HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1954.10.25BURLINGAME CITY PLANNING COMMISSION Commissioners Present Diederichsen Henderson Martin Mattock Mitchell Simonds Stivers MINUTES Regular Meeting October 25, 1954. Commissioners Absent Others Present None P1an.Consultant Mann City Attorney Karmel Councilman Rooth B1dg.Inspector Watson .Herbert K. White, City Cler The regular meeting of the Burlingame City Planning Commission was called to order by Chairman Roy Henderson, on the above given date at 8:05 P. M. The minutes of the regular meeting of September 27th were corrected to read on page #2, Darian Way, instead of Trusdale, and then approved. The minutes of the study meeting of September 13th were approved as written. FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS: Application of variance by John Macksey, 1535 Columbus Avenue, Bur- lingame, to be granted on Lot 71 Block 49 Easton Addition, more com- monly known as 1129 Paloma Avenue, to allow the construction of two additional apartment units. N tices of a hearing were sent out to property owners in the immedia?e area. A letter was received from Mr. Macksey by the Planning Commission, explaining that the property was formerly zoned for apartments, but recently changed because of narrow streets. He explained that off-street parking would be avail- able for each of the units. On being questioned, BU,i:lding Inspector Watson stated the building would be within the required 60% maximum lot coverage. Mr. Peterson, owner of property adjacent to Mr. Mackseyts, questioned the type of building planned and whether it would fit in with the Spanish -type home. To which Mr. Macksey replied that the proposed structure would carry out the existing Spanish -type lines if the var- iance is granted. The Planning Commission explained to those present that this area was formerly Apartment Zoned, now changed to duplex, and stated that all property owners on the block could apply for reclassification. Commissioner Simonds felt that the property in the entire area should be looked over before voting on the variance, and made a motion that the subject be held over until the next regular meeting, seconded by Commissioner Mitchell and unanimously carried. Planning Consultant Mann to arrange a field trip through the area in question. SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS: Application for a Variance by Mr. A. Merrill Holman, to allow the construction of a lanai and patio within a portion of the setback of the property at 1700 Quesada Way, Burlingame - Lot 19, BloclF 15, Ray Park Subdivision. A letter from Mr. Holman, was read, substantiating his request for the variance. City Attorney Karmel stated that the building is in violation as it is now and will continue to be unless a variance is granted. Planning Consultant Mann reported that it would be quite a hardship to ask that the building be removed from the easement. After considering all the conditions, Commissioner Mattock made a motion that this variance be granted, seconded by Commissioner Simonds and unanimously carried. THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS: Leo C. Fagan made application for a Variance to permit a Child Nursery School, on Lot 1, Block 25, Lyon and Hoag Subdivision, Burlingame. A permit has been issued to move the building from 1408 Howard Avenue, Burlingame, to the above address, also known as 700 Peninsula Avenue. Mrs, Ernest Kortick explained, that she will operate the school, Mon- days through Fridays, between the hours of 7:30 A. M. and 6:00 P. M., and that she plans to lease the property for three years from Mr. Fagan, with an option to renew the lease for three years more. She has a State license for 30 children, ages of the children range from 2g'- years to six years. Children would be outside only about four hours a day. Planning Consultant Mann explained that the variance does not change the zoning, and that when the use ceases the property reverts to the orig- inal zoning. Mr. Walter Hodgkinson, 705 Bayswater A enue, questioned what the Plan- ning Commission will do at the end of Ne three years when the lease expires, and Chairman Henderson explained that the variance can be set up for three years, then would go back to the original zoning. A motion was made that Mrs. Kortick personally be given permission and that the permit be allowed for three years. If the lease is extended she must come before the Planning Commission for an extension, the same as her lease. That the number of children be limited to 30, and in the event the State license should cease, variance would cease, seconded by Commissioner Martin, and unanimously carried. Building Inspector Watson was requested to see that the place is painted, landscaped, etc., and used properly at all times. FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS: Wilsey and Company submitted a map of lot 65, Block 19, and lots 22 to 29, Block 17, Ray Park, for approval. The tentative map was passed with a condition that a ten foot pedestrian right of way be provided • Upon being questioned as to what would happen if the Planning Com- mission rejected the map, City Attorney Karmel stated the matter would automatically go before the City Council for action. After further discussion, Commissioner Martin made a motion that the map be accepted conditionally; with a ten foot dedicated pedestrian right of way to be granted between lots 29 and 30, seconded and unan- imously carried. FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS: The Burlingame Women's Club submitted new plans for the erection of their new building at El Camino Real and Bellevue Avenue, Burlingame. A motion was made that the plans by Commissioner Simonds, with the plans, and unanimously carried. C OMMUNIC ATI ONS : as presented,'be accepted, seconded notation that they conform to the A letter was received from the Guittard Chocolate Company requesting clarification of the new Ordinance. Mr. H. A. Guittard stated that Ordinance 561 became effective on Oct- ober 24, 1954, and before purchasing the property in the new Millsdale Industrial Park, the company wanted to be sure they would not be in violation of this ordinance, which prohibits the production of fat, and whether this would apply to grinding cocoa beans. Mr. Guittard was asked if there would be objectional odors. Commissioner Mitchell reported he visited the Guittard Plant in San Francisco, going through the plant very carefully, and found nothing objectionable about the odor but found the plant very clean. Planning Consultant Mann explained that the question was raised by Mr. Guittard and the City Council prohibiting the rendering of fats and oils, and further stating that the Guittard Company wants to be certain that they will not be in violation of the Ordinance. A motion was made by Commissioner Simonds that a Use Permit be recom- mended to the Guittard Chocolate Company, confining their business un- der section A-1-H. It is a permitted use within that Section. The motion was seconded and unanimously carried. A letter was received from the City Council regarding construction above garages. The City Council submitted the following suggestions for the Planning Commission to consider when public hearings are sbhed- uled on similar applications: 1 - The General Appearance of the Property 2 - The prohibiting of the erection of partitions and the installation of plumbing facilities. 3 - The inclusion of a stipulation that the vertical distance. from the floor to the ceiling be limited to the maximum of six feet. Commissioner Mitchell brought up the question of landscaping which was included in the permit for the construction of the Lucky Store, and the owners were to be notified regarding the landscaping called for in the construction permit. Plans will be brought before the next study meeting for further study. Planning Consultant Mann reported on the Convention which he attended recently, commenting particularly on a talk by the Chairman of the Berkeley Planning Commissioner who spoke of educating the people on the advantages and workings of Planning Commissions. Building Inspector Watson reported that the Burlingame Presbyterian Church building permit has not yet been issued. He stated that they are two parking spaces short of the necessary'32 parking spaces, and that they are very anxious to get started on their new building. Planning Consultant Mann requested that the permit be held up until he can investigate further. Commissioner Mitchell made a motion that the Planning Commission initiate hearings to reclassify all the unclassified area in the City. To reclassify the Peninsula Hospital from R-1 to C-3. The hearing was set for the November meeting, seconded and passed. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:45 P. M. Respectfully submitted W. H. DI EDERICHSEN SECRETARY Notes by: G. Smith