HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1956.12.10CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION COMMISSIONERS PRESENT Henderson Kindig Martin Norberg Stivers MINUTES COMMISSIONERS ABSENT Diederichsen Finger Study Meeting December10,1956 OTHERS PRESENT City Attorney-Karmel Plan.Consult. Mann Dir.Pub.Works Marr A formal session was called to order at 8:00 P.M., Chairman Martin presiding, for the purpose of hearing a request for a resubdivision, scheduled for this date. HEARING: 1. Resubdivision - Lots 10, 11, 129 139 140 Block 18; Map of Easton Addition No. 2, Northwesterly corner of Sanchez Avenue and El Camino Real, Mr. Carl Thomas, representing Mr. Humphrey Jones, owner of the property, explained that the resubdivision will establish three 18ts with frontages on E1 Camino Real, for an apartment house site; and one 50 foot lfit, fronting on Sanchez Avenue, zoned R-1. The new lot lines de- crease the width of the R--1 lot from 75 feet to 50 feet and proportion- ately increase the depth of the R-3 lots. In response to the Chair, Mr. Oliver Coulter, 1000 Balboa Avenue, owner of contiguous property, stated that he had no objection to the proposal so long as Lot 14 remained an R-1 lat. There being no objections presented, a motion was introduced by Commissioner Stivers, seconded by Commissioner Norberg that the re- �subdivisi on as submitted be approved. On the question, the City Engineer advised that a field survey must be made and the hubs set on the map before his office can accept it. Commissioner Stivers, declining to enter a motion on a map not approved by the City Engineer, thereupon withdrew his motion. Mr. Humphrey Jones, in attendance, informed Commissioners that the field survey would be made and the hubs set. Commissioner Henderson thereafter moved that the resubdivision as re- quested be accepted, subject to the field survey and the City Engineer's approval, seconded by Commissioner Norberg and carried unanimously on moll call. -1- Plan. Come Minutes - Study Meeting 12-10/56 There being no further business before the formal session, adjournment was called at 8:20 P.M. STUDY SESSION - Called to order by Chairman Martin at 8:30 P.M. 1. Rollins Road Set -Back. Reference was made to a communication from the City Manager requesting Commission study and recommendation on a proposal for a ten -foot set- back restriction on Rollins Road, from the north side of Marsten Road to Mills Creek. Granville Browning, Executive Secretary of the Burlingame Chamber of Commerce, explained that the property owners were interested in estab- lishing set -back controls in connection with future developments in the district. The set -back would provide a five -foot -area for a side- walk and a five-foot area for planting. The following citizens were heard expressing approval of the proposal: Oscar Person, Olaf Skreeden, James Wilson, Moody Henry. A letter was read from the Coca-Cola Bottling Company of San Mateo favoring the set -back in connection with future construction. R. P. Etienne dele- gated Mr. Person to express his approval. Mr. Jay Jackson, attorney representing Peira & Sons, presented the objections of his client stating that a sizeable part of the Peira property had been sacrificed to the improvement of Rollins Road. A ten -foot set -back now would further serve to penalize this land. In reply to the Chair, the City Attorney stated that set -backs in the established sections of the City may be set by an agreement among the property owners. The agreement could be recorded and made a part of the property. In the event of a violation, enforcement must be made by the property owners. The City does not impose nor enforce the set -back. The suggestion was made that a committee be named to study the pro- posal and determine whether (a) the set -back should be established by an agreement of the property owners or (b) a dedication can be made to the City of a five-foot strip for landscaping and beautif- i eati on. Chairman Martin thereafter requested Planning Consultant Mann, Granville Browning and Oscar Person to explore the matter and report to the Commission at a future date. 2. VARIANCE: Nick and Elizabeth Lucich, 1224 Bellevue Avenue, requesting permission to build within the rear set- back line. Mr. Lucich presented to the Commission the plot plan and elevation and explained that he desires to construct an enclosed porch on the rear second -story level of the building. The Planning Consultant stated that the ordinance requires a fifteen - foot set -back in the rear. This lot is irregular and the proposed porch addition and staircase would come within approximately three feet of the property line at one corner and thirteen feet at the other. Plan. Com. Study Meeting, Study Meeting 12/10/5E Chairman Martin objected to the diagrams presented and requested Mr. Lucich to bring a proper elevation and plot plan to the formal hearing scheduled for December 26, 1956. 3. TENTATIVE MAP - Smallcomb Subdivision. - Land Lying between the Old Bayshore Highway and the San Francisco Bap. In reviewing the map, Commissioners questioned the designation of curbing and gutters on a portion of the Bayshore Highway. The City Engineer stated that the highway in this section is 125 feet wide, and in the future, it can possibly be decreased by 20 feet on each side. This strip then would be sold by the City. Commissioners concurred that it was unwise to extend the improvements out on the 20 foot strip and the City Attorney suggested to Mr. Small - comb that the curbs and gutters be stopped at the property line. There was cnnsiderable discussion on the proposed drainage system and the City Engineer expressed dissatisfaction. Mr. Smallcomb was re- quested to confer with Mr. Marr to revamp the drainage plan and present a revised Tentative Map at the December 26 meeting. Prior to adjournment, Commissioners discussed the possibility of holding an additional study session (each month.) The Planning Con- sultant was requested to consult with th absent Commissioners and submit a plan acceptable to all members. The meeting was thereafter adjourned at 11 s 00 -P-*Z. Respectfully submitted Everett K. Kindig Secretary