HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1956.06.25CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION COMMISSIONERS PRESENT Diederichsen Finger Henderson Kindig Martin Norberg Stivers MI NUTES COMMISSIONERS ABSENT None Regular Meeting June 25, 1956 OTHERS PRESENT City Attorney - Karmel Plan. Consult - Mann Dir.Pub.Works - Marr Meeting called to order at 8:00 P.M.; Chairman Martin presiding. Minutes of the regular meeting of May 28, 1956, corrected to show Chair- man Martin voting "AYE'S on the proposed 1956/1957 Budget and approved as corrected; minutes of the special meeting and the -study meeting of June 11, 1956, approved as written. The Chair announced that this was the time set for certain public hear- ings, notices having been published as required. HEARINGS: 1. VARIANCE - 0 A communication dated June 22, 1956,.-from Howard J. Pearson, Inspector Burlingame Fire Department, was read advising that the building was sat- isfactory for the operation of a chool and specifying certain safety measures which must be met before Fire Department clearance would be granted. A communication dated June 1, 1956, from Cecil G. Osborne, Minister, First Baptist Church, was read expressing approval of the Church Board of Mr. Shayerts project. Mr. Shayer informed the Commission that the school will be in session from July 2 to August 10, 1956, from the hours of 9:00 a.m., to 12 noon Monday through Friday; transportation will be provided by the parents. Mr. Shayer stated further that he had made arrangements to meet with Inspector Pearson before the scheduled opening date to comply with the Fire Department regulations. In response to the Commission, Mr. Shayer advised that the children will be escorted across the El Camino at the noon dismissal hour. The Commission determined that Mr. ed teachers, and it was thereafter onded by Commissioner Kindig that ing stipulation: Shayer and his associate were accredit - moved by Commissioner Finger and sec - the Variance be granted with the follow- -1- -2- Minutes Re ular Meeting 6/25/59 1. That a letter must be presented to the Commission from -Mr. Shayer and his associate stating their intention to police the Intersec- tion at El Camino Real and Palm Drive at the noon dismissal hour; 2. That a communication must be presented to the Commission from the Fire Department advising that the requirements of the Department have been complied with before the scheduled opening date. Motion unanimously carried on roll call of members. 2. CHANGE OF LOT LINES - Lots 15, 16, 17 - Mills Garden Court, Block 6 Mills Estate No. 3 „ to establish two parcels from existing three lots. Jack Glang, builder, speaking in behalf of the developers, advised the Commission that the deed for the property is now recorded and the orig- inal plans for the project* have been altered which necessitates the change in the lot lines. The City Engineer stated that the map had been verified by his office and it was thereafter moved by Commissioner Henderson that the applic- ation for change of lot lines to create lots 18 and 19 from the present Lots 15, 16, 17, Mills Garden Court, Block 6, Mills Estate No. 3, be approved; seconded by Commissioner Norberg and unanimously carried on roll call of members. PETITIONS: 1. TENTATIVE MAP - "Burlway Industrial Park" a proposed subdivision of an b acre parcel of the Lowrie Paving Company, Inc. lying between the Ba shore Freeway and the old Bayshore H ghway. A communication dated June 15, 1956, from -the Burlingame Park Commission was read recommending to the Planning Commission that uniform tree plant- ing be requested for the area - trees to be supplied and planted approx- imately 60 feet apart at the expense of the sub -divider; a recommendation as to the desired specie of tree to be supplied at a later date. In reviewing the map, the Commission determined: 1. Sidewalk on one side is sufficient for an industrial road; 2. Forty (40) foot street between curbs is ample right of way. Considerable discussion was given to the construction of a cul-de-sac, and Commissioner Norberg expressed opposition to a dead-end street without a "turn around". Mr. Lowrie maintained that unless the cul-de-sac was of sufficient size to accommodate the large trucks and trailers, it would serve no purpose. In response to the Chair, Mr, Lowrie agreed to a fifteen (15) foot front setback for the buildings subject to the approval of the purchasers and confirmed that the drainage ditch on the property will become a City ease- ment. (Records indicate Deed of Easement was accepted by Resolution 83-55.) -3- Minutes Re ular Meeting 6/25�56 It was thereafter moved by Commissioner Henderson and seconded by Com- missioner Finger that the map be recommended to the City Council with the following provisions: 1. A fifteen (15) foot front setback for buildings,w hich will be made a matter of record on the final map. 2. Street tree planting in accordance with the recommendations of the Park Commission, which will be a part of the specifications for improvements. AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Diederichsen-Finger-Hender-Kindig-Martin-Stivers NOES: COMMISSIONERS: Norberg ABSENT COMMISSIONERS: None Motion carried. 2. TENTATIVE MAP - Mills Estate Area. Lee Ham, Engineer for the Mills Estate, advised the Commission that the revised map was prepared because the rocky terrain where the work is now progressing necessitates changes in construction plans. He stated fur- ther it is possible that additional changes may be requested as the dev- elopment proceeds. In response to the Chair, Mr. Ham confirmed that every lot will not be a flat level lot, as originally planned, and that Trousdale Construction Company will not develop on each lot. Commissioners expressed concern that the streets showed steeper on the revised map than originally presented; that the long unbroken streets were not satisfactory, and there seemed to be insufficient roadways for free circulation of traffic. Mr. Ham requested the Commission to approve that part of the map cover- ing the area from the Mills Estate No. 5 and No. 7 westerly to Sebastian Drive to permit the work to continue. A tentative map could be present- ed on the next portion when construction started at a later date. Commissioners concurred in the Chair's objection to approving a partial tentative map and the City Attorney advised the Commission that the sub- division as proposed affected changes in Mills Estate No. 5, a recorded map. It was thereafter moved by Commissioner Henderson that the matter be ad- journed to the Study Meeting of July 9, seconded by Commissioner Norberg. On the question, Mr. W. Stevens, Secretary of the Trousdale Corporation, requested the Commissioners to call a special meeting before the Study Fleeting to eliminate the delay. A vote on the motion was thereafter called and unanimously carried on Poll call. The Chair requested Mr. Ham to submit a map of the entire area incorpor- ating the suggested changes, also an overlay map. 3. FINAL MAP - Mills Estate No. 7. The City E gineer and the Planning Consultant advised that the map had been ve if e and agrees with the approved tentative map of Mills Estate -l�- Minutes Regular Meeting 6/25/56 No. 7 with one slight change on a cul-de-sac. There being no objections presented, it was moved by Commissioner Norberg that the Final Map of Mills Estate No. 7 be recommended to the City Council for approval, seconded by Commissioner Finger and unanimously carried on roll call of members. 4. TENTATIVE MAP - Reversion to Acreage Block 27, Mills Estate No. 5. The City Attorney advised the Commission that there is now before the City Council a petition from the developers for an extension of one year on the Agreement for the Improvement of Mills Estate No. 5. Until action is taken by the Council, the Commission may not act on the tentative map. It was thereafter moved by Commissioner Henderson that the matter be adjourned to the Study Meeting of July 9, seconded by Commissioner Finger and carried unanimously. COMMUNICATIONS: 1. NORMA MOORE SCHOOL REQUESTING CANCELLATION OF VARIANCE APPLICATION. A communication dated June 18, 1956, from Mrs..Norma E. Moore, advising that complications had arisen in the negotiations for purchase of prop- erty for the establishment of her tutoring school and withdrawing the application for Variance previously submitted was acknowledged. 2: CITY OF RIVERSIDE RECREATION DEPARTMENT RE: Neighborhood Playground Areas. A communication from the City of Riverside Recreation Department re- questing suggestions on the.planning and location of neighborhood park areas was referred to the Planning Consultant for reply. COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1. Carolan Avenue Improvement The Planning Consultant, in behalf of the Committee, presented suggested methods of improvement for Carolan Avenue: (1) Between Morrell Avenue and Toyon Drive, (2) From Toyon Drive to Broadway (Copy of report in detail on file.) and requested that the Commission take action at this time in the form of a recommendation to the City Council. James Himmel, representing the Burlingame Federation of Civic Improvement Clubs, Inc., stated that the residents of Toyon Drive and Larkspur Drive are opposed to a link between Toyon Drive and the Carolan Avenue indus- trial road, and the property owners on Carolan Avenue are unwilling to participate in an assessment district. Mr. Himmel requested a delay of 30 days, before a recommendation is forwarded to the City Council, to enable his organization to complete a survey of residents in the area. Commissioner Finger agreed that the request was reasonable and suggested that the extension be granted. Commissioner Kindig stated there was no apparent reason for postponing a recommendation to the Council on Carolan Avenue improvement from Toyon Drive to Broadway and thereafter moved that a letter be addressed to the City Council outlining the traffic problems in the Carolan Avenue -5- Minutes Regular Meeting 6/25/56 industrial area and the adjoining residential districts and requesting that the Council consider the procedure for improvement of Carolan Avenue as outlined in Item No. 2 of the Committee report, seconded by Commissioner Finger and carried unanimously . The proposal presented in Item No. 1, improvement of Carolan Avenue between Morrell Avenue and Toyon Thrive, was referred to the Study Meet- ing of July 9. There being no further business, the meeting was regularly adjourned at 1110 p.m. Respectfully submitted, EVERETT K. KINDIG SECRETARY