HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1957.11.25CITY OF BURLINGAME PLAAAIAG COMhISSION VI LIUMS COMiliISSIOASRS P RESEiJT Diederichsen Henderson Kindig Martin Aorbe rg Stivers CALL TO ORDER Regular meeting ,4ovember 25, 1957 CONIviISSIOJERS ABS'E-H OTfli,RS PRES.�-AT Finger City Attorney Karme- rCi"ty Engineer f.-,ar r Plano Cons. Mann Councilman Johnson Councilman Thayer Park Coma Amstxup A regular meetin.d of the Burlingame City Planning Commission was held on the above date. Meeting called to order at 8:05 p.m. - Chairman Martin presiding. AiLiUTES PREVIOUS N,EET i3G The minutes of the regular meeting of October 28, 1957, and the adjourned regular meeting and study meeting of November 12, 1957, were approved, PUBLIC HEARLiGS Public hearings, scheduled in conformance to appropriate procedure, were conducted on the following: 1. RESUBDIVISI04 -- Parcel 32A, Lot 32, Block ido, 6, Piillsdale Industrial Park.tso. 3. A proposed resubdivision of the above property was submitted to the Planning Commission for formal action by Fir. Jack Dovey, representing the owners, Trammell Crow and Edwin L. Cox. Mr, Dovey explained that the re - subdivision will create a 1 acre parcel with a frontage of 180 feet on Adrian Road. In reviewing the map, Commissioners questioned Mr. Dovey concerning the lot lines described thereon, with particular reference being made to the two narrow lots, designated as Parcel "C" and Parcel "Dt° Members expressed reluctance to approve the map as submitted and questioned the City Engineer concerning the advisability of abandoning certain of the lot lines, whereby the above mentioned parcels would be: eliminated. City Engineer -iarr advisod that he had no objection,, There being no protests from other persons in attendance, a motion was in- troduced by Commissioner Diederiehsen, seconded by Commissioner Kindig, that the resubdivision of Parcel 32A, Lot 32, Block 6, Millsdale Industrial Park 140. 3 be approved, conditional upon the following: (1) that the lot lines within the 180 foot parcel be abandoned, thereby aliminating Parcel "C" e (2 -that the lot line between Parcel 31-,A and Parcel ` r/1 be abandoned,, thereby eliminating Parcel "D" . Motion carried unanimously on roll call of members, 2. FNAL MAP m Mills Garden Court No. 2 The final map of Mills Carden Court No, 2, submitted at the last study meeting, was given further consideration. Pair, Jack Dovey, engineer representing the owners£. Town and Country Realty Company,, reviewed the map with Commissione:� s and advised treat the sub- division will provide 18 lots zoned for apar -men.t house use The City Engineer and the Planning Consultant Indicated approval and ad- vised that the snap was in agreement with, the previously app.coved -lex itl tre map, with the exception of a change 1n some of the lot lines. There being; no protests received,, either verbal or written,, a motion was introduced by Commissioner Aorberg, seconded by Commissioner Henderson that the Final Map of hills Garden Court No. 2 be :recommended to the City Council for adoption. Motion carried anypanimously can roll call 3 A SPECIAL PERMIT - Southern Baptist Church to use property in (Aoo on the agenda), Mills Estate No. 11 for church 2uKR2ges. -- A hearing was 'meld on an application of the Burlli,4ame Southern Baptist Church, 145 Park Road,, Burlingame for a use permit, for a chapel and re- lated bui.ldin s to be constructed on property located at Sebastian Drive and Trousda'le Drive (Lots 33 through 37, Bloek 30, Mills Estate No. 11) A letter dated November 49 1957n signed by Robert i. Daugherty, Pastor, and Alvin B. Smith, Chairman Building Committee, was read advising of plans to build a church auditorium, educational building and chapel In reply to,Chairman Plartin, the Planning Consultant reviewed the pro- visions of the ordinance regulating church use,, with particular refer- ence to the set -back restrictions and off-street parking requirements. The Chair recognized Pastor Daugherty who advised that the building plans were not yet, available; however,, the program called for construc- tion first of a building to house the sunday school and chapel and ad- ditional structures as required;, In the general discussion which followed, Commissioners questioned Pastor Daugherty concerning the general lay -out of the development and the off-street parking facilities. Chairman hartin suggested that prior to the time actual construction starts, a plot plan should be presented to the Commission for beview. Commissioner Norberg,, concurring in the Chairman°s remarks, introduced a motion that a use permit be granted the Burlingame, Southern Baptist Church as requested, with the proviso that the preliminary drawings and final plans be submitted to the Planning Commission prior to construction. Motion seconded by Commissioner Diederiehseno The applicant indicated no objection to the proviso and the motion was thereafter unanimously carried on roll call of members. Chairman Martin advised the applicants that the use permit was granted providing no appeal was received prior to Tuesday, December 12, 1957. The hearing was thereafter declared concluded. 4. SPECIAL PERMIT - Burlingame Methodist Church for sunday school use. (No. 6 on the agenda A hearing was held on the request of the Burlingame Methodist Church, El Camino Real at Howard Avenue, to use an apartment building located at 141 Primrose Road fbr church school purposes. A letter dated November 8, 1957, was read from the Reverend Myron Herrall advising that the building has been acquired for church use to alleviate presently over -crowded facilities and that alterations will be made to comply with the City fire department recommendations. Mr. Jim Ferran, representing; the applicant, discussed with Commissioners the proposed use and described alterations to be undertaken prior to occupancy. In addition, a chart was submitted outlining various locations within the immediate neighborhood of the church available to church mem- bers for parking. In reply to questions directed to the Planning Consultant, Commissioners were informed that the contemplated remodeling will prove a definite ad- vantage to the property. Further, a plan to provide off-street parking in wont of the building, to supplement parking spaces available on the Igas station property immediately adjacent, should prove a satisfactory arrangement Mr. Ferran addressed the Commission further and advised that the property on the corner of Howard Avenue and Primrose Road, immediately adjacent to the proposed Sunday school building, is church property presently under lease to the Standard Oil Company and operated as a gasoline ser- vice station. The lease agreement provides that the service station will not be open for business on Sundays to permit the church to use the available area for off-street parking. Continuing, Mr. Ferree stated that in addition to the remodeling prom posed to be oompleted on the structure9 it is planned to construct a drive way extending between the two properties to provide an easy flow of traffic from the parking areas. After. some further discussion, a motion was introduced by Commissioner Diederiehsen that the use permit be'granted subject to the following: (1) remodeling of the building to be subject to the approval of the City°$ fire department; (2) remodeling to include removal of the front porch of the building as well as the existing fence; (3) ground area in front of the structure, between the trees and the building, to be properly covered for service as a parking area; (4) the set -bank reserved for planting to remain; (5) the adjoining corner property to remain available for church parkin; on Sundays and evenings when necessary. At the re- quest of Commissioner Aorberg-, a further stipulation was added to the above -stated motion as follows: (6) construction of the new driveway' mentioned by Mr. Fcrren to be contingent on the approval of the construe- ®30 tion plans by the City Engineer. Motion seconded by Commissioner Kindig and carried unanimously on roll call of members. Chairman martin advised the' applicant that the use p .rmit was granted provided no appeal was received prior to Tuesday;, December 3, 1957. The hearing; was tr�ereafter declared concluded. 5. SPECIAL PERMIT e Martin Ruane u Song for contractor's .yard. (Ao, 3 on the agenda) A hearing was held 'on the request of Martin Ruane, 232 Taraval Street, San Francisco,, for permission to op,arate a plasterer contractor storage yard and offices upon a parcel of land located in the Easton Industrial Subdivision, said property having frontages on Marsten Road. and Rollins Road, lair. Ruane, in attendance, submitted a site plan and an improvement plan and advised that he intends to use one-half of th6 property, fronting on La rsten Road, for his own Immediate use and, at a later date, develop the r emaining one-half, fronting on Rollins Road for shop and warehouse facilities. Chairman Martin asked for comments of those in attendance and William Van Zyverden, owner of the property located at 1353 Karsten Road, was Given osrmission by the Chair to examine plans submitted by Mr. Ruane. After,,. -,.a lengthy discussion,) hr. Van Zyverden indicated that he had no objections to the proposed use, At the invitation of Chairman Martin, Chairman Amstrup of the Park Com- mission, in attendance, reviewed the plans and stated that he had no suggestions to make, There being no protests heard, a motion was introduced by Commissioner Kindig, seconded by Commissioner Henderson that a special permit be granted to Martin Ruane and Sons to maintain a plasterer contractor storage yard and offices (on that certain property located within the Easton Industrial Subdivision and described in detail in the application on file) said grant to be subject to the following: (1) the proposed use to be developed in agreement with the site plan on file, which plan was submitted and accepted as a part of the application; (2) the fence enclosing the open yard area to be a solid -type fence, not less than eight (8) feet in height, as provided by ordinance, and, across the Marsten Road frontage, said fence to be set back 30 feet from the property line, thereby providing an off-street parking area; Above motion was declared carried on the following roll call vote: AYES: COhNISSIOAERS: Henderson, Kindig, Martin, Norberg, Stivers AGES: CUHMISSIONSRS : Diederichsen ` ABSENT COI MISSIONERS: Finger "Commissioner Diederichsen explained his vote by a statement of oppositio; to contractor° s yards in general, Chairman Martin advised the applicant that the use permit was granted pro- vided no appeal was received prior to Tuesday, December 3, 1957. The hearing -was -thereafter declared concluded. 6, SPECIAL PSRNIT - Beryl I. Bearint for contractor° s�d . fN®a on the agenda) A hearing wa held on the request of Beryl Ie Bearint, VMD, 1288 Bayshore Highway, for a permit authorizing a contractor°b storage ybrd to be located on a portion of his property. A perspective plot plan of the use and a statement setting forth proposalE for development of the property; submitted by Dr. Bearint, were accepted to be fit--d as a port of the application. Dr. Bearint addressed the Commission and advised that he plans to sell the property to a hr. Frank harasco, who will undertake the necessary im- provements to make the location suitable for his contracting business In reply to a series of questions from CoMMsssionsrs, Mra har.asco advised that the yard was to be enclosed by an eight foot redwood fence; parking spaces to be provided within the grounds; one small building to be erected for storage purposes. There being no protests heard, a emotion was Introduced by Commissioner Henderson, seconded by Commissioner Aorberg that a use permit be granted to Beryl I.Bearint and Frank Marasco for a coat, acto? s storage yard to be operated on the property located in the Easton Industrial Subdivision (land area described in detail in the application) buts ject to the follow- ing: (1) area to be filled progressively; (2) use as stowage yard to begin when at least 5000 square feet of area is completed; (3) fencing of front and side lines to be done as land is readied; (4) frontage Fence to be placed at 5 foot setback from property line and trees planted in said setback, (Detailed plans on file.) Motion was declared carried on the following roll call vote: AYES: COMMISSIOAZRS : Henderson, Kindig, .Fiartina Norberg, Stivers ROES: CONhISSIONERS : Diederichsen (repeating his objections to ABSEAT CUMMISSIOAERS : Finger contractor0 s storage yards) Chairman Martin advised the applicants that the use permit was granted provided no appeal was received prior to Tuesday, December 3, 1957. The hearing was thereafter declared concluded, COMMUtd ICATIOAS 1, Advisory Planning Council re: Master Plano A letter dated November 15, 1957, was read from the San Mateo County Advisory Planning Council submitting for review a portion of the County Master Plan entitled FOPreliminary Master Plan For San Mateo County, Introduction and Gensral,Policy Statement". All members having previously received copies of the document, a motion was introduced by Commissioner Henderson endorsing said document and directing that the Advisory Planning Council be so advised. Motion seconded by Commissioner Norberg and carried unanimously. —5— 2 . Diur_-acne Recreation Association: Canyon area, Dulls Estate. A letter dated November 19, 1957, from the Burlin&ame Recreation Association eoneernin4; development of the canyon area in the Mills Estate Subdivision was acknowledbed and ordered filed AEW BUSINESS 1. Proposed ordinance amending regulations for R®1 Districts. Chairman Martin advised that a suggestion has been received from !Mayer Rooth tnat the Commission resubmit to the City Council the ordinance pro- posing to amend Section 1926 of the Code (Regulations for R-1 Districts) A motion was thereupon introduced by Commissioner Diederichsen, seconded by Commissioner Henderson that said ordinance be resubmitted for Council consideration.. Motion declared carried on the following roll call vote: AYES: COMNISSIOAERS : Diederichsen, Henderson, Kindig, Martin, Norber iWES : C0MNIS SIOAERS : None ABSTALi COMNISSIUAERS: Stivers ABS&AT COMMISSIOASRS : Finger ADJOURAMS14T The meeting was regularly adjourned at 10:15 pomp Respectfully submitted, Everett Ka Kindig Secretary �6®