HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso - CC - 031-1951RESOLUTION NO. 31-51 EXTENDING TIME TO THE CONTRACTOR FOR THE COMPLETION OF THE SEWAGE WORKS ENLARGMENT WHEREAS, it appears from a report of the City Engineer that the contract awarded October 3, 1950, to F. S. Rolandi, Jr. Inc. for an enlargement of the Sewage vvorks was not completed on May 31, 1951, at date specified in said contract for the completion; and WHEREAS, it also appears from the report of the City Engineer that forty-one (41) days extension may be justified because of the extra work contracted for and because of the weather conditions that prevail from time to time making the completion of the work impossible; and WHEREAS, it also appears from the report of the City Engineer it is recommended that an additional sixty-one (61) days should be allowed to the contractor for the completion of the work, making the completion date July 31, 1951; NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved and it is hereby ordered that F. S. Rolandi, Jr. Inc., be, and it is hereby given an extension of time to July 31, 1951 to complete the contract dated October 3, 1950, providing for the construction and completion of the extension of the Sewage Disposal Works. H. Kent Atwater - Mayor I, Herbert K. White, City Clerk, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was duly and regularly adopted at a special meeting of the City Council of the City of Burlingame held on June 23, 1951 and was adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Atwater -Byrd -Hunt -Love -Simonds NOES: COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT COUNCILMEN: Non t Herbert K. White City Clerk The (ritij of 1"Bixrlittq ame SAN MATEO COUNTY CALIFORNIA June 21, 1951 Honorable City Council, City of Burlingame, Burlingame, California. Gentlemen: Re: Job #50-41, Sewage Works 'enlargement - "Extension of Time Submitted herewith is a copy of a letter requesting an extension of time for the contract. This contract was originally completion date set at that time was Vijay Page CD-7 of the Specifications. from F. S. Rclandi, Jr,, Inc. completion of the above mentioned awarded October 3, 1°50, and the 31, 1951, according to Section 1, A, study has been made of the justifiable extension of time on this con- tract by the public works office with the following conclusions: According to this offices findings, 41 days are justifiable for an ex- tension of time due to extra work involved, This extra work amounts to liver �20,000.00, Through a study of weather conditions, an additional 20 days is justifiable for unduly high ground water conditions over and ab�.,vu the contractor's control. In surirting up the total extra time which should be allowed is 61 calendar days, which would make the final completion date July 31, 1951, It is very probable that the contractor will complete this project prior to this date. Reference is made to Paragraph 4, Section 4, Page CD-19 of the Specifi- cations vL ich reads as follows: "Should any delay occur which the Engineer may consider unavoidable as herein defined, the Contractor shall, pursuant to his written ap- plication, be allowed an extension of time beyond the time lirein set forth, proportional to said delay or delays, in which to complete t1i.e contract; and liquidated damages for delay shall not be charged against the Contractor by the City during an extension of time granted because of unavoidable delay or delays .'t From the above information, it is hereby recorimended that F. S. Rolandi, Jr., Inc., be given an extension of time, by resolution, of 61 calendar days, or to July 31, 1951. It might be mentioned at this time that the original request from Pair. Rolandi was for an extension of 72 days, This could not be justified bar this office, hence, the correction to 61 days. GJM : id_ Resti ct J . 'rT Jir to ;ted, Works City Engineer City of Burlizi D'arlingam, Californian Dear Sir: Section 1, !�ga cD 7, ato the speoifi cati o- e which -i'o P part of the c-catx ct between the City of Burl art a.nd F. S. Rolandi, jr.,, lne., for Sewage Works EAiar ?wn.ta, dated October 1950, calls for completion of the contract by NO 31, 1951, and Sec— tion 4, Pw�e m-19:1 sets the ftmagpa for de Lai: at $50.00 per day. Secti cs�i !� v Page CD -1Q, provides s or extensions of time for certain unavoidable de ;;s and we call vour attention to the fol.- lc,v ng by 'U, ,vy rain $ of the Past winter resulted. ", a less of 21 workinc days vai .c;h ifi the equivalent of 30 calendar dayo . 2. Gra(Ung; ,and 1mving vere necessarily delayed by the orkr oi° inaatalling tic 4 Inch bygaus on the fcr�-. .ir. under. Extra Work Czrder §14. This rho aver was In turn delayed by the v-)r% of installing tie- O'ovni roft mod. c1la on the force min Vand.etsjr.�E ° �'+ K »mod:•.. :. iC r i nd ,sot (. These chant3e .salted .in a delaY Of 30 working days or 42 calendar 3. TrIstallatian CUP the sewag P7UM at the puMin* eta- is On On. B Vay ,Mv Highway Is delayed dine to ncart li. erY cf the PIMP by the City, Delivery is now ex- ve<Aed by Xnw, 15r 1951. 4. LyIstallation crf the 3ar :Screen and grit Oollector r E° Etna W�O. Order ,"2 Izs been delaye' diae to operation cf the 'Natioml Prior -ties .System of the MPA. 11.vory of all but the motor is new sahe4uioa foV -jAL v 1, 1951. Delivetryde. the Ge armotor anti Control is achedylr_-e fog Apri.I., 195�. City of Burling . 2 - For the above cited unavoidable delays we respectfully request that im be granted an extension of time of 61 oaa,l*ndar daYS or until July 31,, 1951. t �^ Upon cm*l etion and accepry 'tanc,�e of all. wor:-r except :xtra�. 1�V LT �r w- :: 1�..4 611 J.. 1.:�, ID f °E�r .r. `.' 4 i 4 �./'1.L... cL .y -+7 ..`n3pe�i i�� «l v Ge*w that our contract be considered coinpleted and that Fined Payment be made 3.5 days after acce'ota nae . With respect to Extras Work Order fp 2, we su4F-Zest it be handled as f ollcvs A.- ''Upon delivex j and :I.xu tall a't? on e all equi,px nu except the Gearmotor and Electrical controls, we 'be paid purchase price plus 15% and t967.00 ffo..r tnzt .11etion as aemee.. 4n. B * - 4on delivev kn, " Gearmotor ausel electrical equip- ment., which is to be Lw�d. as spares a we be l� cost plus 15. Very truly yours, F. S. Rolsndi., Jr., %w. PM :ap