HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1957.05.08CITY OF BURLINGAME MINUTES COP JOINT MM 13IG OF PIANNING COMMISSI©Y AND CITX COUNCIL � .'.9 °� A. public meeting was held in the Council Clv3mbers at Burlingame City Hail by the City Council and Planning Comi.s- slon for the purpose of hearing public comment on the propos- ed routes of the Juniper* Serra Extension. the meeting was called to order by Councilman J'assphtho Mhayor at IM5 P. M. and turned over to Chairman R, D. Martin of the Planning Commission, Present w*"* Mrs. Thayer, representing the Council sT P. Sinclair, District Rugineor, State of California G: J. Marr, City Engineer George Mann, City.Planner All members of the Planning Commission. Mr. Martin called on Mr. Sinclair for a general outline of thi proposed routes. State legislation has authorised the build«* 6 of a new route bo extend from San Pranei.sco to San Jo -so, then** to Carquinez Straits where it will join the now bridge. The route must be a freeway and mist be built as close as practicable to built-up areas in order that it may servo the Most people. Proposed routes *A* and *Bseach have advantages And d.isadvantagss. Route *A" is the most costly but has the bast grades. Route "B* is farther from the centers of popula- tion but has the better alignment. Both will disrupt existing cunities to same extent. Public hearings will be held seea and the Highway Commission will then make its decision. Chairiaan Martin then asked that spokesmen a A representatives of the affected areas take the fluor to voice their opinions. Dr. aso, A. Krowhout, 2741 Summit Drive, said that he represent- ed the thinking of Kenner Terrace, Burling -view and the Si='t Drive area, s A said that these people were against Route W _ He suggested that a new routs could be developed which would -not disrupt any homao owners. Mr. R. L. MoWayno, 2878 lillside Drive, opposed the location at the rear of Hoover School which placed the read immediately above the Sahooi grounds. A.. 8 . dlshen, 2800 Hillside Drive, said that - this metter has been coming up for years with the result that the people must constantly appear to defend themselves against the extension of the highways through their properties. Awipero Serra Routing Meeting ..2- May 8, 1957 Mr. B . D . Gohnors, 1.10 Los Mantes, said that neither route is feasible. that the pxvposed. mead could hardly be termed a *defenses measure, and that the oonstruetion would slow Skyline Boulevard leaving no read for a period of time. Dr. k. I. Condit, 5920 Skyline, said that he represented sky- line Manor, Burlingame Man* r and the owners on dkylins Beulevarl. Ha proposed itbat both routes be opposed in the Burlingame area and that the higbsray be reed on a straight line soneiftst to the, west of Skyline, fhi.s would serve to by-pass all h* established residenaos, He said that such a routs was praeti- "ble on the slop* below the homes and would eliminate all opposition. Mr. ;. 0. Dalton# 1.09 Los Mantes, agreed with the preri out speaker and said that the short addMonal distanee to reaeh the highway would SO& little to the travel cost. S. H. Orr, 106 Los Montoss suggested that a, new routing entirely to the west of Skyline would leave the Skyline as an a.ddtionxi service road for the area. After a short intermission, Chairmen Martin asked Mr. Ainelair to answer questions. The question period developed many further arguments with most people opposing one or, the other Pent,**& Suggestions were made that an additional shoreline hl&my bo built on the tidelaadss that Bayshore be widened, that Sashore be doubl"asked, eta. At ll t 40 T . M . Chairman Martin adjourned the mm a Ling and asked that the matter be placed on the Planning Commission agenda for study and report to the City Counoil.