HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1955.12.12CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Adjourned regular meeting December 12, 1955 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT COMMISSIONERS ABSENT OTHERS PRESENT Henderson Diederichsen Plan. Consult - Mann Kindig Mattock Dir. Pub. Wrks. Marr Martin Bldg. Inspector Watson Mitchell Stivers Meeting called to order by Chairman Henderson at 8:05 p.m. In the absence of Secretary Diederichsen, the Chair appointed Commissioner Martin acting Secretary. Minutes of the adjourned regular meeting of November 14, 1955, approved as written. HEARINGS: 1. SPECIAL PERMIT: Mrs. K. Fazackerley, 1552 Cypress Avenue, Hobby Room adjoining garage. A communication dated December 12, 1955, was read from Mrs. K. Fazackerley withdrawing her request for permission to build the hobby room. Building Inspector Watson advised the Commission he had issued a building permit to Mrs. Fazackerley for the addition of a room to her house rather than the proposed addition to the garage. COMMUNICATIONS: 1. Curb relocation on south line of Broadway. A letter dated November 250 1955, was read from Director of Public Works G. J. Karr, and Planning Consultant George A. Mann reporting that after a meeting with Mr. George Anderson of the A. V. R. Realty Company, and a field survey they round that a relocation of the curb by 3 feet on the south line of Broadway in the two blocks from Laguna Avenue to California Drive would not afford sufficient additional width to provide proper traffic lanes. However, a change to parallel parking on one side would provide wider lanes at no cost except to relocate meters and repaint lines. The Director of Public Works stated that a preliminary cost estimate to the City for the suggested curb relocation approache s $7000.00. The Commission concurred that the present traffic lanes on Broadway are inadequate, and it was thereafter agreed to request a meeting with the officers of the Broadway Development Association and the Broadway merchants for the study meeting of February 13, 1956, for a general discussion of the probaem. The Secretary was requested to advise the City Council of the suggested meeting and to forward to the Council a copy of the letter from the Director of Public Works and the Planning Consultant, 2. Drive-in dry cleaning store and plant. A letter dated November 26, 1955, was read from Mr. Jack Gardner requesting permission to establish a drive-in dry cleaning store and plant at the corner of California Drive and Murchison Drive, The Planning Consultant stated that the location is C-1 and the present zoning ordinance places cleaning and dyeing plants in C-2 districts. The Commission must decide whether or not the use is proper. It was thereafter moved by Commissioner Martin and seconded by Com- missioner Mitchell that the matter be postponed to the neat regular meeting and that Mr. Gardner be requested to attend. Motion carried unanimously on roll call of members present. 3. Change in Building Code requested by Buildersr Exchange. A letter dated December 7, 1955, was read from G. J. Marr, George A. Mann, James Watson and R. Moorby recommending that no change be made in the City+s Building Code at this time with reference to interior wall finish construction in single family dwellings. The communication stated further that the City's present Code meets the requirements of the Uniform Building Code and the matter of proper treatment and ap- plication of exposed wood finishes is now before the PaLific Coast Building Officials Conference for report at a future date. It was moved by Commissioner Mitchell and seconded by Commissioner Martin that the Commission concur in the findings of the committee and the City Council be so advised. Motion carried unanimously on roll call of members present. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 1. RECLASSIFICATION: Ruth A. Hergert, 1101 Laguna Avenue; all lots on Laguna Avenue - Broadway to Carmelite Avenue (Blocks 2 and 3, Easton #1 Subdivision) from R-2 to R-3. Moved by Commissioner Martin and seconded by Commissioner Kindig that the application be scheduled for public hearing at the regular meet- ing of December 27. Motion carried unanimously on roll call of mem- bers present. The Planning Consultant stated that Lot 22 in Block 2 and Lots 3, 4, 60 7 in Block 3 are not included in the application. It was thereafter moved by Commissioner Martin and seconded by Commissioner Kindig that a public hearing be scheduled on December 27 for the Reclassification of Lot 22 in Block 2 and Lots 3, 40 6, 7 in Block 3, Easton #1 Sub- division, from R-2 to R-3. Motion carried unanimously on roll call of members present. 2. RECLASSIFICATION - Chula Vista Avenue between Broadway and Cermelita Avenue (Lots 8, 9, 100 11, 12, 130 Block 2, Easton ##1 SubAivision) from R-2 to R-3. The Commission Concurred that a reclassification of these lots us now in order, and it was thereafter moved by Commissioner Martin and seconded by Commissioner Stivers that a public hearing be scheduled for December 27. Motion carried unanimously on roll call of members. There being no further business, the meeting was regularly Adjourned at 8:55 o'clock p.m. Respectfully submitted, R. D. MARTIN SECRETARY - Pro tem. CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Study meeting December 12, 1955 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT COMMISSIONERS ABSENT OTHERS PRESENT Henderson Diederichsen Plan.. Consult. - Mann Kindig Mattock Dir, Pub. Wrks.-Marr Martin Mitchell Bldg. Inspector- Watson Stivers Meeting called to order by Chairman Henderson at 9:00 p.m. 1. RECLASSIFICATION: Lots 17 to 28, Block 9, Mills Estate No. 3 from R-2 to R-1. An application submitted by David A. Nicolaides and Hamilton Hat- field was presented to the Commission. Mr. Nicolaides informed the Commission that a total of 12 single family dwellings will be built in the block and the request for re- classification is being made to insure that the area will remain an R-1 district. Mr. Nicolaides was informed that his application will be given public hearing at the regular meeting of the Commission on December 27. 2. FINAL MAP - SKYVIEW TERRACE. Director of Public Works Marr presented to the Commission the final map of the Walter Thompson development, on the west side of Skyline Boulevard. The map will be mathematically checked by the engineer's office before the regular meeting of the Commission on December 27, and at that time it will be presented for Commission approval. 3. PROPERTY OF MRS. WILLIAM WATTS - 116 ANITA ROAD. Planning Consultant Mann read a letter written by him to Mrs. Watts with reference to the above property, advising her that any additional building on the lot would aggravate existing violations. Mrs. Watts was advised an application for a variance could be presented to the Planning Commission but she must be prepared to prove a hardship or inequity to the satisfaction of the Commission and the City Council. There being no further matters for discussion, the meeting was regu- larly adjourned at 9:25 p.m. Respectfully submitted, R.D. MARTIN SECRETARY - Pro tam.