HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1954.03.25BURLINGAME CITY PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Vegular Meeting March 25, 1954 Present Absent Others Present Commissioners: Commissioners: Mayor Simonds Diederichsen Brown Councilman Atwater Henderson Mattock City En.gineer Marr Mitchell Consultant Mann Rooth Acting Attorney Karmel Stivers (8:15) City Clerk White Recreation Commissioner Grens Recreation Supt. Lincoln The meeting was called to order at 8:00 p.m. - Chairman Mitchell in the Chair. The minutes of the regular meeting of February 25, 1954, were approved with a correction that the paragraph pertaining to a discussion on the widening of California Drive be deleted from the record. HEARING Chairman Mitchell announced that a public hearing on a petition for a special permit to allow the construction and erection of a building to be used as a_ Pet__Hospital had been scheduled on this date. Upon invitation of the Chairman, Capes; B. T. Bearint, the _petitioner, indicated on the Council aerial map, the area in which he intends to construct and operate a pet hospital. The area consists of a parcel of lend with 100 feet of frontage on the Old Bayshore___HC bway_, north of the Broadway Overpass and 250---feet south of `a: Drainage anal. Capt. Bearint stated that it is his intention to reclaim an area 100 by 100 feet and to, construct a hospital in such a manner to permit sufficient land between the proposed hospital and the bay waters. He stated that the design will be to the advantage of Burlingame from a standpoint of beauty. In answer to Commissioners' inquiries, Capt. Bearint stated that he has made arrangements for utilities, ample space has been planned for parking purposes and of the total area of seven acres, he plans to develop land of an area 100 by 100 feet in order to provide ample protection to the building proposed to be erected. In further teplies to inquiries, Capt. Bearint stated that it is his intention to conduct a cat practice primarily. There being no protests received, either Commissioner Rooth moved that a letter be recommending approval to the request for was seconded by Commissioner Diederichse roll call of members. UNFINISHED BUSINESS vebbally or by communication, directed to the City Council, a special permit. The motion n and unanimously carried on 1. MILLS ESTATE NO. 3. Chairman Mitchell called on Mr. Lee Ham o Wilsey & Co. to explain the several revisions made on the tentative map. r. Ham Minutes 3/25/54 - pg• 2 advised that since the last meeting, a conference has been held with representatives of the School District. As a result, the Elementary School site has been approved, in which it is now proposed to construct the school north of the present Intermediate School, bounded by Trousdale Avenue and Quesada Way. H. Jay Burns, President of the Burlingame Elementsary School District Board expressed the unanimous approval of the Board on the proposed plan at the present time and recommended the acceptance of the map. In reply to the Chairman's inquiry, City Engineer Marr advised that everything to iss atisf actory and that final engineering plans will be discussed and considered at a later date. Mr. Burns questioned whether it is intended to extend Corinne Drive through to Davis Drive. Chairman Mitchell stated that no provisions have been made to do so - the area in question presently owned by the San Francisco Water Department and arrangements would have to be made to have an easement granted. Mr. Burns stated that he would like to see that the case, in the event traffic on Trousdale Drive may turn off at Quesada Way creating con- siderable traffic on both sides of the proposed school. Chairman Mitchell concurred that two outlets would create better traffic control. Planning Consultant Mann, speaking on the above point, suggested that a letter of transmittal to the City Council should specify that the Council enter into negotiations to affect the continuation of Corinne Drive. Mr. James Himmel questioned what provisions had been made relative to the installation of traffic signals. City Engineer Marr advised that an agreement with the owner includes a provision that traffic signals be installed at no cost to the City of Burlingame. He advised that the State must f first d etermine by a traff is count that the s ignals are necessary and if so determined, the State will assume one half the cost of installation, the City, or in this case, as provided in the agreement, the subdivider, will share the additional one-half the cost. Mr. Himmel also made inquiries relative to drainage conditions, to which Mr. Marr advised that it would be discussed and' considered later, when the final engineering map is submitted. Commissioner Henderson questioned whether a line mown the center of Trousdale Drive, dividing the Cities of Burlingame and Millbrae, were indicated on the tentative map. Mr. Ham stated that if such division were made, it would takeproperty away from the school property. Mr. Burns stated that there would be no objection to taking the said property away from the school area and recommended that the map be changed to create the dividing line between the two cities down the center of Trousdale Drive. Mr. Ham expressed his approval. Acting City Attorney Karmel advised that by such action, no legal procedure was required. ]Vinutes 3/25/54 - pge• 3 It was thereupon moved by Commissioner DABerichsen that the Commission recommend the approval of the street lay out and pattern with the following condition: that Trousdale Drive be extended forty-two feet southerly thereby creating an equal dividing lines between the two cities down the center of the street and that the appropriate re -arrangement of lots be made due to the realignment of the street; and further, that a recommendation be submitted to the City Council that negotiations be Initiated to acquire an easement to affect the continuation of Corinne Drive through to Davis Drive. The motion was s ecc�nded by Commissioner Henderson and unanimously carried on roll call of members. 2. Application for a revision of the original'Subdivision of Lots 19-20, Block No. 4, Burlingame Park No. 4, submitted by Willard L. B urkdall. The revision of the subdivision was requedted to decrease the width of the drive from 20 feet to 14 feet. There being; no objections, Commissioner Henderson moved that the Commission concur in the request and recommend its approval, seconded by C ommissioner Diederichsen and unanimously carried. NEW BUSINESS 1. A letter dated March 17, 1954, was read from the City Clerk, advising that the City Council requests the Planning Commission to schedule public hearings on the rezoning of the area designated "Millsdale No. 1" from its current zone, "R-l" to that of "M-1". Commissioner Henderson moved that a public meeting be scheduled for the next regular meeting of the Planning. Commission, April 29, 1954,s econded by Commissioner D49derdohsenuand unanimously carried. 2. A letter dated March 11, 1954, was read from George V. White, District Superintendent of Burlingame Elementary Schools, requewting that the Commission withhold approva' of such plans affecting the Mills Estate lying within the City limits of Burlingame unt V.s atisfactory agreements have been worked out by the School Board and the subdivider. The matter having been previously considered and approved, no action was required. The communication wqs filed. 3. A letter dated March 24, 1954, signed ffby seven residents comprising "Citizens' Citizens' Committee on Millsdale No. 1 was read, urging Commission action in zoning Millsdale No. 1 for p#rposes other than that of residential. The letter was acknowledged and ordered filed for future reference. 4. A map, submitted by Robert Bezeeny, for a change in lot lines on his property on Morrell Avenue and the Bayshore -aighway, was referred to the Building Inspector. A map mf Mills Estate No. 1 was presented for Commission approval. r. Ham - advised that the map is to be filed with the County Recorder as a permanent record and indicates the street and lot patterns only. He stressed that the map contains no engineering details. Minutes 3/25/54 - page 4 Acting City attorney Karmel read an agreement between the City and the Subdivider,'which included the following: (a) all improvements to be constructed under and in accordance with plans and profiles of Mills Estate No. 1 (water system, drainage system, electroliers, costs for the installation of traffic signals on E1 eamino Real; (b) work to be constructed to the complete satisfaction of the City Engineer; (c) improvements to be constructed in accordance with Ordinance No. 541 of the City; and (D) filing of surety bonds. Mr. Himmel stated that in his opinion the drainage problem should be considered for the entire estate prior to the acceptance of any portion of the maps. Considerable discussion was held o-n the drainage plans. City Engineer Marr stated that an overall picture would be made more clear when the city-wide drainage report is completed within the next two weeks. Following further discussion, Commissioner Henderson moved - that final approval of the map of Mills Estate No. 1 be postponed until such time as the City Engineer submits a report on the Flood Control and Drainage Facilities presently being compiled. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Rooth and unanimously carried. L. Herbert Harris, former Mayor of Burlingame and a member of the San Mateo County Planning Commission suggested that the Planning Commission recommend to the City Council that an Advisory Parks.and Trees Committee be appointed. There being no further business, the meeting was regularly adjourned"at 10:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Chas. W. Rooth, Secretary Notes: ELArmstrong