HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PC - 1957.01.14CITY OF BURLINGAME PLANTNING COT&,,`_%SSION 5'iudy Meeting ti a l71 a i i 14, ,1,957 0011.+2i'ISSIONERS PRESEINT COD&JISSIONERS ABSENT OTHERS PRESENT Diedericbsen Finger City Attorney Eiaxry,,.�J. Henderson Flan. Coins MannKindig . D r.P i)b.YYrku.Mar-r Martin Council -man Thayer Norberg Stivers A formal session was called to order at 8:00 p.m., Chairman Martin presiding, for the purpose of hearing certain applications for re - subdivisions, scheduled for this date. HEARING: to RESUBDIVISION - Lands of P. 0. ChristA an. City Engineer Marr referred to 4 previous resubd:i visi on map filed on Mr. Christman's property and advised of an error in the bound., aries set by this map,, The corrective reap was now before the Com.- mission for approval. In response to the Chair, the City Engineer and she Planning Con- sultant reported the resubdivision to be proper. There being no objections presented, a motion was introduced by Commissioner El ederichsen that the resubdivision as presented be approved. Motion seconded by Commissioner Norberg and carried un- animously on roll. call. 2. RESUBDIVISICN - Parcel "A", Block No, 8, Mills Estate No. 3, --Robert V. McAninch, owner. The City Engineer stated that the resubdivision served to establish Parcel 'I", to be developed as a unit with the contiguous Parcel "D% Mr,, Marr verified the calculations and declared the resub- division to be proper. There being no objections presented, it was moved by Commissioner Kindig and seconded by Commissioner Diederiehsen that the resub- division as presented be approved. Motion carried unanimously on roll call. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 1. VARIANCE: Nick and Elizabeth Lucich, 1224 Bellevue Avenue, re- questing permission to build within rear set -back lines. Chairman Martin announced that due to the absence of Ike, and Mrs, Lucich, the hearing on the above application would be further con- tinued to the regular meeting of January 28, 1,157. Prior to adjournment, Commissioners discussed briefly the recent changes in Commission rules and regulations relELtiVe to res-ubdivi-- sion maps. A majority of the members expressed approval of the revised procedure requiring presentation of the maps a-', ea stud session pricer to formal action at a regular meeting, - There being no furb3her business regularly scheduled for E.his date!i adjournment was called at 8:30 p.m. STUDY SESSION - Called to order by Chairman Mari;in at 8:35 p.m. Commissioners reviewed the following applications and scheduled each for public hearing at the regular meeting of January 28, 1957: 1. RESUBDIVISION: Portion of lands of R. P. Etienne Properties, Inc., to establish two parcels, "A" and "B" 4 with frontages on Bayshore Freeway and 'Mars a-n Road. 2. RESIIBDIVISIQN: Lot 20, Block 4, Subdivision No. 1 Burlingame Shore Land Company, to establish two parcels. "Alt with frontage on Winchester Drive, "B", a rear parcel to be added to Lot 10, Map of Winchester Place. 3. RESUBDIVISION: Lands of J. C. Kilbourne to establish two par- cels, No. 1 and No. 2, each with frontage on La Mesa Drive. 4. SPECIAL PERMIT: Victor and Edna Anderson, 3.438 Floribunda Avenue, to operate boarding house in existing dwelling at above address, Zone R-3. Members discussed the application with Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, in attendance, and agreed to visit the location before the public hearing; The Planning Consultant was requested to secure a copy of the Fire Department Inspection Report to be filed with the ap- plication, 5. SPECIAL PERMIT: Mrs. Peggy Hardwick, 238 Myrtle Road, to operate rooming and boarding house in existing dwelling at above address. Zone R-3. In discussing the application with Commissioners, Mr. and Mrs. Hardwick reported of their intention to lease the property to tenants for the operation of a boarding house. Chairman Martin informed Mr. and Mrs. Hardwick that the public hearing would be held on January 28th, at which time the operators of the proposed enterprise must be in attendance. 2 - Commissioners would consider the Special Permit only in relation to the individuals concerned,, 6. RECLASSIFICATION: H. F. Erickson, 1272 Oak ixrove Avenue, Burlingame, requesting rezoning on vacant land, Lot 1.9, Block 1R Easton Addition Sub- division NQ. 1, from C-1 (retail commercial) to R-3 (third residential -multi -family). Mr. Erickson, in attendance, advised ComiwLssi oilers of his plans to erect an eight (8) unit apartment building on the above described land,, lo6ated on the easterly side, of Chula Vista Avenue between Broadway and Carmalita avenue. 7,, RECLASSIFICATION: George Anderson., 1169 Broadway, Burlingame, requesting rezoning on vacant land, Lot 7, Black 21, Easton Addition Subdivision No. 1, from C-1 ( retail commercial) to Rw3 ( third residential -multi -family). Mr. Anderson, in attandance, advised Commissioners of his plans to erect an eight (8) unit apartment building on the above described land located on the westerly side of Chula Vista Avenue between Broadway and Carmelita Avenue. 8. VARIANCE: Maxwell McNutt, Jr., 1220 Bellevue Avenue, request- ing permission to build within the rear set -back line. Mr. Oscar. Th4iyr :n, architect, representing Mr, McNutt, Informed Commissioneirs of Mr. McNutt"s intention to add a rear apartment over existing garages on the property :Located at 1218- 1220 Bellevue Avenue. Because of the arrangement of the existing apartment units, the proposed addition over the garages must extend into the open area at the rear of the property and into the rear set -back area. Members agreed to inspect the property before the public hearing. 9, FINAL MAP: Mills Estate No, 13, lying northerly from Mills Estate No. 11, to the Burlingame -Millbrae boundary, Commissioners agreed to receive the map for action at the regular meeting of January 28th. COMMUNICATIONS: 1. Burlingame Elementary Schools re: School Site. A communication dated January 10, 1957, from the Burlingame Elementary Schools advising of intention to acquire "Block 12, Mills Estate No, 3" for a school site was acknowledged and filed. 2. San Mateo County Advisory Planning Council re: Transportation Element - County Master Plan. A communication dated December 26, 1956, was read from the San Mateo County Advisory Planning Council referring to the preli- minary plan now under preparation of proposed highway routes for inclusion in the County Master Plan. and reauest•ina gt.tiriv nn�i recommendation by the Planning Commission on the proposed routes affecting this City. In ensuing discussion, City Engineer Marr observed that the provisions of the Master Plan Project will not affect Burlingame, noting the lack of suitable streets for highway developments The Planning Consultant concirr)d and suggested that Commissioners might review the preliminary plan when available. PARKING PROGRAM - First Methodist Church of Burlingame Mr. games Firon and Mr. Pails Basye of the First Methodist Cahureb discussed informally with 'Commissioners a possible expansion progfam of Church properties over the next five to seven years Particular reference was made to the City's sparking requirements and the lack of available land adjacent to the Church to establish off-street parking areas. Mr. Firon requested an expression from the Commission on a possible variance to the parking ordinance. The Planning Consultant observed that there might be justification for a variances noting the absence of parking facilities on the Church property at present. Suggestions were offered than the Church might purchase land not necessarily contiguous for parking areas, also that split --level construction in the new buildings might be a possible solution. There being no further matters for discussions the meeting was adjourned at 10:25 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Everett K. Kindig Secretary -4-