HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1954.07.29Present Commissioners: Diederichsen Henderson Mattock Mitchell Simonds Stivers BURLINGAME CITY PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Regular Meeting July 29, 1954 Absent Others Present Commoners: City ng neer arr Martin City Attorney Karmel Planning Consultant Mann Councilman Rooth City Clerk White The meeting was called to order at 8:00 P.M. by Chairman Roy Henderson. The minutes of meetings held June 24, July 15 and July 22nd were approved by unanimous vote. Hearings were called for on the following: 1. Variance in zoning Lot 24, Block 15, Burlingame Grove, to permit construction of a five unit apartment building was read. The property is located approximately 2901 from the northerly intersection of Paloma and Broadway on the East side of Paloma Avenue. A letter dated July 2, 1954, requesting favorable action, signed by E. A. Ohlund, was read. Also, a letter signed by Al Randall of 1249 Paloma Avenue requesting favorable action, provided proper garaging of cars is arranged for, so as to avoid parking on streets. It was moved, seconded and passed that the applicant Ohlund & Co. requesting a variance to construct an apartment building be laid over to the next Study Meeting to be held on August 12th. 2. Re: Subdivision of Lots 12 and 20, Block: 3, Glenwood Park, was read." A letter dated June 21, from Frank R. Knippenberg, owner of said property requesting favorable action was read. No one appeared for the above request and it was moved, seconded and passed that the subject matter be laid over until the next study meeting to be held on August 12th. 3. Application for a use permit to conduct a Chiropractor's office at 1239 Oak Grove Avenue, was read. The Chiropractor who will occupy the premises appeared, requesting favorable action. Mr. McSweeney, adjoining property owner, appeared to protest said application. Planning Comm. Minutes 7/29/54 - page: #2 } The Commission requested the matter be laid over to the August 12th meeting in order to inspect the property as to its proper use. 4. Approval of final map of northerly section of +Millsdale No. 1 was called for. Mr. Ham, representing Trousdale interests, described an outline detail on a map. Mr. O'Connell spoke from the audience requesting certain information regarding drainage problems. A great deal of deliberation followed with representatives from North Burlingame Improvement Clubs speaking on many phases of the project. A Citizens' Committee letter was read. A representative of the Southern Pacific Railroad spoke regarding the arrangement of trackage to be used. After a great deal of discussion on the subject matter, a motion was made by Commissioner Simonds and seconded by Commissioner Stivers, that the final map be accepted. Chairman Henderson called for a roll call vote, resulting as follows: Ayes: Commissioners: Diederichsen-Henderson-Mattock-Mitchell- Simonds-Stivers Noes: Commissioners: None Absent Commissioners: Martin Motion carried unanimously. Communications read: A letter from the American Institute of Planners, requesting inform- ation for Research Planning, was referred to Consultant George Mann. A letter from the Garden Study Club, requesting preservation of lands on the Mills Estate Canyon and Creek area, was referred to the Trous- dale interests. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Application fora variance to construct a gasoline station on the S.W. corner of Rollins Road and Broadway, was :Laid over to the next regular meeting. NEW BUSINESS: Motion was made by Commissioner Simonds and seconded by Commissioner Mitchell, "That the City Council instruct the City Attorney to draft an ordinance for the regulation and control of the installation and construction of storm drainage structures within'the City. Such an ordinance -to state that all drainage facilities shall be designated as structures and shall require a building permit. Planning Comm. Minutes 7/29/54 - Page #3 Application for a permit shall include sufficient detail drawings for checking according to City Engineer requirements. All storm drainage structures shall be designed by owner to be of such size, shape and capacity to accomodate the peak flows as determined by the Flood Control and Drainage Facilities report dated March, 1954." Motion Carried unanimously Chairman Roy Henderson announced that August 19th be set for a public hearing for the revisions of M-1 Ordinance to be heard. After a general discussion and there being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:55 P. M. Respectfully submit ted W. H. DIEDERICHSEN SECRETARY