HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1957.10.14CITY OF BURLIiiGAII, . a=l.h kl4illul CohEIS610 I I'11a`4UTE S sturV CU1hh1BSIUd.&HS ?H.SEAT'` CJYiNISSIUJERS ABSEiiT Diedeu .4cehsz.n _-'40.ne F i. nge r h' e'?.d e v o.'n K ind i NartIn Aorberg `.a'tivers CALL To URD,�R-. Plan, CcYdsu-',. 6n Meeting called to order at 8:00 pm,; Chairman FLgrtin presid_ag, `.CRI CUUATY .t'Lti,MI,A CUU.4CI7 : Planning Consultant Mann ca �lcd to "��1; -;t- tention of the Commission on a meeti.ag of the izri-County 111 anningr to be held Saturday, Got®bea`' 26, 1957a in Redwood C'itj►.9 �OiiCer�.I�.� 't;Yl�' Legal Aspects of Planning and suggested that a representative group from the Burlingame Planning Commission attend. FOR STUDY 1. '23ATATM viAP "MILTS GftRDEA COURT AU. 2" _ A ESSUBDIVIS-IOA OF LUl'S 8 iiAD 9. MIMS GIRD -EA COURT. Tack Van Gzndi: a e ! sneer, presented the ,fap a.n behalf o� ,hc the `['tiwn and Coantry Realty Company, and advised t1iiat the o-iners r!rC; prepared to proceed. wi 1h the development of Lots 8 and 9 in the !-,I -I f Garden Court Subdivision, said lots representing; an area of six (6) acres to be divided into eighteen (10) parcels, Commissioners reviewed the proposal with Mr,, Van Zandt aad dtf.scussed the necessary public improvements to be installed - street work, -public utilitiesg etc. The map was thereafter referred to the regular meeting, Octo'bez- 28, for formal consider'ationc 2. FIAA.L M&P 1BCRFEKSIW SUBDIVISIUido The City" Engineer presented for study the final map of s'Creeksids' Subdivision and observed that said map agreed in all points with the pce-- viously approved tentative map. In reply to a question raised by Commissioner IS in6er, the Planning Consultant stated that each of the six (6) dots in the subdivision pro- vides a sati-sfactory building site. After some further discussion, the map was referred to the regu]_s+r meeting, October 28, 1957, for formal consideration. 3. RESUBDI-VISIUA PARCLL D,BE-aRIAT PRUPERTY. Dro B, 1. Bearint, oiaraer, in attendance, advised. Co.rin _ss ioaeys t 7at he wishes to resubdivide a portion of his prope:rty in order to establish ish parcel "J,111 , ; Oo 63 acres) with frontage of 100 feet on the Old Bayshore Highway. yt the present time, said parcel is completely n der w6:1ter but the prospective buyer is prepared to proceed witki tale aocs�rsa y f to Il,�,,ke the property suitable for nis use as a co.atractorl s .,towage; yab d„ In a ge.oeral discussion concerning the drainage, the City i7n-ineer observed that drainage as proposed by Dr. Bearint did not appear to be adequate and requested that prior to the time tine neap is presented to the Commission for formal consideration the drainage system be revised. The application was thereafter referred to the regular meeting of October 28 for public hearing, 4o PARKIAG PLAA FIRST ChURCH OF CdRIST SCIEATIST. Planning Consultant rann submitted a drawin6 of the parking area proposed to be developed by the First Church of Christ Scientist, Oak Grove fivenue, Burlingame Commissioners reviewed the plan and the matter was thereafter referrryd to the regular m etin6, October 28, 10/57. 5. PROPOSED UhDIAAACES (1) REGUL_yTIJG PUBLIC HOSPITALS. (2) AMEADIAG SECTIOA 1926, z:o.,aiiG UhDIAAACE . Deferring to the revisions to the Goring Ordinance prepared by tree Plannln,�Commission and submitted to the City Council, the Planning Consulted reported that under date of October 7, 19579 the Council by a majority Grote denied the proposed revision to Section 1926E amending regulations for R®1 Districts; and (2) Introduced for first reading bile ordinance "regulating public hospitals" 6. LUAG=HaAGE PLt3AAI.+ G PROGRAM. The Planning Consultant submitted for Commission study an outline of a proposed long-range planning program covering the development of a number of civic improvement projects, HDJOURsdMAT: These being no further matters for discussion, the meet- ing was regularly adjourned at 9:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Everett K. Kindig Secretary