HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso - CC - 049-1953RESOLUTION NO. 49-53 STATE PERSONNEL BOARD CONTRACT 1953-1954 RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Burlingame enter into an agreement with the State Personnel Board in performing the services incident to preparation and rating of examination material as set forth in the agreement hereto attached, made a part hereof, and incorporated as if the same were fully set forth herein. BE IT P^URTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor be and he is hereby authorized, for and on behalf of the City of Burlingame and the City Council, to execute the said agree- ment, and that the same be attested by the City Clerk. U. S. SIMONDS, JR. MAYOR I. HERBERT K. WHITE, City Clerk, do hereby certify that foregoing resolution was introduced at a regular meeting of City Council held on July 20th, 1953 and adopted thereafter the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Atwater-Byrd-Love-h4organ-Simonds NOES: COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT COUNCILMEN: None HERBERT K. WHITE CITY CLERK A G R E E M E N T THIS AGREEM IT, made and entered into this 20th day of JUTLY, 1955 , by and between the STATE FERSOML BOARD, through its duly appointed, quelified end acting Executive Officer, party of the first part, hereinafter called the Board, and the CITY OF BURLINGU E party of the second pert, hereinafter called the Local Agency. WITNESSETH Section 1. That the parties, for and in consideration of the covenants, conditions, agreements, and stipulations hereinafter expressed, and pursuant to authority contained in Section 18707, Government Code, hereby agree as follows: Section 2. In performing the services incident to the planning, scheduling, preparation, construction and rating of examinations for classifications existing in the Local Agency personnel system as agreed upon by the Local Agency and the Board, the following provisions shall govern: a.. The Board will furnish a complete written test service embracing the preparation, scoring and evaluation of written teats for all classes of positions agreed to between the parties. b. The Local Agency will notify the Board of tests needed each quarterly calendar period sufficiently in advance of the desired date for said tests to allow the Board time to schedule such testa requested and during the time between quarterly meetings called by the Board, the Local Agency shall notify the Board of tests desired at least thirty-five days in advance of the proposed test date and in every instance the Local Agency shall supply an official specification describing the class of position in which a. written test is desired. c. The Local Agency will notify the Board of the total number of competitors in each classification immediately after the closing date for receipt of applications. d. The Board shall transmit to the Local Agency sufficient booklets and instructions for administering the examination end furnish such other assistance as may be deemed necessary by the Board. e. The Local Agency shall administer the examination in accordance with instructions provided by the Board and will return all booklets used end unused together with instructional material to the Board. f. The Board will score the booklets and report the results to the Local Agency within ten working &eye after the booklets are returned to the Board, provided that in unusual circumstances involving large numbers of competitors or unforseen difficulties in administration of the test, the parties may agree mutually to extend the period. for receipt of results. g. At the request of the Local Agency, and. where rules of the Local Agency prescribe, the Board. shall supply a. copy of the examination showing the key answers to questions in order for candidates who participated in the examination to review, inspect, or question particular test items. Upon reququest of the Local Agency and when submitted in writing by a. Local Agency competitor, the Board will analyze any protest resulting from such review and recommend action to be taken by the Local Agency. h. The Board. will, in its discretion and upon specific request of the Local L.gency, lend the Local Agency candidates booklets or answer sheets for the inspection of interested persons for a reasonable length of time. i. The Board shall, if requested by the Local Agency, retain the completed booklets or answer sheets for such reasonable periods of time as the Local Agency rules may prescribe. -2- j. The Local A,,ency shall perform all parts of the examination process, the performance of which has not specifically been requested of and agreed to by the Board, and shell assume responsibility for the conformity of the examination procedure to any particular laws, rules, or ordinances, and. for the examination as a. whole. All test materials supplied by the Board under this agreement shall be and remain the property of the Board end. shall be kept confidential. k. The Local Agency may administer examinations on a continuous basis for certain classes to be mutually agreed upon in which event the Board will supply the examination booklets and instructions. Administration of examinations on a.continuous basis is defined. as use of the examination booklets and instructions one or more times during each month on a. basis of at lea.stfcur months during the term of this agreement. The Local Agency will score such examinations and will submit copies of tabulations of examination results to the Board at the end of each month in which the material is used. L. Upon request of the Local Agency, the Board shall supply eny or all of the following special services in connection with examinations: 1) Advice and suggestions on examining procedures, including the oral interview, and on examining problems 2) Preparation and distribution of examination publicity and bulletins 3) Distribution, receipt, and. appraisal of application forms 4) Preparation and administration of demonstration tests 5) Preparation of eligible list 6) Other related. examination services -3- Section 3. The Board shall furnish the services described in Section 2 hereof on a "Regular Examination Program" basis or on a "Special Examination Services" basis as hereinafter provided. a. The Regular Examination Program shall include all those classes in which normal turnover can be anticipated and the Board and the Local Agency shall develop and attach to this agreement a, list of such classes. b. The Special Examination Services shall include all remaining classes. c. In the event the Local Agency establishes a, class after the date of this agreement, the parties hereto may agree to the placement of the class either in the Regular Examination Program or under Special Examination Services. d. By mutual consent and under extraordinary circumstances the Regular Examination Program list may be amended, including the addition or deletion of classes. Section 4. In full compensation for services rendered by the Board hereunder, the Local Agency agrees to pay the Board as follows: a. For each class of position in the attached list of classes included in the Regular Examination Program, $12.00 per year payable in advance in equal monthly installments commencing with the term of this agreement or the date the class was added to the list under Section 3c hereof. This charge is to cover the cost of test development and preparation and continuous availability of the Board's examination resources to the Local Agency. For each test actually scheduled, $20.00, which amount is payable to the Board after the Board receives the request from the Local Agency for scheduling such examination and upon presentation of a claim by the Board. ELIE If an examination scheduled by the Board. is not given by the Iocal Agency because of conditions over which the Local Agency has no control, the Board may in its discretion allow the Local Agency a. credit of as much as but not greater than $20.00 toward the rescheduling of said examination, provided that the Local Agency's notification to the Board of such cancellation be not less than ten days prior to the scheduled closing date for receipt of applications for said examination end provided that said examination be rescheduled within_ the current fiscal year. b. For examination services under Section 2k: 1) $10.00 for each set of written examination material furnished, payable for each month in which the material is used. 2) $5.00 for typing ability test material furnished, payable for each month in which the material is used. 3) $2.50 for stenographic ability test material furnished. for each stenographic speed required, payable for each month in which the material is used. c. For each class of position included under Special Examination Services, or for services under Section 2L, the cost of services performed by the Board, as determined by the Board, including: 1) Salaries, retirement, vacation, sick leave and related operating expenses of employees assigned to perform these functions. 2) The actual travel expense of such employee or employees between Sacramento or other permanent headquarters end. the Local Agency in accorde.nce with the rules and regulations of the Board of Control of the State of California. concerning such expenses. - 5- 3) The living expenses for such employees while engs.ged. in the above mentioned activities away from Sacramento, in accordance with the rules end regulations of said. Board of. Control concerning such expenses. In addition, the Local Agency agrees to cooperate fully and to furnish such clerical help end materials a.s may be necessary to the proper performance of the above mentioned. services. The Board. shall, from time to time, submit invoices covering services rendered and the Local Agency agrees to pay such invoices within 60 de.ys following receipt thereof. The term of this agreement shall be from the date hereof to and including June 30, 1954, but shall be subject to termination by either party upon giving the other party thirty days written notice of termination. STATE PERSOLTEL BOARD Executive Officer CITY OF BURLINGAME T.nnnl AraF?n<:v Im DEPtl,R 'VENT OF FlNANGE APPROVE ,..� I17 1 1 1953 km ES S. EAN, mractor _6_ Administrative CITY OF BURLINCJ-,ME (List of Classes 1953 -54) Assistant Engineer Bookkeeper - Cashier City Electrician j 1 ,)ra "tsman Hoseman Junior Engineer Junior Bookkeeper - Cashier Patrolman Playground Director Senior Clerk StenoFraDher Stenographer - Clerk Superintendent Supervisor Tyi,ist - Uerk