HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1957.06.24CITY OF RLTRL INGAME PL,ANIP ING C01 i:iISS:C ON 141 M TES Rags l,ar Meet -ling June 24, 1957 Crr:l f',_E: L ; 2_RESs�NT COW ►.SSii3T�?E2 ^ A.i3 Z°.I' 0`�' S PRESENT Di ederichsen Henderson Attorney liar_ el Finger Norberg Piano Cons. 17jann Kindig City Engineer Marr Martin Stivers Meeting called to order at 8:00 p.m.; Chairman Martin presiding, Minutes of the regular meeting, May 27, 1957, and study meeting, June 10, 19579 were approved as written. Chairman Martin stated that this was the time scheduled for certain public hearings, notices having been published as required.® HEARINGS: RECLASSIFICATION and VARIANCE: Andrew J. and Mary Conway, Thomas Jo and Kathleen Culligan for gasoline service station El Camino Real and Dufferin Avenue. (Item No. 9 on the agenda.) An application dated February 5, 1957, submitted by Nndrew J, and Mary Conway, Thomas J. and Kathleen Culligan, requesting the re- classification from partial R-1 and C-1 District to complete C-1 District (retail commercial) of two vacant lots located oz. the north- east corner of El Camino Real and Dufferin Avenue. A second application, under date of February 5, 1957,f rom the same applicants, requesting a variance from the provisionE of the zoning ordinance to permit the erection, operation and maintenance of a gasoline service station upon said land. A communication dated March 21, 1957, was read from Edward Ro Fitzsimmons, attorney at law, representing the applicant:, advising that the present zoning (R-1, first residentia'L) prohibii,s the "Economically feasible development of the land" and the >roposed service station use is held to be the "highest economical. use". Letters and petitions of protest were read as follcws: 1. Burlingame Village Improvement Club Committee oppose, to reclassification and variance, Lots 1 and 2, Block 10, Burlingame Village Subdivision; 2. Burlingame Improvement Clubs Council, Fred W. Lehman, president, in opposition to a gasoline service station. at E1 Camino Real and Dufferin Avenue; 3. A petition in opposition to the proposed rezoning submitted and signed by 56 property owners in'the Burlingame Village Subdivision. Chairman Martin thereupon called on Mr. Fi.tzSimmons who advised that his clients were convinced, after considerable investigation, that the property would be an "excellent service station cornert9. However, there was no intent to disturb neighborhood harmony and in deference to the opposition to the service station use voiced by the overwhelm- ing majority of residents in the Burlingame Village area, the owners hereby.authorized withdrawal of the applications at hand. Continuing, Mr. FitzSimmons stated that in lieu of the service station use, the owners now proposed a reclassification of the two subject lots, as well as two additional lots directly south across Dufferin Avenue, to R-4 District (fourth residential) to accommodate a "studio -apartment" development. Considerable discussion ensued and, at the suggestion of the City Attorney, Chairman Martin accepted the withdrawal of the original applications and requested Mr. FitzSimmons to submit a :new application specifying the alternative proposal. Mr. FitzSimmons was reminded that the revised application must be presented first to the Commission at a study meeting at which time the date for the public hearing will be set. VARIANCE: lugs. Betty Cook for nurserZ school. (Item. No. 8 on the agenda.) An application to operate the "Wee Tots Nv.rsery School, 700 Peninsula Avenue,, presently operated by Mrs. Grace Kortick under a variance approved by the Planning Commission. Mrs. Betty Cook,, in attendance, requested a continuance of the hearing to the July 22 meeting of the Commission and stated than at that date she would know definitely whether or not she would be in position to continue with the application. There were no - protes u-s voiced and the eontznuaz?ce was granted as requested. to RESUBDIVISION - Lots i and 82- Block 29, Mills Estate Now 7 A request to change the existing common lot line between the above described properties. Mr. Jack Dovey, engineer, spoke for the applicants and stated - that the building plans for the lots require the present irregular common lot line to be changed to bring about a more .favorable align= meat. Chairman Martin asked for objections to the proposal and, there being none, a motion_ was introduced by Commissioner Diederichsen, seconded by Commissioner Finger that the resubdi.vision as submitted be approved. Motion carried unanimously on roll call of members present. 2. RESUBDIVISION - Parcel "A", Bearint Property, Easton Industrial Subdivision. An application to resubdivi de the lands of B. I. and Teresa Bearint, thereby establishing parcel "C" of 0.46 acres, with frontage of 100 feet on Bayshore Service Road. Questioned by the Chair, the City Engineer and the Planning Con- sultant stated that the resubdivision was proper, The City Engineer explained that the proposal will divide one large parcel of acreage into two parcels. There being no protests voiced, a motion was introduced by Commissioner Finger, seconded by Commissioner Diederichsen that the resubdivision as submitted be approved. Motion carried unanimously on roll call of members present. 3. RESUBDIVISION - Parcel "G", Block 8, Mills :Estate Subdivision No. 3. An application requesting the resubdivision of Parcel "G", Block 8, Mills Estate No. 3 thereby establishing two separate parcels. Mr. Warren E. Spieker, co-owner of the property, discussed with Commissioners the proposed development plans advising that one 50 foot parcel will be conveyed to a new owner for construction of a combination store and office building, the remaining 45 foot lot to be retained by the present owners. Commissioners stated their opposition to the dimensions of the proposed lots and were advised by the Planning Consultant that at the present time there are no regulations limiting lot sizes in commercial_ districts. In reply to the Chair, the City Engineer and the Planning Con- sultant declared the resubdivision to be proper. A motion was introduced by Commissioner Finger that the application as submitted be approved, seconded by Commissioner Diederichsen and carried unanimously on roll call of members present. 4. RESUBDIVISION-- Mrs. Charles J. Bassett - Lot 6, Block 1, Burlingame Park Subdivision No. 3. An application to resubdivide the property at 133 Pepper Avenue, thereby establishing two parcels with frontages on Pepper Avenue. The Planning Consultant addressed the Commission and referred to previous discussions with the applicant at which time it was determined that should the resubdivision be accomplished t;he garage presently in existence would become a part of the second lot, leaving the existing house with no garage and in violation of City statutes. For this reason, Mr. Mann suggested that the Commission withhold action on the application until such time that evidence can be presented to show the new garage in place. Mr. Mann further suggested, in consideration to Mrs. Bassett, that the Commission convey to her an informal opinion on the resubdivision as proposed. -3- In reply to Chairman Martin, the City Engineer stated that the resubdivision appears to be in order, meeting the ordinance require- rien.ts for lot size as well as street frontage, but, pending a qualified field survey, his approval must be withheld. In discussion with Mrs. Bassett, Commissioners expressed op- position on the grounds of poor aesthetics, declaring the proposal to be "mutilation" of property. The City Attorney. in reply to the Chair, stated that should the application meet the requirements of the ordin neesA approval must be gran_ ted, The hearing ivas thereafter continued to the regular meeting of July 22 and Mrs �. Bassett was requested to be present at that tins e . 5. RESUBDlVISION - Portion Lots 4 and 5p Bloc:[ 5?., Easton Adcitior No5 An application to resubdivide the property at 1517 Balboa Avenue, thereby establishing two parcels with frontages on Balboa Avenue. Mt. Nicholas Bogoslovsky, owner. The City Engineer addressed the Commission and advised that sub- sequent to the previous hearing held on the application, he had met with Mr. Bogoslovsky and reached an agreement en the cost of installing an additional sewer lateral to service the new lot and payment in null had been made to cover said cost. Further agreement was arrived at to remove the small house at the rear of the property. There being no protests voiced, a motion was introduced by Com- missioner Fingers seconded by Commissioner Diederichsen that the ap- plication as submitted be approved. Motion carried on the following roll calla AYES: COTUISSIONERS: Diederichsen, Finger, Kindig NOES: CODU;IIS SI ONERS : Martin ABSTAIN COM14ISSIONERS: Stivers ABSENT COMMISSIONERS: Henderson, Norberg 6. TENTATIVE MAP - "Creekside" Subdivision. The Planning Consultant addressed the Commission and stated that he was authori zed on behalf of the applicants to request a continuance to the meeting of July 22 to permit the prepariation of a new map There were no protests and the continuance was granted as requested 7. FITVIL MAP - Etienne Industrial Park„ Unit No. 1, A subdivision of approximately 6 acres in the Easton Industrial Subdivision. The City Engineer addressed the Commission and stated that the map was in order, all stipulations, previously made a part of the Tentative -Maps having been met by the subdivider. There were no protests received and a motion was introduced by -4- Commissioner Kindig, seconded by Commissioner Finger that he map be a-Dproved as submitted mid recommiended to tba i ty Co-tzrl it fox-- Motion carried unanimously on roll call of me bars present;, M; BUSINESS-. 1. Chairman Maz v?n announced that this was the time for election of Commission officers for the ensuing year and nominac tions were in order: CILA IRWITA .- C Qzmraissioner Martin no -urinated by Coy missioner Diederi chs< seconded by Commissioner F i nge2:- and unanimously e? ec t ed VICE-CHAIRDI�i' N; Commissioner Stivers nomif,ated by Commissioner Finger, seconded by Commissioner Diederichsen. unanimously elected. SECRETARY; Commissioner Kindig nominated by Commissioner Fingera seconded by Commissioner Ste vers and unanimously elected. Elections were thereafter declared officials 20 Reference was made to a statement written by Chairman EZartin, at the request of Councilman Andre; Byrd, presenting for the consideration of the City Council the opinion of the Planning Commission relative to the City9s need for a Planning Consultant and the services required and rendered. A motion was introduced by Commissioner Kindig, seconded by Coma missioner Finger that the statement in full be incorporated as a part of the Planning Commission records. Motion carried unanimously on roll call of members present. There being no further business, the meeting was regularly adjouned at 10:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Everett K. Kindig Secretary -5-