HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1954.11.22BURLINGAME CITY PLANNING COMMS SION MINUTES Regular Meeting November 22, 1954 Co;ssioners Present Commissioners Absent Others Present Diederichsen None Plan.Consultant - Mann Henderson City Attorney - Karmel Martin Councilman - Rooth Mattock `Bldg.Inspector - Watson Mitchell City Clerk - White 4monds City Engineer - Marr Stivers The regular meeting of the Burlingame City Planning Commission was call- ed to order by Chairman Roy Henderson, on the above date, at 8:05 P. M. The minutes of the regular meeing of October 25th, were read and cor- rected. Paragraph #2 was corrected to read Trousdale, not Darian Way. FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS: Application for variance by Mrs. Marion Hoonan, Lot 11, Block 21, Lyon and Hoag Subdivision, to allow operation of a boarding house. Property commonly known as 901 - 907 Burlingame Avenue, Burlingame. Mrs. Hoonan is the lessee of the property. Attorney Luther M. Carr, speaking on behalf of Mrs. Hoonan, stated the building has been used and was built for the purpose of a boarding house. Premises were inspected by the Building Inspector, Fire Chief, and the Police Department. Mrs. Hoonan is a widow and has invested her life savings in this building. If a variance is not granted, she would suffer considerable loss. Commissioner Diederichson asked if there were any structural changes after the original building was built. Mrs. Hoonan.replied that she was told that the pantry and kitchen were combined to make the 18 x 20 kitchen that now exists. Lease has about 8j more years to go. Building Inspector Watson stated that no permit Was taken out for any changes to the building as far as he knew. Mrs. Hoonan explained that meals are sold only to people living in the boarding house, which is occupied only by single people. Building con- sists of 20 bedrooms, plus common rooms, averages 24 to 25 roomers, and very seldom are there more than 24 in the house at one time. City Attorney Karmel stated the City Council directed the Police Depart- ment, Fire Department, and the Building Inspector to make an inspection. Written reports were submitted to the City Council. Their findings were that no violations were found other than the zoning violation which brings the matter before the Planning Commission at this time. Mr. Hoffman, 201 Anita Road, spoke on behalf of Mrs. Hoonan, saying he Burlingame City Planning Commission Minutes -regular meeting 11/22/54 has lived in the area and at no time has found the boarding house to be a nuisance, and that it is run in a very satisfactory manner. Commissioner Simonds suggested that members of the Planning Commission visit the building, and then come to a decision as to length of time for the use permit, number of people housed, etc. Mrs. Hoonan had no objec- tions and it was decided that members of the Planning Commission would visit the building at noontime, November 23rd, requesting the Building Inspector to be present also. A motion was made that the hearing be carried on to the next regular meeting on December 27th. SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS: Mr. Laurence Balers requests reclassification of property, Lot 25, Block 3, Easton Addition #l,from H-2 to C-1 classification, to allow the construction of an addition to the building on lots 25 and 27, Block 3, and also the addition of two apartment units. Premises com- monly known as 1144 Paloma Avenue, Burlingame. Letter of approval was received from George S. Brown, owner of apart- ment property, LOt 24, Block 3. Mr. Howell, representing Mr. Baleri at the meeting, stated that the apartment house was reconsidered and Mr. Baleri has now given up the idea of apartments, thus doing away with the garages. He just wants to build an eatention to the market for storage space, leaving a 12 foot driveway along southerly line of 19t #25, eliminating loading from the street. Consultant Mann stated that if zone reclassification was made to C-1 it would be possible for them to later construct apartments above the proposed structure. Mr. Howell replied that the building would have to be built differently and stronger if it were to hold apartments on the second story. Commissioner Mitchell believ d the improvement would be a credit to the Street and the whole area. #e would like to see the change go through to straight commercial. Commissioner Mitchell made a motion that the Planning Commission recom- *end the change from R-2 to C-1, seconded by Commissioner Stivers. Dis- cussion followed the motion. Commissioner Simonds stated the application was made because the store does not have enough space in the rear for storage of produce and cases, but what would stop them, at some future time, to alter the building and make an entrance on Paloma Avenue, Planning Consultant Mann said that under a variance permit, there could be provisions made that the building could be restricted to the fact that they have the 12foot driveway, no entrance on Paloma Avenue, and the loading door to face the 12 foot allay. Burlingame City Planning Commission minutes -regular meeting 11/22/54 Commissioner Mitchell was willing to amend his motion, but Commissioner Stivers would not withdraw his second, necessitating a vote on the orig- inal motion. Commissioners voted as follows: Ayes: Commissioners - Mitchell and Stivers Noes: Commissioners - Die derichsen-Henderson-Martin-Mattock-Simonds Absent Commissioners - None Commissioner Simonds made a motion that a variance be granted for Lot 25, Block 3, Easton Addition #l, for erection of a building with a stipulated 12 foot driveway to be used for off-street loading; for stor- age space operating in combination with the existing building with no entrance on Paloma Avenue. The motion was seconded, and all Commission- ers voted in favor of the variance with the exception of Commissioner Stovers. THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS: Mr. David A. Nicolaides, of 1005 California Drive, Burlingame, submitted a request for change of lot lines on Ldts 21, 22 and 23, Burlingview Terrace, Burlingame, thereby adding 20 feet to the rear measurement of 19t 23, and reducing the rear measurement of lot 21 by adding 20feet to lot 22. Commissioner Diederichsen stated he received a telephone inquiry asking if the change in these lots would effect the easement in the back of this property. Mr. Nicbliides answered that only the width at the rear of the lots would be affected, the easement will remain as it is, as well as the front measurements of the bits in question. A motion was made and seconded that the plan be accepted. All Commis- sioners voted in favor of the proposed plan. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Further discussion was held on the variance request of Mr. John Mackesy. At the October meeting the Planning Commission -decided to make a tour of the whole area before,voting on the variance. Commissioner Mitchell did not believe that it would be a great improve- ment to the neighborhood, and was not in favor of construction of the type planned. Commissioner Simonds was one of the Commissioners who made the inspection tour, and he is of the opinion that Mr. Mackesy is endeavoring to keep the development of his property to the highest ideals, but felt that the building contemplated for erection would not be in good keeping. Commissioner Simonds made a motion that the Planning Commission recom- mend that the City Council reject the variance. The motion was seconded and unanimously carried. Mr. Mackesy thanked the Planning Commissioners for the interest they have taken in this matter. 4J 11.A6C 11p - — V J 1 L.111L6 VVal.4 ----- a. ...a v Vv i�V •�K�K+ �• Vvv�uO +r, a_r1 ,-" NEW BUSINESS: The City Council has referred to the Planning Commission for study, the erection of a neon sign on the Levy Bros. building at Primrose Road and Burlingame Avenue. Planning Consultant Mann explained that the projection of the sign is within the ordinance, it is only the heighth of the sign that is the subject for discussion. The City Council has asked the advise of the Planning Commission. His suggestion is to regard the sign for its merits, and either approve or disapprove, and write to the City Council to that effect. Commissioner Simonds believes that the City Council, Planning Commission, and the Chamber of Commerce should get together and discuss signs. With the change of times and trends, the ordinance should be brought up to date. The Chairman should recommend to the City Council that a meeting with the above be held, and further discussion on the matter be held at the regular study meeting of the Planning Commission. The City Council has asked the Planning Commission to schedule a public hearing on Professional Offices. Following is proposed amendment to Zoning Ordinance. Add a new paragraph to Sub -Section "A" of Section 1926, to read as follows: 4- Offices of physicians, surgeons, dentists, chiropractors, drugless practitioners, and members of similar occupations, when operated in conjunction with their respective dwellings. Repeal paragraph #3 of sub -section "B" of Section 1928 and re- number the following paragraph from "4" to "3 % A motion was made and seconded that this matter be set up for public hearing at our regular January meeting, and unanimously carried. COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS: A motion was made by Planning Consultant Mann that discussion be held at the next regular meeting to reclassify all of the remaining unclass- ified areas, seconded and passed. The Planning Commission received a copy of correspondence addressed to Mrs. Vm. B. Shipley, 829 Edinburgh Street, San Mateo, from the Public Health Engineer, Eugene M. Howell, listing violations of the Health and Safety Code that exists in the apartment located at 1532 Howard Avenue, in the City of Burlingame, owned and operated by Firs. Shipley. Mrs. Shipley was given until December 8th to correct violations, and rein- spection of the property will be made on this date and proper action instituted to b ring this building up to proper structural, fire and housing standards. Planning Consultant Mann submitted a suggested re -subdivision of the property of Henry Boos on Newhall Avenue for the Planning Commission's viewpoints. The meeting was adjourned at 10:05 P. M. Respectfully submitted W. H. DI EDERICHSEN, SECRETARY Notes by: G. Smith