HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1956.12.26CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Regular Meeting December 26, 1956 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT COMMISSIONERS ABSENT OTHERS PRESENT Diederichsen Finger City Attorney Karmel Henderson Plan. Consult. Mann Kindig Dir.Pub.Works Marr Martin Park Comm. Amstrup Norberg Stivers Meeting called to order at 8t00 p.m., Chairman Martin presiding. Minutes of the regular meeting of November 26, 1956, approved as presented. Minutes of the study meeting of December 10, 1956, corrected, under discussion relative to additional study sessions, final paragraph, final page, to show "additional study session in January", and approved as corrected. The Chair announced that this was the time set for certain public hearings, notices having been published as required. HEARINGS: 1. RESUBDIVISION.- Portion of lands of R. P. Etienne Properties, Inc. City Engineer Marr submitted the map to the Commission and reported that the parcel as a whole totals approximately 9-1/2 acres. The resubd:lvision serves to establish two parcels, i.e., "B" consisting of 8.657 acres MoL, and "C", 0.869 acres MoL. Mr. Marr stated further that the calculations had been checked and the tracing was satisfactory. Mr. Robert Etienne, in attendance, advised of the sale of Parcel "C". Immediate plans of the purchaser call for construction of a one-story office building with a second building to follow at a later date. Queried by Chairman Martin, the City Attorney, City Engineer and the Planning Consultant concurred that the resubdivision as presented complies with the City ordinances and the State of California regula- tions. A motion was introduced by Commissioner Norberg, seconded by Commis- sioner Henderson that the resubdivision be Approved. On the Question, Mr. Etienne, in response to Commission inquiry stated that his plans are indefinite at the present time for development of the approximate eight (8) acres in Parcel "B". In ensuing discussion, Members expressed reluctance to approve "piece by piece" resubdivisions, noting the absence of a recorded subdivision map, -2 Planning Comm. Minutes Regular Meeting 12/26/56 Mr. Jack Van Zandt, of Wilsey & Ham, Civil Engineers, pointed out that parcel "C", to be established by the resubdivision, was the "gore -corner tip" of the parcel and its development could not affect the remainder of the parcel. The Planning Consultant reminded Commissioners that the City's ordin- ances require the filing of a subdivision map only on those lands to be subdivided where public improvements, under the supervision of the City Engineer, are necessary. Mr. Mann declared there to be no such need on this land. A roll call vote, thereafter, approved unanimously the resubdivision as presented. PROCEDURE - RESUBDIVISION MAPS The regular order of business was temporarily dispensed with to permit Commission discussion of the above subject matter. Members voiced objection to accepting resubdivision maps for formal action without the opportunity of properly studying each application. It was suggested that the maps should first be presented at a study session and formal hearing to follow at a later regular meeting. A motion was introduced by Commissioner Henderson, seconded by Com- missioner Kindig, that the Planning Commission Rules and Regulations relative to resubdivision maps be revised to require the presentation of all such maps at Commission study meetings prior to formal action at the regular meetings. Motion carried unanimously. 2. VARIANCE - Nick and Elizabeth Lucich, 1224 Bellevue Avenue, requesting permission to build within the rear set- back line. (Continued from study meeting, December 10, 1956) Mr. Moody Henry, contractor, presented for Commission review his plans for the enclosed second -storey porch addition to the main building and the detached garage, proposed to be built by Mr. Lucich. Chairman Martin expressed the opinion that the several sessions spent with Mr. Lucich discussing the application had fAiled to pro- duce evidence of hardship to justify granting a variance. In ensuing discussion, Mr. Lucich advised Commissioners that the porch addition to enlarge his quarters was a necessity for the comfort and convenience of his family. In response to the Commission, the Planning Consultant reported that after inspecting the property, he felt there to be ample space for the new construction. Mr. Mann stated further that while the rear lot line is irregular and averages approximately eleven (11) feet, as opposed to the City's requirement of fifteen (15) feet, there is still suffic- ient space so that neighboring properties would not be harmed. Commissioner Diederichsen introduced a motion to grant the variance permitting construction to extend within the rear set -back line, as -3- P1ann.Comm.Minutes Reg.Meeting-12/26/56 requested by Mr. Lucich, seconded by Commissioner Kindig. On the question, Commissioner Norberg referred to the "State Housing Act", declaring the proposal of Mr. Lucich to be in violation of the rear lot set -backs defined therein. The motion above mentioned was amended by Commissioner Diederichsen to stipulate that the variance be granted subject to the provisions of applicable State statutes, seconded by Commissioner Kindig and de- clared a tie vote on the following roll call: AYES: COMMISSIONERS - Diederichsen-Kindig-Stivers NOES: COMMISSIONERS - Henderson-Norberg-Martin ABSENT COMMISSIONERS - Finger A motion was thereafter introduced by Commissioner Henderson that the application be tabled to the study meeting of January-14, 1957, to permit research of the State statutes as mentioned, seconded by Com- missioner Kindig and carried on the following roll call: AYES: COMMISSIONERS - Henderson-Kindig-Norberg-Stivers-Martin NOES: COMMISSIONERS - Diederichsen ABSENT COMMISSIONER - Finger Mr. Lucich was requested to have available for the January 14th meet- ing information relative to his lot coverage also a complete plot plan of the property. PETITIONS: 1. TENTATIVE MAP - Subdivision of lands of G. 0. Smallcomb; 4.33 acres MoL lying between the Old Bayshore High- way and the San Francisco Bay. City Engineer Marr, in presenting the map, reported that the drainage program revised from the plan submitted on the original tentative map is now acceptable. In reviewing the map, the following points were raised: (1) Sub- division and street names; (2) Street tree -planting. Mr. Jack Van Za.ndt, Civil Engineer, reported (1) that the names will be available when the final map is submitted; (2) the Planning Consult- ant reported that there is space available for planting strips. There being no objections presented, Commissioner Henderson moved that the map be recommended to the City Council for acceptance with the pro- vision that the street tree planting conform to the specifications of the City Park Commission. Motion seconded by Commissioner Kindig and carried unanimously on roll call. 2. RESUBDIVISION - Tentative Map, property of Thomas Chapman. (Prior to annexation). Mr. Thomas Chapman, resident of 10 Hillside Circle, Burlingame Hills, in attendance, explained that his property (consisting of 2 lots and portion of a 3rd lot) located between Hillside Circle and Easton Drive, is outside of the City limits. Mr. Chapman advised further that he de- sired to re -subdivide his property as described on the tentative map. Before initiating annexation proceedings, he was soliciting an express- Plann. Comm. Minutes Reg.Meeting - 12-26-56 Sion from the Commission on the proposed resubdivision. Commissioners reviewed the map and agreed that the proposal to establish three parcels by shifting existing lot lines seemed proper. A motion introduced by Commissioner Henderson that the Commission agree in principle with the map as submitted was seconded by Com- missioner Norberg and carried unanimously. NEW BUSINESS: 1. PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO ZONING ORDINANCE re: "Apartment -hotel" and "Motel". Reference was made to Commission action taken at the regular meeting of December 26, 1956, to amend the City zoning ordinance. In response to the Planning Consultant's request that a time be set for the public hearings on the proposed amendments, the following motion was intro- duced by Commissioner Diederichsen, seconded by Commissioner Kindig and unanimously carried: "That the Planning Commission shall hold a public hearing on Monday evening, January 28, 1957, for the purpose of considering amendments to the Zoning Ordinance, including set -backs in "N" Districts, creation of Parking "P" District; definitions of "Motel" and "Apartment -hotel", and others, and that notice of hearing be published as required by law" For the purpose of thoroughly reviewing the amendments prior to the public hearing, a special study session was scheduled by the Commis- sion for Wednesday, January 9th, at 8:00 p.m., in the Council Cham- bers. COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1. PROPOSED SET -BACK ROLLINS ROAD - (from the north side of Marsten Road to Mills Creek) The Planning Consultant reported of a meeting held with Granville Browning, executive secretary of the Chamber of Commerce, and Oscar Person, representing property owners in the area. It was mutually agreed that an offer from the property owners to dedicate to the City a 4-1/2 foot strip for planting and beautification purposes would best establish the controls sought by the majority of property owners. There being no further business, the meeting was regularly adjourned at 9:50 P.M. Respectfully submitted EVERETT K. KINDIG SECRETARY