HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - PR - 2003.02.20MEETING MINUTES Burlingame Parks & Recreation Commission Thursday, February 20, 2003 The regular meeting of the Burlingame Parks & Recreation Commission was called to order by Chairman Ed Larios at 7:02 p.m. in Conference Room "A" at Burlingame City Hall. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Dittman, Heathcote, Larios, Minderman, Muller; Youth Commissioners: Warden, Webb Commissioners Absent: Erickson, Kahn, Lawson Staff Present: Parks & Recreation Director Schwartz Others Present: Linda Breen, i440 Capuchino, Burlingame (BGSL); John Hunter, 810 Crossway, Burlingame (BGSL); Bill Laskey 1252 Drake, Burlingame (BGSL) MINUTES Minutes of the Commission's November 21, 2002 regular meeting and the January g, 2003 joint meeting were approved as submitted. OLD BUSINESS A. Temporary Teen Center Update - Director Schwartz informed the commissioners that the Teen Center fund raising effort is 40-45% of the goal, but most of donations to date have been in -kind services (construction pledges) or donated items (couches, pool tables, computers) with only about $10,000 in cash contributions to date. Commissioner Heathcote discussed the need for more adult volunteers and media coverage. Commissioner Muller noted that the "Operation Teen Center" banner has been over Burlingame Avenue for a week. Heathcote also described some additional ideas for fundraising: "Jazz by the Bay" or a luau in September and an offer from Fanny & Alexander's to host an event. Commissioner Minderman noted the current economy as a potential reason for the small amount of cash contributions. Chairman Larios asked questions about the organizational structure of the Committee and suggested that a Fall event during Little Big Game weekend might be successful. Youth Commissioner Warden suggested approaching the BHS Parents Group for more support and asked if the YAC could seek donations at the upcoming City Commissioners' Dinner. Schwartz informed the commissioners that the City of Millbrae and the YMCA have each been contacted as potential partners in the fundraising and programming areas. Burlingame, Millbrae and the YMCA are already in partnership on the Skate Park. Upcoming fundraising events include: an additional letter writing campaign, a car wash on February 22nd and a Carnival on March 6th. The next Committee meeting will be held on March 4'h at 7:00pm in the Recreation Center. Parks & Recreation Commission Thursday, February 20, 2003 — page 2 B_ Youth Advisory Committee (YACLport -Youth Advisory Commissioner Warden reported: that, in addition to the Teen Center fundraising efforts, the YAC members participated in a ropes course in February, will host an all -City dance on February 28t' and will participate in the YAC attack on April 12th. C. Senior Resources Handbook - Commissioner Dittman reported that the Senior Resources Handbook has been formatted and is being reviewed by Commissioner Kahn. PUBLIC COMMENTS There were no comments from the public. NEW BUSINESS A. Shared parks & Recreation Director Services with the City of Millbrae - Director Schwartz discussed the recent decision to share the services of the Parks & Recreation Director with the City of Millbrae. The contract between the two cities calls for the Director to oversee the operation of the two distinct departments for eight months. At the end of the contract, both cities will consider whether or not to continue shared Director, discontinue the plan or to merge the departments. In preparation for that decision, a report analyzing potential efficiencies, cost savings and service to the public will be generated. Input for that report will come from staff and commissions in each city. The information needed to determine if the two departments should merge (and to what extent) would also need. to focus on the Department's place within the organizational structure of both cities. While acknowledging that this plan may save jobs in the present, Commissioner Muller asked if a merger meant layoffs down the road for Department employees. Schwartz replied that it may lead to the elimination of positions in the future, but it could also mean retaining the current level of staff and having them become specialists in certain areas. This will be an item to focus on in the report. Chairman Larios asked if the wear and tear on a Director of having two Councils, several Commissions, two different departments with different operations would lead to health problems or an early departure from the City. Schwartz agreed that the current arrangement is very time consuming for the Director, but pointed out that this is for a trial period until a permanent model can be developed and put in place. At some point, the departments will either return to separate agenriec nr merge into one. A merger would allow the newly formed Department to operate in a fashion similar to parks & recreation departments in cities with a population of 50,000. wo Parks & Recreation Commission Thursday, February 20, 2003 — page 3 B_ Non -Burlingame Residents Serving_ as Non -Voting Members of the Youth Advisory Committee Schwartz stated that the current YAC by-laws, established by the Parks & Recreation Commission, call for members to be Burlingame residents. However, many of the teens who participate in the programs and are interested in helping conduct the activities do not reside in Burlingame. Schwartz recommended that the non-resident teens, many of whom attend Burlingame High School, be allowed to serve on YAC as non -voting members. Youth Commissioner Warden agreed with the recommendation citing the need for more participation. Commissioner Dittman made a motion to "amend the YAC by-laws to allow non -Burlingame teens to serve as non -voting members ". The motion was seconded by Commissioner Muller and approved by a 5-0 vote. C. Fireworks for Burlingame Girls Softball League Opening Day - Schwartz reviewed that after the 2002 BGSL Opening Day Ceremony many residents complained to the Commission about parking issues and the noise from the fireworks display. The Commission established that youth sports events with over 150 players in attendance could not use Ray Park and that fireworks would not be allowed. BGSL will be holding its 2003 ceremony at the Soccer Center at Bayside Park and is seeking permission to have a fireworks display at that location. Chairman Larios noted that the ban for fireworks was in place for Ray Park. Bill Laskey, BGSL President, described the events planned for the March It" ceremony and gave the commissioners information about the type of fireworks that would be used. A professional pyrotechnic company :vill handle the fireworks show, paid for by private donations, which will feature colorful cascades. After much discussion, Commissioner Heathcote made a motion to "approve the fireworks display with the following conditions: 1. Adequate insurance in place to meet City standards 2. Approval from the t AA 3. Fireworks must only be handled by a professional pyrotechnic company 4. Permission from the Burlingame Police and N ire Departments 5. Display must conclude prior to 7:30pm 6. No concussion (large noise) devices may be used 7 A quate lighting must be in place for the sake y of the spectators before, during and after the display S. Approval, from the Parks Division to provide adequate field protection 9. Speakers must be turned away from the hotel 10. Adequate parkingplan must be in place and parking monitors must be on duty" Commissioner Minderman .seconded the motion, which passed 5-0. D. Staff Recognition Prog_am - Schwartz stated that he wishes to begin a program that will recognize the outstanding efforts of the Parks & Recreation Employees and asked the Commission to be the evaluators in this process. Commissioner Dittman shared the � � i After brief �•__ r procedures U a similar program at her place of ernploynlen`t. After a brief dis- s-s-ion of the process, the commissioners agreed. Parks & Recreation Commission Thursday, February 20, 2003 — page 4 REPORTS A. LlilgVt Status RepVli - L11%iVtor Sch~WaItz S info—zmed the coil misjioners about the Cfly, s current financial status and its impact on the Parks & Recreation Department. The Parks Division will lose three positions at the end of the current fiscal year and the Recreation Division will lose the Recreation Superintendent, Program Coordinator and Building Maintenance positions. Commissioner'Dittman stated'her interest in reducing the scope of the City's annual Comrpissioou's Dinner in an effort to save money, after discussion.£ the commissioners authorized Chairman Larios to send a letter to the City Council expressing the preferences of the Parks & Recreation Commission and suggesting that future events be held on a smaller scale in a City facility. B. Parks & Recreation Department Rem - See attached. C. Commissioners - Commissioner Heathcote asked about field closure at Burlingame High School. Schwartz and Larios described the recent dialogue between the City and District staff regarding the need to maintain a safe campus environment while allowing for community pal ticipation on the unused athletic facilities during the school day_ tllthuugl, a final policy has not been set, the most recent proposals call for exclusive use of the track and field from 7:30 to 3:30pm on school days and allows for community use of the tennis courts when they are not being used by the school. D. Revenue Report - See attached - NEXT MEETING The next meeting of the Parks & Recreation Commission will be held on Thursday, March 20, 2003 at 7:00 p.m. at Burlingame City Hall. There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 9:37 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Randy Schwartz Director of Parks & Recreation