HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1955.04.25CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION COMMISSIONERS PRESENT Stivers Ki ndi g Mitchell Henderson Diederichsen Mattock Martin MINUTES COMMISSIONERS ABSENT None Regular Meeting April 25, 1955 OTHERS PRESENT Planning Cons.- Mann City Attorney - Karmel Dir.Pub.Works - Marr Councilman - Rooth City Clerk - White Meeting called to order by Chairman Henderson at 8:00 p.m. Chairman Henderson extended official welcome to new Commissioner Kin - dig. Minutes of Special Meeting, March 7, 1955, and of Regular Meeting, March 28, 1955, approved as submitted. FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS: Application for Reclassification - Lot 10 and portion of Lot 12, Block 10, Subdivision Map #2 Burlingame Land Company - from R-4 to C-1 by Earl J. Giguiere as agent for Agnes, Helens Margaret, Harry Sullivan. No improvements existing; Proposed - Drive -In Restaurant per drawing submitted. Chairman Henderson requested comments from the floor of those inter- ested in the application. Mr. Giguiere addressed the Commission. He pointed out that the plans have been revised so that egress and ingress to the proposed restaur- ant have been changed from El Camino Real to Chapin Avenue. There is to be no entrance to the property from E1 Camino Real. Sketches of the project and a finished picture were presented to the Commission for its consideration. Mr. Giguiere advised the Commission the term "drive-in" is objectionable. The project planned is basically a restaurant with limited drive-in privileges. There is planned park- ing space for 45 cars and the building is to consist of 4200 square feet with facilities to serve as many as 120 people inside at one time. The frontage on El Camino Real will be landscaped - 20-foot planting strip. Operating hours as now considered will be from 6 a.m. to 12 midnight. There is no contemplation in the original plan of applying for a liquor license. Whether or not there will be such an application in the future cannot be definitely stated at this time. Chairman Henderson asked for comments from the audience. General discussion followed. Several property owners expressed their opinions pro and con to the project. - V _ " Planning Commission Minutes - regular meeting - 4/25/55 Secretary Diederichsen read from a prepared statement presenting the objections of James Himmel to the application. Mr. Giguiere advised, in response to Chairman Henderson's question, that a variance would be acceptable to his clients. Moved by Commissioner Martin that the Commission recommend that the application for Reclassification from R-4 to C-1 be denied. Second- ed by Commissioner Stivers. Roll Call: Ayes: Commissioners - Stivers-Kindig-biattock-Martin- Diederichseri Noes: Commissioners - Mitchell -Henderson Motion passed. Moved by Commissioner Martin that the Commission recommend that a variance be granted to permit the construction of a Drive -In Restaur- ant with the following stipulations: a. That the set -back for the building and sign be a minimum of 20 feet. b. That the car service be limited to the 16 spaces shown on the drawing - immediately south of the proposed building. c. That the 20-foot strip along E1 Camino Real be landscaped to the complete satisfaction of the proper city commissions. d. That the hours of service be limited from 6 a.m. to 12 mid- night. e. That the lighting be made a part of the final plans and specifications which are to be approved by the Planning Com- mission and that no additional lights are to be added over those in the final plans. f. That the sign be limited to 20 feet in height and that there will not be any neon or similar tubular lighting on the sign. g. That any structure that is erected across the culvert or to retain the bank of the creek be subject to the approval of the City Engineer. h. That there be no ingress or egress from E1 Camino Peal. i. That this variance is to run with the property owner and not with the land. j. That the final plans and specifications are to be submitted to the Planning Commission for approval. Motion seconded by Commissioner Stivers. Passed unanimously. Planning Commission Minutes - regular meeting - 4/25/ bb rage f o SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS: Application for Variance - IMillsdale Subdivision - Zone C-3, Peninsula Medical Corporation, Millbrae, George V. Laird, vice-president, to locate a prescription pharmacy within the lobby of the proposed Peninsula Medical Building at southerly corner of El Camino Real and Trousdale Drive. Secretary Diederichsen read a communication from the Peninsula Medi- cal Association regarding application for variance. Chairman Henderson asked for comments of those in the audience who were interested in the application. Mr. Merryman, representing the Peninsula Medical Association, address- ed the Commission. Sketch of the proposed pharmacy was presented to the Commission for its consideration. Moved by Commissioner Mitchell that the Commission recommend the application for variance be approved. Seconded by Commissioner Martin. Commissioner Mattock made the following stipulations: a. That the size of the pharmacy is to be 185 square feet as shown on the drawing submitted. b. That the windows facing on the street are not to be used as display windows. c. That there are to be no signs on the outside of the building. Motion carried unanimously. THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS: Application for Special Permit - Arthur W. Brown and William L. Briggs, 746 and 744 Laurel Avenue, Lot 23, Block 700, Corbitt Ranch Subdivision, Zone Duplex, - for inclusion of finished room and bath facilities in proposed 25 foot x 25 foot addition to rear ground - level existing garage structure. Chairman Henderson asked for comments from those in the audience in- terested in the application. Mr, Brown addressed the Commission. Sketch of, proposed addition with finished room presented to the Commission. Mr., Brown advised no cooking facilities are to be included. Commissioner Mattock moved the Commission recommend the application for Special Permit be approv- ed. Seconded by Commissioner Martin. Motion carried unanimously. FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS: Application for Special Permit - Charles F. Schuetz, Jr., 1701 Black Mountain Road, San Mateo, - for Filling, Grading, Warehouse at 1300 Bayshore Boulevard; Subdivision Eastern Industrial Tracts, Zone M-1. Improvements existing - None; Proposed - Contractor's Yard. Secre- tary Diederichsen read a communication from Mr. Schuetz regarding proposed Yard - sketch of proposed Yard attached to communication. Planning Commission minutes - regular meeting - 4/ ;&5/oo rage ffq Chairman Henderson asked for comments from the floor of those interes- ted in the application. No one being present, application was postponed to next regular meeting of the Commission. Parties interested are to be so notified. FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS: Request for Resubdivision - Dr. Cecil G. Osborne, Lot 21 and portion of Lot 20, Block 12, Burlingame Park #2 - for the purpose of erecting an additional small dwelling on the property. Secretary Diederichsen read a communication from' James and Waters & Associates, Civil Engineers, regarding requested resubdivision. Chairman Henderson asked for comments from the floor of those inter- ested in the matter. There were no interested persons in the audience. Director Public Works Marr advised the Commission that the resubdivision is legal and the minimum requirements have been met. The Commission expressed its objection to permitting such resubdivisions. Planning Consultant Mann suggested that the present ordinance be amended to stipulate that certain areas be bound to a minimum footage requirement of 7,000 square feet rather than the present 5,000 square feet applicable to all areas. Moved by Commissioner Mattock that the matter be postponed to a later meeting and a study be made of the Subdivision Map of the area at the next Study Meeting of May 9. Seconded by Commissioner Diederichsen. Motion carried unanimously. SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS: Request for Resubdivision - Henry L. Boos, Lots 18$21, Block 4, Burlingame Park #4. Chairman Henderson asked for comments from the floor. In answer to points raised by Director Public Works Marr, Mrs. Boos advised that easements would be provided for water and sewer service to the house on the back lot should the property be sold. Director Public Works Marr advised that should,the resubdivision be approved a new survey must be made showing the stake lines on the map. Mrs. Boos advised that the property has been surveyed and the corners staked. On Director Public Works Marris agreement, Commissioner Diederichsen moved that the resubdivision be approved contingent on the stipula- tions of Director Public Works Marr that the stake lines be shown on the map. Seconded by Commissioner Mattock. Motion carried unanimous- ly. SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS: Atlantic Life Insurance Company - request for approval of Resubdivi- sion Lots 4 through 8, Block 6, Millsdale Industrial Park #3. Secretary Diederichsen read a communication from Wilsey and Ham regarding this request. Map showing proposed Resubdivision accompanied communication. EIGHTH ORDER OF BUSINESS: Atlantic Life Insurance Company - request for approval of Resubdivi- sion Lots 1 through 7. Block 7, and Lots 24 through 38, Block 6, Millsdale Industrial Park #3. Secretary Diederichsen read a communication from Wilsey and Ham regarding this request. Map of proposed Resubdivision accompanied communication. City Attorney Karmel advised the Commission that action could not be taken on the matters at this meeting as notices have not been sent out. Moved by Commissioner Martin that both requests of the Atlantic Life Insurance Company be postponed for action at the Study Meeting of May 9. Seconded by Commissioner Mattock. Motion carried unanimously. NINTH ORDER OF BUSINESS: COMMUNICATIONS: Wilsey and Ham, Civil Engineers Re: Final Map Millsdale Industrial Park #5. Map #5 was presented to the Commission for its consideration. Chairman Henderson asked for comments from the floor. In response to Mr. Himmel, Secretary Diederichsen read a prepared statement written by Mr. Himmel objecting to the subdivision map and requesting that the map be rejected as submitted. In general discussion, it was pointed out that the developer had promised a 25-foot planting strip to be included in the Final Map of Millsdale Industrial Park #5. It was noted that part of this plant- ing strip is possibly a drainage ditch. Because the exact location of the drainage ditch could not be located and because the Commis- sion felt that the planting strip should be 25 feet wide over and above the width of the drainage ditch, Mr. Van Zandt, representative of the Trousdale Developers, was instructed to bring to the Study Meet- ing of May 9 a plan of the area as it now stands showing the location of the creek. Action on the final map postponed to the Study Meeting of May 9. Planning Commission 'Ainutes - regular meeting - 4/25/55 Page #6 TENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS: San Mateo County Planning Commission Re: Smith subdivision. Secretary Diederichsen read a letter which has been filed with the San Mateo County Planning Commission re the subdivision. Planning Consultant Mann advised the Commission he has discussed with Mr. Smith the possibility of annexation to Burlingame. No decision has been made by Mr. Smith as to annexation. Mr. Mann is to advise the San Mateo County Planning Commission he has been in contact with Mr. Smith. The matter is tabled until further action is necessary. ELEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS: Minutes of the Tri-County Planning Council meeting of February 25, 1955, presented to the Commission for their consideration. Commissioner Mitchell requested that Planning Consultant Mann remind City Clerk White of the $50.00 contribution from the City of Burlingame for the Part II of the Regional Planning Study by the Bay Area City and County Planning Commissioners Study Committee. Check to be made pay- able to Donald Hardison c/o Richmond City Planning Department, City Hall, Richmond, California. TWELFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS: NEW BUSINESS: 1. Moved by Commissioner Mitchell that the officers of the Planning Commission for the past year be continued in office for the coming year. Seconded by Commissioner Mattock. Motion carried unanimously. 2. Councilman Rooth introduced to the Commission. the two new members of the City Council: Mrs. 0. Thayer, and Mrs. C. Johnson. 3. Chairman Henderson expressed the appreciation of the Commission for the many years of service rendered to the City of Burlingame by U. S. Simonds, Jr. 4. Planning Consultant Mann brought to the attention of the Commission the matter of the Thompson Subdivision. First steps to- ward annexation have been made; notices have been. published in the papers. Moved by Commissioner Diederichsen that the matter be acted on at the Study Meeting of May 9. Seconded by.Commissioner Kindig. 5. Commissioner Henderson appointed Commissioners Diederichsen and Mattock to act with Planning Consultant Mann on the Budget Committee for the year 1955-56. Moved by Commissioner Diederichsen that meeting adjourn to Study Meeting of May 9. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned 11:45. Respectfully submitted W. H. DIEDERICHSEN SECRETARY Notes by Evelyn Hill