HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1954.06.24BURLINGAI4E CITY PLANNING COMMISSION Present Commissioners: Diederichsen Henderson Martin Mattock Mitchell Simonds (8:15 p.m.) Stivers MINUTES Absent Commissioners: None Regular Meeting June 24, 1954 Others Present Councilman Rooth Bldg+ Inspector Watson City Engineer Marr Acting Attorney Karmel The meeting was called to order at 8:00 p.m. - Chairman protem Henderson in the Chair. The minutes of the previous regular meeting of May 27, 1954 and the study meeting of June 10, 1954, as submitted tc members were unan- imously approved with several corrections noted.. The Chairman announced that this was the time previously scheduled for a hearing on Millsdale Subdivision No. 1, in compliance with a Council request that the subject be again reviewed by members of the Planning Commission. A letter dated June 16, 1954, was read from the City Clerk, submit- ting the following two communications addressed. to the City Council and referred to the Planning Commission: 1. A letter dated June 1, 1954, from the Burlingame Civic Im- provement Club, urging immediate action to zone Millsdale No. 1 for M-1 (Light Industrial). 2. A letter dated June 1, 1954, from the Burlingame Improvement Club Council, recommending that the area. between the Southern Pacific Railroad tracks and the Bayshore, be zoned commercial and selected light industrial, with architectural controls, landscaping and careful planning. A letter dated June 17, 1954, was read from the San Mateo -Burlingame Board of Realtors, endorsing in principle, the development of Hills- dale No. 1 and the changing of city ordinances as proposed by the Trousdale Construction Company. At the request of C. R. Rogers, Secretary of the Burlingame Civic Improvement Club, the Secretary read a letter dated June 23, 1954, from M-1 Ordinance, that c-=ideration also be given to establishing architectural controls and a building code prohibiting the construc- tion of sheet metal covered structures. A letter was also read from the Civic Improvement Club, suggesting that the map for Millsdale No. 1 be altered to include a road running parEL11el and adjacent to Planning Comm. Minutes - b/24/54 - rage No. 2 the railroad to assure residents and commuters passing on El Camino Real an a-propriate view of Burlingame. Mr. L. E. Weisenberg, chief engineer for the Trousdale Construction Company, spoke in behalf of that companyfs proposal that the present zoning ordinances of the City of Burlingame be amended to permit a permissive use instead of the present prohibitive use. He advised that the proposal is "in line with" the thinking; of all of the indus- trial centers within the United States and with permissive uses indus- tries may be notified in advance whether they will be permitted to lo- cate in a community. He advised further that the proposal incorpor- ates most of the San Mateo Couhty ordinance and�in many cases is more strict. The proposal recommends that Section 1933 of Ordinance No.539 be revised to establish suitable regulations for, a M-1 District. Questioned by the Chairman as to the Planning Commission'-s procedure, Acting City Attorney Karmel advised "that there is before the Commis- sion on this date, a hearing for a possible reclassifying or zoning of a certain area. The developers of the property have placed their recommendations for an amendment to the existing; zoning ordinance. The Commission should consider the proposals and submit recommendation to the City Council". He advised further that "a Planning Commission recommendation with respect to the modification of the existing ordin- ance sho,,.zld be independent and made expressly severable from its rec- ommendations as to zoning." Chairman protem Henderson thereupon stated that the zoning, the tent- ative map and the proposed amendment to the zoning ordinance would be taken up in that sequence. Mr. James.E. Fitzgerald, President of the San Mateo County Development Association, was introduced and stated that the Development Associ- ati-)nf s objective is to attract desirable industry within the county and he urged that the Commission seriously consider the subject of permissive zoning. H. Jay Burns, President of the Burlingame Elementary School Board of Trustees, stressed the importance of utilizing the land for industrial purposes mainly to increase the tax basis of the City. He confirmed the Board's previous endorsement of permitting industry in Millsdale No. 1. .A motion that the Commission reconsider its previous action taken on Millsdale No. 1, was introduced by Commissioner Mitchell, seconded by Commissioner Diederichsen and unanimously carried. A further motion was introduced by Commissioner Mitchell that the Commission recommend that the area designated Millsdale No. 1 be classified as M-1," seconded by Commissioner Simonds and unanimously carried. Mr. Lee Ham, Engineer for the developer, submitted a tentative plan for the development of the industrial area in Millsdale. He stated that the developer proposed to (1) extend Rollins Road 250 feet west of the present power lines; (2) place spur track facilities. He stated that only the first portion of the area is to be tentatively approved at this time and upon its sale, additional units will be presented. Planning Comm. Minutes — 6/24/54 - Page #3 Mr. Arthur Alcorn, Southern Pacific official, stated that from a railroad standpoint he would recommend its acceptance as sound plan- ning. Mr. Walter S. Amstrup, President of the Burlingame Gate Improvement .Association, expressed his opposition to the spur tracks as being too close to the homes in the Burlingame Gate area. Mr. Ham was questioned from the floor and by members of the Commission on the following points: 1. the cost involved to place the side spur -tracks parallel to the power lines rather than as proposed; 2..placing of a road parallel to the tracks 'so that business would be facing the tracks; 3. who would maintain the trees; 4. would the drainage ditches be covered and 5. who would assume the responsibility of maintaining the cost of pumps. Mr. Ham replied on each point: 1. side spurs parallel to power lines would Jnvolve too many tracks; 2. would be utilizing the best ground for roads instead of the buildings; 3. probably would be dedicated to the city; 4. ditches would be open but fencing will be required on both sides of the ditches, and 5. cost of pumping borne by the city, but revenue from taxes would minimize cost involved. Mr. Ham also pointed out that the eucalyptus trees bordering the area would tend to "deaden" sound of trains and switching. Mr. Robert Gans, delegate from the Burlingame Gate Improvement Club, also voiced his objection to the proximity of tlhLe spur tracks. In response to the Chairman's inquiry concerning; the present status of Rollins Road, Mr. Oscar Person, President of the North Burlingame Industrial Property Owners Improvement Association, advised that meet- ings are currently being arranged for conferences with the City Coun- cil and that Rollins Road proposed improvements will "tie in" with the contemplated plan. Commissioner Mattock thereafter moved that the Commission recommend approval of the tentative map of Section 1 of Millsdale No. 1 indus- trial area, comprising that portion of land from. the railroad tracks to the east bank of the Pacific Gas and Electric Company's power lines and from the northern city limits, approximately 1,400 feet southerly, with the stipulation that the streets and the cross sections be ac- cording to the City Engineer's specifications. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Martin and unanimously carried. Planning Comm. Minutes - 6/21t/54 - Page #4 The suggested revisions to Burlingame Ordinance No. 539, were read by the Secretary. The revisions entailed a change in the regulations for M-1 Districts (Light Industrial.) Mr. C. R. Rogers expressed an objection to the inclusion of "leather products manufacturing" on the basis of the product being at times obnoxious. Mr. Rogers also questioned whether architectural control may be included in the proposed revision. Mr. Rogers was advised that the City.has policing laws governing health, safety and welfare, which are a guarantee against any obnox- ious types of industry and architectural control may be considered at the appropriate time. The matter having been further considered, Commissioner Simonds moved that the Commission recommend that Section 1933 of Ordinance No. 539, be amended as proposed, seconded by Commissioner Diederichsen and unan- imously carried. It was suggested that if the :recommendation is con- curred in by members of the City Council, that ;a special meeting be scheduled by the Council, prior to the second reading of the amended ordinance. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A plan submitted by Mr. Lee Ham, Engineer, for a resubdivision of certain lots created by the abandonment of Valdivia Way, studied by the Commission at the meeting of June 10, was reviewed by the Commis- sion for final disposition. It was recalled that a ten foot public utility easement as requested by the Council, had been granted by the owner, Theo. G. Meyer, and at the previous meetf:ng, Planning Consult- ant.Mann had requested that it be made a pedestrian way, to provide access to a nature study park, as proposed by the Recreation Commiss- ion. Mr. E. A. Ritchey, President of the Ray Park Improvement Club, ex- pressed opposition to the proposal. Mr. Cyrus McMillan, attorney representing Mr. Meyer, intimated that the latter may not be in accord with the request; that the easement be made a pedestrian way. GvYrvrvLvd2-c,c�w Following further consideration, Ge, i ttarr Simonds moved that the tentative map as submitted, be recommended for acceptance, upon the condition that the ten foot easement be granted as a public easement; that the fences on adjoining properties of the public easement be placed five feet from the center of the public easement and that in- gress and egress be provided on Valdivia Way and Hayward Avenue. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Diederichsen and unanimously car- ried. NEW BUSINESS: Burlingame Women's Club Plans. The Chairman advised that the proposed new plans are not yet available. In connection with the subject, a letter dated June 22, 1954, was read from Walter C. Chouteau, repre- senting Rulfs Prope-ties, Inc. and Elsie Rulfs, owners of property immediately adjacent to the subject lot owned by the Women's Club, re- questing that special notice be given at such time as the subject is to appear on future calendars of the Planning Commission. Planning Comm. Minutes - 6/24/54 - Page #5 A proposed resubdivision of Lots 12 and 20, Block 3, Glenwood Park, submitted by Frank G. Knippenberg, 1547 Cypress Avenue, was held for review and recommendation at the regular study meeting, July 15, 1954- Mr. Oscar Person, industrial property owner, questioned the absence on the agenda of his application for a variance to construct another ser- vice station on his property and stated that he had filed the required fee with the City Clerk. City Engineer Marr was instructed to request the City Clerk to initiate the appropriate action necessary. Mr. Per- son was advised that the subject would be placed on the agenda at the next study meeting, July 15, 1954- The Chairman announced that the development of !Mills Estate No. 1, east of El Camino Real and Mills Estate No. 3,'west of El Camino Real, would be discussed at the next study meeting, July 15, 1954• Questioned by the Commission, Building Inspector Watson advised that the building moved on to the property of Fisk and Firenze, adjacent to the Bayshore Freeway, conforms to regulations. City Engineer Marr advised that the only restriction specified is that it comply with fire regulations. Commissioner Simonds suggested that meetings be arranged with the Building Inspector to review provisions embodied in the Building Code. The City Engineer was instructed to supply each member of the Commission with a copy of the Building Code. Election of Officers: The following Commission. members were regular- ly e ected to office: Chairman: L.R. Henderson Vice -Chairman: W. D. Martin Secretary: W. H. Die derichsen There being no further business, the meeting was regularly adjourned at 11:00 P.M. Respectfully submitteed. W. H. Diederichsen, Secretary Notes: ELArmstrong