(o = a o-''.'V a,,,'ly rt 67'1f.Girann e W Ennswapi and >r t '`ti. _ scenic values. - __ 0 P__