HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1955.08.22CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Regular Meeting August 22, 1955 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: Diederichsen Martin City Attorney - Karm Henderson Mattock Plan. Consult.= Mann Kindig Dir.Pub.Wrks. - Marr Mitchell City Clerk - Whit Stivers Meeting called to order at 8:30 P.M.; Chairman Henderson presiding. Minutes of the Regular Meeting of July 25 and the Study Meeting of August 8, 1955, approved as written. HEARINGS: 1. RESUBDIVISION PARCEL A, LOT 10 BLOCK 1, MILLSDALE UNIT #1, HILLSDALE INDUSTRIAL PARK. Director Public Works Marr submitted to the Commission the map of the proposed resubdivision and stated that the purpose of the request is to remove the proposed railroad drill track out of the property of Lot A and make it a parcel by itself. He stated that the map as sub- mitted.has been checked as being mathematically corract by his office. Moved by Commissioner Mitchell that the Commission approve the map of the resubdivision as submitted; seconded by Commissioner Kindig and carried unanimously' on roll call of members. 2. RECLASSIFICATION - MARY M. DOEPFNER, 55 EL CAMINO REAL, LOTS 1 and 2. BLOCK 1, GLENWOOD PARK SUBDIVISION, R-1 LOT TO R-3. At Chairman Henderson's invitation, Mrs. Doepfner informed the Com- mission that in the event she is unable to sell the property she plans to improve'it and possibly convert the present building to a 3-unit apartment. Mrs. Doepfner presented to the Commission a sketch of the proposed apartment. Mr. Victor Enberg, 34 El Camino Real, expressed his approval of Mrs. Doepfnerts plan for the construction of an apartment. Mr. Richard Nickell, 1511 Carol Avenue, opposed the granting of a rezoning. After considerable discussion, the Commission suggested to Mrs. Doepfner that rather than apply for a rezoning of the R-1 lot, she file a resubdivision map with a request for a change of lot lines. Planning Consultant Mann read from the Ordinance Code and advised Burlingame Planning Commission - Regular Meeting Page 2. August 22, 1955 the Commission the "suggestion would result in a single lot and automatically it would all take the use of the lot with the lowest restriction, which is the R-3 lot on the front". Moved by Commissioner Diederichsen that action on the matter be heldd#ffor the Study Meeting of September 12; seconded by Commissioner yxr� and carried unanimously on roll call of members. 3. SPECIAL PERMIT - ELECTRICAL PRODUCTS CORPORATION - ROOF SIGNS ON PROPERTY OF GOLDEN BRANDS DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, 940 CAROLAN AVENUE. City Attorney Karmel, in answer to Chairman HendersonIs question, quoted from Ordinance 561. He expressed the opinion that the sign in question would come within the "Uses Prohibited" provisions of the Ordinance. Moved by Commissioner Mitchell that the Commission recommend to the City Council that the application of the Electrical Products Cor- poration be denied; seconded by Commissioner Kindg. AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Henderson-Kindig-Mitchell-Stivers NOES: COMMISSIONERS: Diederichsen COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Martin -Mattock 4. VARIANCE - GAIL L. GERISCHER FOR "WEE TOTS NURSERY SCHOOL" 700 PENINSULA AVENUE: LOTS 1 and 2, BLOCK 25, LYON & HOAG SUBDIVISION. Miss Gerischer informed the Commission that she is purchasing the nursery from Mr,� Grace Kortick, present operator. Hertentative lease with Mr. Leo Fagan, the owner of the property, (to be effec- tive September 15, 1955,) will be for 5 years - renewable 5 years. Miss Gerischer further stated she has employed a director to supervise the operation of the school and that improvements are planned to meet the requirements of the State Department of Social Health and Welfare to provide for the care of a total of 40 chil- dren. After considerable general discussion, concerning particularly the safety requirements of the various state and local departments con- cerned with the operation of nursery schools, it was moved by Com- missioner Mitchell that the Commission recommend to the City Council that permission'be granted to Gail L. Gerischer, personally, to operate the school for a period of 5 years; that if her lease is extended she must come before the Commission for an extension of her permit - the same as her lease; that the number of children be limited to 44 and that should the State license cease, the variance would cease; seconded by Commissione- AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Diederichsen-Henderson-Kindig-Mitchell NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None ABSTAINED COMMISSIONERS: Stivers ABSENT COMMISSIONERS: Martin -Mattock Chairman Henderson suggested to Miss Gerischer that when the matter is scheduled for Council hearing that she have pertinent records available for Council information. Burlingame Planning Commission - Regular Meeting Page 3- August 2 2, 1955 5. CHANGE OF LOT LINES - PROPERTY OF RAY 0. DRISKELL AND WALTER B. JOHNS'ON: HILLSIDE DRIVE - OPPOSITE INTERSECTION OF HILLSIDE DRIVE AND VALDEFLORES DRIVE. Director Public Works Marr submitted to the Commission the map of the proposed change and stated it has been approved by his office. The change is required because one corner of a building is over on another person's property. Moved by Commissioner Diederichsen that the application be ap- proved as submitted; seconded by Commissioner '. :end carried unanimously on roll call of members.j�i' ` 6. SIGN ORDINANCE. Planning Consultant Mann address for their information the change made to the proposed Ordinance. the "Suggested addition to Sect. Consultant Mann, in response to stated the "20P figure in this felt permitting sign painting or building left blank would not be ed the Commissioners and noted s and additions which have been Particular reference was made to 1854-g" - Wall Signs". Planning Commissioner Stiver's question, section is an arbitrary one; he 1/5 of a building with 4/5 of a unreasonable. City Attorney Karmel questioned the advisability of including the above mentioned addition to the ordinance. He stated he would not advise the Commission that the provision is "unlawful, illegal or unconstitutional" but that it may be construed as "taking of pro- perty without due process". Mr. Karmel further stated that should the issue ever be raised in litigation, he would "reserve the right to state whether or not a defense should be made". Chairman Henderson asked for comments from the audience. Mr. Alan G. Anderson, secretary of the Municipal License Tax Assoc- iation, San Francisco, requested permission to review the ordinance with the Commissioners. Mr. Walter Johnson, resident of Toyon Drive, protested what, in his opinion, was the lack of provision in the ordinance governing roof signs and lighted signs. After some further discussion, Chairman Henderson requested that Planning Consultant Mann incorporate some provisions covering signs on industrial buildings within a certain footage area of a resi- dential section. Moved by Commissioner Diederichsen that action on the ordinance be held to the Study Meeting of September 12; seconded by Commissioner Kindig and carried unanimously. There being no further business, meeting adjourned by Chairman Hen- derson at 11:30 P. M. Respectfully submitted, W. H. DI EDERICHSEN SECRETARY