HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1955.02.14Present Commissioners: Diederichsen Henderson Martin Mattock Simonds Stivers BURLINGAME CITY PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Absent Commissioners: Mitchell Study Meeting February 14, 1955 Others Present P1an.Consultant - Mann City Attorney - Karmel Councilman - Rooth City Clerk - White City Engineer - Marr The meeting was called to order at 8:00 P. M. by Chairman Henderson. 1. Planning Consultant Mann advised the Commission that at a recent meeting of the Industrial Committee, the Committee pointed out to him that there is a need to speed up action on questions of resub- divisions of industrial property. The Industrial Committee request- ed that the Planning Commission, at its study meetings, act on ap- plications which might be presented to it for resubdivision of in- dustrial property. Mr. Mann pointed out that under the present or- dinance the Commission is empowered to act on_such questions at any time it cares to do so - so long as the proper notices have been sent out to adjoining property owners and the recommendation from the City Engineer has been received. The Commission decided, after general discussion, that to comply with the request of the Industrial Committee might require a change in the rules and regulations as they apply to study meetings. All members are to be notified that at the next meeting all points of resubdivision are to be considered and the request of the Industrial Committee is to be acted on at that time. 2. The request of the Associated Pacific Buildings, owners of property in Kenmar Terrace, for a resubdivision of a common lot line between Lots 15 and 16 in a southerly direction, as indicated on an accom- panying drawing, was considered. Action was withheld until the next regular meeting of the Commission. Commissioner Simonds expressed his disapproval of taking formal action on such matters at a study meeting. 3. In a letter from the Commission to the City, Council, dated January 27, 1955, regarding Tentative Map "Resubdivision Block 6, Mills Estate #3", there was an error in transcript. The letter stated "except Lot 8" which was incorrect. The Council referred the letter back to the Commission. The present Tentative map was presented to the Commission at this meeting for study. The map shows Lot 8 as divided into two parts. Mr. Glang was asked by Planning Consultant Mann if the final map will be prepared just as the Tentative Map which was presented for study. Mr. Glang replied in the affirmative. Planning Consultant Mann then suggested that a motion be made recom- mending acceptance of Tentative Map "Resubdivision Block 6, Mills Estate #3" as presented. Commissioner Martin asked if the map has been approved by City Engineer Marr. Mr. Marr replied that it has all been checked. Commissioner Martin moved that the Commission Planning Commission - study meeting, Feb. 14, 1955 Page #2 recommend to the City Council that the Tentative Map be approved as presented. Seconded by Commissioner Mattock. Motion passed on vote of Commissioners. 4. A sketch of a proposed Contractors' Yard to be located on old Bayshore Boulevard, south of the Hanchett property, was presented to the Com- mission by Mr. C. Schuetz, resident of Black Mountain Road, Hillsbor- ough, --Planning Consultant Mann read to the Commissioners Section 1933 of the Ordinance Code regarding such construction. Planning Consult- ant Mann advised Mr. Schuetz that an application for a Use Permit must be filed with the City Council, affected property owners notified and public hearing held. The matter is to be acted on at a later date. 5. Mr. James White presented by letter to the Commission an application for:a_Yariance to construct a duplex on Lot 31, Block 6, northeast side of Lincoln Avenue, approximately 135 feet east of El Camino Real. This is a single 40 foot lot and the request is to rezone to R-2; it was suggested that Mr. White be notified to change his application from request for Variance to request for Reclassification. 6. Map of Millsdale Industrial Park, Unit #3, is on the agenda for the next regular meeting of the Commission for final recom,nendation. 7. Mr. Robert Tarver, attorney, spoke to the Commission in behalf of his clients, Gaspar and Mary Viano. His clients wish to make application for reclassification and/or variance of that certain property on the northeast corner of the intersection of Peninsula Avenue and Dwight Road. There are two lots totaling about 98 feet along Peninsula Aven- ue and approximately 104 feet deep. They have several offers from gasoline companies to erect a service station. The two lots in ques- tion are zoned for single family dwellings. After general discussion, the Commission decided to look over the property involved. 8. Mr. Lee Ham presented to the Commission Tentative Map "Mills Estate #5, covering that area west of Map #3 to the Skyline Boulevard. To show a more complete picttire of the area a set of 6 plans were shown and explained in detail. Mr. Merwin of Dames and Moore, soil engin- eers, working with Trousdale Corporation, and Wilsey and Ham, spoke to the Commission regarding slopes, drainage problems, slides, and measures being followed to overcome such problems in the area. It was pointed out that in the Tentative Map "Mills Estate #5" there are 10 acres reserved for the School Board and 4 acres reserved for the Park Commission. Mr. Ham requested that Commissioner Henderson have the map transmitted to the School Board so they will be in a position to give a definite answer as to their requirements. City Clerk White was instructed to present the map to Mr. George White and advise him the Commission wants a definite answer from the School Board on the acres reserved for the School Board by the Commission's next regular meeting. The Park Commission is to be advised that the Planning Com- mission would like to have a representative present at their next Study Meeting, March 14th. 9. Planning Consultant Mann presented to the Commissioners a tentative Map for a small commercial area to be created off the Skyline Boule- vard. The map was submitted by Mr. Ham at the request of Planning Con- sultant Mann. Mr. Ham requested that it be made very clear they will cooperate in every way if the commercial area is decided upon but it is to be recorded in the minutes of this meeting that his Company did Planning Commission - Study Meeting, Feb. Ili, 1955. Page #3• not and are not making application to erect a commercial area on the Skyline;Boulevard in the Millst Estate Development. (There may be a site set aside in this general area for a new firehouse). It was suggested that a copy of this map be passed on to the Fire Commission, Park Commission and all bodies concerned; that they be advised of the Planning Commission's suggestion for this commercial area and that they give consideration to it and report to the Com- mission with any comments they might have. 10. Commissioner Diederichsen read a letter from Mr. John W. Broad, Chairman, California Roadside Council, San' Francisco, outlining proposal that there be a 500 foot set back requirement on outdoor billboard advertising. Mr. Broad requested that the Commission give consideration to the proposal as it affects the Bayshore Free- way through Burlingame. He requested the comments of the Commis- sion. The letter was marked for action at the next regular meet- ing of the Commission. 11. Planning Consultant Mann urged the Commission members to attend the next meeting of the Tri-County Planning Council. Meeting is to be held at Rickey's on February 25th. 12. Each Commissioner was given a copy of the Proposed Sign Ordinance, City of Burlingame, as written by Planning Consultant Mann. Mr. Mann read several pertinent sections from the proposed Ordinance. It was decided that a special Study Meeting will be held for the purpose of considering the Proposed Sign Ordinance. The date of the special meeting will be decided at the next regular meeting. Copies of correspondence on the Marion violation were passed out to the Commissioners for further study. There being no more business for discussion, the meeting was adjourned at 10:30 P. M. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED W. H. DIEDERICHSEN SECRETARY Notes by: Evelyn Hill