HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PR - 2003.12.18MEETING MINUTES Regular Meeting of the Burlingame Parks & Recreation Commission L Thursday, December 18,-2003 The regular meeting of the Burlingame Parks & Recreation Commission was called to order by Commissioner Heathcote at 5:33 p.m. in Conference Room"A" at Burlingame City Hall. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Dittman, Erickson, Heathcote, Kahn, Lawson, Muller Commissioners Absent: Larios, Youth Commissioner Webb Staff Present: Parks & Recreation Director Schwartz, Recreation Supervisor Blondino Others Present: Gay O'Brien, 737 Neuchatel, Burlingame. MINUTES Minutes of the Commission's October 16, 2003 regular meeting and October 30, 2003 special meeting were approved as submitted. \.. OLD BUSINESS A. Youth Advisory Committee (YAC Report - Director Schwartz reported that the YAC conducted a 7 h & 8a' grade dance in December and had 320 in attendance. Schwartz also distributed notes from the Teen Forum held in conjunction with the Millbrae YAC on October 26t'. The four projects (substance abuse, discrimination, academic pressure and need for more activities) are now part of each PAC's workplan. B. Community Recognition Program — Schwartz reported that the City Council approved two of the three provisions of the Community Recognition Program drafted by the Parks & Recreation Commission in November. The two approved provisions are: (1) renaming a field or other City facility (excluding buildings) for individuals who have contributed over 30 years of service to the community and have met the other criteria, and (2) establishing a walk of fame for individuals who have contributed over 10 years of service and have met the other criteria. The other provision, the naming of a facility or a portion of a facility for major donors to capital projects, was tabled. Council members Baylock and Nagle will meet with Schwartz in January to consider the policy. PUBLIC COMMENTS None Parks &Recreation Commission Minutes December 18, 2003 — page 2 NEW BUSINESS A. Anplication to Rename the Burlingame. Soccer Center Field - Commissioners reviewed the application from CYSA to rename the Burlingame Soccer Center "Murray Field at Bayside Park" in support of the accomplishments of Jim and Pauline Murray to the Community. The Murray's assisted with the formation of AYSO, CYSA and Irish Football; and coached and served on the board for AYSO, CYSA and Bobby Sox Softball. Director Schwartz indicated that AYSO has expressed support for the application, but has not had an opportunity to have a board meeting since the previous Council meeting to vote approval. AYSO's official application is anticipated prior to the January 5th City Council meeting. Schwartz also suggested that the Commission may wish to amend the facility renaming criteria in the future to require support from two community non-profit organizations. Commissioner Erickson asked if a plaque would be placed at the field and where the funds for the plaque would come from. Burlingame Resident, Gay O'Brien, stated her support for the application and suggested that donations of funds for a plaque can be solicited from Jim Murray's former players. Schwartz stated that this item would be considered by the City Council if the application is approved. Commissioner Muller moved to "Rename the Burlingame Soccer Center to Murray Field". Commissioner Dittman seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. REPORTS A. Parks & Recreation Department Report - Director Schwartz reported the following: 1. The Bag Lunch & Bingo program that replaced the Senior Nutrition Program has been very successful 2. Brochures for the Spring 2004 session are in the mail to the residents 3. The closure of the swimming pool for preventative maintenance has been completed three days ahead of schedule, with all of the scheduled items addressed- - ----- - -- 4. The bids were opened for Washington Park playground and will be before Council on January 5t' for approval. The low bid was $30,000 less than the architect's estimate 5. Burlingame is currently undertaking a Facilities Masterplan to assess the condition of each City building and establish a priority list for future improvements 6. A $10,000 grant was received recently from SBCfor Millbrae and Burlingame to use for technology in a Teen Center. Because a Teen Center is not possible at this time, SBC has stated that they will consider the two cities using the funds for other similar projects. After discussion it was suggested that the funds be used towards establishing a homework center in the Easton Branch Library. Parks & Recreation Commission Minutes December 18, 2003 - page 3 B. Commissioners 1. Commissioner Erickson suggested that the YAC members meet with local college students who have been involved in similar issues as discussed at the Teen Forum. This would give the YAC members a better insight into the issue statements and possible solutions. 2. Commissioner Kahn noted the difficulty reading the tree information on the back cover of the Spring 2004 Recreation Brochure. She also expressed her disappointment in the community for failing to support the Teen Center dinner dance. After discussion, Erickson suggested that the commissioners evaluate the dinner dance project at the January meeting. C. Revenue Report - See attached. NEXT MEETING The next meeting of the Parks & Recreation Commission will be held on Thursday, January 15, 2004 at 7:00 p.m. at Burlingame City Hall. There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 6:16 pm. Respectfully submitted, Randy Schwartz Director of Parks & Recreation