HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1956.05.28CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION COMMISSIONERS PRESENT Finger Henderson Kindig Martin Norberg (9:10) Stivers MI NU TES COMMISSIONERS ABSENT Diederichsen Regular Meeting May 28, 1956 OTHERS PRESENT City Attorney-Karmel P1an.Consult -Mann Dir.Pub.Works-Mary Meeting called to order at 8:00 P.M.; Chairman Martin presiding. Minutes of the Regular Meeting of April 23, 1956, corrected on page two, last paragraph, third sentence to read "Burlingame Improvement Club" and approved as corrected; minutes of Special Meeting and Study Meeting of May 14, 1956, approved as written. COMMUNICATIONS: 1. Real Estate Signs - Industrial Area. A copy of a communication to the City Council dated May 24, 1956, was read from Alex Smith, Realtor, requesting a variance from the sign ord- inance to permit the erection of a 4 x 8 feet real estate advertising sign on Rollins Road industrial property for a period of 120 days. The Planning Consultant stated that such signs are proper on industrial property when controlled and the Commissioners agreed that there was merit in the request for a larger sign than permitted in the ordinance for use on industrial property. It was thereafter moved by Commissioner Kindig and seconded by Commis- sioner Finger that the Commission recommend to the City Council the ap- proval of a 4X8 feet sign on a temporary permit basis of 120 days. Motion carried unanimously. HEARINGS: 1. VARIANCE - Norma E. Moore tooperate a school for tutoring purposes at 1505 Roward Avenue. Mrs. Moore requested that her application be held over to a later meeting due to unforeseen complications. It was thereupon moved by Commissioner Henderson that a continuation be granted to the meeting of June 25, 1956, seconded by Commissioner Stivers and carried unanimously on roll call. 2. SPECIAL PERMIT - C. L. Figari to erect Hobby Room on property at 2007 Clarice Lane. Zone R-1. Continued from Special Meeting - May 14, 1956) Mr. Figari presented to the Commission the completed construction plans and stated that the building will be approximately 750 square feet in area, stucco exterior walls, shingle roof pitched 4-1/2" to the foot and a ceiling height not to exceed 716". Page 2 Plan.Com.Minutes- Reg.Meeting 5/28/56 The Commissioners agreed that previous discussions had covered the various problems of noise, electrical interference and placement on the lot. There being no further objections presented from the floor, it was moved by Commissioner Henderson that the permit be recommended to the City Council with the stipulations as to ceiling height limit- ation and roof pitch, in accordance with the plans as submitted, sec- onded by Commissioner Finger and carried unanimously on roll call. 3- VARIANCE - Russell Realty Company to establish private lot at southwest corner of Burlingame Avenue Camino Real - Zone R1. Mr. Hamilton, speaking in behalf of the Russell Realty Company, advised that present plans call for establishing a parking area to accommodate 22 to 24 cars. Of these spaces, the Realty Company would require ap= proximately 15 and the remaining would be available for rental to neigh- boring merchants. He stated further that the lot would be policed and maintained and landscaping along the El Camino Real frontage would be completed to comply with City requirements. The following citizens offered objections to the application: J. P. Taheny, 1538 Burlingame Avenue; James H. Wilson, 1509 Burlingame Avenue; Isabel C. Larsen, 1508 Howard Avenue; Edith G. Kimall, 1525 Burlingame Avenue; James Himmel, in behalf of the Burlingame Civic Im- provement Club. Approval of the lot was expressed by Mr. B. J. Bullock, 1508 Burlingame Avenue. In response to the Chair, the City Engineer confirmed that there is considerable traffic at the intersection of Burlingame Avenue and the E1 Camino and the parking lot might create some traffic congestion. Considerable discussion was given to the problems of policing and maintenance, creation of a nuisance to neighboring properties and traffic congestion. Objections were presented to the establishment of a commercial enterprise on the west side of El Camino Real, and it was thereafter moved by Commissioner Henderson that the application be denied, seconded by Commissioner Kindig: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Finger-Henderson-Kindig-Stivers NOES: COMMISSIONERS: Martin ABSTAIN:COMMISSIONERS: Norberg ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Diederichsen Mdiion Carriedi i (Corrmis' S'ioner,Finger,:stated.he wished his vote changed to "NO" and requested that the records read accordingly. PETITION: 1. TENTATIVE MAP - E1 Quanito Acres (Burlingame Hills). Mr. Lee Ham presented the map to the Commission and stated that all conditions and variances as agreed upon in past discussions had been incorporated: Page 3 Plan.Com.Minutes- Reg.Meeting 5/28/56 l.. The cul-de-sac approximately 870 feet in length. 2. Elimination of sidewalks. 3. Paved street width of 30 feet- 4- Placement of utility poles in the street right of way. Mr, Ham, in response to the Planning Consultant, agreed to make a change in one of the street names to eliminate a duplication. The City Attorney advised the Commission that under the provisions of the Subdivision Map Act the Planning Commission and the City Coun- cil may consider a tentative map even though the property is not within the city limits. However, a condition must be imposed that the prop- erty be annexed within a time limit set by the Planning Commission. It was thereafter moved by Commissioner Henderson that the Tentative Map as submitted be recommended to the City Council for approval pro- viding that the property be annexed within 180 days from date and that the street name be changed as requested, seconded by Commissioner Norberg and carried unanimously on roll call of members. COMMUNICATIONS (cont.) 2. Relocation of fence - Coca Cola Bottling Company. A communication dated May 28, 1956, was read from the Coca Cola Bottling Company of San Mateo requesting permission to relocate an existing 8 foot fence on their plant property at 1333 Marsten Road, Burlingame. A communication dated May 28, 1956, was read from Reginald E. Moorby, Fire Chief, stating his department had no objection to the height of this fence. Mr. Paul Bacon, president of Coca Cola Bottling Company, agreed to maintain the planting strip along the exterior of the fence, and there being no objections presented from the floor it was moved by Commis- sioner Finger that the request be granted to relocate the fence and that the planting be preserved as promised, seconded by Commissioner Kindig and unanimously carried on roll call. COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1. Budget - 1956/1957. Commissioner Henderson reported that the Committee had agreed that the budget as proposed was satisfactory and moved that it be submitted to the City Council for approval, seconded by Commissioner Kindig: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Finger-Henderson-Kindig-Norberg-Stivers. NOES: COMMISSIONERS: Martin ABSENT COMMISSIONERS: Diederichsen Mption carried. Page 4- Plan.Comm. Minutes Reg.Meeting 5/28/56 2. Improvement Carolan Avenue. The Planning Consultant reported that as a result of a meeting of the committee certain proposals could now be presented for Commission re- view: Carolan Avenue from Toyon Drive north to Broadway presents cer- tain engineering problems which make it almost impossible to put in a complete street. The existing drainage canal in the Carolan Avenue right of way must be maintained until a revised channel is established. The suggestion was made to establish a temporary road to parallel the drainage canal and continue on to Broadway, constructed in such a man- ner so that almost all of it can be salvagable when a permanent street is laid. Considerable discussion was given to the problem of financing through establishments of assessment districts and the Commissioners agreed that further study would be required before any definite recommend- ations could be resolved. It was thereafter agreed to reconsider the subject at the Study Meeting of June 11, 1956. There being no further business, the meeting was regularly adjourned at 11:45 P.M. Respectfully submitted, EVERETT K. KINDIG Secretary