HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1957.03.25CITY OF BLIR.LJTNGAI,iE P,_t.NNING hLeas }j� L_1. G:!. ....i t�, .t�n".;�a ��.�.��l�i Ta'9. ��d �?-�� .t7 1-�•'�� t.'4i 7 .. . ia��5'&"Qii I[1�.Pt.}:.7Gtig C tT Engine e 10, 1�; marO-Win :Ia.t'k Norberg Stivers Meeting called to order at 8:05 psm,; Cha z:rNinn Martin :resit d-Ing Minutes of the regular meeting of Februa -y 25 395`' approved as wci t,9 nteda 'ri'!. Yii:'.'GGs the spet,'r a. meeting r? .` c' �V _'-�, ', '�' pre - March 11 1957$ appro-,rep? ' s presented,, Chas+ r .man Mare :a announced that this the time set f or ce-rtain pub - lie bearings.. notices having been publ? shod as requix 6d., E ARIigGS s la RESUBDIVISION b An application of D? En Boyd, owner, to -�- -- --- res'ubd=_v _ e hot "C". a oortio-n of lands formerly owmed by R r P _ .Etienne Properties, Inc. In a previous discussion, the question load been raised concern- ing off-street parking facilities. Firm Boyd, in attendance, submittod a plot plan describing the location of the building he proposed to construct as well as the parking area. The Planning Consultant ob-, served that there appeared to be ample open spaces for parking In response to the Chair, City Engineer Plarr reported the map to be correct. A motion was thereafter introduced by Commissioner Kindig that the application as presented be approved, seconded by Com- missioner Norberg and carried unanimously on roll call of members,. 2„ VARIANCE - Application by Robert Rose, at al and/or American Standard Motels Corporation for use of property at northeast corner of Bellevue Avenue and El Camino Heal as an apartment -hotel. Zone R-4. (continued from November 26, 1956) Chairman Martin announced that this was the time scheduled for continuation of a public hearing on the above applications In reply to the Chair, the City Attorney stated that inasmuch as the present ordinance neither defines nor regulates "apartment -hotel" and the Commission having declined to amend the ordinance to provide for said classification, the determination must now be made whether. a use permit may be granted for an apartment -hotel under the "similar use" provisions of the R®4 zoning, as related to bungalow courts and court apartments -or whether the application shall be denied. —1— q Questioned by Chairman Martin, Planning Consultant Mann con- curred in the above remarks, observing further T hat should the Com- mission determine the proposed use to be in the provinco of a U similar use" to bungalow courts and, court apart,raen-*Gs, a pe-1-tii:i could be granted, including such FaIg th) Sit'3.Il1mi:::io--.1. deem!ad necessary relative to sig-zs.: g;-ragas, etc_ invited Mr. q� t h z rs i' y-ne +'' TLC' ha a-� i.�l� Chair �.i2� 'ted � L�i._•�.r.._.�.#. E,�:i:=:� � �l% .�O , 7.-. � Ci .._Cczil'i:s to S-00.,ak :?nd ....i' respo-nse "�o, his „z��E��:y t=� a 1 57, ,kras read :4.'rom the Of"-_: rE's O Inse so'-1..#� n :a.d rthoi-op sSJ+2 _rerceha is 21ndpprope rty o,"d3" e.r-s y-yiy�.Yn F„'}e �Bur�l'ing21me,i(�L�zz? district; boiieowneL s .L.�..i iih .3..tri ed i aii-,l i c�_i�.3. J)7 c n 4,,ho businessman and prope.-i-t y osai.aa _'s -Itale Broad ha bj _,-zJ_ ,,-L3S ec-t1..E rn— Said petitions were acknowledged and 4 c eepted for f11ing vi th related papers, Mr._ Casa`° concurred that the application qua?-Ji.fied. onl�� the "similar ss" classification described by the, '31% 'v At2:Oa nf-:sy e.xi the Planning Consult -ant al'l-d pz"oceeedod tjo row. o-t; oi C ':lc tilts .3 In tho building plans eliminating the swir:uni.ng pool and placing "the drivait?a- off Be -levue Avenue with no ingress or egress on El Camino Real There being no one present to express verbal approval, the Chs.�.:- invited `;hose opposed to speak. Mr. V''alter Chouteau, at:tornay for the adjacent property owners to the east and the north voiced the following objections: (a) The proposed use is not an apartment hotel --it is as motal or mo or lodge; (b) The location is not suitable; (c) Traffic incidental to they use will create a n- .isa.ncc in a:residential neighborhood. In response, Mr. Carr stated that the present plans eall for twenty-seven units with fifteen or sixteen kitchens; the applicants feel that there will be sufficient monthly rentals to eliminate daily or weekly residents; there would be no reason to expect any more automobile or foot traffic here than from any apartment building of comparable size; furthermore, mere a motel or motor lodge contemplated, the present site would not have been considered. Reference was made to the open carports facing on Bellevue Avenue and Mr. Rose, in reply, agreed that these could be reversed to open off the inside driveway, Mr. Hose further noted that the building plans were basically as ori.gin,01-1 stxbmi tted � The only changes con- temp?at a. WerF to co*!form to Cnrun_�►Qi.c'n susses �jtonso Final plans had not been prepsred Rwalti Y,g f derision an the applieation.� In ensuing discussion, Commissioner Norberg; expressed objection. to the building, declaring it to be improperly designed and unsuit.- able for the location. Commissioner Henderson suggested that action be withheld pending availability of the final plans. Commissioner' .qti vAv,q a+Atp�d his onnosi tion to a commercial use on El Camino Real. Commissicner Kindig, expressing concern over the zliany petitions on file endorsing a commercial use on the El (;amino, declared his reluctance to favor the use permit. A motion was thereafter :introduced by Cormissioner Strivers that the application, not qualifying as a si r i.? ar use under the provisions of the AR-4 zoning, be denied, noconCd by and carriod on the following roll call: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: : Kin di g-Norb rg S t i ve: _11r NOES: COD11•11ISSIONX ERS: Finger -Henderson ABSENT C01,11vilSSIODERS: Diederichsen Chairir -n Martin romi.ndod the appl.ir;ants that art appeal may bi:: directed to the City .Co-uancil before the noxt z,5gular Council moe•cing. 3. RESUSDI ISION - Lot 24, Kenmar Te_crac:= . An arjp-L i_c xtio_- divide a two (2) acre pa?k4 ce3_ 4_n-< o three (3 lots, with rights of ingress a_ad egress over the twenty (20) 'Coot portion com_ect' ing with Kerrsmr belay. Mr. Frank Gallo, ovmer. . (continued from special meeting March 11; 1957) .in response to Chairman Martin, ter. Gallo presented Robert Thompson., attorney, as his representative. Referring to the question raised at the previous meeting relative to the legality of the resub.- division, Mir. Thompson submitted the following: (a) To comply with the provisions of the City ordinance, each of the three (3) lots, proposed to be established by tha resub" division, dust have a frontage on a public street. To acconipl-ish this, fir. Gallo proposes to convoy to each of the said lots a one-third fee interest in the tvienty (20) foot portion which con- nects with Kenmar Way. In addition, to protect the purpose o'f' this roadway, adequate cross easements could be granted between the three lots. (b) Or as an alternative, to establish frontage directly on f City street, Mr. Gallo is willing to dedicate the strip to the City, excepting the maintenance thereof, and to complete the necessary improvements to the specifications set by the City Engineer. City Attorney,Karmel, in reply to Chairman Martin, noted that the proposal submitted by Mr. Thompson would give to each lot a frontage of a little more than six (6) feet on a public street. Referring to Ordinance No. 539 providing "all lots shall have a frontage on, or by public easement, access to, a public strut"; and subsequent am®nding Ordinance No. 610 providing "all lots shall, have. a frontage on a public street', Mr. Karmel maintained that the amendment intends there to be sufficient physical frontage on a public street to carry all municipal services to the property. A six (6) foot frontage obziously would be insufficient. Mr. Karmel concluded that the proposal of Mr. Gallo to transfer the fee, as viell as establish cross easements between the three lots cannot be accepted until such time that there is an amend - meant to the ordinance* Questioned by Chairman Martin relative to the dedication of th® roadway as a public street, the City Engineer protested, declaring the paved area of seventeen (17) feet inadequate for proper circulation -3- of traffic. in a discussion with Fire Chief Moorby; a pa e area of twenty (20) feet, providing for two 10 _soot lanes, as well as. restricted parking, was suggested. In ensuing discussion, Members heard the following property owners continue the protests voiced at :,he previous hearing: J. H. and E _ B. Halms 16 X t3i'rt'!ar Way; james G. and Eleanor 0. Stan, 15 Ee t m^4- r lay; _ a 1. Fi'l l l , 11 Kenner lay; W G `_E . R o G_it':an , 4 The Planning Consultant, queried. by Commissioner StiiJC?ry, oy;- s uo that .3 h proposed p�^yos[ge/_-l� buildings yy;,T7s � e t;'ey% )� 9 �y- located to ea �i ,�L� _ Cf.. �� '.9 �t1� S �t+\J aSV �.i must .. 1� carefully �-e. ��( y ea ,,-) icy the available ` u 6 dablo land, Commissioner Finger 4,%C.=mm02'1ted that €s two 1.2) lot development by considered and suggested.< for purposes of cc-,--rmariso.n. _a contouv map be nsde available. Ira Thompson thereupon requested t continuation of the bearing to a future date to permit investigation of the points made by the City Engineer and the Fire Chief also Commissioner Finger° s suggestion. Considerable discussion arose thereafter b Lth Coa-rmiEsioner•s re- viewing the phos and cons of the subject. Following '.his., t.h(3a7o no objections heard3 the hearing was continued to the April 22 meet- ing, at which time the written recommendations of the Police Chief and the Fire Chief were to be submitted relatives to the private road- way. COMIvTUNICATIONS e ._. - - . 1, CAROLAN AVENUE PROJECT - Garden Villa Improvement Club. Acknowledgment was made of a communication dated Larch 18, 1957, from the Garden Villa Improvement Club requesting'a Further postpone- ment of the hearing on the plan proposed by they Club for the improve- ment of Carolan Avenue, The letter was accepted for filing with re- lated papers. In comment, Chairman Martin declared the file closed pending receipt ®f a renewed appeal for hearing; from the Improvement Club. 2. INDUSTRIAL TRAFFIC ON TOYON DRIVE A letter dated March 19, 1957, from Mr, and Mrs. Frank G. Phillips, 1008 Toyon Drive, registering a complaint relative to traffic hazards created from neighboring industrial vehicles travelling on Toyon Drive was acknowledged and filed. NEI BUSINESS to DISPOSITION OF OLD BAYSHORE hIGHQ Y EALESS LAND A communication dated March 19, 1957, was read from the Public Utilities Commission endorsing a proposal for they disposition of City owned excess lands on the Old Bayshore Highway and favoring es- tablishment of a street 84 feet in width. In reply to Chairman Martin, Commissioner Kindig reported of his attendance at a recent Park Com- mission meeting where a similar recommendation was made endorsing the proposal, _4® The Chair invited members of. the Commission to comment. Commissioner Stivers, protesting the sale of the lands of the Old Bayshore Highway, recommended that the City Council withhold action for the present on the disposal of any excess lands in that area. Mr. George Keyston, Jr., in attendance, urged the Commission to reeoml-mend the sale of the land in excess of the 34 Feet ::equire.d for the street t id'uh, declaring the problem of maintenance more a, >w ly nuat by a private owner than by the City i Commissionar Finger, referring to the cozar niications from. the Public Utilities Commission and the Park Commission, introdkaced a motion that a recommendation be forwarded to the City Council en- dorsing establishment of the Old Bayshore Highway as a -major city street having a width of 84 Feat and the subsequent disposal of excess width of 41 feet, seconded by Commissioner Henderson and carried on the following roll call: AYES: COrMUSSIONE:RS: Finger-HendersonGKindig-Norberg-Martin NOES: COMMISSIONERS: : None ABSTAIN COPdMISSIONLIR S: Slivers There being no objections from the Commission, a report prepared by the Planning Consultant was held to be part of the recommendation and to be transmitted to the City'Councilo 2. NON -CONFORMING USES BAYSHORE SERVICE A.OAD Referring to a television repair service and an equipment rental. business presently operating in violation of the Ordinance Code in an R-3 zoning on the Bayshore Service Road, Commissioners requested that the owner of the property as well as the operators of the various businesses be invited to attend the Study Meeting, April 8, for pur- poses of discussion. There being no further business, the meeting was regularly ad- journed at 11:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Everett X. Kindig Secretary -5-