HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1954.08.19BURLINGAME CITY PLANNING COMMISSION •flu ��1 Special Meeting August 19, 1954 Present Absent Others Present Commissioners: Commissioners: City Engineer Marr Diederichson Mitchell Planning Consultant Mann Henderson City Attorney Karmel Martin Mattock Simonds Stivers The meeting was called to order at 8:10 P. M. by Chairman Henderson. A public hearing was held for the purpose of recommendations for amendment of Section 1933 of the Ordinance Code of the City of Burlingame providing for cert&in permitted uses in M-1 Districts. Rezoning of the industrial district was brought up and Commi&stoner Simonds moved that the rezoning plan be accepted for study and legal procedure and then brought up at the next regular meeting. It was seconded by Commissioner Mattock. Planning Consultant Mann stated the orange sheets presented at this meeting were the current ones after revising the green sheets pre- sented at the study meeting. First Mr. Mann asked approval of City Attorney Karmel to add the phVase "and City Council" or some such one that would meet approval in Section A-1, after "Planning Commission" in the last line. Mr. Karmel stated he wanted to work with Planning Consultant Mann and City Engineer Marr regarding the correct wordin€; to put in. There was some discussion regarding permits. At present one person issues permits. After construction is started the use of the con- struction may bring up some questions, therefore City Engineer Marr and Commissioner:Simonds expressed their belief that more than one person should be'responsible for the issuing of permits regarding use of a structure. Mr. Mann stated that at the study meeting Commissioner Simonds sug- gested that City Attorney Karmel, Planning Consultant Mann and City Engineer Marr, work out some way to take care of this situation, but Mr. Mann did not believe it should be written into the zoning law as it was an administrative issue. Chairman Henderson asked that this be done and to bring in a proposal at the next meeting. Planning Consultant Mann then read the proposed regulations for uses in the M-1 districts and any exceptions or questions were marked to be discussed when the complete reading was done. Planning Comm. Minutes - Special Meeting 8/19/54 Page #2 The questions and final decisions are as follows: USES PERMITTED A-1 (g) The word "wood" was deleted as there might be other wastes that would need to be disposed of. (h) There was some discussion regarding prohibiting of man- ufacture of certain items due to their odors. At present their manufacture suggests there might be an odor. How- ever, a permit could be granted by special meeting if the manufacturer were able to satisfy a1.1 concerned. The word- ing as'it stands will remain. (j) The word "finished" was approved before "leather". (1) There was some discussion regarding tYB 20 ton rating as some machines heavier might be less annoying, but Mr. Mann pointed out that 20 ton rating is what other cities have so stipulated as a measuring guidance. The strength of the impact is what counts and even one less than 20 tons might be more annoying, but if some "polic- ing" element could be brought into the regulations that could be controlled. A motion was made by Commissioner Simonds and seconded by Commissioner Diederichson to let the wording stand as is. (m) To eliminate the possiblility of glass manufacture, it was approved to change the wording as follows: "Optical and glass products manufacture, but excluding the manu- facture of glass." (o) A similar situation came up on paper and it was approved to add the words "but excluding the manufacture of paper." A-2 (f) There was considerable discussion regarding the prohibition of gasoline storage. The wording was changed as follows: "Petroleum products such as disinfectants, insecticides and paints, but not gasoline, warehousing and wholesaling." A-4 The wording should be more explicit, to include the phrase A-1, A-2 and A-3. USES PERMITTED WITH- A PERMIT FROM THE CITY COUNCIL. B- (a) -The word "motor" changed to "engine." (c) To be deleted. Mr. Mann suggested "Advertising Billboards" be made a (d) under Section C (Uses prohibited). There was much discussion pro and con. Commissioner Mattock moved, seconded by Commissioner Martin, that "Public Advertising bill boards" be prohibited, and unanimously car- ried. A study was going to be made regarding the size of signs to be allowed. Planning Comm. Minutes - Special Meeting; - 8/19/54 Page #3 Mr. Lehmann brought up the question of 70% coverage and there, was discussion from Himmel and Mann, but when it was brought to point that this meeting was a special one for the express purpose of dis- cussion of "uses", Mr. Lehmann withdrew his question. Commissioner Simonds suggested there be a_.special meeting of the industrial group, Improvement Clubs, City Engineer and Planning Commission to determine the coverage limitations. Commissioner Diederichson moved, seconded by Commissioner Mattock that such a suggestion be made to the City Council, and unanimously approved. The meeting was adjourned at 10:15 P. M. Respectfully submitted W. H. DIEDERICHSEN SECRETARY Notes: By Edith Burgess