HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1955.05.23CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Regular Meeting May 23, 1955 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT COMMISSIONERS ABSENT OTHERS PRESENT Stivers None Plan. Cons. - Mann Kindig City Attorney - Karmel Mitchell Dir. Pub. Works - Marr Henderson City Clerk - White Diederichsen Mattock Martin Meeting called to order by Chairman Henderson at 8:00 p.m. Minutes of the regular meeting of April 25 approved as submitted. Minutes of the study meeting of May 9 corrected - "Tri-County Planning Council" deleted from second sentence under Second Order of Business and approved as corrected. FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS: Rev. Cecil G. Osborne application for resubdivisibn Lots 18 and 21, Block 4, Burlingame Park #2. Map of Burlingame Park #2 presented to the Commission by Director Public Works Marr. Chairman Henderson asked for comments from the audience. Mrs. Osborne addressed the Commission. Mrs. Osborne stated that the proposed guest house was to be for their private use - not for income property - nor was a sale contemplated. General. discussion followed. Planning Consultant Mann pointed out to the Commission that the pro- posed guest house, which is to have kitchen facilities, is really a complete home. It would be a second complete house on the lot and the law provides that not more than one building can be built on a lot. At the request of'the applicant, Commissioner Mattock moved that action on the application for resubdivision be postponed to the next regular meeting of the Commission, June 27. Seconded by Commissioner Diederichsen. Motion carried unanimously. SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS: Final Map of portion of Mills Estate #5 presented to the Commission for approval. Planning Commission Minutes - regular meeting - 5/23/55 Page #2 Chairman Henderson asked for comments from the audience. Mr. Ham explained to the Commission that this Map covered the "next unit going up the hill". Director Public Works Marr advised the Commission his office had not yet finished checking the Map. He stated that Fire Chief Moorby had raised a question concerning the similarity of pronunciation of some of the street names which might lead to confusion. Mr. Ham advised his Company was willing to adjust where possible any difficulties as to street names. Moved by Commissioner Diederichsen that the hearing on the Map be ad- journed to the Study Meeting of June 13. Seconded by Commissioner Martin. Motion carried unanimously. THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS: Charles F. Schuetz, Jr., application for use permit for Contractor's Yard at 1300 Bayshore Boulevard; adjacent to and approximately 1000t north of Burlingame Dumps - Zone M-1. Chairman Henderson asked for comments from the audience. Mr. Schuetz addressed the Commission. He advised it is his intention to fill and develop the area for use as a General Contractor's Yard. It is practically all tideland now but the filling operation has been started. He is waiting for approval of his application before erect- ing a fence around the property he intends to use. Part of the property is for sale and he does not intend to fence that portion. Planning Consultant Mann read to the Commission the section of the Zoning Ordinance covering the use permit application on M-1 property. Mr. Schuetz advised he intends to erect a metal -covered frame building with stuccoed front. Mr. Ott, Sanitarian, San Mateo County Health Department, addressed the Commission. He pointed out his Department is mainly interested in finding a way to stop the unauthorized dumping now taking place at Mr. Schuetz's property and also the dumped material between the proposed fence and the highway should be cleared. Mr. Schuetz advised he would start building his fence immediately and it would take approximately three weeks to complete. There would be approximately 3501 of frontage fenced and the fence would be set back 201 from the road edge. Moved by Commissioner Mattock that the Commission recommend to the City Council approval of the application with the following provisions: 1. That an St solid, painted wooden fence be constructed (no signs on the fence) set back 201 from the road edge. Planning Commission Minutes - regular meeting - 5/23/55 Page #3 2. That the fence be e_-ccted within one month from the granting of the permit. 3. That t7le covering of the debris start immediately. 4. That the planting along the fence be subject to the approval of the Park Commission. Seconded by Cci_s..'_gsioner Mitchell. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Schuetz was reminded that he would lose his permit unless he com- plied with all requirements of the use permit wit: C n a period of one year. City Clerk White was requested to place in the hands of all Commission- ers a copy of Ordinance 561. FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS: North Burlingame Women's Club application for variance, Lot 2, Block 16, Burlingame Grove. Notices of the hearing were not sent out so Chairman Henderson requested that Mrs. Warden, President, be present at the Study Meeting of June 13 and the Regular Meeting of June 27. FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS: Unfinished Business: 1. Proposed Budget - Planning Commission - 1955-56. Moved by Commissioner Diederichsen that the budget as proposed be for- warded to the City Council for approval. Seconded by Commissioner Mattock. Motion carried unanimously. 2. Proposed Addition to the Ordinance, Section 1971, covering off- street parking, C-1 and C-2 properties. Planning Consultant Mann addressed the Commission. He pointed out his proposal provides that off-street parking facilities for C-1 and C-2 properties do not have to be contiguous to the property but may be within 5001; that parking facilities may be provided jointly by adja- cent property owners. He suggested to the Commission that a public hearing be held on the matter. 3. Proposed Change in the Ordinance, Section 1926-D, covering the lot size requirements in certain sections. Planning Consultant Mann suggested that a public hearing be held on the matter. Mr. Mann suggested that he and Director Public Works Marr make a field survey and bring before the Commission boundary outlines of sections where such changes would apply and suggestions as to lot limitations within these sections. Moved by Commissioner Mitchell that the first public hearing be held on the proposed changes in the Ordinance - Section 1971 covering Planning Commission Minutes - regular meeting - 5/23/55 Page #4 off-street parking requirements C-1 and C-2 properties; and Section 1926-D covering the lot size requirements in certain "R" Districts, at the next regular meeting of the Commission June 27. Seconded by Commissioner Diederichsen. Motion carried unanimously. No further business, Chairman Henderson adjourned the meeting at 10:00 P.M. Respectfully submitted W. H. DIEDERICHSEN Secretary Notes by E. Hill