HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1956.08.27CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Regular Meeting August 27, 1956 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT COMMISSIONERS ABSENT OTHERS PRESENT Diederichsen Henderson City Attorney Karmel Finger Plan. Consult. Mann Kindig Dir.Pub.Works Marr Martin Norberg Stivers Meeting called to order at 8:00 P.M.; Chairman Martin presiding. Minutes of the Regular Meeting of July 23, 1956, and the Study Meeting of August 13, 1956, approved as presented. The Chair announced that this was the time set for certain public hear- ings, notices having been published as required. HEARINGS: 1. RESUBDIVISION OF PARCEL "B", BLOCK ids., MILLS ESTATE NO. 3 Mr. Jack Doney, representing Wilsey & Ham, Engineers, advised the Com- mission that the resubdivision was requested to establish a one acre parcel, to be designated as "D", with frontages on Trousdale Drive and Ogden Drive, for the site of a Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company construction. In response to the Chair, the Planning Consultant stated that the builders were aware of the 15 foot set back requirement, also the City Engineer advised that his office had verified the Map. There being no protests presented, it was moved by Commissioner Diederichsen that the Resubdivision of Parcel B. Block 7, Mills Estate No. 3, as submitted, be approved; seconded by Comrissioner Kindig and unanimously carried on roll call. 2. VARIANCE - Alfred and Leonard Moskovitz dba Burlingame Investment Company for operation of real estate investment offices at 1321 Bayswater Avenue - Zone R-3. Mr. Dudley of Ross Properties, representing the applicants, addressed the Commission presenting photographs of the property in its present condition and plans of proposed alterations. Mr. Dudley reminded Commissioners that of the six lots on the block, three are presently zoned for Commercial use. Several former residences have been con- verted to house business establishments and the owner of this property have found it difficult to profitably rent his property as a single- family dwelling. Mr. Dudley stated further that the lot is not large enough for an apartment building. Members thoroughly discussed the matter of granting Variances on properties with frontages along El Camino Real and Chairman Martin expressed opposition to such "spot zonings". The following citizens presented their views to the Commission: Nick Wagner, propri6t©r of a beauty shop at 1309 Bayswater Avenue, stated that he had no objections to the proposal but questioned the provisions for parking; a written statement from Albert H. Richards, resident of 51 El Camino Real, expressed no objection to the appli- cation. James Himmel, Secretary, Burlingame Civic Improvement Club, Inc., objected to the conversion of a residence into a business establish- ment and suggested that consideration be given to rezoning of the area rather than granting of separate Variances. At t he request of Members, the Secretary read a communication from the applications advising that arrangements had been made with tl-B owner of the adjoining property to establish a 14 foot wide common driveway to the rear of the property for back -lot parking. Commissioner Finger moved that the Variance application be approved, subject to the following stipulations: 1. There be made available space for six cars easily manipulated out of the back -yard parking area. 2. The owners of this property and the property adjoining, fronting on Bayswater Avenue, execute to each other seven foot wide easements on each other's property for a common driveway to the rear parking area. 3. The proposed establishment to conform to the drawings presented, 4. There be no access to El Camino Real for automobiles from the property. 5. A new fence to be built on the frontage on E1 Camino Real, 6. That the sign be limited to a proper identification sign of no more than 8 square feet, not lighted, at a 450 angle from El Camino Real and Bayswater Avenue, 7. That the property be properly landscaped and maintained; seconded by Commissioner Norberg and carried on the following roll call: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Diederichsen-singer-Kindig-Norberg NOES: COMMISSIONERS: Martin-Stivers ABSENT COMMISSIONERS: Henderson -2- 3. VARIANCE Robert Pringle as Pringle Construction Company for less than required garage and/or carport spaces in apartment building, Mills Estate No. 3• Planning Consultant Mann reminded Commissioners that the present ordinance requires one permanently maintained parking space in a private garage or covered carport for each dwelling unit in a build- ing. This application proposes to provide 11 carports plus an addit- ional open parking area for a 31 unit apartment building. The plans show a total of 35 parking spaces available on the property. In response to the Chair, Mr. Pringle reported that the building to be erected on Marco Polo Way would furnish rentals primarily to the nurses employed at the Peninsula Hospital. Conferences with hospital authorities and representatives of the nursing staff confirmed that there is a need for conveniently located housing for those nurses who do not own cars. It was felt the elimination of unnecessary covered parking spaces could be reflected in lower rental rates. The following communications were read: Peninsula Hospital, R. W. Blaisdell, Administrator, endorsing the construction; Roland F. Zillmer, Contractor, 232 Clarendon Road, Burl ingame, in opposition; Mrs. Agnes Laisne, property owner in the Mills Estate, in opposition. Alex V. Higgins, property owner in the Mills Estate, in attendance, expressed opposition to the application; also James Himmel, Secretary of the Burlingame Civic Improvement Club, Inc., and Robert Bezecny, representing property owner in the Mills Estate, in attendance, ex- pressed opposition. Shirley Handle, representing a committee of nurses from the Peninsula Hospital, in attendance, urged the Commission to give favorable con- sideration to the application. The Planning Consultant cautioned Members that in a new development such as the Mills Estate, a Planning Commission must take care not to set precedents which could cause future problems. After some further discussion a motion was made by Commissioner Kindig that the Variance application be.denied, seconded by Commissioner Diederichsen and carried on the following roll call: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Diederichsen-Kindig-Stivers NOES: COMMISSIONERS: Martin-Norberg ABSTAIN: COMMISSIONERS: Finger ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Henderson -3- PETITIONS: 1. FINAL VAP - Mills Estate No. 9 - Area lying westerly from Mills Estate Zoo. 7, including area of Mills Estate No. 5 recently resub8ivided and two additional blocks. Commissioners had thoroughly reviewed the Map at the August 13 S.tudy Meeting with the City Attorney, the City Engineer and the Panning Consultant. In response to the Chair, the City Engineer reported that his office had meanwhile verified the calculations. There being no objections presented, it was moved by Commissioner Norberg that the Final Map, Mills Estate No. 9 be recommended to the City Council, seconded by Commissioner Finger and unanimously carried on roll call. NEW BUSINESS: 1. , PARKING LOT DESIGN - Block 8, Mills Estate No. 3 Planning Consultant Mann reported that Robert McAninch and James Oswald developers of the shopping center and the proposed parking area had revised their plans to restrict the parking 1pt within their own property boundaries. The legal interest of the Commission, therefore, is at an end. 2. MARCO POLO WAY AS THROUGH STREET. At the request of Robert Pringle, Commissioners had set this date as the time for hearing all persons interested in the establishment of Marco Polo Way as a through street. Mr. Pringle addressed the Commission explaining that by extending Marco Polo Way across Davis Drive in a westerly direction, the traffic load now carried by Quesada Way could be greatly reduced. Marco Polo Way as a through Street would provide an additional access road for the Intermediate School, the Hospital and the new shopping center de- velopment in the Mills Estate. The following citizens urged immediate attention to this matter: Mrs. Agnes T. Laisne, property owner in the Mills Estate; Harold Vance, 1701 Quesada Way; Dr. Robert Sells, 1�40 Marco Polo Way; Dr. R. B. Kelley, 2201 Davis Drive. The planning Consultant stated in order to extend Marco Polo Way, per- mission must be obtained from the City and County of San Francisco to use a 50 foot lot, presently carrying water pipes, for an access way. After some further discussion, Members agreed a_visit to the area would be advisable. Commissioner Kindig thereupon moved to postpone the mat- ter to the Study Meeting of September 11, seconded by Commissioner Finger and unanimously carried. -4- 3. AMENDMENT TO SECTION 1854, SIGN ORDINANCE, "Real Estate Signs" The Planning Consultant presented copies of the proposed amendments, limiting the size of real estate advertising signs in 'TR" zones to three square feet; in "C" zones to thirty-two (32) square feet; and in "M" tones to thirty-six (36) square feet. In reviewing the proposed changes, suggestions were offered as to time limitations, also the Planning Consultant was requested to con- fer with the San MateO-Burlingame Board of Realtors; the matter was referred to the Study Meeting of September 11 for further consider- ation. COMMUNICATIONS: 1. BURLINGAME CIVIC IMPROVEMENT CLUB, INC. re: Unprotected outtide staircases. A letter from the Burlingame Civic Improvement Club, Inc., dated August 20, 1956, requesting a study be conducted on the feasibility of requiring all external staircases in the City of Burlingame be protected was received and filed. There being no further business, the meeting was regularly adjourned at 10:50 P.M. Respectfully submitted Everett K. Kindig Secretary