HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1955.11.14CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Adjourned regular meeting November 14, 1955 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT COMMISSIONERS ABSENT OTHERS PRESENT Diederichsen Henderson P1an.Consult.-Mann Kindig Mattock Dir.Pub.Wrks.-Marr Martin (8:25) Mitchell Stivers Meeting called to order by acting Chairman Mitchell at 8:20 p.m. Minutes of the Regular Meeting of September 26 and the Study Meeting of October 10, 1955, approved as written. HEARINGS: 1. TENTATIVE MAP NO. 5A. A REVISION OF A PORTION OF TENTATIVE MAP NO. 5 MILLS ESTATE. The Chair announced that the revised map was required because of a re- quest from the Division of Highways that an additional 104 feet in the area be reserved for widening of Skyline Boulevard. A letter dated November 12, 1955, was read from the Burlingame Rec- reation Commission approving the 3.6 acres for the proposed playground, providing that pedestrian access and egress is available to Alhambra Way. A letter dated November 83, 1955, was read from the Burlingame Civic Improvement Dlub, Inc., suggesting that the developers of the Mills Estate Subdivision be requested to donate to the City of Burlingame a library site and structure to be located in the Mills No. 5 area. A copy of a letter dated November 8, 1955, was read from the Burling- ame Civic Improvement Club, Inc., to the Trousdale Construction Company suggesting the library site and structure above mentioned. Vice Chairman Martin assumed the Chair. In response to the Chair, Superintendent of Parks Francard stated that the Park Commission has approved the park site as provided in the map. The Director of Public Works and the Planning Consultant advised the Commission that the tentative map as submitted is acceptable. It was thereafter moved by Commissioner Diederichsen and seconded by Com- missioner.!. Mitchell that the Commission recommend to the City Council approval of the revised tentative map No. 5A, Mills Estate, with the stipulations and agreements as incorporated in the approval of the original tentative map. Motion carried unanimously on roll call of members. 2. VARIANCE - Mrs. A. M. Blumer - Proposed one-story office build- ing; Lot 1A, Block.2, Town of Burlingame, Northwesterly corner E1 Camino Real and Primrose Road - Zoned R-3. A letter dated October 8, 1955, was read from Mrs. A. M. Blumer re- questing that the Commission give favorable consideration to her ap- plication. A letter dated November 8, 1955, was read from the Burlingame Civic Improvement Club, Inc., expressing approval of the proposed construc- tion. Commissioner Diederichsen stated that he was primarily concerned in the maintenance of the landscaping. Commission members concurred and it was thereafter moved by Commissioner Kindig and seconded by Com- missioner Diederichsen that the Commission recommend to the City Council that the variance be granted on the above described property with the following stipulations: 1. That the building shall be constructed and the parking spaces provided as shown on the plot plan. 2. That the planting area as shown on the plot plan shall be land- scaped and maintained by the developer. 3. That a complete landscaping plan shall be presented to the City Council at the meeting of November 21 for approval. COMMISSIONERS: AYES: Diederichsen-Kindig-Martin-Mitchell COMMISSIONERS: NOES: Stivers COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Henderson -Mattock Motion carried. 3. RESUBDIVISION - Northerly half of Block 8, Mills Estate No. 3. Director of Public Works Marr advised the Commission that this re+- subidivion will establish 4 parcels in Block 8, and that the map has been checked and approved by his office. Mr. Hood of Coldwell Banker Company advised the Commission that the new parcel has been sold to the Bank of California, subject to Com- mission approval of the resubdivision map. There being no objections to the proposal, it was moved by Commissioner Mitchell and seconded by Commissioner Diederichsen that the resub- division map as submitted be approved. Motion carried unanimously on roll call of members. COMMUNICATIONS: 1. Miss G. Bernice Barnett: Consideration for rezoning. A letter dated September 169 1955, was read from Miss G. Bernice Bar- nett, 1575 Ralston Avenue, requesting that the Commission consider a rezoning of the area within the triangle formed by El Camino Real, Occidental Avenue and Howard Avenue from R-1 to R-3. -2 Planning Consultant Mann stated that when a recent field trip was made in the area some instances of non -conforming use and code violations were noted, but the present R-1 zoning appears applicable. The Planning Consultant stated further it would be to the City's interests to eliminate the non -conforming uses and the code violations which do exist rather than rezone. Mr. Dodd M. McRae, 1561 Ralson Avenue, expressed opposition to any change in the present zoning. James Himmel, Secretary, Burlingame Civic Improvement Club, Inc., stated the Club would be opposed to the rezoning as requested. The Commission thereafter agreed that no action was required at this meeting as a formal application for rezoning had not been filed. 2. Mrs. K. Fazackerley re: Proposed Hobby-Shop/Guest-Room. A letter dated November 9, 1955, was read from the City Council trans- mitting for Commission study and recommendation a request from Mr. and Mrs. K. Fazackerley for permission to erect an addition (hobby room) to the garage building at the rear of the above property. The Commission informed Mrs. Fazackerley that action on her request could not be taken until a formal application was filed with the City Clerk and the necessary notices sent to property owners in her neighborhood. The matter was thereafter scheduled for the November 28 meeting. 3. A.V.R. Realty Company - Widening of Broadway. A letter dated November 10, 1955, weds read from the City Council transmitting for Commission study and review a proposal from the A.V.R. Realty Company, 1163 Broadway, for widening of Broadway a possible 2-1/2 feet to 5 feet. The Communication was referred to the Director of Public Works and the Planning Consultant for study and report at a later date. 4. Peninsula Builders Exchange. A letter dated November 9, 1955, was read from the City Council trans- mitting for Commission study and review a communication from the Peninsula Builders Exchange, Belmont, recommending the use of sheet - rock and/or plaster interior wall finishes in modern construction to combat the fire hazard. The communication was referred to the Director of Public Works and the Fire Chief for study and report at a later date. FOR STUDY: 1. RECLASSIFICATION R-2 to R-3. Laguna Avenue, Broadway to Carmelita. An application submitted by Ruth A. Hergert, 1101 Laguna Avenue, The Planning Consultant observed that this rezoning might best be ac- complished by an act of the Commission rather than by application of property owners. It was thereafter agreed that the matter be post- poned to the meeting of November 28 and that a field trip be made by the Commission on Saturday£ November 26. Commissioner Mitchell was excused at 31:10 p.m,., 2. Aneelo Dellacasa re: Rear Apartment. A -Letter dated November 14, 1955, was read from Angolo Dellacasa, 141 Victoria Roadp requesting permission to add bathroom facilities to an existing building at the rear of his property for conversion to rental property. In response to the Chair, the Planning Consultant stated that there was no justification .for granting a variance and the request could not be considered under a non -conforming use. The Chair thereafter advised Mr. Dellacasa that if he desired a formal, hearing before the Commission he must file an application with the City Clerk's office and pay the required fee. 3. Code and Variance Violations. The Commission directed the Planning Consultant to prepare a letter to the City Council requesting a statement of policy on violations of the building and zoning codes; also, a letter to the Lucky Market and Safe- way Store, specifically, requesting their cooperation in the mainten- ance of their planting strips, as stipulated when the original variances were granted. There being no further businessffi the meeting was regularly adjourned at 11:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted' W. H. DIELERICHSEN SECRETARY