HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1957.04.0810i7s`'rl�:� '"ono 7 W, rd-.''3;.' E: x� Y � t-I.-i e1'i'a Meeting called to ardor at" 3:05 p.Ln. ; Chai rm.a'-f a Martin presidi-ag. Commissioners reviewed the following applications and scheduled for public "hearing at t3he regular meeting, 22, lr57. 1 RESUBDlVISION Of Parcel. B, lock 7.. Mills Estate No, 31, --- :kite Investment Company, OW-1e ra. n application to estsbish "ace 'aFv' of one acre 1Io.L fa.s ►: purposes. 2. TENTATIVE 1�,TAP Unit No, I -,Etienne Industrial Park. - - -- -- R. P. i_tienxt5 Properties., inc., ovmerL,. A proposed subdivision of approximately 5-1/2 acres ying ba vas=een Rollins Road and North Carol an Avenue. Plans call for con- st.ruc t:ion of an additional street eet at the northerly end of North Carol€an Avenue to join Horth Carolan to Rollins Road. Mr.. Etienne, in atten.darzco, advised that the building setbacks gill be made to con -form to Millsdale Industrial Park. Further, as part of the ina­ provument specifications, a permanent roadway will be laid on one- half of the Rollins Road surface. Members discussed. with Mr. Etienne the advantages of ?.mproving the full width of the street at om tini3, 3o vxPZIn"TCE - 7idney Shayer and Robert Donovan for use of existing class rooms at First Baptist Church for summer school purposes. Mrs.'Sidney Shayer, in attendance, advised that the summer school will be identical to last year's operation, which received Commission approval. Queried by Chairman Martin, Inspector Pearson of the Fire Department reported that the requirements are the same as previously made, i.e., an organized fire drill and a proper fire alarm system. 4. VARIANCE - Lutheran Church of the Good�Shepherd, 301 Burlingame Avenue, requesting permission to build within the rear and side set -backs. The applicants requested a variance from the ten (10) foot set- Wl_ 4 back regUi -tee d on 0'h-,,3r h proper t e s to permit can istruc;t:ion o:L.' an ad.- di Tonal build Dag extending within 3 feet 4 iinc1les of the adjoining side and rear pi—iper-ties s Plaris call 'or p,1c came t Of thy: addit .on to conform l,th the ex:istiing Church building which has leas tharthe required rear set —back. Commissioners oxpressad reluctance to ap- prove the reC;ue,. iad ozetl-back -and he Plana t:o ovil r a., _ea,:i niVe ;°= fee`, the year and the sic,-_ Mr., L t,}s Y"W_ and s,C -ers: e ^� I�y F, _ °•lsr a:enca �e . re��r _ 3CCm"quesLn -<< er1,hi Gi'Gyd present a a s e ns:a t i a _z a uod,, ," tr the !3, ie_ 1. t i `` 1 { ..t„ii C11 i ,?� ut r'v w'€�1:3F�tt?`r _.V!:y .' t'ii .� L]'is a: .9:. .�+ dye ,ice "'ti a?'.'d i3_t. _ 2141r6 tea v s� v •Ss.. tsLn.lc+_Irv'5' i�, Lr 4s J to purchase the bus—Inesss 1' novn ,:ts '`4s T C eJ� .�c'a_ N-ar°y School" 700 i'i.!in`_ sula Avenue f-rom the Present op rfit� l? , Mrs,. Craw Ko_T'ti ck, and s"uC7 ;i:eote, permission to operate under a variance idenGica7 to that granted Mom, Kortick. In reply to the Commission, Mrs. Cook stated that she had been employed by Mrs. Kortick since the first of the year and other than. that had no experience in oPrjra1:in,,, a nursery school, The Com- mission rogues tea inspector Foarson to .'L spoc :. )B proper ty and aliso asked that a report be secured, from 4Ghe Cci).nty Health Departrrent^. Bo RECLkSSIFICATION - Andrew `s, and Mary Conway, Thomas J. and Kathleen Culligan requesting rezoning from. R-1 to Cal of Lots I and 2, Block 10, Burlingame Village Subdivision. VARIANCE - To penmit the erection and maintenance of a gasoline service station u.pon the above named property. Questioned by Chairman Martin, the Planni gr Consultant reported two applications to be necessary: (1) to reclassify the land for a commercial use; (2) to provide a use permit to meet the requirements of the ordinance for gasoline service stations, Section 1973. A. land use study prepared by the Planning Consultant designating the present zoning and use of the surrounding lands was reviewed. 7, SPLCIAL P.LW+iIT - L. S. Tailer and Calypso B. Lidell re- questing permission fcr erection and main- tenance of a gasoline service station on the northeast corner of Magnolia Avenue and Trousdale Drive. Thomas Casey, attorney, representing the applicants, presented a sketch of the building. Reference was made to the provisions of the ordinance specifying a distance of 490 feet between gasoline service stations. Mr. Casey was requested to submit at the April 22 hearing the actual distance between the proposed station and the closest exist- ing station. 8. RECLASSIFICATION - Trousdale Construction requesting rezon- ing from R-1 to R-2' specified lots in Pulls Estate Subdivisions No. 7, No. 9 and No. 11. Lee Ham, representing the applicants, advised that the proposed -2- rezoning covers the lots o:,.,sither sids of Trca'_isdelo- Drive row, Castanada Drive to the Skyline Boulevard. Tbo Troiisdale Car -,ors, ilort :intends to self, the lots for private developrae -nt... Chair.roan Martin observed that prior to a --lion on the matter be would prefer uo kno---: the reaction of the Millbrae Plaxin'i ng 'lomin_iss o- to a si-m_ z .: plicaC,i ort p.e o.C'.., me d to !t.Fd'., .. ,body,, A written '�,"1� o"-e;_ t, rav ., ..a: .y �u�fs ri. � 7Ia t- ' t.4?f'! A yeettda o d A-P.i _. %aoTt1pany re.s_uo s dF ing, pez-° J , 8 L �, n- for r is= -he a•t 2500 Tro sdale Drive a�. an office a pry K-21.od of tweiire (12) months, was ::_�of°&rxed to tIO'le A-sz ii. 22 vmeetli_n& 2. Bureau eau. of Fire Prevention and Fifol is ��if��3 Viz'._ :'-t1Si7_ec ti ons . A le tter t'a red Apr? - 5,, l95"0 1: b om ,g CAE c � raC3c�' U3ls l.Il:'�JeC F;C)t, City Fire Departmen-lb, red ?es E.i �; clar�.i -cation of the ordinance nance provisions regulating "Rooming Houses` vaas -.'ea- d and filed for refel-encc:' at a later date. NLW BUSINESS: 1. Nonaconformin bisG s �l3 snore Se=V .Cv BoaC,. Chairman Martin, ref ex�ring to tY�r R�3 �oaing pr©tierz'i�� ixi e:L r: f_.'+: along the Bayshore Service Road, questioned the status of tho severa4l firms conducting business on the propea ty of the Baysho-vo Plumbir g Service. The Planning Consultant, in reply, reported the. plumbing company to be operating legally as a non-conforxa._i.ng use. The televi i:�, io : repair service and the equipment rental company, on the same property, were presumably in violation of the ordinance, there being no pro- vision for the extension_ of a non -conforming use to permit othter uses, Mr. Sidney Madden, ovmer of the property, addressed the Com- mission stating bi.s willingness to cooperate to bring the property and its use to City standards. A suggestion from Cyrus McLfillan, attorney for lira Madden, that his client make application for variances to permit the established uses was favorably received. Mr. Madden was requested to present a concrete plan for improvements when submitting his applications. 2. Advisory Planning, Council. Commissioner Kindig, reporting on the activities of the San Mateo County Advisory Planning Council, advised of a request presently before the County Board of Supervisors for funds to maintain the Council clerical staff. The Council is requesting that an endorse' ment be forwarded to the Board of Supervisors supporting its services. - 3- f A draft of a suggested resolution for City Council approval has bean prepared. In ensuing discussion, Members agreed that; the Work of `%he Panning Cww-cil merits support. A motion was ti'1e1.`'e a: for <It3''C'+L1.3ceej.. by Corlrsi sioncr ringer,. seconded by Co�krr:2t ssionex-- D eder3-c hsen, the City Court,cil, by adoption of a proper resolul"'G .on, Ondors i ,;ho- ser ices of the Advisory Funning Council and so advise the San Coimc�--y Board of Supervisors. Motion r:.axz1a-i.=�d-ananimoI7.sly on call. Tht?ro being no, further business, '!`ha rP_aE3'i;ing was F.1C Sours% Dd Respectfully subma: ;t od;, Everett K. Kindig Secretary