HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1954.09.27BURLINGAME CITY PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Regular Meeting September 27, 1954. Present Absent Others Present Commissioners: Commissioners: City Attorney Karmel Diederichsen None Planning Consultant Mann Henderson Councilman Chas. W. Rooth Martin City Clerk Herbert K. White Mattock Mitchell Simonds Stivers "jhe meeting was called to order by Chairman Roy Henderson at 8:00 P.M. The minutes of the regular meeting of August 26th and the study meet- ing of September 13th, were approved as printed. The first order of business was the Application of Otto Kramer, D.C. for a Variance, for the practice of chiropractics at 1230 Vancouver Avenue, Burlingame - Lot 25-27, Block 36, Easton Addition #2, dated August 26, 1954. Letters of protest on the above were received by the City Clerk, from Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lett, 120 Vancouver Avenue; Mr. and Mrs. Nichols, 2015 Broadway, and Mr. and U. Albert Lorbtz, 1260 Bernal Avenue. A statement ofjustification accompanied Dr. Kramerts application, together with a list of signatures of 18 neighbors of Dr. Kramer's who approved the application. Dr. Kramer was asked for further statement of justification, and he replied that the statement originally presented covered about every- thing. However, he went on to say that there are other professions in homes in the area, and that he purchased this property in April of 1952 for a definite purpose and has resided there since that time. Councilman Rooth stated it is true that a variance was denied in a similar profession. Planning Consultant Mann stated it is a question of variance and does not believe it is a question for him to decide. Dr. Kramer purchased the property during the old law, but now practice of this type is for- bidden in R-1 and believes a definite cutoff time must be set. Commissioner Simonds introduced a motion to approve of the application which failed for lack of a second. Commissioner Simonds voiced approv- al of granting the application, stating that Dr. Kramer lived in the home with his family and that it was well cared for. A motion was made that the application be denied, seconded by Commis- sioner Stivers. It was recommended that a letter of explanation be sent to the City Council giving reasons for denial of the application Page 2-P1an.Comm.Minutes-Reg.Meeting 9/27/54 of Dr. Kramer, Commissioner Stivers was asked by the Chairman to appear at the Council meeting to explain the matter to them. An application for a Use Permit was submitted by J. McGahie, Attorney for the Standard Oil Company of California, to erect a gasoline Service Station on the northeasterly corner of El Camino Real service road and Darius Drive, Burlingame - portion of Lot 5, BlocV 1, Mills Estate No.l, Subdivision. A motion was made that the Use Permit be granted, seconded and unanimously carried. A letter dated September 22nd, was received from the County Planning Commission Committee to Organize the Inter -Regional Commission, re- questing a representative from the Burlingame Planning Commission to attend their meetings. Mr. W. H. Diederichsen was appointed. A letter was received from A. M. Holman, 1700'Quesada Way, dated September 24th, regarding the violation of Section 1926, Building Regulations "C", paragraph #2, also neglected to obtain required building permit, and requesting waiver of the Code in his favor. Commissioner Simonds felt that it was not a Planning Commission prob- lem, but should be a Building Inspector's problem. Planning Consultant Geo. A. Mann, stated that he and Mr. Marr inspect- ed the property. There was no building permit, Mr. Holman is a new- comer here and did not know a building permit was necessary. He had also violated the zoning ordinance. Chairman Henderson suggested that Mr. Holman should apply for a Variance in order to comply with City regulations. The ketter was set aside to await Mr. Holman's applic- ation for a Variance. NEW BUSINESS: Mr. Leo. C. Fagan, 612 Peninsula Avenue, and owner of the property on the corner of Bloomfield and Peninsula Avenue, questioned the use of a building now housing the Wee Tot Nursery, operated by Mrs. Kortick, for a Nursery School, if the building is moved from 1408 Howard Avenue to the property at 700 Peninsula Avenue. Said property must be vacated before October 30th. Mr. Fagan was advised to go through the regular procedure of applying for a Variance. DISCUSSION: Planning Consultant Mann stated that during the past week or two there has been active work done in the matter of policing the ordinance covering building permits, and said many have come in and paid the fee for their building permit. Chairman Henderson suggested that some kind of book be set up whereby variances granted could be checked each year to see that there is no violation. The City Clerk stated that this is being done and they are set up according to Lot and Block. Councilman Rooth voiced his approval of such procedure, stating that we are started on the right path and that it is only the beginning. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:45 P. M. Respectfully submitted Notes: By G. Smith W. H. DIEDERICHSEN, Secretary