HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1955.06.27CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION COMMISSIONERS PRESENT Kindig Martin Mattock Mitchell Stivers MINUTES COMMISSIONERS ABSENT Henderson Diederichsen Regular Meeting June 27, 1955. OTHERS PRESENT City Attorney-Karmel Plan. Cons ult. -Mann Dir.Pub.Works-Marr City Clerk -White Meeting called to order by acting Chairman Martin at 8:00 p.m. Minutes of the regular meeting of May 23, 1955, and the study meeting of June 13, 1955, were approved as submitted. HEARINGS: 1, NORTH BURLINGAME WOMAN'S CLUB VARIANCE APPLICATION. Property - 1211 Paloma Avenue; Lot 2, Block 16, Burlingame Grove- R-3 Zone. Improvements existing - house on lower floor, 5 rooms; 3 room apartment upstairs. Proposed - lower floor for club rooms; upstairs to be rented as apartment. Variance applied for - Club Rooms - R-3 to R-4- Chairman Martin asked for comments from the floor. Mrs. George Warden, president, presented to the Commission a rough sketch of the floor plan of the building, and proposed alterations. Acting Secretary Kindig read a letter dated June 17, 1955, from Vera M. Cousins, home -owner of Paloma Avenue, expressing approval of the proposed club rooms. Planning Consultant Mann advised the Commission he had inspected the property. He stated "location -wise it may not be a bad place for such a use. The probelm that does exist is the condition and lay -out of the building itself; parking on the lot for automobiles engaged in the use of the building would be impossible." Mr. Mann further stated that in addition to a rezoning or variance to cover the use of the building, there; would have to be a variance insofar as the parking is concerned. At Commissioner Mitchell's request, it was determined from the sketch that the Club must provide 11 to 12 parking spaces to comply with the ordinance requirement of 1 parking space for each 144 sq. feet of assembly room. Mrs. Warden was advised that so long as a caretaker is living on the property, a garage must be located there, or at least a carport pro- vided. It was agreed that if the club were able to lease additional property to provide parking facilities, this would be satisfactory. Planning Commission Minutes - Regular meeting - 6/27/55 Page #2 The Commission suggested to Mrs. Warden that the Club arrange for professional help to work out the parking problem and to bring in a more complete plan of the building and any proposed changes. Application adjourned to study meeting of July 11, 1955- 2. EARL I. CLOUD REQUEST FOR RESUBDIVISION Property - 1249 Drake Avenue; Lot 9 and portions of Lots 10 and 30, Block 35, Easton Addition. Secretary Kindig,read a letter dated June 22, 1955, from Mr. Cloud to Director of Public Works Marr, submitting 4 copies of a revised tentative map offered as a substitute for the map originally present- ed. Revised map requests resubdivision of property into 2 lots rath- er than 3. Director of Public 'forks Marr advised the Commission that the new subdivision plan is quite favorable. He offered one comment that a 50 ft. sewage line would have to be installed to service one of the lots before a building permit could be issued. Mr. Cloud was requested to present a final map to the Director of Public Works for checking. Moved by Commissioner Mattock that the Commission recommend approval of the request for resubidivision into 2 lots, with the condition that Mr. Cloud present to the Director of Public Works a final map for engineering verification, seconded by Commissioner Kindig and passed unanimously on roll call of members. 3. ATLANTIC LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY RESUBDI VISIONS - Lot 1, Block 1 and Lot 2, Block 2, Millsdale Industrial Park #1. Final maps were presented to the Commission for approval. Director of Public Works Marr advised the Commission he has signed the tracings as being correct. (a) Moved by Commissioner Mitchell that the Commission approve the resubidivision of Lot 1, Block 1, as submitted. Seconded by Commissioner Mattock and passed unanimously on roll call of members. (b) Moved by -Commissioner Mitchell that the Commission approve the resubidivision of Lot 2, Block 2, as submitted. Seconded by Com- missioner Kindig and passed unanimously on roll call of members. 4. TENTATIVE MAP "SKYVIEW TERRACE." Secretary Kindig read a letter dated April 4, 1955, from the State Division of Highways to Director of Public Works Marr requesting that a 12 ft. strip be provided along the frontage of the subdivision for future highway widening, and expressing preference for the proposed entry to the property at Kip Lane. Planning Consultant Mann pointed out to the Commission that Kip Lane is wider than the required street size for the area so that it can become a lot if such necessity arises in the future. Planning Commission Minutes - Regular meeting - 6/27/55 page #3 Director of Public Works Marr recommended acceptance of the tentative map. Moved by Commissioner Mattock that the Commission accept the tentative map and recommend to the City Council its approval with the understand- ing that in the event that Kip Lane should be closed off by the Divis- ion of Highways, the City of Burlingame would take appropriate proceed- ings to abandon Kip Lane as a public street. Seconded by Commissioner Mitchell and passed unanimously on roll call of members. 5. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH-EASTON DRIVE AND EL CAMINO REAL - PARKING PLAN. ' A revised drawing'of the proposed parking area was presented to the Commission. Mr. Clyde West, attorney for the Church, addressed the Commission with reference to corrections made on the plans. Secretary Kindig read a letter from Chief of Police Theuer recommend- ing that "a regular curb" be installed and that no parking be allowed at any time on Easton Drive on the north side of the street. Moved by Commissioner Kindig that the Commission recommend to the City Council, That it grant permission to the First Presbyterian Church to make the proposed alterations for a driveway as shown on the map pre- sented; with the provision that a 5 ft. sidewalk be laid with the curb- ing as shown on the map, both to be in accordance with city specifi- cations., and that the Church accept responsibility for any damage that might occur during construction to the city water main now in exist- ence under the site of the proposed driveway. Seconded by Commission- er Stivers and passed unanimously on roll call of members. 6. PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO ZONING ORDINANCE Section 1971, Sub -section f. Commercial Buildings (C-1 and C-2 Districts) Planning Consultant Mann read to the Commission the proposed amendment. City Attorney Karmel requested that the sentence "Such joint use shall be permissible", etc., be deleted from the third paragraph of the pro- posal. Commissioner Martin suggested that allowing the use of a piece of prop - arty 500 ft. away from the construction for parking does not seem prac- tical. In answer to questions from the floor, Planning Consultant Mann stated that the proposed amendment would cover future developments in the sec- tions of the City which are zoned commercial and which are not part of the Down -Town Assessment District for Parking. Buildings now in exist- ence or in process of construction would not be affected. The question of "Double Assessment" was raised by:Commissioner Mitchell. City Attorney Karmel stated there was a possibility that the prolperty owner who eomplys with the ordinance and provides off-street parking for his C-1 and C-2 property might at some future time be included in an assessment district but that the State Legislature has not offered any relief for such a situation. Parking Commission Minutes - Regular meeting - 627/55 Page #4 The Commission agreed there was a possibility that the proposed amend- ment would work a hardship on certain property owners and requested that Planning Consultant Mann and City Attorney Karmel discuss it fur- ther; also Planning Consultant Mann agreed to check with the Assessor's Office on the accuracy of the 90% figure used in the last paragraph of the amendment. The matter was laid over for further discussion at the next regular meeting. 6. (Cont.) Section 1926, Sub -section d. Lot limitations and lot requirements. Planning Consultant Mann read to the Commission the proposed amendment. At the suggestion of the Commission, the areas of Kenmar Terrace, Bur- lingview Terrace, and Burlingame Manor, are to be included in the amendment, and possibly the area east of La Mesa Drive. Mr. Van Zandt of Wilsey and Ham addressed the Commission and raised the question "if a tentative map is passed and there are lots that are not in accordance with the ordinance, does the tentative map hold?" Planning Consultant Mann stated that if the ordinance goes into effect before the final map is effective, the zoning ordinance would apply. After general discussion, it was agreed to postpone further discussion on the proposal to the regular meeting of July 25, 1955• Chairman Martin reminded the Commissioners that the Study Meeting of July llth, 1955, is to convene at 7:00 P.M. - the first public hearing on the Sigh Ordinance is to be held at 8:00 otclock P.M., the same date. No further business, Chairman Martin adjourned the meeting to the Study Meeting of July llth. Meeting a(U ourne d at 10:45 P.M. Respectfully submitted W. H. DIEDERICHSEN SECRETARY Notes by: Evelyn Hill