HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso - CC - 034-1952RESOLUTION NO. 34-52 ATJTHORIZII-G NOTICE OF HEARING OF FROFOSED ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF BURLIITMI1IE WHEREAS, Ernest L. Norberg has petitioned for the annex- ation of certain territory hereinafter described to the City of Burlingame, which property was formerly within the Town of IlillsborouF,h, and yrhich said property has, by the City Council of said Town of Hillsborouji, been released therefrom for the purpose of annexation to the City of Burlingame; and WHEREAS, the said property is contiuous to the corporate limits of the City of Burlingame; and WHEREAS, the petitioner is the only ovmer of the entire ,)a.rcel of land in said territory as shown by the last equalized assessment roll of the County of San I.ateo and is entirely un- inhabited; NOVI, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED ','HAT Mlonday, the 21st day of fuly, 1052, at the hour of 8 o+clocl: p.m, in the Council Chambers .n the City Hall of the City of Burlingame, County of San Mateo, ,tate of California be, and the same are hereby fixed as the time .nd place where the said City Council will hear protests or objec- ions to the proposed annexation, and any person interested therein .ay appear before the said City Council at the stated hour and lace and show cause, if any there may be, why said territory :hould not be annexed; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution shall e published at least once a week for tro weeks prior to the earing in the Burlingame Advance, a newspaper of general circula- ion published in the City of Burlingame; The territory hereinabove referred to is that certain real erritory situate in the County of San Mateo, State of California rid more particularly described as follows: All that certain real property situate in the Town of Hillsborough, County of San I"ateo, State of California, being a portion of Lots 11 2 and 5, Block 14, as said lots and block are shown on that certain map entitled "TIAP O ' SL73DIVISION IT° 2 OF BURLII CnAT. PARK, CAL." which neap was filed in the office of the Recorder of San Tiateo County, State of California, on October 16, 1905 in Book "B" of Taiaps at Pa,e 17 and a copy entered in Book 3 of Maps at Page 77, more particularly described as follows: BEGINITIITG at a point on the southwesterly bound- ary line of Occidental Avenue, said point being; the most northerly boundary corner of Lot 3, Block 13, as said Avenue, lot and block are shown on the above de- scribed map; thence along said southwesterly boundary line of Occidental Avenue IT 31007t W 122.69 feet; thence leaving said southwesterly boundary line south- westerly along the centerline of a creep the following courses and distances: S 46008t %u 25.92. feet, S 5011, VI 40.30 feet, S 9031t 15" E 59.08 feet, S 60451 W59.26 feet, S 1800413O" W 62.80 feet; thence leaving said centerline K 5804--7 t O5" E 29.7 feet r::ore or less to the most northwesterly boundary corner of Parcel Two of the lands conveyed to John E. Freed, Jr., and Betty ?,isher D eed, his wife, from Doris E. Koenig ( formerly Doris IT. Reid) and T:Iark A. Koenig by deed dated August 15, 1949 and recorded August 15, 1949 in Book 1701 of Of- ficial Records of San Mateo County, California at Page 233 (4493 I); thence orlon" the northesestcrly boundary line ofsaid Parcel Two IT 580471 05" E 29.00 feet to the boundary corner common to Parcel One and Two of said lands, now or formerly, of Freed and to that cer- tain parcel of land conveyed to Corporation of America, a corporation, trustee and Bank of America National Trust and Savings, a national banning association, from Ernest L. Norberg and Hollis Korberg, his wife, by the deed of trust dated September 16, 1941 and recorded October 18, 1941 in Book, 991 of Official Records of San T:Iateo County, California, at Page 49 (35530 E); thence along the southt°iesterly boundary line of the last men- tioned parcel of land, said southwesterly boundary line being coincident with the Corporate Limits of the above rentioned Town of IIillsborouJi IT 15038t05" Vi 60.13 feet to the most westerly boundary corner of the last men- tioned parcel of land; thence Northeasterly and contin- uing along said Corporate Limits line and along the northwesterly boundary line of the last mentioned parcel of land IT 58043131" E 80.00 feet returning to the point of be :;inning. To,etT-ier with a strip of land thirty (30) feet in width measured 30 -Peet southeasterly, at right angles, parallel, and adjacent to the course designated as "N 310071 VI 122.691" in the description of the above parcel of land, said 30 foot wide strip of land being t .e southwesterly one-half of said Occidental Avenue abutting the above described parcel of land. Said 30 foot wide strip of land being conti-;u.ous at its termini with lines which bear N 580531 E. Andrew C. Byrd I:Iayor 11 HERBER.T K. LIHITE, City Clerk, do hereby certify that the foreLoing resolution vas re ularly introduced and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 16th day of June, 1952, by the following vote: AIMS: COTTZCIU,,MN: Atwater-Byrd-Love-T:xorgan-Simonds ITOES: COUIvCIIIIEN: None Ai;SE17 COTTI CIL BIT: None Herbert K. White City Clerk