HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1954.06.10BURLINGAME CITY PLANNING COMtJaSSION MINUTES Study Meeting, June 10,1954. Present Absent Others Present Commissiorn rs: Commissioners: Diederichsen Mattock Henderson Martin Mitchell Simonds Stivers The meeting was called to order at 8:00 p.m. by Chairman Roy Henderson. The first order of business was the hearing of an application for a use permit for the erection, construction and m.aintenar.ce of a Club Building on Lot 3, Block 8, Burlingame Land Company subdivision lo- cated on the NE corner of E1Camino and Bellevue Avenue, Burlingame. Mr. Walter Chantel, representing Elsie Ross, property owner adjacent to the proposed Club spoke in opposition to certain provisions. Mr. Thayer, representing the Women's Club, appeared in their behalf and spoke on the architectural design of the building. Mrs. Griffin and Mrs. Beattie, officers of the Women's Club, spoke on the Club's requirements. Commissiomr Stivers presented his views in the manner of a better location for the Club which would be more practical. Commissioner Mitchell moved that the use permit. be accepted, seconded by Commissioner Simonds. Yes Vote - Commissioners: Diederichsen-Henderson-Mitchell-Simonds No Vote - Commissioner: Martin Abstaining -Commissioner: Stivers. The next order of business was that of a joint session with the City Council members for the purpose of discussing a new proposed map sub- mitted by the Trousdale representatives, outlining a tentative indus- trial layout, showing spur track facilities, streets, etc. of Millsdale #l, together with a suggested change to the M-1 zoning. Much disu-ussion was held on the proposed industrial section of Burlin game, with all members of the City Courr it as well as Planning Com- missioners deliberating. Planning uomm. azuay i°iee ustib - - 1 , 6- /I - Mr. Alycorn, Industrial Agent from the Southern Pacific Railroad spoke on proposed spur track facilities which could be used for the area. The question of completion of Rollins Road through the property was discussed. It was stated that a tentative map calling for industrial develop- ment for Millsdale #1 would be submitted at the next regular meet- ing of the Planning Commission. A tentative map for subdividing certain lots on Valdivia Way was presented, which will be placed on the agenda for the next meeting of the Commission. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M Respectfully submitted W. H. DIEDERICHSEN, SECRETARY n