HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1957.05.13CITY OF BUELINGA:riE 1'1: ITIT ING C01,11a11SS C ON COMMISSIONf S PRESE14T Die derichsen Finger Henderson Kindig Martin Norberg Stivers MINUTES CW01ISSIONI'RS ABSENT 1.71 o e Special Meeting Aa y _ `r OTH -RS PRESENT C i ;y Meeting called to order at 8:05 p.m.; Chairman Martin presiding. Chairman Martin announced that this was a special meeting for the pur- pose of conducting a public searing on an application to reclassify certain property within the Cite, notices b.v-5.ng been published as re- quired. DECLASSIFICATION: Trousdale Construction Company requesting rezoning from R-1 District (First Residential) to R-2 1s, s..i` 3 (Second Residentiale certain land in the Mills Estate Subdivision, A letter dated May 13, 1957, was _read from Paul. Vw, Trousdale, Trousdale Construction Company9 advising of his inability to attend the hearing as originally planned. The communication outlined the reasons for the proposed rezoning and stated the intention of the de veloper to request no further rezoning; within the areas now developed or being developed. Mr. Lee Ham, engineer for the applicants, ,addressed the Commission advising that the lots to be rezoned front on both sides of Trousdale Drive, westerly from Castenada Avenue to Skylines Boulevard. A plot plan outlining the area was submitted for Commission review. The re- zoning proposes to.increase the total R-2 lots in the Burlingame Mills Estate area from'40 to 140. Mr. Ham reiterated the contention of the Trousdale Company that a need exists for this duplex zoning to provide rental units not presently available in the community, with subsequent higher assessed valuations resulting in increased revenue to the City plus the economy of a smaller school population in rental zones than in first residential. Trousdale Drive is a major street and eventually will carry a heavy volume of traffic. For these reasons, the Trousdale Company believes duplex zoning on the lots fronting the street to be the proper development. As the largest single property oviner in the Mills Estate, Mr. Trousdale is convinced that the proposed R-2 zoning along Trousdale Drive to be an astst rather than A detriment to the community; Referring to the communication from Mrs. Trousdale in which an offer was made to appoint a representative of the Home Owners Association to the Architectural Committee, which will approve the plans of duplex units to be constructed, Chairman Martin queried Mr. E. J. Viner of the Trousdale Construction Company, in attendance, on the possibility of the Home Owners holding a majorit-y on the Committee and was advised that this could be arraing,ed. In further discussion, Chairman Martin questioned_ a possible re- zoning on, land not yet undary development 'the Boulevc r°d and was advised byMr. Ham, that there would be -no ,3.'T77?%.he—, c-7a�.� for rw Loning with the possibleexception oil. lo 3 ba.c?r`R Ylg onttila c F`vre line oLilevs..rd -v the -oY_'v''• se-n�. plan be7_ng to }: olcl, tOon s `� this area. "t ° i'l 1aeveloplllent actua i ` c -cr:f m,. Fib it ' a.^_z.` t ;wo hence. . Mr. Ham. advised further that •uhe average front-ac; ; or, the lots underdiscussion is 80 feet .°°rith a m nlnaom >>uildablo area of 8000 <..._-.. feet. T'ne land lies in the cent on f A_ =Uh the t"- 1, Z,r a er-i:, itr-'.s ro--n .--b`' rounding �^knoll s n In response to Chairman Martin's invitation, Mr. Antonio J. Gaudio, Counsel for individual protestants and Chairman., Ylill s Estate Home Owners nasociation,, addressed the Commission and spoke in detail anum_er ating objections to the proposed rezoning. Mr. Gaudic declared the proposal to be In violation of the original plan for development of the Mills Estate with resultant unfavorable effedt upon the newly establishE first -residential zoning. A prepared statement from the Hoare Owners Association, outlining the protests presented by the speaker, as well a: a protest petition from resident property owners or lessees of first - residential property in and about the Mills Estate was accepted from Mr. Gaudio for filing. Cyrus J. McMillan, attorney representing Lacey & Wbite, Contractor and owners of a number- of first®residential lots within the 500 foot: radiun of the proposed rezoning, several abutting the R-2 zone, pro -- tested the reclassification. Stating that his client had purchased zi part of his property as recently as a month ago, Mr. McMillan declared that the Trousdale Company famed to notify purchasers of the intent to rezone. The Planning Consultant, in response to the Commission, made the following points affirming the application: (a) Concurred in the eventual use of Trousdale Drive as a major City street serving a heavy flow of traffic;. (b) Stated that there would be no physical abutting of the R-1 and the proposed R-2 properties, the duplex zone located in the canyon and donsiderably lower than the H-1 district; (c) Recognized an increase in tax revenue to the City from higher assessed valuations on rental properties. Negatively, Mr. Mann declared (a) The City of Burlingame for many years has adhered to a pattern of single-family zoning west of the E1 Camino Heal. It is questionable whether it is wise to disturb an arrangement accepted and approved by the citizens; (b) Property owners in the City must look to the Planning Commission for protection in their properties; (c) It has been established from past experience -that a change in use in an area invariably acts as an opening wedge for further changes. The City Engineer reported that should the proposed rezoning be- come effective the resulting increase in population could possibly affect the water supply storage. Storm drainage and sanitary sewer systems would not suffer. �2� Mr. Ham, advising that there were approximately 1000 lots st i.l to be developed, stated that the pattern of development requires the com-P.1ct:ion of the proposed duplexes along with the single-family homes as the con- struction:proceeds "up the hilly'. After some further discussion, Chairman Wlartin expressed hia op- position a.-v should 'the °ec?.as. _"aCa3: c�a be posi pion �.o the proposal stating ..h granted there was no guarantee that further chting�ecs in use Ymal-Id not be proposed by the Trousdale Company. A motion was t he:e ,oupon introduced by CoiFim i ,9 e-!_on%-; .r i)-i c3(Jo-T',I c ._' .- i. 1):'. the Commission reccrminend to the City Council that tho from. R-_1 DI s tr i c t € fJ.-s t residenI5.1 al 3 R-2 DI strict el Se eo-,I? in the IIi-.ls Estate Subd:i vi_s-i on proposed by the T,­ousdale Company be denied, seconded by Commi_ss o--ner Stivars On the question, Corr .-i ssioner Kindig e_sq:a�essed his oppositions to establishment of a duplex zoning prior I-Io c,oL„pletion of all firs-11— residential homes. The motion above stated Leas thereafter carried unanimously on :Loll. call. Commissioner Finger was excuses. at 9:51, p.m. COMMUNICATIONS: 1. Trousdale Construction Company re: Terr�ry off: ee quarters. A communication dated April la 1957, was read from the Trousda�o Construction Company requesting permission to continue the use of the dwelling at 2500 Trousdale Drive as office quarters. Reporting; Vhaz; a need exists for the continued use, the communication requested. an ex. - tension of the permit for a further period of twelve months. There being no protests, verbal or written, a motion was intro- duced by Commissioner Kindig that the Trousdale Construction Company be permitted to use the dwelling at 2500 Trousdale Drive as an office building for a period of twelve months from date, seconded by Com- missioner Norberg and carried unanimously on roll call. There being no further business before the Special Meeting,, the meeting was regularly adjourned at 10:00 p.m. RECESS A recess of five minutes was called before the Study Meeting, scheduled for this date, was convened. CALL TO ORDER Study Meeting called to order at 10:05 p.m., Chairman Martin pre- siding. 1. TENTATIVE IJ1AP-"Creekside". City Engineer Marr advised that this is a proposed subdivision of 1.67 acres MoL, formerly a portion of the Ray Park recreation area -3- property sold by the City of Burlingame to the applicants. The land lies between Easton Subdivision No. 5 and Lincoln Elementary School at the northwesterly terminus of Cabrillo Avenue and Drake Avenue. There is a problem relative to water. service to some of the parcels which -must be resolved. After discussing the proposal with Mr. Robert F. rarlett, engineer for the applicants, Commissioners scheduled a public hearing for the: regular meeting, May 27, 2. RESUBDTVISIC3N Northwesterly portion of Lot 4, all of Lot 5, ----- Block 52, Easton Subdivision No. 5. Nicholas Bogoslovsky, owner. The City Engineer stated that the proposal is to establish two parcels fronting on Balboa Avenue having areas in excess of_ 5000 square feet each. There is a problem relative to the sewer system .requiring an additional maiJV to service the second lot. The hearing was scheduled for the Pray 27 meeting,, 3. VARIANCE - Mansfield Garratt, Sr.., 13 Hayward Court, requesting per- mission to construct small frame structure on the side property line and within the front r 0% of the property„ The applicant, in attendance, advised that the proposed structure will serve as a pool shelter. The steepness of the land precludes the construction at the rear of the property. The :3wimming pool is located toward the front of the property and the sheltei:�, as indicated on the drawing, has been eited in the logical position alongside the pool. Commissioners discussed the matter with Mr:, Garratt and agreed to inspect the site prior to the hearing May 27,, 4. VARIANCE o Morton Rude and Doris L. Rude requesting permission to construct carports up to and along the southerly property line for its entire length instead of just the rear 30%. Mr. Morton Rude,'in attendance, addressed the Commission advising that he proposes to construct a 50 unit apartment building on the property located at the southwesterly corner of Trousdale Drive and Marco Polo 4:ay. The lot is irregular in shape and to utilize the building site to�the best advantage and offer easy ingress and egress for parking of tenants' cars, it has been found necessary to build the carports within the property line along the entire south side. This would not interfere with the adjacent property presently under develop- ment as an apartment building. There are no apartments on the ground floor along the northerly side of the adjacent building. After discussing the application further with Mr. Rude, Com- missioners scheduled the hearing for the regular meeting, May 27. 5. VARIANCE - Coast Neon Signs, Redwood City, requesting a variance from the Sign Ordinance to permit the installation of a neon sign on the property of the Frank Edward Company, 1541 Adrian Roadg Mills dale Industrial Park. �4- Mr. Fred Nielsen, representing the applicant, addressed the Commission and advised that the proposed sign will be supported by steel poles embedded in concrete and attached to the side wall of the building. The sign will. extend above the office portion of the building. In response to Chairman Martin, the Planning ConsulLa;-tt stated that the sign itself is of legal size but the method of attachment is not covered by provisions of -he ordinance, A hearing was scheduled for May 2`7 at which the .tl'-on. of Fire Chief Moorby was to be subi-pitted rela tiv— to the p_:-;D posal. COIa] 4UNICATIONS 1. San Mateo County Planning Commassion re: County Master Plan Proposed Highway Routes. Commissioner Kindig advised that the San Mateo County Planning Commission has submitted a proposed highway p_Lan to be included in the County Master Plan and is requesting an endorsement on tb- e gested routes, The Planning Consultant, in reply to Chairman Martin, stated that while none of the proposed routes lie within the boundaries of this City, the plan merits support and it was his recommendation that the Commission take the necessary action to express its approvals, The, matter was referred to the regular meeting, May 27,, for formal .action. NEY BUSINESS 1. Proposed Junipero Serra Freeway Location. Chairman Martin referred to the public hearing recently conducted by the.City Council and the Planning Commission at which time proposed routes designated by the State of California Highway Division as "A" and "B" for the extension of Junipero Serra Highway were thoroughly reviewed. Chairman Martin suggested that consideration be given to an alternate route,"C" endorsed by a number of private citizens within the community, !Because the lands of the Water Department of the City and County of San Francisco are involved in the location of said route "C", the Chair requested that the City Attorney solicit from the office of the State Attorney General an opinion relative to the possibility of condemnation proceedings against land reserved for a public water reservoir. Queried by the Chair, the Planning Consultant stated that a formal recommendation should be forwarded from the Commission to the City Council on the route determined by Commission findings to serve the best interests of the community. �6e The matter was thereafter referred to the May 27 meating, at which time a recommendation, to be prepared by the Planning Consultant would receive Commission action, There being no further business, the meeting was regularly ad- journed at 11:20 p.m. Respectfully submitted., Everett X. Kindig Secretary -6-