HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso - CC - 065-1952KWHW:EAW:S:jm 9/18/52/6c RESOLUTION NO. 65 - 52 DETERMINING THE UNPAID ASSESSMENT LIST AND PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF BONDS BURLINGAME MANOR NO. 1 PROJECT NO. 51-30 RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Burlingame, California, that WHEREAS, said Council did on the 2nd day of June, 1952, adopt its Resolution of Intention No. 28-52 relating to certain work to be done and improvements to be made in said City under and pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Improvement Act of 1913, as amended, and did therein provide that serial bonds would be issued. thereunder pursuant to the provisions of the Refunding Assessment Bond Act of 1935 as modified in the Municipal Improvement Act of 1913, reference to said Resolution of Intention being hereby expressly made for further particulars; WHEREAS, notice of the recordation of the assessment and, of the time within which assessments may be paid in cash, has been duly published and mailed in the manner provided by law, and the time so provided for receiving the payment of assessments in cash has expired, and on September 19, 1952, the City Engineer has file, with the City Clerk a list of all assessments which now remain unpaid; and WHEREAS, the City Council has duly considered said list and has determined that the same is an accurate statement thereof; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, FOUND and DETERMINED as follows: 1. That said list of assessments unpaid filed by said City Engineer as aforesaid was at the time of filing thereof in all respects complete and correct, and that since the time of filing thereof no assessments have been paid and also that the unpaid assessments in the proceedings duly had and taken under N%W and pursuant to said Resolution of Intention, are as shown on Fxhibit "P," hereto attached and by reference made a part hereof. 2. That for a particular description of the lots bear- ing the respective assessment numbers above set forth and upon which assessments remain unpaid as above stated, severally and respectively, reference is hereby made to said assessment and to the diagram recorded in the office of the said Superintendent of Streets after confirmation by said City Council, the several lots represented by said assessment numbers above set forth being so numbered and designated upon said diagram and assessment as so confirmed and recorded, severally and respectively. 3. That the total or aggregate amount of said assess- -;,3 fp ments unpaid is the sum of $24,078.30. 4. That bonds shall be issued upon the security of said 23 t et I rf unpaid assessments in the amount of $24,078.30 in accordance with the provisions of the Refunding Assessment Bond Act of 1)35 as modified in the Municipal T_mprovement Act of 1)13, and tinder anu pursuant to the provisions of said Resolution of Intention and the proceedings thereunder auly had and taken; that said bonds shall be forty-five (45) in number, shall be dated September 1), 1952, and bear interest at the rate of not to exceed four per cent (4J!) per annum from September 19, 1162, and the denomination of said bonds and their respective numbers and dates of maturity are as follows; Series Bond No. Denomination Date of Maturity 42 1 $1,000.00 July 2, 1)54 2 500.00 July 2, 1954 3 105.22 July 2, 1)54 9a -11 4 1,000.00 July 2, 1'55 5 500.00 July 2, 1955 6 105.22 July 2, 1955 105.22 July 2, 1)56 10 1,000.00 July 2, 1+57 11 500.00 July 2, 1)57 12 105.22 .July 2, 1)57 -2- Series Bond ho. Denomination Late of p'faturit 42 13 $1,000.00 July 2, 1a58 14 500.00 July 2, 1-�58 15 105.22 July 2, 1�58 16 1,000.00 July 2, 19951 17 500.00 July 2, 1)59 18 105.22 July 2, 1y5y 1- 1,000.00 July 2, 1)69 20 500.00 July 2, 1y60 21 105.22 July 2, 160 22 1,000.00 July 2, 1961 23 500.00 July 2, 161 24 105.22 July 2, 1�61 25 1,000.00 July 2, 1362 26 500.00 July 2, 1962 27 105.22 July 2, 1)62 28 1,000.00 July 2, 1963 2 500.00 July 2, 1y63 30 105.22 July 2, 1963 31 1,000.00 July 2, 164 32 500.00 July 2, 1>64 33 105.22 July 2, 1964 34 1,000.00 July 2, 1y65 35 500.00 July 2, 1965 36 105.22 Jul„ 2, 1,6 37 1,000.00 July 2, 1j66 38 500.00 July 2, 1y66 39 105.22 July 2, 1966 4o 1,000.00 July- 2, 1967 41 500.00 July 2, 167 42 105.22 July 2, 1y67 43 1,000.00 July 2, 1)68 44 500.00 July 2, 11968 45 105.22 July 2, 1y68 5• rhat said bonds shall be issued in series, and the paid assessments as shown on said list filed by the City Engineer and determined by said City Council, together with the interest thereon, shall remain and constitute a trust fund for the redemp- tion and payment of said bonds and of the interest which may be due thereon, which unpaid assessments shall be payable in annual S-rleg issued, and an even annual proportion of each assessment shall be payable in each year preceding the date of maturity for each of the several series of bonds issued, and such proportion of each assessment coming due in any year, together with the annual in- -3- ... terest thereon, shall in turn be payable in installments as the general taxes of said City on real property are payable, and shall become delinquent at the same times and in the same proportionate amounts and bear the same proportionate penalties for delinquency. 6. That the signatures of tha Mayor and Treasurer be impressed upon said bonds by engraved or lithographed process and that sa_d City Clerk physically sign said bonds and affix thereto the corporate seal of said City; the interest coupons affixed ther to shall be signed by said Treasurer or bear his engraved, printed or lithographed signature; and such signing and sealing of said bonds by said officers, and signing of said coupons by said Treas- urer shall constitute and be a sufficient and binding execution of each and every one of said bonds and all of the coupons thereof respectively. Sa1d bonds shallbe substantially in the form set forth in the Refunding Assessment Bond Act of 1J35 as modified in the Municipal Improvement Act oi' 1')13; said Treasurer and said Mayor and said Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to so sign and attest respectively. 7• That the interest coupons attached to each of said bonds and evidencing the interest to accrue thereon shall be num- bered consecutively and be substantially in the following form, to -wit; Coupon No. 11 CITY OF BURLINGAME SAN MATEO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA Will pay to bearer hereof on the 2nd day of 1) at the office of the Treasurer ol said City, -The sum of Dollars ($ ) said sum being--EMe semi- annual interes ue on hated; Improvement Bond No. Of Series No. Treasurer ol C y o Burlingame Mayor -4 - I, Herbert K. White, City Clerk, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was introduced. and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council, held on the ' day of �e.Ta fI�L , 1952, by the following vote: AYES, Councilmen: Bird, Simonds, Love, Morgan, Atwater NOES, Councilmen: None ABSENT, Councilmen: None Herbert K. White City Clerk - 5 - EXHIBIT "A" LIST OF UNPAID ASSESSMENTS BURLINGAME MANOR No. 1 PROJECT NO. 51--30 Ass't Ass'd Val. No. _ Lot Block Subdivision Amount Land Imprvt 1 1 1 Burlingame Manor. #1 $216.66 525 3720 2 2 1 216.66 525 3840 3 3 1 " 216.66 525 3720 6 6 1 " 216.66 525 324o 9 9 1 216.66 525 10 10 1 " 216.66 525 11 11 1 " 216.66 525 12 12 1 " 216.66 525 13 13 1 if216.66 525 14 14 1 " 216.66 525 15 15 1 if274.44 525 750 17 2 2 11216.66 525 3180 19 4 2 it216.66 525 3180 20 5 2 It 216.66 525 3840 23 8 2 it 216.66 525 1000 25 10 2 11216.66 525 3000 26 11 2 it 216.66 525 2700 28 13 2 " 216.66 525 2310 29 14 2 " 216.66 525 4200 30 15 2 216.66 525 31 16 2 it 525 32 17 2 274.44 525 33 18 2 346.66 525 �..__52-5 35 20 2 447.76 525 36 21 2 418.88 525 37 22 2 346.66 525 38 23 2 " 274.44 525 39 24 2 274.44 525 3690 4o 25 2 274.44 525 41 26 2 274.44 525 2940 44 29 2 274.44 525 2820 45 30 2 216.66 525 1000 46 31 2 216.66 525 47 32 2 {' 216.66 525 3180 49 34 2 it 216.66 525 3180 50 35 2 " 216.66 525 3180 53 2 3 It 216.66 525 3400 54 216.66 525 60 9 3 274.44 525 61 10 3 If 274.44 525 62 11 3 274.44 525 3150 64 13 3 " 274.44 525 2860 65 14 3 274.44 525 2520 66 15 3 274.44 525 69 18 3 It 346.66 525 1000 70 19 3 " 346.66 525 71 20 3 If 418.88 525 4040 72 21 3 If 346.66 525 73 22 3 1 1346.66 525 74 23 3 418.88 525 75 24 3 it 346.66 525 76 25 3 If 274.44 525 78 27 3 it 274.44 525 81 1 4 it 216.66 525 Ass'd Value Ass it No. Lot Block Subdivision Amount L-arm I,1 rvL 82 2 4 Burlingame Manor #1 $216.66 216.66 525 525 4 4 216.66 525 3540 85 89 5 4 216.66 525 3700 9 4 216.66 525 4080 90 10 4 216.66 216.66 525 525 3810 1 91 11 4 216.66 525 2940 93 13 4 216.66 525 96 5 216.66 525 97 4 216.66 216.66 525 525 l00 7 8 5 5 " 216.66 525 101 105 82 5 " 274.44 525 3240 105 9 16 5 418.88 346.66 525 525 10 17 18 5 5 346.66 525 110 1�- -21- -5 - 6 525 4_ -�66 525 ±t5 23 5- 5 " 346.66 346.66 525 525 116 118 24 25 5 5 346.66 525 118 0 27 5 346.66 525 3200 121 28 5 418.88 418.88 525 525 2520 123 29 30 5 5 418.88 525 124 3 5 346.66 346.66 525 525 1000 2400 125 12 32 33 5 5 346.66 525 126 A 447.76 375 129 265 ft. on La Mesa Drive " 491,10 447.76 375 525 130 131 75 ft on La Mesa Drive 330 ft on La Mesa Drive " 491.10 675 106,070 46,050 .2'1o7f-! o