HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso - CC - 035-1952RESOLUTION NO. 35-52 FAVORING THE AMALGAMATION OF THE MOSQUITO ABATEMENT DISTRICTS WHEREAS, Mr. V"illiam Roese, the representative of the City of Burlingame on the Board of Directors of the Three Cities Mosquito Abatement District has called the Council's attention to a proposed arrangement for the amalgamation of the said district with the Pulgas district on the south, to more effec- tively carry out the purposes and activities of both agencies; and WHEREAS, it appears from the said communication that Mr. Roese recommended such an amalgamation and the City Council are now persuaded that it would be beneficial and to the advantage of both districts if such a consolidation were accomplished; and WHEREAS, the letter of Mr. Roese dated June 2, 1952, attached hereto and made a part of this resolution advances the argument persuading this Council to take action in this natter; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RE:_OLVED and it is hereby ordered that the City Council of the City of Burlingame isfavorable towards bringing about a consolidation of the two districts and the representative of the city on the Three Cities District to- gether with the City Attorney are hereby authorized to take such action at the proper time as may be necessary to effectively affect the consolidation off the two districts. Andrew C. Byrd Mayor I, Herbert K. White, City Clerk, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was introduced and adopted at a regular meeting of the -City Council held on the 7th day of July, 1952, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Atwater -Byrd -Love -Morgan -Simonds NOES: COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT COUNCILMEN: None�- " HerbertWhite City Clerk C` 4rrje (fates fflasquity , batrmut Putrid SAN MATEO, BURLINGAME AND HILLSBOROUGH POST OFFICE BOX 995 SAN MATEO, CALIFORNIA June 2, 1952 Mr. Andrew C. Byrd, Mayor 1308 Cabrillo Avenue Burlingame, California De ar Sir: The Boards of Trustees of thJ_s County's two adjacent Mosquito Abatement Districts (Pulr,as and Three Cities) have for some time been faced with the proposal that they, by mutual agreement, consolidate the present contiguous areas into one District. Provisions fo-, such action are provided under the State Health and Safety Code, and it was the recommendation of the State Health Department, in an extensive survey prepared in 19)1.9, that such consolida- tion be undertaken to promote greater efficiency in mosquito abatement, and thereby reduce the hazard of mosquito infestations affecting one District while originating in the other. In 1950 a manager-entomolorrist was employed ,jointly by our Districts to coordinate abatement work through cooperative efforts and modern methods. llany improvements have been attained and greater freedom from mosquitoes is anticipated. However, such a partial joint venture in- volves certain complexities in administrative and financial transactions, and still does not permit unhampered utilization of facilities and personnel which needs dictate for the overall advanta �e of moth Districts, and therefore, the quostion of consolidation merits an early resolution. essentially, such action reed not involve changos of the Trustee members nor District personnel. Financially and territorially the Districts are equivalent, and oper- ato under the same tax rate, thus presenting no difficul- ti:,s in these regards. The proporty, equipment, amount of personnel, and their wage scales have been brought to uniformity, and therefore would not be in need of adjust- ments. alterations which may be anticipated are: change of nano, unification of records and financial transactions dissolution of a dividing boundarvil and greater availabil- it-T and use of personnol accordin` to needs and aptitudes. 1' In the way of disadvantages to consolidation of the Districts, little can be offcrod othar than the loss of separate autonomy over the existont areas, but in con- trast, ability is gained to govern adjacent areas, whose mosquitoes are not prone to recognize territorial boundaries. Although on the basis of cost evaluation, only a m3-irect saving to the County and Districts would be attained at this time, the proper utilization of combined facilities and Personnel should yield additional achieve- ments of a substantial value. The ability to find added time for the actual reduction of mosquito brooding; sources is essential for any eventual lowerin` of abatement costs, as well as constituting our greatest safeguard against mosquito infestations. Another advantage to consolidating is in the added inducement which a single District in this County would present to adjoining; cities outside of our boundaries in bein` annexed to such a District. It has been expressed in outside sources that, such a situation might be acceptable to thom. Since mosquitoes from neighboring areas will migrate into our Districts, it is dosirablo that those cities should effect mosquito abatomen.t in some manner. As your reproscntativc on tho Board of Trustees for our Mosquito Abatement District, S would app2cciato your views on this quostion of consolidation of thn two San Matco County Districts prior to the Trustocst action upon tho proposal. Sincerely yours